Parental Input in Child Character-Building Part 1: DAY 108


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Parental Input in Child Character-Building – Part 1 (Self-Forgiveness): DAY 108

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

Emotional/Feeling Body Creation – Part 8 (Self-Forgiveness)

Who I Am as Money – continued

Continuing with walking self-forgiveness from DAY 106, from where – Friend A’s Consciousness ‘dissected’ the ‘live-memory’ of the mother’s behaviour, words and sound/energy into and as her Conservative Character’s personality/body-suit, all of which manifest through the Physical-Mind Eyes. And then the Physical-Mind Ears, where the sounds/energy experiences within the words of the Mother is utilized to activate the emotional/feeling body of the Main Mind Consciousness System and/or specific Characters/Personalities within a being.
So, in DAY 106 we walked the process of how the memory of the mother and father activate into the Conservative Character personality body/suit, and as well as how the energy experience in the Mother’s words/sound activate the Main Mind Consciousness System’s emotional/feeling body, and now we’re walking how these two processes will meet to activate the Conservative Character’s emotional/feeling body.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in equality and oneness with and as Life, energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now, seen, realised and understood how the Physical-Mind Eyes and Ears work-together in constructing/creating Characters/Personalities within and as our Mind-Physical existence. Where with our Eyes and Ears we’ve come to serve the Character’s in/as our Mind, within this why/how we do not ever in fact see and hear the reality of physicality; but only see/hear what we want to see/hear as that which will serve our survival/evolution as the Mind.
And so, within continuing walking the process of Friend A – with her Physical-Mind Eyes, where the memory of her mother and father at the table is aligned into and as Friend A’s Conservative Character personality body/suit, as Consciousness assessed the alignment of the memory equal-to and one-with the Conservative Character’s micro-chip memory. From where Consciousness would take the memory and move the components/parts as the behaviours, words and energies into and as the particular-specific compartments/dimensions within/as the Conservative Character’s personality body/suit (We’ll walk this process of how consciousness dissect a memory into specific compartments/dimensions within posts to come). Additionally/simultaneously within this process, the Physical-Mind Ears is utilized to establish/build/construct the child/Friend A’s emotional/feeling body of the Main Mind Consciousness System, and also Primary/Main Characters’ emotional/feeling bodies within/of the child. Thus, the Main Mind Consciousness System, essentially stands as an entire ‘back-up’ / ‘main database’ of all memories/energy experiences captured through the Eyes and Ears and are from there directed/aligned into/as our Main/Primary Characters we create/manifest from/of the main Mind Consciousness System, as the various different ‘selves’ we come to create/embody, utilizing our external world/reality with a myriad of characters as other human beings/this world-system to evolve our mind-physical existence and so secure our self-definitions, wants, needs and desires.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in equality and oneness with and as Life, energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now – seen, realised and understood how the Memory of the mother and father, dissected into/as Friend A’s Conservative Character, and the emotions/feelings within the Mother’s words/sounds that activated within and as Friend A’s Mind Consciousness Systems’ emotional/feeling body – align together to additionally activate the Conservative Character’s emotional/feeling body:
With taking the specific ‘energy experience’ within the sound of the Mother’s words as ‘gentleness/care’, which as an energy-experience in the Mind is physically experienced as a ‘light energy’ that feels like it soothes the muscle/fabric of the physical-body, as though the body goes into a ‘relaxation/release’ in the experience of the energy as ‘gentleness/care’ as the Mind in the physical, together with a slight sense of ‘excitement’. This is the particular-specific energy-experience that Friend A experienced within her body, the moment this energy ‘activated’ as an ‘active’ ‘feeling-energy’ within her Main Mind Consciousness System’s emotional/feeling body containments/holders that also exist within the neutral, positive and negative energy-balls/holders/containments within and as which her parents’ emotional/feeling body database was transferred into and as. And, Friend A would thus, have a ‘physical-experience’ of the ‘energy experience’ of the gentleness/care when/as it officially activate within her Main Mind Consciousness System’s emotional/feeling body, as the entire emotional/feeling body of the Main Mind Consciousness System and so also eventually the Personality Suits/Bodies, are multi-dimensionally/parallel infused/merged into, as and with the physical-body flesh/fabric/structure/substance. Which is why/how one will thus have a ‘physical experience’ of energy-experiences of the Mind. But what we would in this thus never in fact ‘experience’/ walk with / be with is what the actual physical in fact experiencing/what the experience/expression of our actual physical-bodies are, that within and during energy-experience activations of the Mind/Personalities in fact go into/as contraction/pain. Because the moment an energy-experience activate, resources are consumed from physicality to transform into energy. But, because we’re existent in the Mind-dimension primarily within the physical-body, we’ll only experience what the Mind experience and not in fact what the actual physical go through in the very fabric/manifestation/substance of its existence.
And so, Friend A would be ‘overwhelmed’ with this gentleness/care energy experience that is in fact the experience of the Mind…and not the Body/Physical. In this showing/revealing: the extent of our accepted and allowed separation from/of the Physical.

And so, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in equality and oneness with and as Life, energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now, seen, realised and understood why/how that energy of/as care/gentleness that activated in Friend A’s main Mind Consciousness System emotional/feeling body will also come to be aligned with her Conservative-Character’s personality suit/body’s personalized emotional/feeling body; as the Physical-Mind eyes and ears ‘work together’:
Where, when/as the physical-mind eyes take that moment of her parents and activate Friend A’s Conservative Character, the physical-mind ears will simultaneously take the energy-experience within the words of the mother, activating Friend A’s Main Mind Consciousness System’s emotional/feeling body as the energy-experience of care/gentleness. And because the memory of the parents’ activated her Conservative-Character, she’s in that moment as her activated Conservative-Character, aligned parallel to/with the Main Mind Consciousness System. Within this alignment/simultaneous activation of her Conservative Character and the Main Mind Consciousness System’s emotional/feeling body activation; the energy-experience in her entire physical-body will thus resonate with the Conservative Character’s Personality body/suit, wherein the already organized/categorized emotional/feeling body of the Conservative Character’s Personality body/suit in/as which the energy of/within the memory was manifested/transferred: will activate.
Thus, initially the energy of/from the Memory that was stored/categorized/organized into the Conservative Character’s emotional/feeling body is ‘dormant’, it is simply only stored/aligned into its emotional/feeling body as a reference/energy to/towards the particular-specific memory of the mother and father sitting together at the table. When/as the Main Mind Consciousness System’s emotional/feeling body ‘activate’ and resonate into/as the Conservative-Character, the dormant energy-storage ‘activate’, with the energy of care/gentleness that will thus encompass the entire personality suit/body the moment the energy activate in the personality suit/body from/of the energy-activation within the Main Mind Consciousness System. And the moment this happen/manifest where an energy becomes ‘activate’ in a Character System/Personality body/suit: this energy of care/gentleness for example will become a defining energy-experience that ‘belongs’ to the Conservative Character that will only be expressed, for example in contexts of being close to partners in the future.
And so this character/personality suit/body will start moving more and more and more parallel to the Main Mind Consciousness System and Physical Body, as the process of how Characters created from system suits/bodies in the Mind Consciousness System, is integrated more and more and more into the physical through ENERGY, primarily. And so, that moment where an energy within the main mind’s emotional/feeling body, merge with an energy dissected into the emotional/feeling body of a Character from a memory; which connect the Character System/ Personality body/suit, directly to the Main Mind Consciousness System and so closer to the physical body. And literally, when looking at how this process unfold interdimensionally-physically, one can see the position of the Character-System/Personality body/suit ‘shifting’ in the Mind-Physical relationship, where initially it’s existent more dimensionally in the Mind, and more and more move/integrate into the Physical, the more the emotional/feeling bodies of Characters/Personality Systems’ develop.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand where, thus – essentially, the being will come to define, for example care/gentleness as an ‘energy experience’, for example connected in one’s Mind to/towards a particular-specific MEMORY of other’s relationships. Such as for example Friend A’s parents, and will thus connect care/gentleness to relationship within a specific context as a specific character with specific behaviours. Where in this thus:
We never as children learn to develop an equal and one relationship WITH OURSELVES, in what it means to care for self, self’s body in equality and oneness as a living expression of self as the word ‘Care’. And from living this word as SELF, it becomes an expression that self will thus live in/as one’s world, and not conditioned to only certain characters, within certain behaviours and energy experiences within one’s MIND. Where care, for example in the Mind: is conditional / conditioned to only serve the interest of self’s own pursuit of happiness. And so all human beings have come to exist, where we do not know how to in fact live care with/as/towards ourselves, will for example search/seek for it only in relationships instead of gifting it to ourselves as a living word that is ourselves, that is not dependent on anyone/anything as it’s who we are in ourselves/our living. Where it thus becomes an expression, a self-aware decision we make in our relationships/interactions with others, the environment/the world and not something we conditionally use to only serve our interests of wants, needs and desires. In this, thus – why/how actual care does not exist in this world/humanity, why human beings do not in fact care about what’s happening to humanity, this earth and all and everything within it, as care – for example, is locked into the Minds, held there within characters waiting to be materialized into reality when/as a want, need and desire opportunity arise where care will emerge/exist as an energy experience/manipulation to pursue a desire/happiness that only serve self, and self alone.

Now that we have walked the process of how the emotional/feeling body of the Main Mind Consciousness System activate, how the emotional/feeling body of a character form from a memory, how a character emotional/feeling body activate and the process of how a Personality system/suit integrate more and more into/as the physical, we’ll have a more specific/detailed look at the relationship between the mind, the physical and ENERGY within this process in walking the mechanics/processes of our mind-physical relationship in how the Mind utilize energy/energy experience in its process of evolution from and of what is Seen within the Physical-Mind Eyes and heard from the Physical-Mind Ears. 

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