The Three Wise Monkeys (Part 2): DAY 195
Humanity's Journey to Life: Day 118:
Validation Character: Reaction Dimension (Part 2) by Kelly Posey
of our own SHADOW – continued
– continued
FORCE - continued
Chicken or the Egg??? – continued
the Fruit of Life became Rotten – continued
I Am as Money – continued
(To read this post, it
must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but
is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the
point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire
physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of
the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into
the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the multi-dimensionality
we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of
Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and
have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY
1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in
this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)
The Context that we’re walking within EVIL, and Fear of our
own Shadow, stand within the Question:
“Why, with Always being aware of what goes on in the Mind, what comes up in the
Mind –have we never questioned our nature, our beingness, but simply blindly
followed/denied it and had it define us/determine our actions/words and
behaviour. Simultaneously in such moments knowing we can stop/change and how
different the outcome for the moment/relationship would be, but would still,
despite that knowledge and awareness – act on/deny the Evil of Mind?”
And within this, we’re
starting more specifically with having a look at our accepted and allowed
relationship to/towards our own shadows / “Dark Sides” that manifests in our
Minds, within our Physical Bodies as-ourselves, where we have mentioned in the
previous posts that we’ll walk some practical examples in the Self Forgiveness
and Self Commitments of how we create Illusions to hide from the reality of the
Dark and how this thus inadvertently proliferate the Dark, where we’ve been
running away from the reality of ourselves, when we should really just face it,
direct it and sort it out.
In this post, we’re continuing with the Three Wise Monkeys,
walking some Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements to further explore
the nature of our relationship to our own Minds within the context of Fear,
Ignorance and/or Denial and the consequences this in fact manifest/proliferate
in our relationship to ourselves, our physicals and this existence as a whole.
Furthermore within this, having a look at the principles of the Three/Four Wise
Monkeys, how/why “see/hear/speak/do no evil” is not a solution to the evil that
exist in our Minds/this World, and the only way to STOP evil is to understand
it, face it and change it as-ourselves.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see, realise and understand how Wisdom, within for example having a look at
the Principles of the Three/Four Wise Monkeys – actually stand within the
starting-point of fear/ignorance/denial of Evil, as more of a “protection/defence
mechanism” AGAINST Evil, instead of a Wisdom that actually present specific,
practical, real, tangible, physical, eternal Solutions to/as the Evil that
exist within the Mind and in this World.
I commit myself to
show, how our relationship to Wisdom, within having a look at the principles of
the Three Wise Monkeys “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil” -
with it standing in/as the starting point of fear/ignorance/denial of Evil,
would actually create a condition in the Mind and in our Living within and as
FEAR that would cause one to justify/excuse/validate decisions/actions/relationships
one create towards Evil that in fact stand within the context of EVIL, that we’d
“become Evil to fight Evil”. That, the FEAR of Evil could drive/motivate one
into and as an Evil to try/attempt to protect/defend self against Evil in/as
the Mind/this World. For example, having a look at religious people’s
relationship to what they define as ‘Evil’, to what extreme their minds and
actions can take them in/as the FEAR of ‘Evil’, when they’re actions/words/minds
are equally as one as Evil. We’re not seeing, realising and understanding
within this: We’re EVIL fighting our own SHADOWS of/as Evil – BECOMING the Evil
we Fear.
forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise
and understand the games we play with the Evil in our Minds and this World /
the bad/negative/dark that manifest in our Minds and in this World – where we
blame/project/define the evil/bad/negative/dark to be originating from OUT
THERE or from someone/something else, like again having a look at religious
people – that blame/project the evil/bad/dark/negative in their Minds/ this
World on the “Devil”, and would go to extreme Evils in their Minds and Actions
to “fight/stand up against the apparent Evil OUT THERE”, but will never see,
realise and understand that they’re in fact fighting their own Fears, their own
Evils – that they in fact are in their Mind and their Living being/becoming the
very Evil they’re trying to fight OUT THERE. Even within this, having a look at
something simple, with having an argument with someone, and we tend to go “THEY
made me angry” / “THEY caused me to do this/that” – however, it’s impossible,
because what can be traced within one’s Mind is the process of the
memories/reactions that activated from one’s nature/beingness, and how self
ACCEPTED and ALLOWED self to react/behave the way one did towards another
Person. That self in fact decided, accepted and allowed to react/behave
to/towards another being that revealed/exposed the real nature/beingness of
oneself that came up within the Mind, but – we’re so afraid/in denial of our
own inherent beingness that our Minds reflect/mirror, that we’d continue
blaming/projecting on OTHERS.
I commit myself to show, how each individual one of us are
fighting our own hallucinations, from the perspective that – the evil/bad/dark/negative
that come up in one’s Mind, can be traced through a process of walking the
Mind, the Quantum Mind and Quantum Physical of how self accepted and allowed
the thoughts, memories, internal conversations, scenes, images to manifest in
one’s Mind, how the evil/bad/dark/negative that manifest in this World/World
System especially, can be traced through a process of educating oneself in how
we individually and collectively accepted and allowed such a System to exist
and the consequences it manifested on a mental and physical level for humanity,
and all and everything within/as this Physical Existence. And so, whatever we
blame/project on anything/anyone else for the evils/bad/negative/dark that exists
in this world and in our Minds is us hallucinating our own fears, our own
evil/bad/dark/negative we accepted and allowed to exist in our Minds and this
World. And, if each human being would take responsibility for their own Minds,
and stand together to take responsibility for
this World System – stopping/changing the evils in the Mind and in this
World through understanding it and bringing forth an equal and one physical,
practical solution for ourselves and for all: we’d have a changed world/humanity.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to ever consider, how strange it is that I created relationships of FEAR to
things that come up within my Mind/my Body – a space that Only I occupy, that
we’re in such fear/denial of the things that manifest/come up in the Mind, that
we refuse to face/consider our relationship
and responsibility to/towards it. Because we don’t Understanding / are
uneducated in our relationship to our own Mind, when things come up and that do
not suit/fit the Personalities we defined ourselves as –we believe/perceive,
then, that what comes up in the Mind is “not me” / “not mine”. Not seeing,
realising and understanding that in the Mind-Physical relationship, exist
various dimensions/multi-dimensions of the Mind; and SO MUCH of what manifests
in our Conscious/Subconscious Mind awareness, originate from/come from
information/energies/experiences imprinted into the Quantum Physical/Quantum
Mind layers of the Mind-Physical relationship in the first seven years of our
lives, of which we have no recollection, because it all imprinted in/on a
Physical-Mind Level, and because our awareness is only limited to the
Conscious/Subconscious Mind – one do not have direct access/direct relationship
to everything that imprinted in/as the first seven years of your life that
created your Quantum Physical, that from there defined your Quantum Mind and
from there structured your Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind. And so
within this, no human being have ever seen, realised and understood: that
EVERYTHING that comes up in the Mind, originate from self’s own MIND, self’s
own PHYSICAL and self’s own process within/as one’s life experience, because
the MIND has never in fact been Understood.
I commit myself to in this Blog, in the interviews on EQAFE, especially the Quantum Mind
series, and to come – the Quantum Physical series: show the process of how
we created/programmed/constructed our awareness in the Conscious and fraction
of the Subconscious Mind, and how all information/experiences/energies we were
exposed to in the first seven years of our lives, formed the foundation upon
which our Quantum Mind, and Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind was
created/programmed/manifested. And so within this: how/why literally EVERYTHING
that comes up in one’s Mind, originate only from self, from self’s own
life/experiences in this world/reality. Within this, how self will see, realise
and understand - with walking the Journeys into the
Afterlife Series, the Demons – when they did exist in the past, only used
the individual human beings’ MIND CONTENT ‘against themselves’ when they
possessed a human being, using the human beings own fears, own personalities,
own ‘voices in the head’ – amplified/accentuated them, essentially exposing the
Human Beings’ own possessions within and as their own Minds. That, if anything –
the Demons actually, when/as they did possess: Mirrored the human beings’
Mind/beingness unto themselves. The Demons used that within the Beings’ Mind,
that they created fear to/towards, that they suppressed/denied – and so we’d
believe that ‘voices in the head’ is other beings/demons/possessions, however
with walking the Quantum Mind
Series one will see, realise and understand how/why the voices in our heads
would have different personalities/tonalities, dependent on the Personality
Systems we created in OUR OWN MINDS and the frequency of the tonality of the voices
in the head will depend on the different energies that substantiate the
Personality System.
(We’ll look more at
this relationship between Demon-Possession and the Mind, to show how Demons
actually used human beings’ own Fears, own Minds, own Evils ‘against themselves’,
and so how the Demons didn’t essentially “possess” human beings – the Demons
initiated a possession of Human Beings’ own fears/evils that was already
existent within their Minds, but was suppressed/denied/ignored – and so why/how
even Demons cannot be blamed for “possession” / what human beings have
done/become during possessions, because the possessions of demons simply showed
the already existent inner-possession of the human beings’ own fears/evils.)
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see, realise and understand – that everything in my Mind that I have created
a FEAR relationship to, and established a protection/defence mechanism towards,
such as denying/suppressing/ignoring it: is mainly because I did not UNDERSTAND
it / could not directly relate to it / source it. And, an interesting thing us human
beings have created/manifested, is FEARING that which we do not UNDERSTAND.
And, what will within this be seen, realised and understood, is that – we FEARED
that which we do not Understand, because we ACTUALLY FEAR seeing/facing our
direct-responsibility to/towards it – that we within ourselves in fact actually
KNOW that what we will find within that which we fear: is OURSELVES and our
direct responsibility to creating it/manifesting it/accepting and allowing it,
and so instead of facing that responsibility, we’ve gone into resistance/denial/ignorance
– running away from our own Responsibilities.
We’ll in the next post continue with commit statements, and
walk more deeper into seeing, realising and understanding how/why everything
that comes up in the Mind is
self’s responsibility, and no point in fearing it, denying it/resisting
it/ignoring it – but to understand it, face it, direct it into and as an equal
and one solution for self – to really become a STABLE living human being in the
Mind and the Physical, aligning one’s life to LIVING, instead of being controlled/dominated/defined
by FEAR.