Temptation is Not Damnation?: DAY 41
Soul of Fear - Part Seven
as Authority - Part Eleven
Chicken or the Egg??? – Part Twelve
the Fruit of Life became Rotten – Part Twenty-Three
I Am as Money – continued
As mentioned in the previous
post, we’re continuing walking the Deal with the Devil and the Offering of
our Souls, within and as the manifestation of ourselves as the Mind
Consciousness System within and World-System of Money without – that had become
possessed by and as our own Fear of and as survival as Energy within and Money
without, eternally damning ourselves and generations to come to the
Energy-Authority within and Money-Authority without. And why and+ how we have
no directive-principle, will and choice in ourselves and this existence – as it
now belongs to the Devil as Energy-Authority within and Money-Authority without
as the reverse of ourselves we accepted and allowed ourselves to
create/manifest in and as our accepted and allowed self-interest of possession
of and as Energy within and Money without.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see/realise/understand, how – my Deal with the Devil (separating myself from
God/Life/Substance) and the Offering of my Soul (consuming the Soul/Depth of
Life/Substance through and as the consequence of separation manifested as
friction/conflict to transform into Energy), from and in the beginning: for me
to get/have the instant satisfaction of saturating myself with and as my own
possession of and as power as Energy for me to be my own God/IGod unto myself –
manifested me into and as an constant, continuous existence of and as the
deliberate manipulation, abuse and misuse of substance/life (excusing life
-authority for energy/Devil-authority to exist), as consuming substance to
transform into energy (justified as defying life, and deifying energy) through
and as deliberate friction/conflict (spite) for the
survival/rewarding/empowerment/saturation of me as Energy-Authority and
positive-energy experience awareness to exist: and protecting and defending
only my SURVIVAL/possession as empowerment of and as Energy-itself that I had
come to possess with my contract/Deal with the Devil and the Offering of my Soul.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see/realise/understand the eternal damnation I accepted and allowed with my
Deal with the Devil and the Offering of my Soul for me as Energy to
possess/empower me and Survive eternally. With the consequence of my Deal with
the Devil, and the Offering of my Soul for me to eternally possess Energy of
and as me, for my own empowerment into and as IGod, being: the eternal
damnation of my Soul/Awareness of Life of and as equality and oneness manifest,
transformed into and as the Consciousness of Energy as Fear; where Fear became
my Soul of and as Energy, my Conscience of and as Energy – existing to
ensure/secure my possession and survival/empowerment as Energy within and as
the nature and action of me as the Devil, as deliberate Blame within and as
spite, excuse and justification – so sustaining my contract/deal with the Devil
for me as Energy to continue existing/survival eternally.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see/realise/understand, how what exist as this physical-existence, my physical-body
and my Mind Consciousness System is and has been the manifested-consequence
outflow/price of my accepted and allowed Deal with the Devil and the Offering
of my Soul in the beginning, where I still – to this day, exist-as the Deal
with the Devil, Offering my Soul for me as Energy to survive in the possession
of me through and as my nature and action of deliberate Blame as spite, excuse
and justification as the deliberate
manipulation, abuse and misuse of substance/life (excusing life -authority for
energy/Devil/Mind-authority to exist), as consuming substance to transform into
energy (justified as defying life, and deifying energy/Mind) through and as
deliberate friction/conflict (spite) for the
survival/rewarding/empowerment/saturation of me as Energy/Mind-Authority and
positive-energy experience awareness to exist: and protecting and defending
only my SURVIVAL/possession as empowerment of and as Energy-itself that I had
come to possess with my contract/Deal with the Devil and the Offering of my
Soul; and so continuing – throughout time, to this day with accepting and
allowing consequence, for only me as Energy/Mind to continue
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, to
– throughout time, throughout generations, within and as my
re-emergence/re-birth into and as existence, and this physical-existence;
accepted and allowed myself to continue with my Deal with the Devil, the
Offering of my Soul for me as Energy to survive with and as the
manifested-consequence of eternal damnation for the eternal possession/survival
of me as Energy. Energy that eternally damned me as Substance/Life within and
without, for the eternal possession of me as Energy - to the evolution of
myself into and as the Mind Consciousness System relationship to the
Physical-Body and the manifestation of and as the World-System of Money
relationship to this Physical-Existence, where:
In this, the manifested-consequence of my Deal with the
Devil, the Offering of my Soul that I had accepted and allowed from the
Beginning as the eternal damnation of Life/Substance of and as equality and
oneness, for the eternal Possession of Energy: That I had in that moment with
the Deal with the Devil, the Offering of my Soul – made my decision based-on
the tempting experience of and as the positive energy experience accumulation,
where the fear of losing that tempting experience of and as the positive-energy
experience, sealed the deal/contract with the Devil as the Offering of my Soul
eternally for the eternal possession/pleasing/temptation of me as Energy as the
positive-energy experience.
And so – I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and
allowed myself to see/realise/understand how I Lead myself into Temptation:
Lead = Deal – as the very Deal with the Devil, as the consuming of substance to
transform into Energy manifested as the Offering of my Soul, Lead me into and
as the manifestation and accumulation/empowerment of and as the positive-energy
experience as Temptation, with Temptation as the Tempting/Temporary Saturation of
me as Energy as the Positive-Energy Experience. And so – I made the Deal with
the Devil, Offering my Soul eternally with the signature as decision signing
that Deal into eternity: my Fear of Loss of losing my Temptation as
Positive-energy Experience and so I would eternally damn me as Life/Substance,
for me to possess and not lose my temptation as Energy/the positive-energy
experience and equally as one damn me into and as an existence of and as
Fear/Fear of Loss – to so always ensure/secure that I possess/survive as Energy.
In the next post, we’ll continue with walking Temptation –
the Temporary/Tempting Saturation of self as Energy/Money into and as the
positive-energy experience/accumulation of and as Money. How we have from the
beginning, to the Mind Consciousness System and the World-System of Money –
accepted and allowed ourselves to deliberately continue existing in and as the
Deal with the Devil, the Offering of our Souls within and as the starting-point
Signature/Signing as Fear of Loss/Losing. Where we would eternally accept and
allow the Damnation of Life/Substance/Physicality as our Physical-Bodies and
this Physical-Existence, for us to survive as Energy and Possess our Temptation
as the positive-energy experience within, and money-accumulation experience
I commit myself to show, how – we, as all of humanity have
lead ourselves into and as our own temptation as Energy as the Mind
Consciousness System manifest within as the positive-energy experience and the
World-System manifest without as the money-accumulation experience – where
Energy within and Money without has become our Temptation that we still accept
and allow ourselves to lead ourselves into for the pleasing/saturation and
empowerment of our own survival/possession of Energy within and Money without.
That we’re accepting and allowing in this – the damning of the Physical-Body
and this Physical-Existence, for us to please/saturate and empower ourselves as
the Mind within and the World-System of Money without.
I commit myself to show, that as long as one exist as the
Mind Consciousness System as Consciousness as we exist, and as long as we
accept and allow this World-System of Money as it exist: one is still existing
as the Deal with the Devil, the Offering of one’s Soul as the Physical-Body and
this Physical-Existence. Because: as the Mind consume the Physical-Body to
transform into Energy, as the World-System of Money exist, consuming
Physicality to transform into Money – reversing Life/Physicality within and without
for the saturation, pleasing and empowerment of ourselves as Energy
possession/survival within and Money possession/survival without.
I commit myself to show, how – there exist the Deal with the
Devil, the Offering of our Soul within and as the signing Deal signature of
Fear/Fear of Losing our temptation – and thus, that self will only accept and
allow self to continue existing as the Mind Consciousness System/Consciousness
and continue accepting and allowing the World-System of Money – defend and protect
it within and as deliberate Blame as spite, excuse and justification: if there
is a personal-interest/possession as Temptation that self is deliberately not
wanting to release/let-go of, but will continue accepting and allowing the
eternal damnation of the Physical-Body and this Physical Existence and all and
everything and everyone within and as it, for self to secure/ensure only the
possession/survival of one’s own Temptation.
I commit myself, to through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application – assist and support me to identify, expose and
face – my wants, needs and desires, from the future, to relationships, to sex,
to money – that I am deliberately still accepting and allowing myself to
hold-onto within and as my Mind as MY Temptations/Possessions; that would
possess me to such an extent; that I would damn my relationship with myself, my
body, this physical-existence and all of existence as me: just to saturate,
empower and please MY Temptation(s) within and as MY Mind; and so continue
accepting and allowing myself to exist as the Deal with the Devil, the Offering
of my Soul within my physical-body, and so equally as one, accept and allow the
continuation of the World-System of Money as the existence of the Deal with the
Devil, the Offering of the Soul as Physicality to consume into and as Money.
I commit myself, to assist and support me – to through writing,
self-forgiveness and self-corrective application - transform/stop my Possessions/Temptations
of and as Mind/Energy, as my relationship to the future, relationship, sex and
money that had manifested within and as the starting-point of me as Energy to
please, saturate and empower ONLY ME as energy/mind:
To re-aligning my relationship with me as the Physical in
and as the starting-point of equal and one living, and so re-align my
relationship to the future as LIVING HERE with and as breath and living for and
as a World that is and will be best for all in and as every moment of Breath,
to re-aligning relationships/sex to Agreements of and as Equality and Oneness
as Practical Equal and One Living with the Physical-Body and other Human-beings
as self, and so equally as one – re-align the World-System of Money to an Equal Money System of and as equality and oneness.
Where I walk my process of transforming Temptation of Energy
Possession within Self-Interest – that has damned me, my physical-body and this
physical-existence, to Practical Living of and as Equality and Oneness, with
me, my physical body and so this Physical-Existence to birthing Life from the Physical.
Featured Art Work by Anna Brix Thomsen
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DIP Agent website:http://annabrixthomsen.com
Process Blog
Equal Money Blog - 'Earth
Very supportive post. Clear. Thanks