The Evolution of Consciousness: DAY 27


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 The Evolution of Consciousness: DAY 27

Is the Mind MATTER? – Part Two

Who I Am as Money – continued

In in this conclusion-post of Is the Mind MATTER? – Part Two – we’re walking the process of seeing/realising/understand how we’ve separated ourselves from matter/physicality/substance. How – all that we in fact are: is the Mind as Energy manifest, separate from and of matter/physicality/substance, that has come to use/abuse matter/physicality/substance for ourselves as Energy/Mind/Consciousness to exist/evolve. Within this - the consequences this has created as ourselves, our relationships, this physical existence and our creations.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, how – reincarnation is the re-incarceration process that I induce onto/towards the physical – life, after life, after life, as me as the Mind of and as Energy incarcerate/hold prisoner the physical/matter/substance through and as my process of transforming substance/matter/physicality into and as Energy throughout my time/opportunity in and as this physical-existence from and of the moment of inception into and as this physical existence and the conception of me as separation.  Where my process of rebirth/re-emergence into and as existence manifest simultaneously through inception and conception – IN and the CON, as:
INception: where I rebirth/re-emerge from and of this physical-existence/matter/substance in and as equality and oneness as my physical-body development/manifestation, with my beingness with and as the physical-body equal-to and one-with substance/physicality/matter:
With IN - as my equality and oneness WITH and AS substance/matter/physicality, and
CEPTION as the reception of my physical-body and beingness of and as equality and oneness into and as this physical-existence/matter/substance.
CONception: where, simultaneously - as I rebirth/re-emerge within and as the inception-process as equality and oneness as the physical-body and beingness, I rebirth/re-emerge within and as the conception-process:
With CON - as me as energy/CONsciousness emerging/rebirthing FROM and OF physicality/matter/substance as I consume the physicality/matter/substance of the female’s physical-body within and during the development/manifestation of my physical-body. Within and during that process of consumption, transform that physicality/matter/substance I consume – into and as Energy. Where that Energy – consisting of/existing as negative-energy experience, (because the consumption process consist of and exist as the friction/conflict I initiate as the conception of me as Energy as manifested-separation from and of existence that I have been and become throughout time, that have conditioned my emergence/rebirth into and as and from existence in the nature/starting-point of conception as conceiving me as separate, and in that separation, immediately within the inception process, start the process of consuming substance to transform into energy for the simultaneously conception/development/manifestation of me as energy). And, thus that Energy I create/develop/manifest through consuming physicality/matter/substance while and as my physical-body develop/manifest – consisting of/existing as negative-energy experience: is then inverted into and as my beingness within and as the physical-body that is developing/manifesting, and as the negative-energy experience ripple/reverberate into and as my beingness, the very energy consume my substance/beingness within and as the physical-body, that transform my beingness into and as the neutral energy experience and accumulate into and as the positive-energy experience. So, as and while my physical-body and beingness develop/manifest as the inception-process of and as physicality/matter/substance, I simultaneously develop and manifest my consciousness as the awareness layers of me as negative-energy experience, neutral energy experience and positive energy experience as the conception-process of and as Energy. Thus, the inception-process and conception process manifest parallel, and by the time my physical-body is successfully manifested/developed – my consciousness as energy-awareness of the negative-energy experience as my unconscious-mind in an as the physical-body, and the neutral-energy experience and positive-energy experience of and as my beingness is equally as one successfully developed/manifested. And so:
The CON = consciousness and the CEPTION = is the reception of Consciousness as Energy as it receives itself through and as the consumption and transformation of and as substance/physicality/matter in and during the Inception-process of and as the physical-body and beingness.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how I have accepted and allowed myself to within and during the conception-process of Consciousness as Energy, emerge/rebirth as Energy and develop/manifest as the unconscious, subconscious and conscious that will be and become the embodiment/platform/formation for the evolution of Consciousness as the entire Mind as me as energy-awareness. Where the origin/source of Consciousness/Mind/Energy as me – is from and of the inception-process of and as the physical-body and beingness of and as equality and oneness with and as physicality/matter/substance; and so I rebirth/re-emerge develop/manifest as Consciousness FROM and OF (as consuming) substance/physicality/matter, instead of re-merging/rebirthing WITH and AS  substance/physicality/matter (as equality and oneness). And thus, I exist in two separate realities: The reality of Energy that consume the reality of Physicality. Where the reality of Energy becomes my internal formation/structuring/alignment of and as the unconscious (negative-energy experience), the subconscious (neutral energy experience) and the conscious (positive energy experience) in separation from and of my internal and external formation/structuring/alignment as my beingness and physical-body that exist/is manifested – initially, within and as equality and oneness with and as substance/physicality/matter.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create/manifest Relationship – as the relationship between me as the Energy-Reality as Consciousness and the Physical-Reality of/as substance/matter/physicality where: because I rebirth/re-emerge with my awareness separated into and as Energy that develop/manifest as Consciousness within the layering’s of the unconscious, the subconscious and the conscious:
The unconscious (mind) is my first layer relationship of me as energy to/towards physicality/matter/substance to/towards the physical body, as the unconscious exist as the friction/conflict as nature of me as conception of separation - that will constantly/continuously throughout my life, consume my very physical-body substance/matter/physicality for me to continue existing/surviving as negative-energy experience as the nature of the conception of me as a separate part that come into existence.
With my subconscious (mind) as the second layer relationship of me as energy to/towards physicality/matter/substance, as the subconscious as neutral-energy experience manifest through and as the negative-energy experience that ripple/reverberate into and as my beingness within and as the physical body. Where those ripples/reverberations of and as energy - the moment it ripple/reverberate into and as my beingness of and as physicality/matter/substance, it consume my very beingness for it to continue existing/surviving that so manifest my awareness as energy as the neutral energy-experience (subconscious mind).
With my conscious (mind) as the third layer relationship of me as energy that exist as the culmination/accumulation of my first and second layered relationship to/towards the physical-body as the unconscious, and to/towards my beingness as the subconscious. Where - the more my first layer relationship as the unconscious consume from and of my physicality/substance/matter as physical-body through and as friction/conflict as negative-energy experience, the more my second layer relationship accumulate as the more reverberations/ripples manifest within and as my beingness and so consume more beingness, and in that moreness consumption-process – accumulate the neutral-energy experience into and as the positive-energy experience as the Conscious-Mind.

In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as layered relationships to/towards the physical/matter/substance as Consciousness as the unconscious, the subconscious and the conscious mind, that will throughout my opportunity/time with and as substance/physicality/matter as the physical-body and my beingness within, as and of the physical-body: consume my physical body and beingness for me as Consciousness as Energy to exist/survive with the extent of time/opportunity that is available to me as substance/physicality/beingness for me to consume and transform into Energy – because I as Energy as Consciousness can only exist, through and as the consumption of and as physicality/matter/substance.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take my process of Inception – as the emergence/birth of and as me with and as my beingness and physical-body in and as absolute equality and oneness with and as existence/this physical-existence/substance-manifest: and instead limit my relationship to it as the emergence/birth of Consciousness as Energy-manifest – where I accept and allow myself to take equality and oneness as eternity, and manifest it into a three-layered relationship system of and as the unconscious, subconscious and conscious that will only exist finitely. Where all that I am and in fact are in my who I am and what I am: is a three-layered energy consuming relationship-system (what I am) of and as the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind that manifest the totality of me as Consciousness (who I am) and the optimum evolution point of me as positive-energy experience in and as the conscious-mind (how I am). Where the ‘what I am’ as energy-consuming relationship-system, create the ‘who I am’ as consciousness and manifest the ‘how I am’ as my functioning/existing that will only be through my movement as negative-energy experience for me to search/seek the experience of my optimum evolution as energy-awareness of and as positive-energy experience, and so throughout my finite existence as energy/consciousness: consume matter/physicality/substance in the process of me maintaining my optimum evolution experience of and as positive-energy experience. Instead of my ‘what I am’ standing with and as existence/physicality/matter/substance in and as equality and oneness, as the physical-body and beingness to manifest the ‘who I am’ as equality and oneness with and as existence/physicality/matter/substance in and as equality and oneness to manifest the ‘how I am’ as the living/expressing of me as Life-manifest in and the what and who I am.

To the question: Is the Mind MATTER? Yes and No.
Yes – because it comes from and of matter, as it transform matter into energy.
No – because it transform matter into energy, it is not equal-to and one-with and as matter, therefore, its relationship with matter is that of a parasite, that feed off-of and consume and transform matter into and as itself as energy to survive/exist. Therefore, we exist in a Physical-Reality as an Energy-Reality/Money-Reality, where the Energy-/Money-Reality is creating itself from and of the Physical-Reality, and so the Physical-Reality gets consumed/abused for the Energy-/Money-Reality to survive/exist.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand the Mind as Consciousness as me mines MATTER, separating myself into and as an Energy-Reality from Physical-Reality, where - as/the moment I move out of the mother’s womb I start programming my Energy-Reality as Consciousness from and of Physical-Reality (the specifics of how this is done, how we move out of the mother’s womb with a force of negative-energy experience, initiated by the motivation to search/seek for positive-energy experience will be walked in posts to come).
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that for my Energy-Reality to exist – I consume/mine the Physical-Reality: Internally as myself as the Mind and externally as myself as the World-System of Money, as the Money-Reality consume/mine Physical Reality for its reality to continue existing/surviving. With the Energy-Reality as the Mind/Consciousness in direct-relationship to and with the Money-Reality: with the Energy-Reality consuming the Physical and Beingness, and the Money-Reality consuming the Physical and the Lives/Beingness of humans/animals/nature/the earth. And with the Energy-Reality possessed with experiencing its optimum evolution as positive-energy experience – equal to and one with the Money-Reality possessed with experiencing its optimum evolution as positive-energy experience as accumulation of Money.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how and why Technology/Systems evolved within and as the World-System of Money for the evolution-maintenance experience of positive-energy experience as accumulation of Money for the World-System. Equal-to and one-with how and why Personality-Systems/Systems of Consciousness/Mind evolved within and as the Mind/me for the evolution-maintenance experience of positive-energy experience as me.
And within this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how energy-evolution always reach a peak and has reached its peak as positive energy experience and accumulation of money . Because I as Energy can only evolve to a point of accumulating positive-energy experience as I as Money can only evolve to a point of accumulating money: all that change/has changed is the ways/methods/means of internal systems and external technology I within and without create/manifest/develop as extensions of myself to maintain my energy-evolution.

Thus – I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that evolution is an illusion. I only exist to accumulate positive-energy experience as the Mind, and to accumulate money as the World-System. The CONcept of evolution exists from and of CONsciousness as simply finding different/various ways of accumulating positive-energy experience, within and accumulating of Money, without.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that I have conned myself as consciousness-itself as who I am/have become, as I’ve conned myself into existence through existing as energy from and of life. And claiming evolution for a few/minority in this physical-existence that only experience that apparent evolution if/as they have money; while for them to experience and maintain apparent evolution, as actually just accumulating positive energy experience within and money as positive energy experience without for their consciousness to survive/exist: at the cost, expense and loss of countless / the majority’s lives/futures/beingness as this physical existence/physical lives is destroyed/annihilated/ruined. And thus, that we have in no way evolved within this existence: we’ve justified evolution in the name of and for consciousness of ourselves within and as the Energy-reality, when the actual reality of evolution is – the motivation for positive-energy experience within, and money accumulation without and throughout time, we’ve developed ways/means/methods of maintaining that positive-energy experience within and money accumulation without, while for that energy-evolution and money-evolution as accumulation of energy and money to exist: we consume our physicals, and this physical-existence to its slow, but certain death/end.

Time to wake up and see beyond the CON as consciousness as Energy-Reality of Mind, and get into actual Physical-Reality to see the truth of the con that we have become as Consciousness and consequences we’ve become and manifested unto ourselves and all as ourselves within and as existence.

I commit myself to, through writing, self-forgiveness,self-corrective application as the process I walk in returning me as the Energy-Reality (that I have manifested/created from and of the Physical-Reality) – back to Physical-Reality as the process of assisting and supporting me of returning me to my actual origin/source as Physicality/Matter as substance-manifest. And in that process of returning me to my origin/source as Physicality/Matter as substance-manifest of and as equality and oneness: I will Matter with and as Matter, with Matter as equality and oneness manifest, I will as and with Matter direct myself in and as and with that which Matters as this physical-existence, and live to stand in and as and with the name of Matter as Physicality to assist and support and ensure that Matter is what Matters in and as this physical existence: that Matter/Physicality/Life as equality and oneness is what Matters as the reality of and as ourselves.
And so – I commit myself to as I stand with and as and in the name of Matter as Physicality/Physical-existence, I no more use God’s (the Physical as my source/origin) name in vain (as I as consciousness consume the Physical-Reality for my Energy-Reality) for my vanity as Consciousness as positive-energy experience as my own survival/interest of/as me as Energy.
In this, I commit myself to – as I stand in and as the name of and as and with Matter/Physicality in and as equality and oneness, with Life that matters as Matter-itself as this Physical-Existence: to change/transform the World-System of Money that has become my image and likeness of using God’s/the Physical’s name in Vain (consuming this physical-existence and transforming it into Money) for its own Vanity as money-accumulation; and change/transform it  into and as an Equal Money System with and as the starting-point of standing in and as equality and oneness with and as this physical-existence as standing with and as and in the name of and as matter/this physical existence as life, that gift/give life to all in this physical existence.

I commit myself to, as I walk my process of writing, self-forgiveness as the process of seeing/realising/understanding the CON as me as CONSCIOUSNESS that have conned myself and so all as myself into and as believing that Energy is ‘life’ (because I see/realise/understand, that as long as I remain as Consciousness, conning me – I will accept and allow others as me to be conned by/through me, and accept and allow them to continuing conning themselves as Consciousness for the Energy-Reality of and as ourselves to exist/survive) to as I walk my process of writing and self-forgiveness – to with me see beyond the Energy-Reality as Consciousness, to see through the CON of consciousness, to stop conning ourselves and each other and so stop the Energy-Reality, stop the consumption/abuse of and as the Physical-Reality and this Physical-Existence. And as we walk the self-corrective application from and of the writing and self-forgiveness as returning ourselves as energy to, as and with the physical and from this return – stand-up and stand-with physicality/substance/matter and re-emerge/re-birth as Life in this One Life (within the process of self-corrective application); because the opportunity/time is still here – we’re still breathing. And thus utilize the time/opportunity we have to rebirth/re-emerge as Life in this One Life and utilize the time/opportunity to stand as Life/living examples in transforming ourselves and eventually this world as ourselves.


  1. Anonymous

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