The Evolution of Fear: DAY 37


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 The Evolution of Fear: DAY 37

The Soul of Fear: Part Three

Energy as Authority - Part Seven

Who I Am as Money – continued

As mentioned in the previous post, we’re in this post having a look at how we evolved as the consuming possession of ourselves as Fear as Energy, manifested as Consciousness of and as the Mind Consciousness System, and the creation of ourselves as the World-System of Money – where in and as the consuming possession as separation, separated ourselves from our natures and actions of Blame as deliberate spite, excuse and justification as why/how – we to this day, deliberately do not see/realise/understand the consequences we create to the physical-body and this physical-existence as Energy and Money in and as our consuming possession of and as Fear as the protection/defence of our own survival as Energy and Money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, to from the beginning evolve as Energy relationship to my beingness, manifested singularity and existence as a whole as substance-manifest into and as the Mind Consciousness System relationship to my Physical Body, where:
As my Mind Consciousness System: In, as and from my one location/position within the womb of the female physical-body, during my simultaneous inception and conception process, of my physical-body and mind consciousness system – the moment I reach my optimum positive-energy experience as the successful completion of my inception and conception process of my physical and mind; what mentally and physically move me is the negative-energy experience friction/conflict now manifested as the process of birth/pain, forward out of the female’s womb. Where, within and as the female’s womb and the process of birthing – I already in quantum energy-time manifest me into and as my three levels of and as separation as:
Level 1 Separation (Unconscious-Mind): Separation from my beingness, physical-body and physical-body of the female as my Mind Consciousness System automatically/immediately start consuming from and merging with my beingness, physical-body and physical-body of the female
Level 2 Separation (Unconscious and Subconscious Mind): From that separation, manifesting friction/conflict within and towards my own physical-body, and the physical-body of the female that manifest the consumption of the sustenance, nutrients, tissue, fabric and flesh of the actual physical-body, and that of the female’s physical-body that in that process of consumption as transforming physicality to energy - generate the negative-energy experience for my Mind Consciousness System, that accumulate into and as my Mind Consciousness and so separate me further into and as the neutral-energy experience-awareness as subconscious-mind (only ‘me’) to the positive-energy experience awareness as conscious-mind (the MORE of me) – the moment my inception and conception process is complete.
Level 3 Separation (Conscious-Mind): In and as the energy-awareness of me as negative, neutral and positive – the moment, my positive diminish/lessen within and as the one position/location within and as the female’s womb, my automated movement forward manifest as the process of birth through friction/conflict as negative-energy experience within my physical-body and towards the physical-body of the female as pain-manifest. With the automated/manifested starting-point movement forward within and through friction/conflict as negative-energy experience existing as Fear – as I have to/must birth as mind and physical to secure my survival/future as Mind within the Physical – to continue my processes of consuming physicality and transforming it into energy. Where my very movement forward out of the female’s womb through extensive friction/conflict as negative-energy experience as Fear – instigating/driving my movement forward to get out-of/release myself from within and as that one position/location to search-for/look for my survival/possession of and as Energy: the very process of birth from the negative-energy experience friction/conflict as the experience of Fear - accumulate my mind consciousness system into the neutral and to the positive. Because in that very birthing process, as physical-movement forward within and as friction/conflict as negative-energy experience as fear-manifest - my mind integrate/merge more into my beingness and physical-body and consume my physicality and transform into energy – where the moment I am out of the mother’s womb, it manifest me into the positive-energy experience, because I successfully manifested the continued existence/survival as me as Mind within the Physical. But then, the moment I am out of the mother’s womb – the positive-energy experience again immediately/in the quantum-time of energy diminish/lessen to the neutral and negative as I start crying mentally and contorting physically as the next stage of searching-for/looking for my positive-energy experience possession/survival. And so I will throughout my life –move in quantum time as Energy, constantly, continuously from the negative to the neutral to the positive, from the positive to the neutral to the negative, - recycling within and as friction/conflict as negative-energy experience manifest as Fear, in manipulating my world/reality  (excusing life/physical-authority for energy/mind-authority to exist), as consuming substance/physicality to transform into energy (justified as defying life/physicality, and deifying energy/Mind) through and as deliberate friction/conflict (spite) for the survival/rewarding of it as Energy and positive-energy experience accumulation as the MORE of and as Energy/Mind.
And so separated me entirely/completely within and as my beingness/physical-body – from the unconscious, to the subconscious and to the conscious-mind with my entire Mind Consciousness System manifested into and as Fear-experience awareness of and as Energy and the search/seeking for the positive-energy experience awareness fulfilment/survival/possession.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand – how, even from within and as the female’s womb, and the birthing process of me out of the mother’s womb into this physical-existence; that my first moment of ‘waking-up’ into this physical existence, is not as breath, HERE, as the physical in and as equality and oneness, but as the Mind in and as QUANTUM-TIME within the Physical – within and as the starting-point movement of friction/conflict as negative-energy experience as Fear, always – constantly, continuously searching/looking for possession as Energy to secure my survival as Energy; with Fear as my awareness with the context of that fear existing within and as fear of loss that ensure, the moment I reach the negative-energy experience awareness as ‘losing’ my energy/positive-energy experience – I immediately/automatically activate/initiate my survival process, nature and action as physical-movement within and as deliberate Blame as spite, excuse and justification to accumulate energy for my possession and survival within and as manipulating, abusing and misusing my physical-body and my world/reality and others within it  (excusing life/physical-authority for energy/mind-authority to exist), as consuming substance/physicality to transform into energy (justified as defying life/physicality, and deifying energy/Mind) through and as deliberate friction/conflict (spite) for the survival/rewarding of it as Energy and positive-energy experience accumulation as the MORE of and as Energy/Mind.
(We will within posts to continue – go more into detail about how exactly we in and as and with the mind and the physical, manifest from fear experience the love experience – and the interconnected relationship within this as fear of loss and love of gain – both existing within the starting-point of possession and survival, where fear initiate possession and survival and love secures possession and survival)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself, to from my Mind Consciousness System relationship to my Physical-Body, create and manifest the World-System of Money relationship to this Physical-Existence in my image and likeness, where:
As the World-System of Money: In and from its one location/position on this Earth as the structures/buildings/constructions - it networked itself into, through and as and on this entire Earth/Physical-Existence, as its physical-movement forward/inward through and as the starting-point of and as friction/conflict as negative-energy experience as Fear that drives/motivates its survival for its possession as Money into and as Earth/this Physical-Existence to consume physicality into Money, where:
Level 1 Separation (Unconscious Mind): As the very separation of the World-System of Money from and of this physical-existence and the lives of beings/manifestations/parts of, within and as this Physical-Existence – as the World-System of Money disregard life/physicality through and as consuming, through deliberate friction/conflict as negative-energy experience – the physicality/lives of beings, manifestations and parts within and as this physical existence (fracking, drilling, starvation, poverty, war, violence, deforestation, pollution) as physicality in this way is consumed and transformed into money for the survival/possession of the World-System of Money – that within its relationship to this physical-existence, through the friction/conflict it manifest as negative-energy experience – manifest fear within and as all of this physical-existence, and equally as one – all’s relationship to the World-System of Money exist within and as fear as negative-energy experience. 
Level 2 Separation (Subconscious-Mind): From that separation, as starting-point friction/conflict as negative-energy experience that it manifest within and as this physical-existence within and as the context of fear as securing/ensuring its possession and survival as Money, continuing accepting and allowing the deliberate manipulation, abuse and misuse of physicality/lives within this physical-existence to accumulate more money, the World-System of Money divide/separate this physical-existence further into its neutral-energy experience-awareness (labour force, workers, lower/middle class) to the positive-energy experience awareness (Elite, upper class)
Level 3 Separation (Conscious-Mind): And so, from the Level 1 and Level 2 separation – the World-System of Money Elite – secure its positive-energy experience accumulation of Money, and so will constantly/continuously within and as Fear of Loss, accept and allow the Level 1 and Level 2 manifested-separation as the consequential origins/sources of the accumulation of Money to secure their possession/survival of and as Money within and as Blame as spite, excuse and justification as  deliberate manipulation, abuse and misuse of substance/life/physicality (excusing life-authority for energy/money-authority to exist), as consuming substance/physicality to transform into Money (justified as defying life/physicality, and deifying Money) through and as deliberate friction/conflict (spite) for the survival/rewarding of Energy/Money and positive-energy experience awareness of the MORE of Money: all of which only exist within and as fear. Fear of losing me/my Authority/survival/possession as Energy/Money.
And so separated me as the World-System of Money entirely/completely within and as this physical-existence and the lives of all and everything and everyone within and as this physical-existence into and as Fear-experience awareness of and as Energy/Money and the search/seeking for the positive-energy experience awareness fulfilment/survival/possession of and as the MORE of Money.

In the next post, we’re walking the conclusion of the Soul of Fear – how we as Fear as Blame within and as spite, excuse and justification – accept and allow the deliberate physical-abuse of the Mind to the Physical, and the World-System of Money to this physical-existence for our survival/possession as Energy/Money. And within this - how the manifestations of ourselves as ‘Space and Time’ and ‘Quantum Time’, have separated us – where we do SEE what we’re doing, accepting and allowing; but we don’t STOP – because we have accepted and allowed ourselves to make ENERGY as FEAR Authority over and of LIFE and LIVING.

I commit myself to, through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application assist and support myself to stop participation in my thoughts, as I see/realise/understand that my thoughts exist in quantum-energy time; where it will constantly/continuously move within and from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive in and as my Conscious-Mind as the automated system that generate energy, from this movement of my thoughts – constantly, continuously securing the possession and survival of me as Energy to the positive-energy experience. Where, as long as I accept and allow myself to exist in the quantum-time of Thought as the Conscious-Mind, I see/realise/understand that I am not HERE in and as and with the Physical as Breath, walking me in and as equality and oneness with and as my physical-body as Breath, and thus am walking in the Mind with Energy, and not in and with actual, real reality.

I commit myself, to through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application – assist and support myself in stopping participation in my Backchat/Internal conversations in moments, as I see/realise/understand that my Internal conversations/Backchat in and as my Secret-Mind of my Subconscious-Mind only exist to serve me as Energy; where the nature of my Backchat/Internal Conversations in moments exist in and as deliberate Blame as spite, excuse and justification – to from the negative, accumulate me into and as positive. And as long as I accept and allow myself to in moments participate in Backchat/Internal Conversations, I am not in fact HERE in actual reality with and as breath, equal-to and one-with another, the moment, the environment and the situation and can so not see what is/will/would be best for all in the moment in reality, because I am preoccupied in the quantum time of energy, accumulating energy for me as the Mind serving only my self-interest.

I commit myself to, through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application – assist and support me to become aware of my physical-body, behaviour and habits/patterns as the Unconscious-Mind; to see/realise/understand how I would deliberately move within and as my physical-body as the Mind in certain ways/methods/positions as I would physically manipulate, abuse and misuse my physical-body to serve my interest of and as Mind for my possession/survival of and as Energy/positive-energy experience accumulation. As I see/realise/understand that such behaviours/movements as habits/patterns in and as the physical only serve the Mind/Ego/Self-Interest and indicate/signify that I do not in fact have an equal and one relationship/standing within and as my Physical-Body.

I commit myself, to – as I walk my process within and as my Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind, into and as physical equality and oneness as the Living Word, living HERE and no more in quantum-time energy possession and survival that manipulate, abuse and misuse the Physical, I equally as one assist and support me to walk my process in and as the World-System of Money – to realign its conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind into and as physical equality and oneness, through and as the manifestation and implementation of and as the Equal Money System, that will stop the manipulation, abuse and misuse of physicality and lives of all and everything and everyone within it of fear, survival and possession, where all will equally as one live on this Earth, in and as equality and oneness and so have an opportunity to in fact LIVE.

Featured Art Work by Ann Van Den Broek
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