Archive for June 2013

I let my Emotions get the Best of me: Part 2 DAY 412


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I let my Emotions get the Best of me: Part 2 – DAY 412

 Featured Artwork by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

So, now – we can also open up another Dimension within this point, which is: if, in the moment of accepting and allowing one’s emotions to ‘get the best of self’ – it would mean that in that moment, the ‘worst of self or an aspect/part of/as the worst of self was exposed / revealed’.

Now, the question is – with there existing a ‘worst and a best of self’, why is it, that for most part – only the worst seem to manifest / be lived-out within Humanity? Even in our own Minds – if we have a look at how much more of what goes on in the Mind expose the ‘worst of ourselves’, and obviously with us KNOWING our own selves/minds and what goes on in there – why do we continue accepting and allowing the worst, the bad, the ugly to continue existing within and as us? Why, in such moments where “our emotions get the best of us, and in so doing expose the worst of us” – do we not investigate WHY and HOW such ‘worst’ of us exist? And WHY and HOW in that moment did the “best” of us not stand / the “best of the moment/how to approach the moment / direct the moment” not come through? How often does the “worst of us” in fact manifest in the secrets of our Minds in relationship to others/moments in our day-to-day living participation? Within this – if one track one’s own Mind and see the extent to which the “worst” comes through, this kind of trumps the whole ideology of “good always wins” / “conquers evil” if/as in moments of living and mostly in our own Minds – the “worst / the evil” seems to win.

Within this, many may argue that “the good can’t exist without the bad, the bad can’t exist without the good”, but with doing research with Desteni, EQAFE and the material/interviews we have walked, we explain in detail how such polarity of the emotional/feeling reactions as Consciousness Energy works, how BOTH energies are resourced from/of the physical body – how they’re dimensional/interdimensional substances/experienced created from a mind-being-physical trinity relationship into and as which human civilization was preprogrammed. That, one can exist, one can EXPRESS and LIVE – without emotions/feelings, where we walk a process to show you how to transform such energy into LIVING EXPRESSION in and as the Physical, within this also showing the consequence such emotions/feelings create in our Minds and Physicals, how it creates Veils that blind us from in fact seeing reality / making informed decisions and how one reaction/possession, that take over and control one’s decision/action can determine the rest of your life.
So, with Desteni – we show you how to see through the VEIL, ‘beyond the veil’ of Energy – becoming an individual that have access into and as your own paranormal realm/reality as your own Mind, to see how much ‘more’ in fact exist within and as self beyond what we get ourselves caught up in / possessed by as Emotions/Feelings. Within this as well, assisting and supporting self to INVESTIGATE and introspect the “worst of self”, when/as emotions/feelings as reactions as the ‘worst of ourselves that come through in the Mind/our behaviour possess us, to see/realise/understand that one can in fact CHANGE and step BEYOND the polarity of ‘good and bad’, the see-saw and ups and downs of consciousness into and as Living Stability and what that in fact means.

Join us.

I let my Emotions get the Best of me: Part 1 - DAY 411


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I let my Emotions get the Best of me: Part 1 - DAY 411

One often hear the statement “I let my emotions get the best of me” and even though it’s said often/thought often: the implications of such a statement is not in fact understood. Let’s have a look at the implications UNDERlying this statement – the lies hidden within/beneath such a statement so ‘casually spoken’, but actually reveal quite a conundrum in our relationship to emotion and our Responsibility to/towards it:

Let’s break it down, or rather – SPELL it out slowly but surely, and in SPELLING something out, one see the SPELL one’s been under, even in one’s own words spoken – never seeing, realising and understanding the full extent of who we are in and as the words we speak and what we accept and allow within and as them as WHO WE ARE, that in and as our Words, we in fact SEE ourselves, as follows:
I LET - which would mean, I accepted/allowed and with the I in the beginning of the sentence would show Responsibility. So, more directly translated would mean “I am responsible for accepting/allowing”
MY EMOTIONS - which means, emotions are ‘mine’, which mean a belonging/possession and interestingly enough also Responsibility – because, because it’s MY EMOTION, my belonging/possession as part of me, I am thus responsible for such Emotion as me
GET THE BEST OF ME - which mean that, there do exist an awareness of ‘there being a “best” or shall we say “better”, that we in the moment of reacting emotionally and speaking in/as emotion, knew that there was a ‘better way / best way’ to deal with a situation/conversation, but instead accepted and allowed the emotion to take-over/possess one – lol; interestingly enough, our own belonging/possession as part of ourselves as the emotion, possess us

Therefore, the main point within this all and what we assist/support with showing you through Desteni, and especially the Desteni I Process LITE and PRO, is that: EMOTIONS, reactions / emotional-reactions such as anger, frustration, hatred, fear – is ENERGY reaction produced by a Mind/Consciousness and humans are constantly-continuously in fact existing in/as this LIVING STATEMENT of accepting and allowing ENERGY as emotions and feelings, in fact, to get the best of you, your AWARENESS. To Understand this difference between Consciousness and Awareness – suggest visiting the Desteni Forums, and also invest in the EQAFE series the Atlanteans and Reptilians walking the History of the evolution of Human Consciousness. Primarily though – what’s important to simply look at for yourself is, as what is existent in this statement – the UNDER-lying point that limit human beings from seeing the obvious, is: the EMOTIONS are blamed within the statement above “I let my emotions get the best of me”. It’s like saying, listen – I’m sorry, it’s my emotions, you know, THEY got the best of me, THEY’RE to blame, which is bizarre if you really have a look at how we broke-down the entire statement and it all in fact pointed to ONE SINGLE POINT OF RESPONSIBILITY: SELF. Not the EMOTIONS – but WHO I AM in relation to emotions AS ME, that it is SELF that accepted/allowed the creation, the possession, the participation in the moment, it’s NOT the emotions’ fault…or not the emotions ‘alone’, emotional-reactions cannot exist but by self’s acceptance/allowance and participation.  With Desteni, the Desteni I Process LITE and PRO  -we show the process of how to be able to direct/change your relationship to emotion, for example with seeing, realising and understanding how you, yourself, in fact accept and allow the emotions to take control/take over/possess you in a moment.

Then, obviously another interesting question: How are emotions created? Where do they in fact come from? Meaning, it’s obvious that one can see for oneself, is that: there are MANY MOMENTS in your life, even in your day, where BEFORE YOU REACT or speak in reaction – you SEE A DIFFERENT WAY of doing things/saying things…but you don’t, you always give into the emotion, the energy…consciousness, that then get the “best” of one’s awareness, of a solution, of the ‘different way’. Why is that? Why do we do that? Why do we not stop and change? What is this relationship to emotional/feeling energy – that seems to always seek consequence, and never stand/stand up for solutions/a different way/a best way?

Is this then Why Human Nature/life on this Earth is at the moment Not BEST/ what is BEST for self and so for all – as we ALL, individually and collectively, even in the small in relationship to our own Minds – accept and allow consciousness/energy/emotion to get the BEST of ourselves, of our relationship to others, but instead create consequence? Is there any more “best” of ourselves left even within ourselves…seems not, to not even be able to consider a solution for all of humanity/this existence by standing up/standing together. How much “best of ourselves” do we have in a lifetime, until the mind gets ALL the best of ourselves and we become possessed by our own possessions/belongings as the MY emotions/feelings…

Time to wake up, learn what emotions and feelings in fact are, and what the difference is between REACTING in emotions and feelings, and LIVING SELF EXPRESSION as SELF AWARENESS in Physical Equality and Oneness…before Consciousness gets the best of you, then what becomes of us???

Talking ourselves into inner-conflict within our own Minds DAY 410


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Talking ourselves into inner-conflict within our own Minds DAY 410

We recently again opened up a few points in relation to Conflict, more specifically walking the ‘Conflict Character’. Now, to understand what I mean with ‘Character’ – to reference the blog-links HERE where we walked a ‘Character of the Mind/Consciousness’ in detail, and also explaining its components / what constitute its existence which we refer to as a ‘Character’s Dimensions’, which are specific Thoughts, Fears, Backchats, Imaginations, Reactions, Physical Behaviours. Within this, how a Character (and one can through this process outlined in the Blog – establish, for yourself, how many different Characters / Personalities you in fact access / live out / embody in relation to, especially for example people – where we exist in more of a “Reactive Relationship” to others within ourselves. In this process of identifying Characters of the Mind – one learn WHAT it is that in fact triggers reactions/inner conflict within oneself in relation to others, and will be astounded with the extent to which we react to ‘little things in others’, that in fact activate memories/past issues within ourselves and that our reactions weren’t really “personal towards the PERSON”, but what of them represented things in us – WE REACT to within ourselves.

So, there’s a lot that one can discover/learn about oneself through understanding the mind, being able to distinguish, for example, the dimensions of a character as thoughts, backchats, fears, imagination, reactions, physical behaviours and through this process, see the CONSEQUENCE we create in OUR OWN MIND and in relationship to others and how to CHANGE ourselves in moments and so change the moment IN REALITY, where things can go A LOT differently if we’d remain stable and direct moments/conversations/interactions to solutions, instead of reactions and mind games.
So, within the Conflict Character that we had walked – when we were walking/discussing in chats with a couple of other individuals, the starting point for most that opened up as to WHY we deliberately go into conflict with another, you know like REALLY react is the fear/reaction of “if I don’t win this argument/fight – they’re going to take something from me/may already have taken something from me – my point of view/my want and so therefore, I have to fight it out to win it/get it back”. Within this, we walked the Backchat Dimension – Backchat being the ‘voices in the head’ / ‘self talk’ that comes up in the Mind WHILE you’re ‘fighting’ with an individual in reality / having an argument / ‘heated argument’. Now, what’s interesting about the conversations we have in our Minds during the conflict/argument/fight – is that it always only seem to benefit how WE feel, how WE see the situation…more, in essence, how we WANT to see the other person, their words and behaviour and how we in fact add fuel to our OWN FIRE in our OWN MINDS. But, while/as we self-talk/backchat – it all seems to right, like “it is in fact so”, when it is only in fact so in the realm of our own Minds.

For example – one backchat towards the other person “they’re not hearing me” / “they’re too stupid to understand” / “they will never get it” / “shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” we shout in our Minds – not seeing, realising and understanding that: we’re in that process not defining THEM, but ‘recreating them in our own Minds and so the situation as well by how we speak to them/about them in the Secrets of our Minds”. And, one will find that – whatever backchat/internal conversations go on in the Mind, only FUEL one’s OWN reactions even more – we create our ‘own enemy in our own Minds’ and so we’re in fact creating an internal-battle that we then exert externally. So, obviously within this – how would the situation/moment/conversation then change with stopping participation in the thoughts, the backchats, the reactions and how it change ourselves and our behaviour? This is what we walk when taking-on Characters – understanding how we’re creating the conflict in our own Minds, with what we accept and allow to go in there during arguments/conflicts, and how with walking through a Character, learning how to change self in a moment to not go into emotional/mind possession: one in such moments learn how to remain stable, speak in a stable voice and direct the situation/point to a solution. Instead of ‘fighting an experience in YOUR OWN MIND’ you learn how to direct a moment in Reality within and as stability and into and as Solutions.

Suggest investigating Desteni, the Desteni I Process LITE especially where one learn to identify/understand the dimensions of Consciousness, our relationship to it and how one can in fact Change self within and as Conflict – internally and externally with understanding one’s own Mind.

The Mind: Saving Humanity from themselves (Part 2) DAY 409


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The Mind: Saving Humanity from themselves (Part 2) DAY 409

Continuing where we left-off in the previous interview – Envisioning, the following: what would happen if EVERY SINGLE THING you thought/imagined in the MOMENT/INSTANCE that you imagined/thought it – were to IMMEDIATELY manifest/materialize into and as Physical Reality??? We would IMMEDIATELY, in an instant SELF-DESTRUCT within and as this Physical Existence if this were to happen –WHY this is, we’re walking now in this interview:

So, many for example may now have imagined only “Good Things”, like “what would you imagine/think up if it would/were to manifest instantaneously into reality” – and most of it, serving only one’s ‘personal self-interest, wants, needs and desires’. But, this is NOT the context we’re looking at here – we’re looking here at, especially, your REAL, TRUE NATURE –THAT which comes up in your Mind so automatically, which you, yourself, do not in fact have control over/of. Meaning, that this point of ‘what you think/imagine manifesting into reality’ – that that moment would happen without human beings being prepared for it, that suddenly, unexpectedly – human’s REAL, especially those ‘secret thoughts/backchats/imaginations’ – ‘come to life’. Like, you have humans walking down streets – one seeing a woman, wondering what her body looks like without her clothes, and suddenly, she stands there completely naked and you standing right in front of her. You have a backchat in your mind about someone while smiling at them, when suddenly – what you said in your mind comes through into actual speech/word which the other hears. You imagine hitting and punching another human being cause they in a moment made you angry and the next moment, before you can blink – you’re busy hitting/punching them. You imagine having sex with a guy as you walk past him, and before you know it –there the two of you are having sex. You have human beings imagining having ALL the money in the world…not gonna work out, cause there is only SO MUCH money circulating the World System/Money System and if/as such humans would have all the Money in the World – there are only SO MANY reality/physical resources to utilize it with, and the REST of humanity is left with NOTHING, NO MONEY cause a few wanted it ALL. So, obviously – one can imagine…there’d be CHAOS within this Physical Existence if this were to happen, and so here and why – the Mind saves humanity from themselves. What you imagine/think up, then stays in the Mind and in fact only personally affect your own Nature, until it / if it / as it eventually manifest into the Physical / you Embody it.

So, what does determine when an imagination/thought/reaction become an embodiment that you live-out/act-out as what is happening to human being’s personal lives/relationships in their world/reality? This is when you ENERGIZE a thought-process/imagination/fantasy long-enough and with a specific intensity/frequency of participation, that eventually – the imagination/fantasy/thought, from the mind realm, resonate, layer and manifest into and as the physical realm, and in that process – you through the mind AS imagination/energy: manifest yourself into the physical/reality and so live it out. So, why do human beings not have an equal and one relationship/access to the REAL Physical, to/as the LIFE that is in fact here as physicality, as equality and oneness manifest: we’d fuck up this existence into oblivion if we’d be equal and one in the physical and live-out our minds and the true nature of our minds into/as reality. And so, here – the PURPOSE of the Mind, for us to SEE our TRUE NATURE, sort it out/change/direct it and LIVE in this physical real world that which will in fact contribute to/as life/living on earth. To Understand what this means, how to do so – what the Real Purpose of the Mind is, how to approach it and change one’s Living in/as Reality so that Illusion does not possess the potential of/as life/living – we suggest Investing in the Reptilian Interview Series available on EQAFE where this process/relationship of the Mind as a Mirror of Self is walked in Detail.

Thank you

The Mind: Saving Humanity from themselves (Part 1) DAY 408


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The Mind: Saving Humanity from themselves (Part 1) DAY 408

 Featured Artwork by Kelly Posey

What’s becoming evident within humanity is how Imagination, in some instances, is becoming a reality – for most part, consequentially. Meaning, where human’s mind imagine/fantasize sex scenes, become obsessed with it to the extent where it manifest as-themselves into Reality – to the consequence of another human being, which end-up as rape/physical abuse. Where a human’s mind imagine/fantasize revenge onto/towards someone/something else and then embody that imagination/fantasy and live it out – to the consequence of another human being, which end-up as violence/death/murder. Where a human’s mind become reactive/emotional to/towards someone and then embodies that reaction/emotion and yell/scream/shout – becoming the physical-embodiment of their mind’s reaction. Where a human’s mind become possessed with desire for relationship, and the feeling of love overwhelm/take-over – meeting another human that match the person’s love/desire/fantasy and then become the embodiment of their own projections in relation to love/sex/relationship and “live it out”.
Here, above having a look at how humans embody their own Mind’s imagination/fantasy and emotional/feeling reactions/experiences – becoming/embodying their own Illusions and just because it’s experienced and lived/acted out…”believed to be REAL”, but we first made it ‘real’ in our own Minds, and Illusion possessed Reality.

Then, we have a look at how far such Imaginations/Fantasies and/or emotional/feeling reactions/experiences have gone into and as actual physical creation/materialization, for example: from embodying violence through physical behaviour, “punching / hitting and/or through sexual / verbal abuse” – it evolved into the manifestation/materialization of “objects” – an “externalization of the human’s living nature/embodiment of imagination/emotions/feelings” through and as weapons, tools, hearts representing love, products representing love/sex/relationship – all such physical manifestations used to “act out” the Mind/Human’s imagination/emotions/feelings; all such things, also Illusion/Imagination that came to manifest/materialize into and as reality/the physical and all such things/creations – representing the “Creator”, our Nature. So, from what we looked at in the beginning – from the embodiment to the objectification: human’s cannot anymore distinguish reality from illusion, because reality had become illusion-manifest: how we materialized our Imagination and Reactions into physical-reality and so why/how there exist no “life”, no “equality and oneness” in and as ourselves/this physical existence as all that human beings are doing is attempting/trying to manifest/materialize their own individual imagination/illusion into and as a Reality, a PHYSICAL REALITY within and as which we’re in fact PHYSICALLY equal and one. In this, one can see the Problem we face: each individual MIND, wanting THEIR MIND to manifest/materialize into Physical Reality – obviously, we’re going to have conflict/separation/inequality/hierarchy – cause we were supposed to PHYSICALLY exist/live equal and one, but now everyone is competing to have only THEIR MIND take-over physical reality.

So, with understanding these two points – why/how is it that the Mind is what is in fact saving humanity from themselves? Imagine if EVERY SINGLE THING you though/imagined in the MOMENT/INSTANCE that you imagined/thought it – were to IMMEDIATELY manifest/materialize into and as Physical Reality??? We would IMMEDIATELY, in an instant SELF-DESTRUCT within and as this Physical Existence if this were to happen – and WHY this is, we’ll explain in the next interview.
