Archive for March 2013

Waking up from the Consciousness Dream world: DAY 335


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Waking up from the Consciousness Dream world: DAY 335

(Interview Post Transcription)

Self-Change without using Mind Energy - continued
What will it Take for Human Nature to Change? - continued
From Reactive Responses to Self RESPONSE(ability) - continued
The Fear of Failure and Desire for Success – continued

In this interview post, I am finalizing the relationship that we have accepted and allowed to our minds, our consciousness - in terms of automatically, without question, accepting and allowing the nature of thoughts, imaginations, backchats, emotions and feelings – and how all of that would come up in ourselves in one moment and then determine, define or manifest our behavior and living in our world and reality. By ‘finalizing’ I mean that: if one have a look at where we started, with this process of understanding how we actually perpetuate consequence in our minds or consciousness, with changing in energy polarities, from fear / failure / laziness – to desire and success, by doing that in the energy polarity of the negative and the positive: and the problem within accepting and allowing such a relationship to self within one’s consciousness or mind. So, in this post, we’re going to walk some final points, expanding more on the overall process that we have walked thus far.

As we’ve also mentioned in previous posts, the structure that we’re now going be walking our posts and interviews in is, problem, solution, reward:

Identifying the problem, taking self-response-ability, establishing that ability through writing, self-forgiveness, self-commitments to respond, as stand, as take-on, as direct this ‘self’ that we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be and become.

Within that, from the problem: take self-responsibility for the problem, which is the solution.

From the Problem to the Solution: what is the reward? What is the self-reward as the gift that one will give oneself as what one had walked within the self-for-gift-ness? The Self-forgiveness process is the preparation for the gifting of self back to self. Once one had walked writing, self-forgiveness, commitments and then into the practical living - that IS the reward that self will be, become and live as the living example of/as one’s Self-Change.

So, within these posts and interview posts thus far, we have now essentially looked at the problem and a bit of the solution, in terms of how to change the relationship equation from participation/observation to definition/connection, then reaction and the controlled behavior and living – changing the equation to looking/investigating, then redefinition/re-connotation, then expression and then living change, with the process of writing, self-forgiveness, commitments and practical application within that.

Now - the reward within this all: one will be able to see, realize and understand for oneself in terms of how one will finally realize in relationship to one’s mind, the thoughts that come up that are especially of a personal nature and within that, negative in context: that one do not automatically, without question, have to accept and allow them. That one make a decision, a commitment and a stand to be the directive principle as who one is going to decide to be, within oneself – in thought, word and deed; and that is quite liberating. In terms of the extent of consequence and burdening and experiences that we can accumulate within ourselves towards ourselves just by accepting and allowing ourselves to listen to what comes up without question, without realizing: “but I can decide who I am, in this moment”, this realization, this decision and making a change within the principle of equality and oneness as what’s best for all, to no more accept/allow oneself to burden oneself with one’s own mind, but direct, change and stand – is quite self-liberating.

So, I would like to in this interview post, walk some more self-forgiveness and commitments to assist and support with gaining more clarity, understanding and perspective in relation to our current awareness relationship within our consciousness and really open up more considerations with regards to what it is that we’re accepting and allowing in our relationship to the mind at this stage. Alright - so here we go:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to automatically, without question, simply accept and allow thoughts consisting of/existing as a specific nature, content and context, to enter into my space, into my world, into my ME that exist and live within myself as my physical body.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that my inner world is ALL ME, it is ME myself that is substantiating what is existing within my mind and so my physical body - that I had never questioned: “But why am I accepting and allowing these types of thoughts and their content and their energy experiences to enter into my ME, my space, my beingness, my mind, my body? Why am I deliberately essentially polluting myself, my ‘who I am’, my substance, my experience, my expression – deliberately, with thoughts, with backchat, with imagination, with emotions and feelings – that are having such consequential effects on my life, my expression, my living?”

I commit myself to assist and support myself to – from this moment, investigate and become more aware and introspective of what it is that I’m accepting and allowing to enter into my mind, into my ME, into my environment, my space that is existent within and as this physical body.

In this – I commit myself to assist and support myself to see, realize and understand that how consciousness operate and function in relation to opposite polarities as the positive and the negative, that simply discarding the negative and only wanting to keep the positive is still accepting and allowing energy in itself to exist. And for energy to exist, it require friction between the positive and the negative to exist, so therefore: I will within only accepting the positive, be inadvertently accepting the negative and I will constantly and continuously be in this energy battle within myself in positive and negative. Always having to be entertained within my mind to keep on stimulating energy experiences and all the while: missing ME, my living, my environment, as my actual physical body, right here as the living breath, all the living organisms that I have not yet developed an equal one relationship with and consideration and regard for. Because I’m too busy, in my mind, generating for me, experiences of energy, either in the positive or the negative, constantly and continuously battling in between them, over and over and over again – missing ME, missing life, missing the living breath, right here.

I forgive myself that I haven’t ever accepted and allowed myself to, REALLY for a moment STOP and realize that what comes up within me in my mind, my ME, my environment, my physical body: I am the directive principle of - meaning that, there is most certainly, most definitely not another human being within me, there is not another being occupying this physical body. Therefore, that I had never accepted or allowed myself to, really have a look at the power, the ability that I have within this relationship, to ME, in terms of what I accept and allow to exist within me, as me and what not. That it was like, I was in this constant, continuous slumber or sleep, within me – you know, registering what’s going on within myself, but not realizing that I have the ability to change it.

And it’s actually exactly the same, now that I look at it, in terms of what happens in dreams. In dreams, we register that it’s happening, but we don’t realize that we can actually wake up in our dreams and direct them and change them. And so within this: I commit myself to assist and support myself to wake up within my relationship to myself, in what I accept and allow to exist within my ME, my mind, my environment, my physical body – to start registering, start realizing what it is that I’m accepting and allowing within and as it. Primarily seeing, realizing and understanding that the energy polarities of the positive and negative are most certainly not the solution. I decide to be here, to live here, to ground myself, to stabilize myself within my physical body, to explore and discover and find out what it means to express me, to live me, to know who I am in every moment of breath.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to develop my awareness, my SELF, my ME – to no more accept and allow my pre-programmed consciousness that has taken over my self-responsibility of who I am within my awareness, to no longer accept and allow my pre-programmed consciousness to direct me for me, in energy – that I’ve only consequentially separated me from my SELF, my physical, my HERE.

And therefore I commit myself to move myself, from reactive responses that was my existence in energy when I was existing in emotion and feeling reactions of the positive and the negative, because – even to keep generating that positive and negative energy, I had to keep on reacting to my thoughts, my backchat, my imaginations. So therefore I’ve always only been stimulated by reactive responses, and therefore I now commit myself to take that stand, to be the directive principle of me, of who I am, be self-responsible, the ability to respond, to direct, to change – the self, the ME, the environment and everything that I’ve accepted and allowed within and as it, both the good and the bad. To not exist within reactive responses and being stimulated by energy, but that I KNOW that when I make a decision of WHO I AM, that I have looked at the reality context, everything and everyone else involved, that I have considered a solution as what is best for all and so best for me, that I no more just blindly accept and allow energy experiences and my reactive responses to my own mind, to my own ME’s that come up within me - to determine, direct and control WHO I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, for so long be aware and that I’ve registered what was going on within me, in relation to my awareness, I mean, I was aware of what was going on within my ME, myself, my mind, my physical. But, that I had never initiated that process of actually changing it, directing it, investigating it, understanding it, taking responsibility for it – and so I forgive me for, for so long disregarding my ME, my awareness, my ‘who I am’. And so, forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for so long to not consider or regard or honor myself, my physical, my awareness, my directive principle and the power I have to decide WHO I AM in a moment.

To commit myself to align that to the principle of life, of equality and oneness, as what is best for all, equal to and one with the measure that the physical body use: it always functions in what is best for itself and what is best for the entire physical, I mean the physical body wouldn’t be able to exist if all its parts did not exist in its full capacity and its absolute responsibility to its relationship with the rest of the physical.

Alright – so this rounds off this relationship of awareness and how we are in the process of establishing that awareness in relationship to the mind and consciousness and within that, that it is going to be a process to develop that awareness. Because we haven’t as of yet really in fact lived it, nurtured it and harnessed it.

Alright – so here then more expansion on the solution and the reward, you know, being that point of you actually knowing who you are in the moment, that you know that you’re not being determined and controlled by only reactive responses.

Thank you very much.

From Reactive Responses to Self RESPONSE(ability) (Part Three): DAY 334


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From Reactive Responses to Self RESPONSE(ability) – (Part Three): DAY 334

(Interview Post Transcription)

Self-Change without using Mind Energy - continued
What will it Take for Human Nature to Change? - continued
From Reactive Responses to Self RESPONSE(ability) - continued
The Fear of Failure and Desire for Success – continued

In this interview post, before we continue with the mind-spirit/being and physical body trinity, I would like to expand on a point that we mentioned in a heading within one of our previous posts that we haven't yet expanded on, which is: from reactive responses to self-response-ability. This is also existent within the context of the equation that we have walked of how our awareness is currently automatically enslaved or existent as a servant or follower of the mind within the equation of participation/observation, then definition/connotation, then reaction. How then from there, from the emotional and feeling response as reaction, as definition, as participation in relationship to what automatically comes up in our mind: it moves us into controlled change. Controlled change, meaning that: consciousness or the mind, or whatever comes up within it - is what controls our change.

Within this as well, that point existent, where, with developing our awareness, we're moving to self-directive change, change within real self-awareness, rather than the controlled change that we exist as now, in how we change from characters or personalities through that relationship equation into a constant continuous positive and negative balancing of polarities. So here I'd like to expand on that reactive responses to self-response-ability. Responsibility being the ability to respondNow, responding is not a reaction, a responding - within responding to something or someone - it's a clear directive stand or statement that one make of who I am. Notice a response is a showing, is an expression of who I am, therefore the ability to respond is standing within and showing who I am in a moment in relation to something or someone.

So, to have responsibility, to have self-response-ability we first have to get to know, obviously, what that SELF is. What is the ABILITY to RESPOND? And here we're getting to how self-responsibility is a process that we will also become or that will also emerge through walking the process of changing the equation from participation/observation to definition/connection, then to reaction and so to controlled change, where we move to: looking/investigating, to redefinition/re-connotation, to expression, and then to LIVING or to SELF-DIRECTIVE CHANGE.

Now, as we've said within previous interviews, what we first have to establish is - what is SELF, because with self-responsibility self is first, but to be able to be self-responsible, we have to understand what this self is first, you know it doesn't read 'responsibility-self' - if it was 'responsibility-self', then we'd first understand what is ‘responsibility’ and then ‘self’.

So, first and foremost the phases or processes that one is going to be walking are first taking response-ability for the self that one has become as the mind. The self, in terms of all the characters and personalities that currently constitute the ‘who I am’ in relationship to the mind, because that is what your ‘Self’ currently is. And to be able to change that self that we are - I mean more like all the selves, as the characters and personalities that has become as ‘the self as the mind’: to be able to change that, we first have to understand how we created it in the first place, how we exist as it, how we live it, how is it affecting, determining or influencing our living and behavior. That is how one then walk through what we had done in the previous posts like using the lazy/failure character, the writing, the self-forgiveness, the commitments, then the commitments being the changed self, through a decision, through a commitment, through a stand. And that changed self is what you live in physical practical reality.

So here, self-responsibility is quite awesome in the sense that: if we again look at respons(E)-ability, the ability to respond - Now we have to get to that ability, what is that ability? How do I get or have or obtain that ability to respond, to stand, to direct, to show ‘who I am’ in relation to this self or all the selves as the characters or personalities that I have become in relationship to the mind?
So, self-responsibility will assist and support self in one’s process of walking through the characters and personalities, to not react to them, because again: respons(E)-ability, the ability to respond - there is no reaction in it, it is an ability that I have to respond to stand, to show, to look, to investigate, to see ‘who I am’ as the self that I have become as the mind. So, that ability is what one then slowly but surely harness through your writing, your self-forgiveness, and your commitments, because as we have already proven that: through writing, self-forgiveness and commitments - there are no reactions involved. You are walking your self-forgiveness, your writing, understanding how it is that one had created this ‘self’ or these selves as characters or personalities, and within that: one have then the commitments and when one get to the commitments, that is then that response that one have, and one stand as, in relationship to the self as the character or personality. One’s response / ability to respond is then the change that one had established within the commitment statements, that is your existent ability to respond, that self, that you have established, that re-stated, that re-committed ‘who I am’ in relationship to a character or personality.

So therefore, self-responsibility, just within that word opens up quite a multi-dimensional process, for one to consider, and the most important thing within self respons(E)-ability is that there is no reaction, you do not react to yourself, it’s not self-reaction, it’s self-responsibility, the ability to respond to self, and the self that one is existing as is character and personalities.

So, this is a very cool equation to consider, and just to expand on the heading within one of the previous posts, in where all that we’ve done within our relationship to the mind is react, having pre-programmed reactive responses to our own thoughts, memories, emotions/feelings, imaginations, other people that we accept and allow to come up in our minds, you know, images/pictures and things like that…it’s always just been reacting, reacting, reacting, reacting, and then from that reaction going into polarity energies, from polarity energies activating other characters and personalities, and they charge up a certain energy, and then they again in turn activate other characters and personalities, and then from there we jump again, and oh my god! – as how our existence has been within the mind, absolute madness and mayhem.

So, from reactive responses to self respons(E)-ability one now stand in that process of writing, self-forgiveness, and commitments, to establish that ability, that change of/as ‘who I am’, to be able to respond as direct, as change the self as all the characters and personalities that one have accepted and allowed to become, and so self-responsibility becomes a key to actual real self-change.

To realize, for those that has already been walking writing, self-forgiveness and commitments and actually already established this self respons(E)-ability, and how your process will eventually expand when your ‘self’ expands, in terms of:

First it becomes self-responsibility for the self that we’ve become as all the characters and personalities.

Then, one’s process evolve into standing equal and one with the physical, then it’s the physical self and the respons(E)-ability, the ability to respond to your physical as yourself as directing, changing and moving actual physical dimensions.
Then the process emerge more with the self then expanding to humanity and this physical existence, and then the ability to respond to self as humanity as this physical existence and what that would mean, in terms of the ability to respond to the self to take responsibility, to direct, to change, to move into and as the living principle that we stand as, as what is best for all.

Thank you very much.

Self Change through Self Movement (Part Two): DAY 333


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Self Change through Self Movement (Part Two): DAY 333

(Interview Post Transcription)

Self-Change without using Mind Energy - continued
What will it Take for Human Nature to Change? - continued
From Reactive Responses to Self RESPONSE(ability) - continued
The Fear of Failure and Desire for Success – continued

In this interview post, we are going to continue having a look at self movement and the practicality of self movement in relationship to our mind, our ‘self’, our physical bodies. We will in the next interview post continue with the mind-spirit/being-body trinity and the relationship of karma and reincarnation and how it really existed within and between the heaven/earth relationship. As well as the consequences it all created in relationship to the soul and within that - the solution for karma and reincarnation as it now exists in how heaven changed after the opening of the portal. But, as a conclusion to what we have walked in relation to the failure and success, or lazy and discipline character / personality: we’re going to touch on the point of self movement more. This is also then for preparation where, once we had walked the mind-spirit/being-physical body trinity relationship: to continue more with understanding awareness and essentially what awareness really in fact is within the context of equality and oneness, responsibility, and facing consequence. Expanding on how awareness had more become spiritualized within a ‘consciousness awareness’ than actual real self awareness.

This is where this point of ‘self’ comes in again, in terms of - how we have shown with the posts that we have walked within and throughout this process of ‘changing energy polarities from fear to desire’: how our awareness that is our ‘self’, our ‘beingness’ has been existing in a relationship to consciousness as participation/observation, then connection/definition, then reaction. That from there determines, affects, or influences our living and behavior. That, that awareness, that ‘self’ is what is not being developed or enhanced in anyway whatsoever. That ‘self’, that ‘awareness’, at the moment, is in an enslaved relationship to consciousness and consciousness is essentially all of that as how the mind moves, like for example, the thoughts, backchats, imaginations, emotion and feeling reactions - everything we participate in within our mind that generate and produce an energy experience, that from the energy experience moves us. So therefore, that is not self movement, that’s mind movement, that’s energy movement, that’s consciousness moving.

The primary point to understand within these interview posts and posts that we have walked within this blog is that: one cannot exist in self movement if one does not yet know who or what that self really in fact is. Because, we have always believed (and as we have explained automatically believed), followed and served whatever it is that comes up in our minds. The thought comes, we participate in it, define ourselves as it, and in that definition become it, then react and experience ourselves in relation to the energy charge of that thought and from there - we materialize that thought, as ourselves, into physical reality and become whatever it is that came up in the mind, without question. So, we illustrated, quite practically, in the previous interview post, how to assist and support oneself to establish one’s self, one’s awareness - that point that can change one’s relationship to what comes up in the mind. Where we established that: the equation to walk is investigate, looking/introspecting, then re-definition/re-connotation in terms of re-establishing, re-stating ‘who one is’ in relationship to oneself and a moment. Then comes the living of that as one’s self expression and there one change as a self movement, based on a decision, as a commitment, as a stand that one had made in the preparation process of writing, self forgiveness, self commitments into practical living.

So, with continuing walking such a process in terms of practicing, investigating such domino effects that fall within your mind, where a thought comes up, then you backchat about it, then you imagine or project to the future or into the past, then memories come up and then emotion and feelings – so, what you do to ensure you don’t attempt or try and change in shifting into a polarity, (which is just going to create another character or personality with new dynamics between thoughts, memories, backchats, emotions and feelings. And, as we have explained – you’re constantly and continuously going to shift between the polarities, a slave to energy balancing itself out in your mind over and over and over again). So, to ensure you don’t go into polarity-shifting: the writing, self forgiveness, commitments, and practical application assist and support with ensuring that one establish a self movement, a self change, a self directive principle where one apply change into physical reality and not be dependent on your mind to generate energy for you to propel you or motivate you into change.

Here we get to the stand of self movement: what we found assist and support with self movement is breath. I mean breath is a representation of a self movement, actually the entire physical body is a representation of self movement. In the sense that: if one have a look at the physical body - yes, one do get real physical energy in terms of what the physical body produce, however, if one have a look at all of the physical body from the great to the small - it doesn’t have thought processes, backchats, imaginations or emotions and feelings that propel or motivate its existence. It is what it is as it is in its full measure and expression. It moves according to what it is, how it is, and in that lives! But, us human beings, do not in fact do that. If we would, as we exist now, transform into becoming part of a physical body: we would create or cause havoc and mayhem in the entire physical body. Because, we would kind of like be standing there as a physical part of the physical body, like a cell, not move, just be there, and be in an alternate dimension as a consciousness having thoughts, backchats, emotions and feelings, memories - all those types of things. And kind of then generate energy and then realize, “oh, but wait, maybe I should be moving”, and then going into an opposite polarity, first create more energies, and then from there eventually generate enough energy to then only move.

So, within this is quite a practical example in terms of our separation from the physical body, from actual physical living as a self, as an awareness, as a movement and the extent to which we have become dependent on the mind’s processes or consciousness, through energy experiences, to move us or to motivate us into movement. So, this would be quite a cool practical reference to keep with oneself if one find that: whenever one take oneself into a negative polarity and then try and talk oneself into a positive polarity, to remember – but, already in this process you are waiting to move. You are first generating the energetic motivation to move and already by that time, you would have already compromised the entire physical body because of that waiting to move.

So, to have a look at where within one’s world and one’s reality, one is using this polarity dynamic between the negative and the positive: Have a look at where any other characters / personalities in the negative exist, such as laziness, postponement, failure, being unmotivated (one can identify various characters / personalities as parts of oneself if one have a look at ones relationship to one’s world and reality) or simple things like, not wanting to get up in the mornings, one’s relationship to one’s job / profession / work, boredom, being boring etc. So, one can make a list, and if one require assistance and support with identifying such personalities / characters, one can join the Desteni forums and we’ll assist and support with how to outline, practically walk through and identify a character or a personality. From there assisting and supporting oneself in walking the relationship equation of investigation/introspection, redefinition/re-connotation and then into expression that from there is one’s living in this practical physical world and reality, to assist and support oneself in practicing establishing that self, that awareness, that makes the decision of ‘who I am’ in a moment. From there practice that process of a self movement, from the commitment statements that one walk, into practical living application. Because, this process of establishing that self, establishing that awareness, is going to be just that: a process. We didn’t become our consciousness and our relationship to it as it exists now in an instant, we practiced it in, we lived it constantly and continuously, repetitively, that it became the main patent equation of who we are as consciousness.

Therefore, to start this process in insuring that no one do not jump the polarities from the negative to the positive: get all the negative characters or personalities within one’s mind, that’s influencing oneself one’s living, one’s relationships in one’s world and reality - and start walking them through, one by one, in terms of the writing, the self forgiveness, the commitments, and the practical corrective application. Also, what we have found is that, many, when it gets to the practical corrective application - that there is resistance. What comes up in the mind is “Me?...Move?...Myself?... NO!!! I can’t do this! There is too much resistance and I feel so uncomfortable!” Then the backchat comes up and the resistance of actually having to move self because, it’s been exceptionally convenient to move oneself or be moved by energy. Likening it to being taken down a river on a boat and that river has taken you to all sort of directions, and now you’ve got the oars and you’ve got to really do this yourself.

So, have a look at that relationship in a sense that - we have more created this illusion of movement in our mind, where we believe that we were on this boat and the river was just taking us into all sorts of directions, but really, in fact: we were sleeping on this boat. We hadn’t ever in fact moved physically, practically, anywhere with/as our own Awareness/Self in/as directive Principle. We had done all of this apparent movement in the mind, into alternate dimensions, or directions, or experiences and that was the only principle of consciousness: to direct, motivate and move us into different energy experiences, and then we would accordingly in our physical world and reality, we would deliberately establish our relationship to other human beings or environments or situations, in such a way - just to move in between energy polarities, in our minds.

So, again - you’re going to find it fascinating, the change in your relationships, in your movements, in your world and reality, when you move yourself within your Self or Awareness directive principle, because then: your movement and your relationships, and the directions you take will not be to initiate or charge or react deliberately within yourself, or you mind, to generate emotions and feelings. It will be because of practicality, assisting and supporting yourself, your development, your growth, your “who you are”.

So within this, to then have a look: it’s going to be like you were on this boat, you were actually sleeping, but didn’t realize that you were and you were still on that same spot on that river. (This referencing our relationship of our Awareness/Self to the Mind – we have never moved as our SELF, our AWARENESS, we have always only accepted and allowed ENERGY/Consciousness to move us/motivate us into movement through ENERGY). You haven’t actually in fact, practically, physically ever moved. Only in your imaginations you were kind of drifting in all sorts of directions, down the river and the water was taking you (which is kind of that experience that energy creates) and now you’re kind of waking up and you are realizing “oh my god, I haven’t moved practically, physically”, and you still see the oars on the boat, everything is absolutely still… so you kind of have to start moving! Obviously, in that moving you’re going to feel like you become tired quickly, or your muscles aren’t developed to be able to physically move yourself in a particular direction down the river and it’s also going to feel like you don’t know where to go. Because, the mind created also that illusion, of it knowing exactly where it’s going, what direction it’s taking you into - because consciousness is multi-dimensionally already blueprinted, mapped out, structured and systematized, within the conscious, subconscious and unconscious, quantum mind, quantum physical and physical body. With its primary purpose to balance itself within and between the energies of positive, negative and neutral, so that created the illusion of consciousness already knowing direction.

Within this, it’s going to be the same in your process of facing self movement. It’s going to be that resistance, that feeling of tiredness, that “I don’t know what to do, where to go or how to write”, because it’s the first time that you are really doing this.

So within this, prepare yourself for resistance, simply understanding that:, you’ve kind of been uploaded in you consciousness into a programed illusion of movement, and you now have to make a decision to move, and to do it. Your consciousness or your characters and personalities are not going to be very happy about that, because your awareness was always just kind of in the background, ‘where it was supposed to be’, just following, just accepting, just allowing, just believing, just kind of standing back, saying to consciousness “just bring it, come what may, I’m here, I don’t care, you take responsibility, just throw anything and everything at me, I’m here, I can take it” – that was kind of like, our awareness or self relationship to the mind, to consciousness. So within this, one wants to assist and support oneself to start standing up, saying: “No, I’m not accepting and allowing this relationship, I am here to take responsibility for me, myself, my awareness, and what I accept and allow within myself and my living“.

So, you start standing up from that laying down position in that boat, you take those oars as your writing your, self forgiveness, your commitments and your practical application and then you start rowing as your practical application movement. There’s going to be a bit of resistance and tiredness, because you haven’t done this before, but you know that if you do not move: you’re never going to get anywhere within your physical environment, your world, your reality, yourself - Staying in that exact same place within your Mind-Self relationship. There’s also going to be the unknown, not knowing where to start, how to start, what to do, but we have the practical assistance and support in the Desteni forums, and the seven years journey to life. So it’s time to wake up, wake up, wake up… you haven’t really moved your boat yet down the river into the direction, exploring life. Time to stand up, take those oars, move through the resistance and the tiredness, that you’ll experience or may experience, and start practicing practically moving you.

We will in more interview-posts to come have a look at more characters and personalities and the similar practical examples that we have walked thus far. Within this give one some structure as a reference to utilize for one’s own process, so we’ll use examples as of where such polarities happen, when you go from a negative and then to a positive, and then energy battle in your mind and yourself. Never realizing that your awareness, your ‘self’, is trapped within it all and not really in fact living. Within this, walking the practical equation of looking/investigating, redefinition/connection, expression, and then to actual self living,

This is then the conclusion in relation to self movement, and we will in the next interview-post, continue with the mind, spirit/being and physical body trinity. From there we will more and more continue with some practical application examples of establishing the self, establishing the awareness, the movement, the expression, and then the living. To finally within this, see, realize and understand, that one was always aware of one’s mind and what was going on within it, it’s just that you didn’t realize that you were aware, and that in that awareness: you can change.

Thank you very much.

Self Change through Self Movement: DAY 332


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Self Change through Self Movement: DAY 332

This Post is available on Video for listening at our YouTube Channel HERE

(Interview Post Transcription)

Self-Change without using Mind Energy - continued
What will it Take for Human Nature to Change? - continued
From Reactive Responses to Self RESPONSE(ability) - continued
The Fear of Failure and Desire for Success – continued

In this interview post, we are continuing with the process of having a look at Self Change without using mind energy. The processes involved within this - we have already outlined within the previous post in walking the processes or application tools of writing, self forgiveness and self commitments, which will then prepare the way before self into practical living application.

Let’s walk through all of this more specifically, in terms of showing how it is that one change without using mind energy. Mind energy, meaning: emotions and feelings. And the most important point within this process is our awareness.

What we have explained in previous posts is: how our awareness, our self relationship to the mind, at the moment exists within the context of acceptance, allowance and automatic following. So, where we had a walk through within the failure or lazy character, where a thought comes up of, “I am useless” and immediately in that moment, simply because one’s self or awareness is defined in relationship to such a thought that comes up, where we get to the relationship-equation of participation and observation:

So we participate as well as observe the thought coming up of “I am useless” then, the connection or definition, which means that in that participation and observation we thus have connected or defined who we are in relationship to such a thought and then, the reaction where we experience the emotion of uselessness that then from there, lead us into, in our physical living and behaviour, actually manifesting ourselves into uselessness.

So, where we had explained in and through writing and self forgiveness and self commitments, what one do is: take SELF responsibility, responsibility for the SELF that one had accepted and allowed oneself to be and become as this lazy or failure character. That responsibility of this ‘self’ is understanding how it exist, meaning “how did I except and allow myself to automatically follow and become and exist as this lazy or failure character?” Then one walk the process of looking and investigating, through writing self forgiveness, then the redefinition and re-connotation - meaning, one in the commitment statements re-establish, re-state and stand within “who am I deciding to be”, and from that decision in the commitments: one then go into practical living application.

So, as we also illustrated in the previous post is that: within this whole process - one do not fall into the energy dynamics of going into reacting to fear with and toward one’s lazy or failure character, and then from that fear reaction, creating either a neutral or positive relationship to your lazy or failure character where you justify, excuse or validate it. Or where the fear is so intense that it then goes to the opposite polarity of fear as desire and then in that desire energy, create the success or discipline character through substantiating new thoughts, backchat, imaginations or projections. In this, using the same platform, which is the mind, which is energy, which created the problem as the lazy or failure character in the first place - to then from the problem try and create a solution, which within this problem-solution relationship create a constant-continuous polarity of energy between fear and desire and so will always remain dependent on the mind.

Dependent on the Mind to constantly, continuously have thoughts, backchats, imaginations, projections, charged with particular desire energies and continuously, think, backchat, imagine yourself into success and discipline. Generating enough energy of desire, charge yourself up and then having enough energy charge to a kind of remain disciplined for a certain amount of time.

Then the energy starts dissipating again, and the failure/lazy character comes up again with, “I am useless”, “this is not working out”, “I am not going to make it” - then fear comes again and when enough fear accumulates, the desire polarity comes and the Mind comes-in “NO I am disciplined. I am going to do this” and then fuel the imagination, projecting into the future saying “I have to do this, I have to remain disciplined, I cannot be lazy” - and so (again) recharge yourself with enough energy, enough to sustain a certain amount of time to remain disciplined or successful. And this whole process happens over and over and over again, between Fear and Desire. So you are constantly-continuously in your mind, essentially re-charging yourself with enough energy to remain disciplined and move yourself into the process of success.

So, what we are showing with writing and self forgiveness, the commitments and the corrective application is that: one short circuit that whole process and one instead of going through that exhausting inner conflict to charge up enough desire energy (as a reaction to the fear of the lazy or failure character) so, one stop that whole inner conflict process of see sawing between the polarities and instead: stand within self movement.

This is what we are going to be having a look at: what is self movement? This self movement is what makes the difference of self change without using mind energy. Because See, if one have a look at how we exist in the polarity between fear and desire, it’s energy, it’s the polarities, the balancing of the energies that initiated or propelled us into movement, into change from within the mind. So, in the process of writing, self forgiveness, commitment statements and then your corrective application in reality: here, you are going to move self, move within the starting point of awareness, where your movement is based on a decision, a statement, a commitment of yourself that you practically physically live.

Let’s walk through this, slowly but surely, to see how this works.

First and foremost – it is to not go into that energy polarity between fear of failure or laziness that then accumulate enough from the negative to then transfer into the positive as desire. We are not saying within this that “you are not going to become disciplined or successful” - You are going to change in becoming disciplined / successful, but it is going to be done within a starting point of a decision and a commitment. And from that decision / commitment, a self movement emerge in how you are going to change yourself to practical application; not with energy, but within an awareness, with self as a starting point, with a decision as a starting point - and from that self awareness, as decision, as a starting point: one will move self and not be moved or be dependent on energy to be able to move or to change.

Alright, so let’s get into this process where we looked at for example, you had the failure or lazy character/ personality and how to first take self responsibility, as understanding how it is that one created that failure or lazy character and understanding it through walking the equation of looking and investigating and then to redefinition of ‘who I am’ – that redefinition one do in the commitment statements. In terms of how are you going to change yourself in and through making a decision to change within yourself, and how can you practically live that change that you decided within your commitments - without using or going into the opposite polarity of desire.

This is where it is important to make your commitment statements as practical, simple and direct as possible. Like for example, one had in your writing and your self forgiveness: investigated the thought or the backchat that comes up with an energy experience of “I am useless”, how you automatically followed that thought and in the following - defined yourself as it and believe it to be ‘you’, then reacted in it and as it in an energy of uselessness, which then took you into a behaviour and experience of being ‘useless’. And through that possession, it’s like everything in your world/reality had like this ‘uselessness air’ to it. Within this you realised, right: now you understand, you have taken SELF responsibility, you understand your relationship to that thought - because you investigated it, you know see how it moves, how it works, how it function/operate within you.

Now one come to the commitment statements and ask yourself the question: “How am I going to change in relationship to this thought that will be practical, direct, simple and to the point - where I can move myself in a decision of ‘who I am’ in that moment without using energy?” Right, so you then make a commitment – something practical for example, “I commit myself to assist and support myself to: when and as the thought “I am useless” comes up or manifest within me, to immediately in that moment take a breath, as I remind myself that I am here, that in this ‘here’ - I can decide with myself, my awareness that is here as me in this moment, ‘who I am’. I therefore commit myself to in that moment, make a decision of “who I am”, that will practically assist and support me in my life and my living in the moment. In this, I commit myself to assist and support me to decide in that moment, that I will not accept and allow this thought of “I am useless”, that I will in that moment investigate the task before me and see how I can fine-tune it, specify it, make it more practical - so that what I produce and create within this task is a reflection of my utmost potential.”
See, here - if one have a look at this: no energy is involved. I mean, you are not going form a positive to a negative energy – from a negative to a positive energy. You are investigating that thought; you have essentially now established yourself, your awareness, in relationship to the thought through writing and self forgiveness. Realising, “oh my god, I was actually deciding to exist as that thought that was coming up” and “oh my god, I can change my relationship to it!”

So, you know, it’s pretty cool that example given – because you look at that thought in common sense, in the sense that: you realise that, that thought (“I’m useless”) and that relationship, definition, connotation is not serving you or your practical living in this world/reality, but was sabotaging and compromising you. So therefore, you take a breath, you take a step back, yourself and your awareness observing, looking at and investigating your relationship to this thought - and now within that stance, with seeing what you have accepted and allowed in that relationship and that you can change the relationship: you now change your relationship to ‘who you are’, your decision, your stand of ‘who you are’ through your commitment statements. And, as I have spoken in the voice, in my words - there was no energy, it’s a statement, a statement of ‘who I am’, a very clear, direct, stable, you know “I am not going to accept and allow myself to define myself, or connect myself as that thought of “I am useless”. I commit myself to re-establish my relationship to the task at hand and actually see where I can fine tune it, specify it, expand on it – you know, have it reflect my utmost potential, rather than simply just accepting and allowing my relationship to it as being “I am useless”.

So, it’s really quite awesome this process – regarding, how much potential you will see exists in a moment if you allow yourself to stand ‘beyond your thoughts’. For example, with accepting that one thought of “I am useless” – it kind of creates a possession, and then everything seems to be/becomes useless. But, if you step back, have a look at your relationship to that thought and go “wait a minute, what am I accepting and allowing here?” and “I don’t want to accept and allow this anymore, I’m going to Change this” - it’s like a whole new world opens up beyond that thought and you see much more in what you can do in a moment, and change in a moment to assist and support yourself.

So, here is a simple example of how, through writing, self forgiveness and commitments - you prepare a process of practical application. So, taking the commitments that we have walked and encapsulating them into a practical application would be then, to: whenever that thought comes up and you are in front of a task, you apply that – you take that breath, say “NO, I do not accept and allow who I am as this thought. I commit myself to move myself, look at this task, this project and specify, expand on it and have it be a reflection of my utmost potential” - and you actually just DO IT. No energy, just a simple decision, a simple physical movement and you get it done.

Now, obviously, there might be resistance coming up in this process of change, because we have defined our awareness, ourselves, to the mind to such an extent that: it will become like, it will feel like we are kind of moving ‘against ourselves’ or that ‘part of ourselves’ that became the lazy/ failure character. But we will in interview posts to come expand on resistance as well.
For the moment - this is the important point to see, in how you’re in this process of Self-Movement: you are not shifting, you’re not creating another me or character in energy, you are not using energy. You’re using your self awareness, your stability, your here, your decision, your power of the decision that you can make as ‘who you are’ in relationship to what comes up in the mind. To actually change you in your physical practical application, in what you do in relationship to your world and your reality.

Alright, so here we also suggest, for those that can see with us as we are writing and speaking - to investigate Desteni, the seven year journey to life processes that are being walked – and, if one have any questions regarding this practical application process, to visit the Desteni forums, to ask, to read the journey to life blogs that are being walked. There are lots of examples one can draw from to assist and support with the practical processes of writing, self forgiveness and self commitments.

From here, we are going to continue more on how we will then develop our self, our awareness, our stand and directive principle in ‘who we are’ in relationship to our mind, our physical and our life and living. To no more exist as that automated equation, but to re-establish our process in terms of - where we have also explained: that change that you make within the decision in that moment - becomes your expression, it’s your self-expression. So, one then don’t change through reactions, through polarities in the mind only, that you have to continuously participate in to charge the energies and balance the energies. Instead you take self responsibility for the self you have become, you understand it, you write it out and then ask that question “how can I change who I am, the decision of who I am in a moment and live it?” And that living becomes your expression, and expression isn’t a energy - it is your living act of who you are in a moment, that is expressed within physical reality

Thank you very much
