Freedom is not Free Stuff that Stuffs up the World.
Freedom through Preventing Consequence with Equal Money Capitalism
Important Self Education about Reality and Freedom
The Power Principle
The Trap
Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century
The Century of the Self: Part 1- Happiness Machines
Freedom through Preventing Consequence with Equal Money Capitalism
Important Self Education about Reality and Freedom
The Power Principle
The Trap
Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century
The Century of the Self: Part 1- Happiness Machines
– continued
In this Post, we’re now going to have a look at the
Different between Survival Management and Life Regulation – essentially, Morality
vs. actual Life/Living Skills Education. Now, the root of this Problem is
existent within the Education of both Parents and Children. Parents from the
perspective of actually not understanding how the Quantum Physical, the
Mind-Physical relationship evolve/develop that will produce the Child’s
thinking patterns, emotional/feeling bodies/reactions, internal
conversation/self talk, their definitions and experiences within words and so
eventually even their view of themselves, their relationship to their Physical
Body and so their living in this World/Reality. This because Parents themselves
do not even Understand the
multi-dimensional Mind-Physical processes that was involved from Birth, to
manifest EVERYTHING of/as ‘who, how, what’ self is within the Mind and one’s
living and relationships within and as this.
So, Morality – more than anything else, has been more a way
of ‘Managing’ the Mind and Behaviour, while the child is primarily prepared for
Survival in this world/reality in their relationship to Money. Therefore, as we
have explained as well, ‘Following’ Morals does not determine your Nature
and/or the Totality of/as ‘who you are’ in your Mind and Living and Relationships
within that. Morals is more just an externalized program, programmed into the
Consciousness of the Human Being to keep their minds and lives stable, to
be/become/remain an Individual that continue producing Money for the World
System. It’s been like: “Remain within the Moral Guidelines – and your Money is
Secured”. Obviously, most find ways/means/methods to Present themselves as
being ‘Moral’, whilst everything that they are and do to have the kind/type of
Life that they do: is Immoral. The same we do in our own Lives, presenting
ourselves as being ‘Good’, while Evil does not lurk far in the background of
our Secret Mind…
So, the Problem with Morality is its relationship within the
Mind and the World System – so, to change Survival Management into and as Life
Regulation, we have to consider the Mind-Physical relationship and World
System/Money and Physical Existence Relationship.
So, let us for a moment have a Look at Life-Regulation
examples, within the Principle of actual Teaching of Life/Living Skills – and
how Morality had been but a mere ‘quick Fix’ to protect Money and Survival,
than actually putting in the TIME and the EFFORT to prepare Parents effectively
for Children, and Children effectively for Life/Living in this World/Reality.
Here we can have a look at what has become a more increasing
Problem within this World/Reality: Bullying – and how children from young as 5
years old are resorting to Self-Mutilation to deal-with their internal
conflicts, and children as young as 9 years old, committing Suicide. This
obviously Reflecting that Children do not have the necessary Skills to deal
with their Minds, what they’re experiencing, how to make sense of it or even
how to Communicate it. Because, at such young ages – their Vocabulary is very
limited, and cannot necessarily ‘put words to what they’re internally
experiencing’ and the only way, just like a Baby can only physically Cry for
example when something is wrong, such Young Children ‘express that Mind-Physical
experiences’ through the Physical – they don’t have Words/Vocabulary, so they
in a way become that experience within themselves, possess it within themselves
and then ‘Communicate’ it through the Physical with what they do to/with
themselves Physically. SHOWING what’s going on, translating themselves through
the Physical. So, the question within this is, how much more Children – and how
much younger, must consequence accumulate where they as the Children are
actually showing/asking that they have No Idea, No Skills, No Reference of how
to deal with/direct what is going on within them and what they’re facing in
relationship-dynamics within this world/reality. Children are more only
prepared with knowledge and information in alignment with Consumerism and a Future
Profession, than any Educational means focused on how to Regulate themselves
within relationship-dynamics effectively, with Relationship-dynamics and who we
are within it, that In Fact determine our experience in this world/reality. So,
Why – with who we are, hinging on our relationship with others, is there No
Effective Educational means existent from a young age, with regards to how to
have effective relationships with ourselves and so with others? I mean, must
this / such consequence manifest first in ALL Families with children, before
individuals will starting standing up for Solutions – not only for their own
Children, but for ALL Children Equally as One? Why can we not look at all
Children as equal and one Individuals and prepare this World/Reality for All
Children to have an Equal and One Life/Living? I mean, we ourselves / oneself
could have been the one birthed into this physical existence, and/or been the
parent of a child birthed into this existence in appalling life/living
conditions – essentially starving to death from the first breath. So, why/how
have we become so Conditioned within our relationship to Money and Survival,
that – instead of preparing this World for ALL, we more go into protection and
defence mechanisms, separating ourselves from the problems of this World within
FEAR, instead of standing HERE for a Solution for all in relation to this
World/System and Money?
So, within the Principle of placing oneself in the shoes of
another, the Question is – must such Consequence manifest in your Children’s
lives, before one will stand up for a Solution, or will one actually start
considering the Future of not only your own Children, but potentially their
Children’s children? Establishing a World System/Money System where we Know,
when we leave this physical existence – the Children will be taken care of and
cared for, within absolute Certainty. So, my argument is – why not, instead of
Living in Fear, dedicate the time and the discipline and physical effort, of
instead of Producing Fear in the Mind, live to produce a World that would be
best for all, and so best for self and so for generations to come, that may
again be Self.
So, again here – we return to the Question: Why is there no
focus on Life/Living Relationship-Skills development in children? But the focus
is only on imprinting and hoarding their Brains with knowledge and information
and consumerism within this World, and for the Rest – which is their
Relationship-Dynamics, experiences, confrontations and exposure to other
Individuals Minds and Lives…their left to ‘fend for themselves’. It’s like So
Absolutely deliberately this, this Real ‘Survival of the Fittest’ Competition –
the World System, through Education, provide Children, or those fortunate
enough to have an Education, with the knowledge and information for the future,
and then…throw them into the Lion’s den of forced-relationships with no
skills/understanding/comprehension of their Minds, their consciousness,
reactions they experience etc. and then “those that Survive” through the
Education-System with a Mental-Physical maintained-stability, will make it
through into the World System/Money System…the Rest, well – the System makes
Money off-of them as well, through Psychologists, Prisons, Mental Institutions,
Charities as various Systems had been set up to make Money off-of even those
that do not make it into the ‘Heart of the System’.
So, all of this calls for an Reformation within the Education
System – how many years and time can be included with regards to Educating
children on Relationship-skills, and here I’m not only talking about
partnership-relationships, no – your ‘normal’-Relationships, with the simple
things of how to work-together, buddying children up to work together in
solving problems in school and then shifting/changing the classroom so all
learn to work with each other, work together.
Establishing already from a young age the Principle of
equality, how to work together to assist and support each other in new
environments, with new things, with the learning processes. Obviously, here – I
would suggest Investigating the Equal Money
System, where we’re in the process of Redefining Education, with regards to
how Education will Change within an Equal Money System; that will also Include
Life/Living Skills learnt from a young age. Within this then, what will also be
included is an Understanding of how the Mind/Consciousness work, having
children develop a Vocabulary of what it is that they’re experiencing,
thinking/reacting to, to UNDERSTAND themselves on ALL levels of their existence.
We’ll continue more in the Next Post.
Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman