Forcing Change With ENERGY vs. Living Change As Self: DAY 299 – 300
In the previous
post, we had a walk-through regarding the relationship between Fighting
Change and Moving As Change.
In this Post, we’re going to walk a Dimension of going into
Extreme Energy-Polarities within and as a Process of Change, such as for
example walking from Laziness to Self-Discipline/Responsibility and then using
the MIND within ENERGY to change, from a Laziness / Low Energy into and as a
Discipline / High Energy; to within this – see, realise and understand the
Consequence of using ENERGY within the MIND to change one’s Experience in
DOING, instead of being/becoming the Physical Natural Movement in/as Living
Change. In this, essentially – the tendency that we have to move ourselves
within ENERGY, instead of a Decision and a Physical Movement as-ourselves; with
the consequence of Moving ourselves in ENERGY being that we’ll go from a Low to
a High and back to a Low and then to a High, which create the inner conflict of
‘Fighting with ourselves’ that we walked in the previous Post. So, this post
walks, essentially – what it is within us that create that inner-fighting with
ourselves, when we use energy as a Force to change, instead of who we are in/as
our Living, Physical Movement:
For Context: We’re walking the Self Forgiveness and Self
Commitment process in alignment with when/as self find oneself having walked
from Laziness to Discipline, but that process of ‘maintaining Discipline’ is
being done with ENERGY, with Experience in how one Force oneself with Energy
into Discipline, what this looks like when this happens, how it is experienced
and how to assist and support oneself to ensure that within Change – one do not
only Change in the Mind from one Energy Low to another Energy High, but that
Change is Real in one’s Living Presence in/as the Physical.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see, realise and understand How I had created a Polarity between Laziness
and Discipline, where I reacted to myself as being “Lazy” in all/many levels of
my Mind and used that reaction to Fuel my Reason for being and becoming
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see, realise and understand How I had used Energy and/or Energy Force to
Fuel my motivation for being and becoming Disciplined, instead of it being a
living expression of Who I am, as Natural as Breath.
I commit myself to show, how – a starting point of Reaction
for Change, and attempting to/trying to maintain that Change from within the
starting point of Reaction, where one use a Negative to Fuel self into a
Positive, will create/manifest Physical Consequence in the sense of, for
example where one was Lazy, reacted to that aspect of self in judgment and then
in an anger/frustration/blame towards Self deciding to become Disciplined and
then essentially driving/motivating self Mentally and Physically from/of a
Negative Starting Point: will manifest/accumulate so in the Physical and may
produce physical
consequence of tiredness,
physical stress/tension – because self is fuelling the negative Energy into and
as the depths of the Physical with this Energy being the starting point
Motivation of Change and in this Process; one is in fact creating MORE Physical
Consequence than Actual Self-Change with not Understanding the dynamics between
the Mind, the Physical and Energy.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
think, believe and perceive that Change
is “difficult” that it must be Forced – with this “forcing”, being done
with “driving myself”, but have not seen, realised and understood how, the only
forcing/driving I have come to know How to do: is from the starting point of
energy. Building up and accumulating thoughts, backchat and reactions in me to
force/drive me from my MIND to change me. Not realising then, that – I AM not
changing, but I am only changing me in MY MIND – from one energy as Laziness as
Negative, to another energy as Discipline as Positive. And so, took myself to extreme
polarities in my Mind; and not really changing in physical living.
I commit myself to show, how – we have mentally and
physically been conditioned to believing ‘Change is Difficult’, when we’re in
fact creating difficulties in our Lives within our accepted and allowed
consequential Mind-Physical Relationship. And that, change is a Process – yes,
BUT the Moment of Self making a DECISION to change and then walking/living that
constantly and consistently – that does not take time, the only “Process” that
does take space and time is that Process of being/becoming the
Living Change, naturally, through constant, consistent application/living.
I commit myself to show, how one would use the Mind to
change – through, for example, reacting to the Laziness in thought, word and
deed, essentially creating a Personality-reaction to Laziness within self, and
in that process, ‘talking and energizing self in the Mind into and as Change’,
and so create a NEW PERSONALITY with new thoughts, reactions, backchats,
behaviours that is the ‘Disciplined personality’, but it’s like within this
process – the Laziness is always still there, like a shadow in the mind
haunting self; and using that Personality, to fuel the New personality and so
creating an Inner Conflict between Polarities as a constant, continuous
internal-fight with self that consequentially, over space and time, more affect
the Physical Body, than bringing forth a Natural Living Change as Self.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see, realise and understand that – Change, yes is walked through a
Resistance, because I am initiating my change, directing my change which is
essentially ‘going against my preprogramming’. BUT, this ‘going against my
preprogramming’ – does not mean I have to ‘FIGHT through the resistance/with
the resistance’. As I see, realise and understand that – because I approached
changed and faced the resistance to change through FORCING it with
energy/driving myself with energy: I actually making the process of change More
difficult, cause now I am using Energy against Energy – like, using my
thoughts, backchats, reactions to ‘Fight the Resistance’ – lol; like trying to
build up MORE energy as Me, to take-on the Resistance I experience as me and so
I actually in fact Wage WAR against myself.
I commit myself to show, how – with walking Writing, Self
Forgiveness and Self Commitments as preparing the road before self for/as
Practical Corrective Living, that: in/as this Process – one UNDERSTAND how one
created the Laziness Personality, through dissecting the thoughts, backchats,
reactions, imaginations, behaviour patterns, physical reactions etc. and then
from there, Re-establish a LIVING CHANGE, that do not use the mind’s
Personality constructs such as thoughts, backchats, reactions, imaginations and
behaviour patterns to change, where one first BUILD UP ENERGY and then WAIT to
be motivated
to change, No. In this process – one Decide ‘who I am’ as Living
Instructions and then actually do/live them in one’s world/reality within and
as every moment of BREATH. This is not a process of ENERGY-build-up, but a
process of making a Decision and then LIVING it with self as the Decision in
Living Action as the actual process of SELF-Movement and not Mind-Movement; thus,
using who I am in/as Breath-decision to move, instead of a build-up of
energy/energy experience in the Mind to move.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see, realise and understand that resistance to change is a Force in itself,
it’s an energy that comes up, like a Wall – separating me from actually living,
being and becoming Changed in fact. And so, with me now seeing that – me trying
to accumulate MORE energy in my Mind, than the resistance I experience in my
Mind is actually creating more inner-conflict, where it feels like I ALWAYS
have to constantly, continuously “fight to remain disciplined and not go back
into Laziness” – creating this eternal battle between good and evil in/as
myself: I see, realise and understand
that using my Mind, using Energy – the very Mind and Energy that created
the “problem” in the first place – is Not the Solution. So, then –what is?
I Commit myself to show - how to use the Force of Physical
Breath, as a real Physical Force that can be gentle, yet strong and direct.
Where – when/as resistance to change come up/manifest, to actually go into
Breathing, using the Physical – the gentle yet strong and stable breath, to not
accept/allow myself to participate in resistance/laziness in the Mind, but just
naturally move me in the Physical in getting things done. Just sticking to
PHYSICAL DOING, while breathing – in-breath and out-breath, and keep on moving
PHYSICALLY one foot in front of the other, not ‘paying attention to the
Laziness’ in the Mind. See, here – I move “for real” – from Mind laziness, to
Physical DOING. There is no “energy fighting” going on then here within this; I
simply make the decision to not participate in the Laziness and keep on moving
me practically in the Physical.
In this all – I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and
allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I had created a Fight between
myself as Lazy as the Negative and then Discipline that I made as a Positive in
the MIND. Not seeing, realising and understanding how to walk a process of
change is FROM the Mind INTO the Physical. This means that, how I now see to
approach this process is: FORGIVE myself for the Laziness – or whatever
thoughts/backchat/reactions came up towards myself and others regarding
Laziness, and establish a workable, practical living commitment to change in
physical reality and then DO it. So – I move from energy, to DOING, instead of
what I’ve done as moving from One Energy to another Energy in my Mind and then
FROM MY MIND try and change me in the Physical. An example here is:
I realised that I was Lazy regarding waking up in the
mornings. I do the forgiveness for accepting and allowing all the Mind-participation,
thoughts/backchats/reactions that create the Laziness so that I can flag point
which things in the Mind I must simply not participate in, but move me
physically. So, I then from there DO the practical walking – I wake up in the
mornings, and when anything of the Mind comes up; I take a breath – say “No”,
take an outbreath and stand up. Thus, process of self change is to be a
MOVEMENT of self from a DECISION that is made, to not listen to Laziness, but
to stick to Physical Doing.
In this Process walked above, one can additionally reference
the Previous Post – regarding how to Move through Resistance, and not create a
FIGHT against resistance/change.
Thus, within this – to see, realise and understand the process
is not to create MORE Personalities as shifting from a Negative to a Positive
and then using the Negative Personality to fuel and drive the new Positive
Personality: these dynamics still then exist in the Mind/Consciousness and
benefit only the Mind/Consciousness and will throw self into a constant,
continuous inner conflict – using the Past to fuel/motivate the Future, will
just create the same Past as self will go into lows and highs over and over and
over again, never stable, never here, never living.
Thus within this – we suggest investigating the Desteni I Process LITE (Free
Course) that introduce you into the Mind, and then Desteni I Process PRO that practically,
structurally walk oneself through the Mind and into and as real Physical Living
Change as Living Words.
Very cool, clear and practical support here - thanks!