LIFE-Regulation Practicality (Part Three): DAY 308
Featured Artwork by: Marlen Vargas Del Razo
Question would be: Do one Wait until it happens to you, or those whom
you Love – before you Consider that the System must Change?" - Bernard Poolman
Management vs. LIFE-Regulation - continued
– continued
In this Final Post, regarding LIFE-Regulation – we’re going
to have a look at some Practical Living Considerations of how to start walking
one’s Process from Morality as ‘Survival Management’ that has kept the
Consciousness Personalities in place, and so one’s accepted and allowed
relationship to this World System/Money System and abdicating Responsibility in
one’s relationship to one’s own Life and so the Life of/for All in/as this
Physical Existence – and start being/becoming a Living Example of/as
LIFE-Regulation, as follows:
From Good/Right and
Bad/Wrong to - ‘What’s Best for All’
Whenever one face a moment, relationship – and one find one’s
Mind go into ‘this is Right/Good’ and/or ‘Bad/Wrong’, to in the moment change
the cross-reference to: Does that stand within the Principle of/as What’s Best
for All, and so Best for me or Not? With the ‘Not’ in fact meaning – will this
Decision/Direction produce CONSEQUENCE as compromise in me/my relationship to
others, or will this bring forth a Solution and/or how can I structure the
Decision/Direction into and as an equal and one Solution for me and/or all
See – already in the above one can see the Change in ‘abdicating
Responsibility’ within Morality and actually Taking Self-Responsibility
and giving Direction to a moment/decision/direction. Because, in Morality – one
would have automatically, essentially, simply Judged a
moment/direction/decision through the eyes of Morality. Whereas within
LIFE-Regulation, one take Self-Responsibility for the
moment/decision/direction, understand it, cross-reference it with/as
everything/everyone that is involved and then from there – make an informed,
objective, practical Decision with taking ALL things into consideration; and
not just immediately going into a reaction of Morality.
Additionally, Morality would take one into a state of mind
of only taking into consideration MY Opinion, MY View, MY perception/interpretation
and how that makes ME Feel; when in a moment/direction/decision – there’s A LOT
more involved/to consider than one’s own Mind Experience, and so the extent to
which, consequentially, one Miss so much that is in fact involved with Decision
making and Directive Principle in a Moment.
It is like, taking the example of Alcohol/Drugs for example –
that can so easily be misconstrued within the Principles of Morality, where the
Individual can change it to being ‘Good/Right for ME’, when within the
Principle of What’s Best for All – the ME-only disappear, and one actually
start considering MORE than JUST ME. So, within the principle of/as what’s best
for all – one take ALL things into consideration, and cross-reference for
example Alcohol/Drugs, one see that: one can be/become a Potential Danger for
oneself and others, as one know one become Unpredictable on Drugs/Alcohol, and
that Drugs/Alcohol has contributed to no Personal Advancement/Expansion/Growth within
oneself and one’s Life. And so, one take the Self-Responsibility to not
accept/allow Alcohol within oneself/one’s World and becoming more directive
with those in one’s World that do still use/abuse it with pointing out this One
Commonsensical Reality equation: Alcohol/Drugs completely remove one’s
awareness / self-directive principle while on it and become thus in this a
Danger to self and others and one simply will not / do not accept such
Unpredictability of consequence in yourself/your world and will Stop/take
Responsibility for such equations in your life where/as you can, in becoming a
directive principle of what you accept and allow in your world and what Not.
Then, from here – extend the Responsibility even further, to
Investigating the Consequence of Drugs/Alcohol within/on Humanity, and how many
human beings resort to such substances, primarily due to life/living conditions
and/or especially the Education System and Family/Parental History. Where, they
simply did not have an opportunity in this World/Reality and so resorted to
Surviving and ‘busying their time’ with Drugs/Alcohol, and/or using
Drugs/Alcohol cause they simply do not Understand their Minds/Consciousness as
such education do not yet Exist, and rather with Dealing with themselves/their
lives – simply suppress it all; and Drugs/Alcohol do just that. And so, a
correction needs to be implemented on ALL levels from Family, to Parents, to
Education to the ENTIRE System, cause it
will be Interesting here, to consider that: how Children/young adults would
change if their Lives from the BEGINNING is oriented to UNDERSTANDING their
Minds, how to SOLVE things they experience themselves within themselves,
orienting Education to LIFE/LIVING Skills, enhancing their
skills/talents/abilities and directing their Minds/themselves to contributing
to Life on Earth, learning about this Physical Existence, how things work, how
Life can be bettered for ALL…in this Drugs and Alcohol would be/become
IRRELEVANT as being/living/expressing SELF would be so absolute, nothing else
but Self and who I am in/as the moment would be needed to be ‘Self’, Express
Self and Enjoy Self. Enjoyment/Fun will become about Self Expression and Participation
– rather than the preprogrammed/brainwashed notion of wanting, needing and
desiring Substances that only harm/compromise Awareness and Responsibility
creating the idea/belief of ‘Enjoyment / Fun’ at the expense of Human Lives.
So, here thus – the Main Principle existent within/as Life
Regulation, not looking at situations/relationships/moments within/as/through
the Eyes of Morality, and so within/as Reactions of Emotions/Feelings; but to –
when/as one face Decisions, for example to: assist and support self to really
write out the Decision, who’s involved, what’s involved and how making a
decision and directing it/taking responsibility for it, would influence/affect
Self/All involved and so also self/all’s Future. In Morality – we tend to make
Decisions ‘in the Moment’, the ‘Now’; not seeing, realising and understanding
that ALL Decisions one make, affect and define oneself and the rest of one’s
Life, and should thus Always take into account as well how a Decision would
play out within one’s world/reality and the future to come.
Here I would Strongly suggest Investing in the Interviews Decision
Making 101 Part 1 and Decision
Making 101 Part 2, within these Interviews is very specifically outlined
the Process of Decision Making. Because, within Morality – that’s become a ‘Guideline
for Decision-Making’, Morality is used based on emotional/feeling
Mind-Reactions/Responses to decisions/moments one may face in one’s
World/Reality, and when making decisions in the MIND as the Interview will also
Explain, we tend to not take into consideration REALITY and Reality Consequence/outflows/play
So, we Invite you to Join in discussions with regards to the
Process of actually taking Responsibility in moments of making Decisions,
investing in the suggested interviews above, and start practising and applying
LIFE-Regulation, as taking Responsibility for oneself, for decisions, for
moments and referencing them within/as the Principle of/as What’s Best for All,
and so best for self. To join discussions – visit the Desteni Forum HERE,
and we can assist/support with/as this Process of understanding what it means
to take SELF-Responsibility, and expand oneself and one’s life into/as a
Purpose/Meaning, that extend beyond only limiting oneself within/as the
guidelines of Morality that has limited/trapped individuals into/as what Life
on Earth is/has become, and start referencing one’s Life/Living within/as the Principle
of equality and oneness, standing for all and so for self.
In this, what must be seen, realised and understood is that –
for LIFE Regulation to exist, we need to be/become the Living Examples of
taking Responsibility/implementing Responsibility for ourselves, our lives and
our Future. Thus, we suggest Joining Desteni, participate in discussions in the
Forums as we walk the Process of redefining ourselves, our lives and living and
so for those to come, in creating/manifesting a Life/Living that does not only
exist for Survival, but actual Evolution of the Self.
Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo