Archive for February 2013

Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit (Part 2): DAY 311


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Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit (Part 2): DAY 311

Problem: Karma and Reincarnation (continued)

So, let’s get into Specifics: In the previous post – we mentioned the Process of Recycling, which within Recycling processes, materials are either re-used and/or reconstituted. The materials in both instances still exist – however, will never be the same again as it was in the Beginning of its existence. Even though it’s re-used and/or reconstituted – it’ll never be the same again.

Recycling within this Physical Existence – does have its ‘benefits’, as a lot less Resources would have to be utilized to recreate the same Materials and/or other Materials to produce things that Recycling materials can create/manifest. However, even still – Resources are Utilized within the very Recycling Process, so we’re Always, in all ways, utilizing this Physical Existence and the resources within it to Survive.
Now, this very Process of Recycling was existent within Heaven’s relationship to this Physical Existence – with our Being/Spirit that was ‘Recycled’, within and through the Reincarnation Process. Now, the Question – how Exactly was our Spirit/Being Recycled, and why/how within and during this Recycling Process, has our Being/Spirit Devolved/Diminished as our very Spirit/Being changed in constitution for the worse, instead of the better/betterment of ourselves and all of existence?

For this Question to be Understood – we have to look at the Relationship between the Spirit/Being, the Mind and the Physical Body, together with the Soul System. Now, what’s Celebrated within the Human Consciousness is this Trinity-Relationship between the Body, Mind and Spirit – with Human Consciousness not seeing, realising and understanding that the Separation between these Three Manifestations was Preprogrammed to be Maintained, purely for the continued Survival of Consciousness and the continued Survival of Heaven. When, the Relationship was supposed to have been: Being + Physical Body = One and Equal. Now, the Equation in fact read: Being + Mind + Body = Separation, maintained by/through the Soul System.
As we have discussed within the Previous Posts is that: we have been Moving through existence within the realities of starting as Being/Spirit, becoming Physical and then Separating into Mind and eventually again to Being/Spirit; this Process obviously Clearly exemplifying Separation, because within/during this Lifetime – we don’t remember our Spirit/Being from previous lives, we don’t remember our Baby/Childhood years as we eventually completely become the Mind/Consciousness. And within this, that – the Moment of Death, very little Remembrance of oneself/one’s Consciousness/Personalities of the Mind is remembered of the life that one had Lived. So, in this – what has to be seen, realised and understood is that: One’s Being/Spirit relationship to the Physical Body was in fact used/abused to Substantiate/Animate the Mind/Consciousness within one’s lifetime – for Consciousness as ENERGY to Survive/Exist, as the Energies was Channelled into the Heaven Existence to Substantiate/Animate Heaven that was existent of Pure Energy Only.

Now, what’s Interesting here – if one Reference the Reptilian, Atlantean and Kryon Interview Series, is that: Already in the beginning of Existence, before the Emergence of the Human Race and this Physical Existence, that: there was a Relationship to an Existential Substance within existence that could be seen, experienced by ALL Beings within Existence. Same as we Now exist within this Physical Existence: we ALL have a Physical Body and see and experience this Physical Existence. However, as in the Beginning – as is Now: what was Not seen, realised and understood is How the Existential Substance, as with this Physical Existence now – was in fact the Actual, Real Source of Life, but was used/abused as a Resource of Energy/Energy-Experience.
So, even in the Beginning – we had just our Being and Awareness and our relationship to the Existential Substance, and even then – we existed in Separation to/as that Existential Substance that in fact ‘gave us our Existence’. Now, we’re even MORE consequentially separated, in that: with Referencing the History of Existence walked by the Reptilians, Atlanteans and Kryon, is that: from the Beingness, the Substance of the beingness – ‘energy relationships/creations/experiences’ Emerged. Obviously even then not putting ‘two and two together’ in terms of Seeing, Realising and Understanding that the Substance is in fact the SOURCE of/as the Existence of Energy. It’s more like: Substance accepted/allowed the existence of Energy to show the Beings that – “Hey! I’m the one producing this Energy!”, but the Energy was so WHITE and PURE and BEAUTIFUL that even then it Blinded the Beings from seeing, realising and understanding this Relationship between Energy and Substance that Now exist as the Mind and the Physical.
And so, the Creators of Existence started Experimenting with Energy, the outflow-consequence creation, and completely disregarded Substance, which is what we do Now – we only Experiment with what we Create from this Physical Existence and/or what we Create within our own Minds without Seeing, Realising and Understanding where it in fact come from as the Physical Body, this Physical Existence.

From there, the entire Heaven-Earth relationship Evolved as the Creators created the Mind and Physical Body relationship, resourcing energy from the Being and the Physical Body for the Mind’s Existence, and eventually Resourcing energy from the Humans into and as the Heaven Existence. NOW – the CONSEQUENCE of this relationship between Energy and Substance in the Beginning, now the Mind and the Physical Body, was not taken into account, because the Beings then, as with Human Beings now – did not SEE the effect the Energy-relationships were in fact having on their Being/Spirit, as do Human’s now not see, realise and understand the effect of Consciousness as the Awareness of Energy have on the Physical Body, this Physical Existence into and as a Being/Spirit Level, that will be the primary cause for Why/How our Being/Spirit in fact devolved/diminished life after life after life…and so Why/How the Physical Body, this Physical Existence has deteriorated generation after generation after generation. And WHY the effects of Energy in its relationship to Substance and the Mind in relationship to the Physical Body is/was not Seen, is because we’re not equal-to and one-with it and have always Only worked with the outflow-consequence of the Mind’s relationship to the Physical in Humanity.
Now, the Energy-Substance as Mind-Physical relationship that was ‘missed’, was how – once the energy, produced by the Physical Body were created, it would be created FROM the physical body/its substance, and so: What one do with/as the Energy – will equally as one Effect the Substance, as the Energy emerged FROM the Substance, as one’s Mind/Consciousness and Energy Experiences emerge FROM the Physical Body: whatever one accept/allow in/as Consciousness and in/as Energy, will equally as one have an effect on the Physical Body. Obviously, not exactly the same way or even as Intended because the Substances are Different – your Emotions and Feelings are of a different nature/substance in comparison to the nature/substance of the Physical Body. BUT, because there is ‘substance in energy / physicality in energy’ (obviously, the evidence is here within the fact that one can ‘physically experience emotions and feelings’ and the Energy within/of that, that even Scientists to this day cannot explain ‘where exactly it comes from’ and/or the thoughts/backchats/imaginations that produce such Emotional/Feeling Energy). Thus, it follows from that – that: with Energy ‘containing Substance’ as a derivative of Substance/physicality – whatever one DO with Energy, will affect/influence the substance within it and the substance/physicality that the energy is in relationship with.

See, here we’re getting to how/why our Being/Spirit and Physical Body has devolved/diminished throughout our lives/existential lives, because from our Being/Spirit and Physical Body substance, was created a derivative, an outflow-consequence as ENERGY that would become the Mind/Consciousness. And then we went and programmed ourselves AS ENERGY, instead of substantiating ourselves, living ourselves in equality and oneness with our Being/Spirit and Physical Body/this Physical Existence as Substance/source of ‘life’. And, additionally within this – how, because we programmed/existed in/as a Derivative of our source as our Being/Spirit and Physical Body of substance, consequences manifested into/as our very Being/Spirit and Physical Body/Physical Existence as a consequence-outflow of/as the Energy-Substance relationship; which we will continue with in the Next Post…

(As you will Notice – we make many references of Interview Series of the Reptilians, Atlanteans and Kryon; most of the background / perspective of the Vocabulary that we use as ‘Substance’, ‘Energy’, ‘Mind’ and the relationship between the Being and the Soul is discussed and explained in detail with the Series.
For additional Existential-History – we suggest Investing in The Secret History of the Universe Interview Series in which the Origin of the relationship between Energy and Substance is explained as well as the emergence of the ‘First Awareness’. Then, for History on the Opening of the Portal and Detail on Heaven’s actual, real Relationship to Humanity/this Physical Existence – we suggest Investing in the Journeys into the Afterlife Series. Enjoy.)

Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit: DAY 310


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Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit: DAY 310

(ANNOUNCEMENT: In and from this Post, we’re going to be Implementing a New Structure to our Writings – Problem-Solution-Reward. We’ll Identify the Problem, blueprint the Problem and lay it out, following from that the Solution to the Problem – with the Problem and Solution explanation, extending from the Individual, to Humanity and Existence as a Whole. Included within this, we’ll be Walking the Reward Dimension. In the Reward Dimension, self will see from an Individual, Humanity and Existential Perspective – how the Solutions to the Problems will benefit/reward not only Self, but Humanity, this Physical Existence and Existence as a Whole. As those will know that have Followed these Posts from DAY 1 – we walk this Process, with seeing, realising and understanding the Responsibility we have towards ourselves, humanity, this physical existence to bring forth actual, real change. And so, within the Dimensions of Problem, Solution and Reward – one will see, realise and understand for self how the Problems we have, the Solutions we propose and so the Reward that exist – will stand for self, humanity, this physical existence as a whole. Enjoy.)

Problem: Karma and Reincarnation

In and from this Post, we’re going to Start having a look at the Problem of/as Karma and Reincarnation within and as the ‘Cycle of Life’ that has existed, before the Opening of the Portal, as: From Spirit to Body to Mind…back to Spirit. And WHY within and as and throughout our Lives within Existence, have Human Nature Not EVOLVED if/as we’re here within this Physical Existence, in our Life/Lives, ‘Learning Lessons’ / ‘Facing Karma’.

So, in the Previous Post – we outlined the Main Dimensions that we’re going to be walking, as The Problem, summarised here:
What was in fact within/behind the Process of Reincarnation / Recycling of Beings/Spirits into and as a life/lives within this Physical Existence as to Understand WHY the Spirit/Being had not Evolved within Humanity/Human Nature and so contributed to any change whatsoever within this Physical Existence.
Then - the Purpose of the Soul/Soul System, in its relationship between the Spirit/Being, Physical Body and Mind/Consciousness, ensuring Contribution to Devolution, rather than Evolution.
And, Finally – Why, at Death, one’s Spirit/Being – from the relationship between the Soul System, Mind, the Physical and your Spirit/Being – Why, at Death, one’s Spirit/Being actually Devolve/ ‘lessen’ from what it was BEFORE the previous life one had.

So, with referring to the Heading of this Post “Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit”: If one have a look at the Process of Recycling within this Physical Existence, many Systems ‘profit’ from this Process of Recycling; and upon Recycling – whatever is being Recycled, change its constitution, form, shape and design. YET, it still exist - just in another Expression/Manifestation. So, the question though here then, with having a look at Reincarnation from an Existential-History perspective, is: Why, then – with us Returning to this Physical Existence, life after life after life – has THIS Physical Existence not ‘profited’ from the Recycling/Reincarnation Process of Beings?
Obviously, within the Statement “Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit” – is the Answer. In that: HEAVEN ‘profited’ from Recycling/Reincarnating Beings into this Physical Existence, and Profited at the Expense/Cost of our Spirit/Being and so also from/of this Physical Existence itself. I mean, it CANNOT be MORE OBVIOUS than the Physical Evidence and the History of Human Civilization within this Physical Existence, that: we have in NO WAY as a Humanity Evolved. What has evolved, is: Technology and the Consciousness of a select few of Humanity that has access in the System/access to Money…or, well, Most of them, cause some even manage to take for Granted their upbringing in the Elite hierarchies of the World System/Money System and so compromise their Minds and their Lives despite having access to a Life/Living and Money.
Now, the Question within this all, is: WHY has Consciousness – for only those with Money Evolved, and Technology within the World System/Money System evolved, where for most part, those that are in Control within this Physical Existence, has utilized their ‘evolved Consciousness and Technology’ for means of War, and Profit through/from War to Protect Resources, Investments and Money within/on/as this Physical Existence? Why has our Relationship to the Physical Body, this Physical Existence, the Animals, Nature – THAT which in fact gives us Life, Not Evolved? Why has actual Life/Living Conditions for ALL in/as equality and oneness Not Evolved?

And Here, the Premise of ‘Evolution’ we refer to, is that fact that All of Humanity have an equal and one opportunity to Life/Living, that we have ways/means/methods to contribute to the Animal Kingdom, to Nature and actually CO-EXIST – I mean, if THAT is not Evolution, or what Evolution SHOULD BE…then, we really need to Introspect and see, realise and understand the Delusion and Illusion of the Accepted and Allowed Evolution/Advancement of the Human Race, that predominantly is/has become dependent on Money/Technology that now more define the Human Consciousness, than in fact who we are and how/what we Live in every Moment of Breath in our Relationship to ourselves, others, and this World/Reality.
So, instead of us Evolving in Life/Living – the Consciousness-Technology and World-System/Money System relationship has Evolved, for only a Select few of Humanity, and that Evolution, that Evolution Profiting from/of its Consequential relationship to the REST of Humanity, this Physical Existence that is thwarted into Unimaginable conditions of Survival/driven to extinction. So, I would REALLY not say, with having a look at existence within the Principle of ‘Life/Living’, that – we have in any way as Beings, as ‘Spirits’ Evolved, if we haven’t even managed to come up with Ways to CO-EXIST, to practise, live and apply – on a Global Level, the principles of ensuring all has an equal and one opportunity to Life/Living; but we do Invest in ways to Annihilate/Destroy each-other and/or just not care, consider, regard other Life Forms within this Physical Existence.

I mean, the Physical Body, this Physical Existence – is a LIVING ORGANISM. It is Alive. It express, it move, it adapt, it change, it unconditionally assist and support and in fact gives us the Opportunity to Live, Here – but, we’re in our relationship to it ALL to all the Living Organisms, driving everything into and as a point of Survival, Survival of the Fittest as what we’re superimposing onto all our Relationships in this Existence. And, I do not think that human beings have actually considered that going into a Race, Survival of the Fittest, against this Physical Existence, the Living Organisms within it, that – the PHYSICAL is most certainly the fittest, when human beings cannot even yet in Self Awareness change, let alone on a Physical Level, whereas Living Organisms can do so, and adapt and change and alter themselves to the conditions that Human Consciousness have imposed onto/into this Physical Existence, and it’s already being Proven with the Super-Bugs emerging…

Now, HEAVEN – Heaven was Not a ‘Living Organism’. Heaven was existing as Pure Energy – Pure Energy Resourced from the Mind-Spirit-Body and Soul System relationships of Human Beings within this Physical Existence. So, Heaven’s existence - was dependent on the Controlled and Preprogrammed Relationships that maintained the Trinity of Enslavement of/as the Relationship between the Mind, Spirit and Body, and the Soul System within and as that.
See, everything is in fact in Reverse – that which is Regarded as ‘GOD’ in this Existence, and/or Deified is actually in fact That which contribute to your Enslavement in your own Mind and own Life the Most, and that which is in fact the ‘Way Out’ – as Desteni, for example, is Regarded as ‘Evil’. Why this is, we’ll also get into and Explain in Detail within Posts to come. So, within this Post – the Main Problem one have to understand within this, is: that – Heaven/Energy and Consciousness was always throughout the Generations deified within the Minds of Human Beings, when Energy, the Light – was in fact dependent on, and Created from Human Beings and channelled into the Heaven Existence. The LIVING ORGANISM as the Physical Body, this Physical Existence has been used, abused and Sacrificed by the Mind, Consciousness and Heaven to Profit from, for its Own Existence –and this is Why, we are as Humanity the ‘Living Sacrifice’ that have sacrificed our Spirit/Being to the Mind and so Sacrifice the Physical Body, this Physical Existence to Heaven and so why/how we as Humanity exist in such a Consequential-relationship to our own Bodies, each other and this Physical Existence as a Whole.

So, we’ll in the Next Post Continue with the First Point and Problem with regards to how Heaven Profited, exactly, from Reincarnation and Why/How the Physical Body, this Physical Existence has been Sacrificed for it and while Heaven/Consciousness and Energy has been Deified – the Real Living Existence, as the Physical, has been left to ruin…

From Spirit to Body to Mind…back to Spirit the Cycle of Karma: DAY 309


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From Spirit to Body to Mind…back to Spirit – the Cycle of Karma: DAY 309

In and from this Post, we’re going to Explore the Question of WHY – with the Existence of Reincarnation, in its relationship to the Soul / Soul System, did Human Nature not Evolve within this Physical Existence?

Meaning, if we have a look at the Process of Reincarnation, this is in fact the System that was followed:
One’s initially in the Interdimensional Existence as a Spirit/Being with a Soul-System (the Soul System which one can Hear/Learn more about HERE), thus one ‘start off’ as a ‘Pure Spirit/Being’. Then one come into a Physical Body as a Soul/Being, and so as a Baby – become ‘Purely Physical’, in the Physical and as the Physical. One have no MIND Systems/processes such as thinking/speaking – one only have oneself as the Physical itself to Express through and so become for that time ‘Purely Physical’. Thus, one transitioned from being a Soul/Being, into and as being a Physical Body. THEN, as Space and Time progress – one’s relationship to the Physical Body separate more and more and more as one Evolve into the Mind/Consciousness and now come to exist within/as the Mind/Consciousness – and thus Become the Mind/Consciousness.

So, within this Process, one went from Soul/Being to Physical Body to Mind, going through various Phases of Separation. Because, once in/as the Body – one have no remembrance/recollection of one’s Soul/Beingness and become purely Physical. Once one separate from the Physical Body into the Mind, one have no remembrance/recollection of one’s relationship to the Physical Body as a Baby OR How one’s Mind/thinking patterns/processes, Personality Systems, emotional/feeling bodies, behaviour patterns evolved into one’s Consciousness and throughout one’s Life maintain the Separation from one’s Original Soul/Spirit, from the Physical Body as one become the Mind/Consciousness.
THEN, when one die – one return again to the Original Soul/Spirit – No Mind, and No Body, because in the Interdimensional Existence/Hereafter/Afterlife: ALL of one’s Mind/Consciousness – cease to exist, and only one’s Spirit/Beingness remain. There exist no more the same thinking patterns, reactions, Personality Systems, behaviour patterns, emotional/feeling bodies etc. – all of that belonged to the Mind/Consciousness, which was dependent on the Physical Body to Exist, together with one’s Beingness/Soul. And so – at the Moment of Death, all of it cease to exist as the Physical Body dies, and everything of the Mind/Consciousness that was dependent on the Physical Body to exist and one is essentially ‘back to the same Moment as where one started before’, and actually even MORE separated/compromised than before.

So, within this: IF we were ‘Evolved Souls/Spirits’…then WHY is None of our Past Lives knowledge, information, lessons, insights, perspectives, realisations, understandings coming through into and as our Lives now and/or the Lives of all of Humanity within this Physical Existence regarding bringing forth any Real Substantial Solutions to the Mind-Physical relationships, the World System-Physical Existence relationship? If anything, the EVIDENCE that is here, is Human Nature is DEVOLVING – life/living conditions within this Physical Existence is DEVOLVING. Surely, if we in our Past Lives / this Life are here to ‘Learn Lessons’…when you Learn Lessons, you actually LEARN and in the Learning CHANGE. But, there’s NO CHANGE in Human Nature / Life on Earth – in fact, everything is Exactly as it was before, just MUCH WORSE.
Therefore, the Physical Evidence of Humanity and ‘life on Earth’ – even with doing Research with regards to for example, the Documentary The Power Principle of how this very World System ‘came into being’: the Physical Evidence of Humanity and ‘Life on Earth’ is definitely showing that the ‘Karma System’…either didn’t work and/or was Non-Existent. In this post and posts to come, we’re going to explain How KARMA did not in fact exist, but became another Belief in the Consciousness of Humanity as a Diversion-Point, to ensure human beings do not change themselves, their relationships, this World System/Money System and so ‘life on Earth’, and who/what was Primarily Responsible for this: was the Elite within the Heaven Existence.

Obviously, the first Point that we had to consider is that: How could we have even believed that anything of our Past-Lives could ‘come through’ from within our Spirit/Soul – if/as, with again referencing physical evidence, our very Language, Words, thinking, reaction-patterns, Behaviours, world-view, relationship dynamics: imprinted into us from what we Copied/Imitated from those that have gone before us? That we from birth become conditioned by/through our Internal and External Environments with regards to how the Mind/Consciousness evolve within ourselves based on what is Imprinted into us from within our External Environments, and how the Soul System – that we reincarnated with as Beings/Spirits, would be the Primary System that ensure our ‘life experience’ is guided within the Unified Consciousness Field that existed, in/as how our Soul was Preprogrammed with an already preordained Life-Design/Pattern that we come into within this Physical Existence to ‘live out’. Now, here – we get into the Relationship between the Soul and the Unified Consciousness Field.
(Obviously, here – before we continue: the Soul System, the Unified Consciousness Field and the Reincarnation System no more exist with the Changes in Heaven that happened with the Opening of the Portal. For reference of this Process and the Journey of the Portal into the Afterlife/Heaven that exposed Heaven’s REAL Agenda/Relationship to Humanity/this Physical Existence – we suggest the following interviews/series: The Dawn of the New Age, Children of the Future and Journeys into the Afterlife.)
So to Understand WHY we’re as a Humanity Devolving, Why Life/Living on Earth is Devolving – despite the existence of ‘Karma’ and of ‘Living Lessons’ within this Physical Existence, obviously Understanding that there are MULTIPLE Dimensions that’s contributing to why there’s No Change in Human Nature, to life/living in this Physical Existence. However, this Particular Dimension in relation to Karma is relevant to Explore, in that – previously – before the Portal Opened, Karma was there to Divert attention for Individual Human Beings to believe they’re just here to Learn Lessons, when Heaven had other Intentions with regards to Human’s Existence within this Physical Existence. And from here, how Karma – REAL Karma was implemented within the Principle of Self-Responsibility within Humanity, and so how each Individual is facing their Karma in their relationship to the Mind, the Physical Body and this Physical Existence as a Whole.

In posts to come – we’re going to Walk the following Structure:
Explaining this process of Separation from the Spirit, to the Body to the Mind – back to the Spirit, where the entire Process Recycled, which was In Fact the Purpose of Reincarnation: Recycling the Being/Spirit into lives within this Physical Existence.
What will be Understood within the explanation of this Process, is why Human Nature / Life on Earth only devolved throughout the History of Human Civilization, and within this, the actual Purpose for/of the Existence of the Soul System, that was a separate device/system installed into the Being/Spirit within the Moment of Reincarnation into the Physical.
Within this, Explaining why even on a Spirit/Being level – after every Life on Earth/this Physical Existence, one would have No Remembrance/Recollection of Past Lives, and after every Life, why/how one’s Being/Spirit actually also Devolved, which is WHY Human Nature / Life on Earth, with the more and more Humans coming into this Existence, are contributing to the Devolution of Human Nature / Life on Earth, because we have throughout existence been ‘Devolving’ into/as a Beingness/Spirit level, and so why/how we’ve never been able to Contribute to Life on Earth / Human Nature in a Way that would in fact bring forth real, physical, Visible Change.
Within this, also Explaining Why and How it is that: we haven’t ever come here in all our Lives to ‘learn lessons’, but actually only Always returned to the Consequence we left-behind and abdicated Responsibility for in our previous lives/past Lives. That every life we’ve come back into, including this one – we’ve walked into the Humanity/World System/Life on Earth that we contributed to in past lives, walking right back into the exact same and worsened consequence we left behind previously. So, we always only returned to our own Consequence – but so blinded by this fact, through mere BELIEFS in Consciousness we’ve believed to be ‘real’, but was always only Diverting our Attention from our Responsibility to Humanity/this Physical Existence as a Whole. 1

Primarily within this all, what must be seen, realised and understood is that: the Problem we face within Humanity/this Physical Existence does not ONLY extend to what one can perceive through one’s 5 Senses. If one have a look at the thoughts you have, the imaginations, the backchats/internal conversations; those components of our Existence is ‘interdimensional / untouchable’, yet they are components that Define who we are and so how/what we Live. And thus, there is MORE to WHY we’re as a Humanity / life on earth in the Conditions that we face today. And, that – we’re not going to change Anything, unless this primary Defining relationship between our Awareness, Consciousness and the Physical is not Understood.

We’ll continue with this in posts to come, together with Introducing a New Structure/Process that we’ll be Walking as Problem-Solution-Reward, within which Self will See/Realise/Understand for self How the Process of Desteni – is in fact the Solution/Destiny for Existence, and so for Self.

LIFE-Regulation Practicality (Part Three): DAY 308


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LIFE-Regulation Practicality (Part Three): DAY 308

 Featured Artwork by: Marlen Vargas Del Razo
 "The Question would be: Do one Wait until it happens to you, or those whom you Love – before you Consider that the System must Change?" - Bernard Poolman

LIFE-Regulation – continued

In this Final Post, regarding LIFE-Regulation – we’re going to have a look at some Practical Living Considerations of how to start walking one’s Process from Morality as ‘Survival Management’ that has kept the Consciousness Personalities in place, and so one’s accepted and allowed relationship to this World System/Money System and abdicating Responsibility in one’s relationship to one’s own Life and so the Life of/for All in/as this Physical Existence – and start being/becoming a Living Example of/as LIFE-Regulation, as follows:

From Good/Right and Bad/Wrong to - ‘What’s Best for All’
Whenever one face a moment, relationship – and one find one’s Mind go into ‘this is Right/Good’ and/or ‘Bad/Wrong’, to in the moment change the cross-reference to: Does that stand within the Principle of/as What’s Best for All, and so Best for me or Not? With the ‘Not’ in fact meaning – will this Decision/Direction produce CONSEQUENCE as compromise in me/my relationship to others, or will this bring forth a Solution and/or how can I structure the Decision/Direction into and as an equal and one Solution for me and/or all involved?

See – already in the above one can see the Change in ‘abdicating Responsibility’ within Morality and actually Taking Self-Responsibility and giving Direction to a moment/decision/direction. Because, in Morality – one would have automatically, essentially, simply Judged a moment/direction/decision through the eyes of Morality. Whereas within LIFE-Regulation, one take Self-Responsibility for the moment/decision/direction, understand it, cross-reference it with/as everything/everyone that is involved and then from there – make an informed, objective, practical Decision with taking ALL things into consideration; and not just immediately going into a reaction of Morality.
Additionally, Morality would take one into a state of mind of only taking into consideration MY Opinion, MY View, MY perception/interpretation and how that makes ME Feel; when in a moment/direction/decision – there’s A LOT more involved/to consider than one’s own Mind Experience, and so the extent to which, consequentially, one Miss so much that is in fact involved with Decision making and Directive Principle in a Moment.

It is like, taking the example of Alcohol/Drugs for example – that can so easily be misconstrued within the Principles of Morality, where the Individual can change it to being ‘Good/Right for ME’, when within the Principle of What’s Best for All – the ME-only disappear, and one actually start considering MORE than JUST ME. So, within the principle of/as what’s best for all – one take ALL things into consideration, and cross-reference for example Alcohol/Drugs, one see that: one can be/become a Potential Danger for oneself and others, as one know one become Unpredictable on Drugs/Alcohol, and that Drugs/Alcohol has contributed to no Personal Advancement/Expansion/Growth within oneself and one’s Life. And so, one take the Self-Responsibility to not accept/allow Alcohol within oneself/one’s World and becoming more directive with those in one’s World that do still use/abuse it with pointing out this One Commonsensical Reality equation: Alcohol/Drugs completely remove one’s awareness / self-directive principle while on it and become thus in this a Danger to self and others and one simply will not / do not accept such Unpredictability of consequence in yourself/your world and will Stop/take Responsibility for such equations in your life where/as you can, in becoming a directive principle of what you accept and allow in your world and what Not.
Then, from here – extend the Responsibility even further, to Investigating the Consequence of Drugs/Alcohol within/on Humanity, and how many human beings resort to such substances, primarily due to life/living conditions and/or especially the Education System and Family/Parental History. Where, they simply did not have an opportunity in this World/Reality and so resorted to Surviving and ‘busying their time’ with Drugs/Alcohol, and/or using Drugs/Alcohol cause they simply do not Understand their Minds/Consciousness as such education do not yet Exist, and rather with Dealing with themselves/their lives – simply suppress it all; and Drugs/Alcohol do just that. And so, a correction needs to be implemented on ALL levels from Family, to Parents, to Education to the ENTIRE System, cause it will be Interesting here, to consider that: how Children/young adults would change if their Lives from the BEGINNING is oriented to UNDERSTANDING their Minds, how to SOLVE things they experience themselves within themselves, orienting Education to LIFE/LIVING Skills, enhancing their skills/talents/abilities and directing their Minds/themselves to contributing to Life on Earth, learning about this Physical Existence, how things work, how Life can be bettered for ALL…in this Drugs and Alcohol would be/become IRRELEVANT as being/living/expressing SELF would be so absolute, nothing else but Self and who I am in/as the moment would be needed to be ‘Self’, Express Self and Enjoy Self. Enjoyment/Fun will become about Self Expression and Participation – rather than the preprogrammed/brainwashed notion of wanting, needing and desiring Substances that only harm/compromise Awareness and Responsibility creating the idea/belief of ‘Enjoyment / Fun’ at the expense of Human Lives.

So, here thus – the Main Principle existent within/as Life Regulation, not looking at situations/relationships/moments within/as/through the Eyes of Morality, and so within/as Reactions of Emotions/Feelings; but to – when/as one face Decisions, for example to: assist and support self to really write out the Decision, who’s involved, what’s involved and how making a decision and directing it/taking responsibility for it, would influence/affect Self/All involved and so also self/all’s Future. In Morality – we tend to make Decisions ‘in the Moment’, the ‘Now’; not seeing, realising and understanding that ALL Decisions one make, affect and define oneself and the rest of one’s Life, and should thus Always take into account as well how a Decision would play out within one’s world/reality and the future to come.
Here I would Strongly suggest Investing in the Interviews Decision Making 101 Part 1 and Decision Making 101 Part 2, within these Interviews is very specifically outlined the Process of Decision Making. Because, within Morality – that’s become a ‘Guideline for Decision-Making’, Morality is used based on emotional/feeling Mind-Reactions/Responses to decisions/moments one may face in one’s World/Reality, and when making decisions in the MIND as the Interview will also Explain, we tend to not take into consideration REALITY and Reality Consequence/outflows/play outs.

So, we Invite you to Join in discussions with regards to the Process of actually taking Responsibility in moments of making Decisions, investing in the suggested interviews above, and start practising and applying LIFE-Regulation, as taking Responsibility for oneself, for decisions, for moments and referencing them within/as the Principle of/as What’s Best for All, and so best for self. To join discussions – visit the Desteni Forum HERE, and we can assist/support with/as this Process of understanding what it means to take SELF-Responsibility, and expand oneself and one’s life into/as a Purpose/Meaning, that extend beyond only limiting oneself within/as the guidelines of Morality that has limited/trapped individuals into/as what Life on Earth is/has become, and start referencing one’s Life/Living within/as the Principle of equality and oneness, standing for all and so for self.

In this, what must be seen, realised and understood is that – for LIFE Regulation to exist, we need to be/become the Living Examples of taking Responsibility/implementing Responsibility for ourselves, our lives and our Future. Thus, we suggest Joining Desteni, participate in discussions in the Forums as we walk the Process of redefining ourselves, our lives and living and so for those to come, in creating/manifesting a Life/Living that does not only exist for Survival, but actual Evolution of the Self.

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo
