Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit: DAY 310

from this Post, we’re going to be Implementing a New Structure to our Writings
– Problem-Solution-Reward. We’ll Identify the Problem, blueprint the Problem
and lay it out, following from that the Solution to the Problem – with the
Problem and Solution explanation, extending from the Individual, to Humanity
and Existence as a Whole. Included within this, we’ll be Walking the Reward
Dimension. In the Reward Dimension, self will see from an Individual, Humanity
and Existential Perspective – how the Solutions to the Problems will
benefit/reward not only Self, but Humanity, this Physical Existence and
Existence as a Whole. As those will know that have Followed these Posts from
DAY 1 – we walk this Process, with seeing, realising and understanding the Responsibility
we have towards ourselves, humanity, this physical existence to bring forth
actual, real change. And so, within the Dimensions of Problem, Solution and
Reward – one will see, realise and understand for self how the Problems we
have, the Solutions we propose and so the Reward that exist – will stand for
self, humanity, this physical existence as a whole. Enjoy.)
Problem: Karma and Reincarnation
In and from this Post, we’re going to Start having a look at
the Problem of/as Karma and Reincarnation within and as the ‘Cycle of Life’
that has existed, before the Opening of the Portal, as: From Spirit to Body to
Mind…back to Spirit. And WHY within and as and throughout our Lives within
Existence, have Human Nature Not EVOLVED if/as we’re here within this Physical
Existence, in our Life/Lives, ‘Learning Lessons’ / ‘Facing Karma’.
So, in the Previous Post – we outlined the Main Dimensions
that we’re going to be walking, as The Problem, summarised here:
What was in fact within/behind the
of Reincarnation / Recycling of Beings/Spirits into and as a life/lives
within this Physical Existence as to Understand WHY the Spirit/Being had not
Evolved within Humanity/Human Nature and so contributed to any change
whatsoever within this Physical Existence.
Then - the Purpose of the Soul/Soul System, in its
relationship between the Spirit/Being, Physical Body and Mind/Consciousness,
ensuring Contribution to Devolution, rather than Evolution.
And, Finally – Why, at Death, one’s Spirit/Being – from the
relationship between the Soul System, Mind, the Physical and your Spirit/Being
– Why, at Death, one’s Spirit/Being actually Devolve/ ‘lessen’ from what it was
BEFORE the previous life one had.
So, with referring to the Heading of this Post
“Reincarnation: Recycling Beings for Heaven’s Profit”: If one have a look at
the Process of Recycling within this Physical Existence, many Systems ‘profit’
from this Process of Recycling; and upon Recycling – whatever is being
Recycled, change its constitution, form, shape and design. YET, it still exist
- just in another Expression/Manifestation. So, the question though here then,
with having a look at Reincarnation from an
perspective, is: Why, then – with us Returning to this Physical Existence, life
after life after life – has THIS Physical Existence not ‘profited’ from the
Recycling/Reincarnation Process of Beings?
Obviously, within the Statement “Reincarnation: Recycling
Beings for Heaven’s Profit” – is the Answer. In that: HEAVEN ‘profited’ from
Recycling/Reincarnating Beings into this Physical Existence, and Profited at
the Expense/Cost of our Spirit/Being and so also from/of this Physical
Existence itself. I mean, it CANNOT be MORE OBVIOUS than the Physical Evidence
and the
History of Human
Civilization within this Physical Existence, that: we have in NO WAY as a
Humanity Evolved. What has evolved, is: Technology and the Consciousness of a
select few of Humanity that has access in the System/access to Money…or, well,
Most of them, cause some even manage to take for Granted their upbringing in
the Elite hierarchies of the World System/Money System and so compromise their
Minds and their Lives despite having access to a Life/Living and Money.
Now, the Question within this all, is: WHY has Consciousness
– for
those with Money Evolved, and Technology within the World System/Money
System evolved, where for most part, those that are in Control within this
Physical Existence, has utilized their ‘evolved Consciousness and Technology’
for means of War, and Profit through/from War to Protect Resources, Investments
and Money within/on/as this Physical Existence? Why has our Relationship to the
Physical Body, this Physical Existence, the Animals, Nature – THAT which in
fact gives us Life, Not Evolved? Why has actual Life/Living Conditions for ALL
in/as equality and oneness Not Evolved?
And Here, the Premise of ‘Evolution’ we refer to, is that
fact that All of Humanity have an equal and one opportunity to Life/Living,
that we have ways/means/methods to contribute to the Animal Kingdom, to Nature
and actually CO-EXIST – I mean, if THAT is not Evolution, or what Evolution
SHOULD BE…then, we really need to Introspect and see, realise and understand
the Delusion and Illusion of the Accepted and Allowed Evolution/Advancement of
the Human Race, that predominantly is/has become dependent on Money/Technology
that now more define the Human Consciousness, than in fact who we are and
how/what we Live in every Moment of Breath in our Relationship to ourselves,
others, and this World/Reality.
So, instead of us Evolving in Life/Living – the
and World-System/Money System relationship has Evolved, for only a Select few
of Humanity, and that Evolution, that Evolution Profiting from/of its
Consequential relationship to the REST of Humanity, this Physical Existence
that is thwarted into Unimaginable conditions of Survival/driven to extinction.
So, I would REALLY not say, with having a look at existence within the
Principle of ‘Life/Living’, that – we have in any way as Beings, as ‘Spirits’
Evolved, if we haven’t even managed to come up with Ways to CO-EXIST, to
practise, live and apply – on a Global Level, the principles of ensuring all
has an
equal and one opportunity to
Life/Living; but we do Invest in ways to Annihilate/Destroy each-other
and/or just not care, consider, regard other Life Forms within this Physical
I mean, the Physical Body, this Physical Existence – is a
LIVING ORGANISM. It is Alive. It express, it move, it adapt, it change, it
unconditionally assist and support and in fact gives us the Opportunity to
Live, Here – but, we’re in our relationship to it ALL to all the Living
Organisms, driving everything into and as a point of Survival, Survival of the
Fittest as what we’re superimposing onto all our Relationships in this
Existence. And, I do not think that human beings have actually considered that
going into a Race, Survival of the Fittest, against this Physical Existence,
the Living Organisms within it, that – the PHYSICAL is most certainly the
fittest, when human beings cannot even yet in Self Awareness change, let alone
on a Physical Level, whereas Living Organisms can do so, and adapt and change
and alter themselves to the conditions that Human Consciousness have imposed onto/into
this Physical Existence, and it’s already being Proven with the Super-Bugs
Now, HEAVEN – Heaven was Not a ‘Living Organism’. Heaven was
existing as Pure Energy – Pure Energy Resourced from the Mind-Spirit-Body and
System relationships of Human Beings within this Physical Existence. So,
Heaven’s existence - was dependent on the Controlled and Preprogrammed
Relationships that maintained the Trinity of Enslavement of/as the Relationship
between the
Mind, Spirit
and Body, and the Soul System within and as that.
See, everything is in fact in Reverse – that which is
Regarded as ‘GOD’ in this Existence, and/or Deified is actually in fact That
which contribute to your Enslavement in your own Mind and own Life the Most,
and that which is in fact the ‘Way Out’ – as
for example, is Regarded as ‘Evil’. Why this is, we’ll also get into and
Explain in Detail within Posts to come. So, within this Post – the Main Problem
one have to understand within this, is: that – Heaven/Energy and Consciousness
was always throughout the Generations deified within the Minds of Human Beings,
when Energy, the Light – was in fact dependent on, and Created from Human
Beings and channelled into the Heaven Existence. The LIVING ORGANISM as the
Physical Body, this Physical Existence has been used, abused and Sacrificed by
the Mind, Consciousness and Heaven to Profit from, for its Own Existence –and
this is Why, we are as Humanity the ‘Living Sacrifice’ that have sacrificed our
Spirit/Being to the Mind and so Sacrifice the Physical Body, this
Existence to Heaven and so why/how we as Humanity exist in such a
Consequential-relationship to our own Bodies, each other and this Physical
Existence as a Whole.
So, we’ll in the Next Post Continue with the First Point and
Problem with regards to how Heaven Profited, exactly, from Reincarnation and
Why/How the Physical Body, this Physical Existence has been Sacrificed for it
and while Heaven/Consciousness and Energy has been Deified – the Real Living
Existence, as the Physical, has been left to ruin…