Character Time Resonance Dimensions – Part 2 (Self-Commitments): DAY 128
Featured Artwork by Tim Jones
Resonance Evolution - Part 4 (Self-Commitments)
Inner-Voices – Part 10 (Self-Commitments)
Character – continued
First Character-Creation – continued
Chicken or the Egg??? – continued
the Fruit of Life became Rotten – continued
I Am as Money – continued
(To read this post, it
must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to
Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is
interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the
point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire
physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of
the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into
the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the
mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as
Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced
with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self
first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many
dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in
previous posts.)
In this post, we’re continuing with the self-commitment
statements of the self-forgiveness statements walked in DAY
I commit myself to show, how - what’s interesting regarding
the Mind’s relationship to itself and all other Minds is that – all Minds can
see EVERYTHING of each other, as it can see EVERYTHING of itself. Meaning,
within and as each human being, the Mind knows and IS the detail of its
origins, evolution process and constructions of itself into and as
personalities/characters. As seen within and as the process of how it
layers/stores itself from the beginning throughout its existence as the human
in the physical body – everything of and as itself, always here with and as
itself - as this is what gives the Mind the ability to EVOLVE.
In this thus, within this one point – the Mind, as the
conscious, subconscious and unconscious, the personalities within and as it as
everything that constitute the mind consciousness system: is far superior to
the ‘awareness’ we have of ourselves of/as ‘who we are’. That we do not even
know/understand/comprehend the detail of how thoughts manifest in the mind as an
interdimensional construct that influence the very physical-body and our
experience within it, how various fantasies/imaginations just ‘appear’ in our
minds that we accordingly follow/daydream/fantasize about. How it is that such
interdimensional-detail of an alternate reality can be constructed in our
Conscious Mind within an actual physical reality as the physical body. What the
‘substance’ is of thoughts, fantasies/imaginations that
interdimensionally-physically manifest within our Conscious and Subconscious
Mind that make it possible to interdimensionally-physical exist within us. Nothing
of the nature, substance, creation, construction of the Mind has been dissected
because of the existent acceptance and allowance that “it is who we are”.
However – how can it be “who we are” when there is no “we” /
“self” that in fact in absolute self-awareness
direct/create thoughts, internal conversations, fantasies/imaginations and the
reactions we experience in moments in interactions with others. There exist no control
over what thoughts we have, why we have them, what conversations we have in the
head, what reactions of emotions/feelings manifest within us – all of which
accordingly determine our physical-behaviour which we thus do not have control
over/of, cause what determines our behaviour is the interactions within and
between thoughts, internal conversations and reactions. And all of this, is not
even in the awareness of humans on earth, the extent of the integrated/integral
relationship between the mind and the physical and the exact detailed process
of how the mind shape who “we” are, and how/what we live; that according to our
internal and external interactions/participations come to define our world and
how we live in it. Thus, within this relationship to the Mind that we have no
control, directive principle / actual self-aware choice within, expose the
reality of the acceptance and allowance of the mind as “who we are”, when it’s
more become “what
consciousness is” and how consciousness of/as the Mind seal us into an
limited awareness in the Conscious-Mind with no idea/comprehension the extent
of the processes that’s happening in our entire Mind-Physical existence.
In this, I commit myself to show, how we are existing in an
awareness only limited to the Conscious-Mind where we’re being ‘held’
by/through the entire Mind and Consciousness within it, that this relationship
to ourselves, the Mind and Consciousness exist as such within and as our
acceptance and allowance. With the acceptance and allowance a form of ‘trust’
that developed that the “Mind is me” – “I am thinking” / “I am reacting”, when
it’s in fact “Consciousness direct me to think” / “Consciousness direct me to
react”, as consciousness as the mind has become the awareness that decide FOR
US who we are / how we are in moments. It cannot be that “I am thinking”, cause
then there’d be a moment BEFORE a thought where one is actually making a
self-aware decision in saying “I’m thinking, and the nature of this thoughts it
going to be like this/that, contain this/that and is going to be about
this/that” / “I am reacting, and the nature of the reaction is going to feel
like this/that”. But this is not the case at all.
The Mind/Consciousness is/has become a complete automated
system that constantly/continuously streamlines thought-patterns,
reaction-patterns and internal conversations based on the external environment
and the definitions/nature of the personalities one created through/with
consciousness in, as and with the Mind. And in/during this constant/continuous
streamlining in our relationship as fear and separation to/as the external
environment, we simply fall into/trust whatever automatically manifest us, within
and as the automated acceptance, allowance and trust of “who we are” as the
But furthermore within that, I commit myself to show - if it
was “who
we are” – should we then not in absolute detail be able to explain how a
thought came to exist in the mind, where exactly the memories come from that
appear in the mind, how/why exactly we have particular-specific
fantasies/imaginations, where exactly did we get the ‘material’ to construct
imaginations/fantasies, how it is that reactions are defined within the
emotions/feelings that substantiate it, where/how we so immediately can
experience a reaction and have it be defined in that moment, but: no one can do
this/walk this/explain in detail how they came to exist as thought patterns,
internal conversations/backchat and reactions/behaviour patterns within that,
with also for example being able to in detail explain from where/who certain
behaviours got copied, how we use our face as we do, our body as we do…
However, what does exist in the detail of all this knowledge
and information: Is the Mind – because it knows itself through and through, it gives
it the power to be able to constantly/continuously evolve throughout our lives
through main/primary and sub characters/personalities within, while we’re
locked/held in an limited awareness in the Conscious-Mind. With the only
purpose of accepting/allowing/trusting that whatever comes up in our Minds “is
us”, and then to from there take the mind into practical living. That we’ve
become the substance/mediator between the mind and the physical, the mind
instructing us on how to act/be/behave in/as our physical-body and our living
in this world/reality, thus: what the “who I am” in fact is, is but the
awareness/beingness that facilitate the mind’s existence in/as the physical
through automatically accepting and allowing the mind to continue
streamlining/instructing to/as us who/how we are in any given moment.
In this, I commit myself to show – that the
mind/consciousness as a relationship between energy and substance, that has now
become the relationship between the mind and the physical, is a creation/manifestation
of consequence from the beginning of our existence that originated from/of fear
and separation. And so the creation of ourselves became existent as fear and as
separation, which is why/how our awareness is separate from the mind and the
physical, our beingness is separated into and as the mind and from the
physical, and the very structure/manifestation/existence of/as the entire mind
consist of separate parts, manifestations, components that is in an interconnected
design. With the very presence, nature and substance of the mind existent
in/as/of fear as the extent to which we exist in fear even towards our own
minds, physical bodies and so the rest of this existence: an entire creation of
fear and of separation, because of the decision, acceptance and allowance of
“who we are” from/of the beginning of our emergence into/as existence that came
to manifest as fear and separation. So, this is what we created – fear and
separation, and now we exist in separation from ourselves as what the Mind
is/has become.
Thus, yes – the mind is “WHAT we are”, from the perspective
of that the Mind reflect our beingness that we have systematized into and as an
automated existence as consciousness that exist FOR us, that REPRESENT us – but
are in no way in control of.
Thus, I commit myself to show that we have to ‘get back to’
the WHO I am, who we are in/as our beingness, mind, physical living through
first getting to know WHAT we have become/created ourselves into and as the
Mind/Consciousness in and as the Physical as the system that has controlled,
regulated ourselves and our lives. Because, as long as the Mind/Consciousness
knows itself better than we know our own creation as the Mind – it will always
in all ways be superior to ourselves as long as we accept and allow and trust
that our awareness is limited into and as the Conscious Mind only. That we’re
only remaining in that limited awareness because of our acceptance, allowance,
trust and decision that that is all that we are and so we’re the ones keeping
our awareness limited in the Conscious Mind = NOT the Mind. We created this
relationship and system of fear and separation we’re existing as, within the
extent of separation that we participate in, in and as the existence of and as
the Mind.
So, the process is thus, to: Get to know the
mind as ourselves, how have we within and as separation and fear
constructed/manifested/programmed the Mind as ourselves to become an automated
system of consciousness as our creation that has become ‘more’ than ourselves/our
awareness. In this getting to know, is the process of, essentially
being/becoming equal-to and one-with ourselves as the Mind as the system
representing our beingness that we have created into/as separation to become an
automated system that exist FOR us and so ‘knows us better’ than we in any way
know ourselves in fact.
In this process of being/becoming equal-to and one-with the
mind, aligning ourselves/our awareness to here, in/as physical living with and
as the physical body that is constant, consistent, stable, wherein with and as
our living in and as the physical-body: we develop a real
actual trust with ourselves, because as we walk through the mind into the
physical, getting to know ourselves and actually within that change ourselves
so that no thought/backchat/reactions simply emerge ‘unchecked’ but that we can
absolutely trust who we are in every moment of breath; and we then stand in/as
the directive principled decision of who I am in every moment.
Thus, this process is in fact establishing the ‘who I am’
as what we were supposed to have been from the beginning as equality and
oneness, and not the consequence of fear and separation we exist as today.
Thus, it’s for each one to start the process – stop the fear
and separation within, into
equality and oneness that becomes our living
within, for it to so become our living without and the actual implementation of
a world of equality and oneness as what will stand with the Equal Money System.
Great explanation here - thank you!