Archive for June 2012

The Nakedness of the Forbidden Fruit: DAY 77


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The Nakedness of the Forbidden Fruit: DAY 77

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

Adam and Eve – continued

Who I Am as Money – continued

In this Post, we’re going to have a look at the Story of the relationships between God, Adam, Eve, the Snake/Devil, the Garden of Eden and the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil regarding the moment that Adam and Eve ate from the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and became aware of their Physical-Nakedness and immediately wanted to cover themselves, physically from themselves and each other. In this, having a look at the sound, energy and physical symbolism within this Story within the context of our relationship to ourselves, our physical-bodies and sex/sexuality.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself, to in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now, seen, realised and understood the sound, energy and physical symbolism within and as the story of Genesis in the Bible regarding the ‘exposure/awareness’ of Adam and Eve in their relationship to themselves, each other and their Physical-Bodies, where:
Within what we have established in the sound, energy and physical symbolism/manifestation of the Eating of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is that it serves as an inherent beingness imprint-warning within Energy-Authority/Consciousness as God’s relationship to its Eve, Adam and Devil existence within and as the manifested-singularities, in ensuring that no equality and oneness and awareness exist within and between each-other, as within this relationship of separation within and between the Energies, from the Eve as the negative, neutral and positive energy circulation, movement, distribution and accumulation, to the Adam within its friction/conflict relationship to substance, and the Devil as the very reversing/consuming of substance/life/live into and as energy: that within this separation – God/Consciousness/Energy-Authority maintains its control over and of its own existence and origins. That the ‘awareness’ / ‘exposure’ that developed within Eve and Adam in the relationship to themselves, their physical-bodies and each other the moment they Ate from the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – with this ‘eating of the Fruit’ as the merging/realisation of their equality and oneness to themselves and each other – was actually in fact the moment they became aware of their equality and oneness with themselves as what they are as physical-bodies in equality and oneness.

Thus, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how:
In looking at this story within the context of the manifested-singularities: this ‘equal and one awareness of themselves/what/who they are’ as the Eve and Adam manifestations within the manifested-singularities would be the awareness of themselves as ‘pure energy’ and within that, the awareness that their existence of and as ‘pure energy’ originate from/come from the very relationship of energy to substance. And so within this equal and one awareness of themselves as pure energy to substance; would in that relationship become an individual awareness unto itself. Where the Adam and Eve manifestations would essentially realise their equality and oneness to itself as energy and so their equality and oneness to the God/Energy-Authority awareness of and as and within the manifested-singularities = which is what the God/Consciousness/Energy-Authority would not want. Because it wants to maintain its own awareness unto itself, and authority within and as the manifested-singularity itself, and as long as its Eve, Adam and Devil existence within the manifested-singularities do not see/realise/understand that they are in fact equal-to and one-with God/Consciousness/Energy-Authority – with and as the God/Energy-Authority as pure energy, simply existent as an accumulated form/manifestation of Energy: God/Energy-Authority/Consciousness will maintain its Authority within its existence of and as the manifested-singularity. And thus, this ‘warning’ existent within the Story of Eating from the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, within the context of the Beginning in having a look as Pure Energy’s relationship to Substance: is God/Consciousness/Energy-Authority within and as the manifested-singularities securing its Authority in making sure that the Adam, Eve and Devil existence of itself does not see/realise/understand their equality and oneness as Energy-itself with and as God/Energy-Authority/Consciousness, because as long as they are unaware, separate from themselves and each other as equal and one in Energy: God/Energy-Authority/Consciousness can maintain its Authority and Control.
In having a look at this story within the context of human beings: The Mind/Consciousness does not want the Being/ ‘who we are’ to see/realise/understand our Beingness of Substance’s relationship/equality and oneness with and as the Physical-Body of Substance, because if we were to merge who we are/our beingness of substance with and as the equal and one manifestation of substance as the Physical-Body: Consciousness/Mind of Energy would cease to exist. Because, in our relationship within and between the Mind, our Beingness and the Physical-Body – the very Mind’s Consciousness/Awareness is dependent on our beingness of substance giving it the ability to exist, as well as our Physical-Bodies of Substance, equal-to and one-with as it was in the beginning: with God/Energy-Authority consuming substance from the very beingness of the manifested-singularity – equal-to and one-with our beingness in the Physical-Body, where the Mind Consciousness System in its Conscious and Subconscious Mind existence consume substance from our very beingness to transform into energy. And then Energy of and as the manifested-singularity consuming substance from and of the external existence – equal-to and one-with the Subconscious and Unconscious Mind consuming from the very substance/physicality of our physical-bodies to transform into Energy.
And so – the Mind’s entire existence is dependent on our separation from our own beingness, from the Physical-Body as it had taken Authority/Directive-Principle and Control over and of our beingness and the Physical Body. And as long as we thus continue in our separation from and of our beingness and physical body: the Mind can continue existing. And so, within the context of the story in the Bible – the Mind does not want the human to ‘eat from the fruit’ as standing/being/becoming equal-to and one-with our own physical-bodies/ourselves as the physical, because when/as this equality and oneness would manifest: the Mind would cease to exist.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, from the beginning to now, in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – seen, realised and understood the relationship of sex/sexuality to and as the physical-body and ourselves in our relationship to sex/sexuality and the physical-body, where:
What the story in the Bible is essentially showing/revealing/exposing is the already-existent separation of awareness within Eve and Adam to themselves and their Physical-Bodies; where they were existing in separation awareness from their own physical-bodies, and the moment that awareness of their physical bodies in equality and oneness developed: God ‘punished’ them into ‘eternal damnation’. Which within this, proves thus – within the story of the Bible, that God created his own creation in separation – that as long as his creation maintains separation within the equal and one awareness of and as themselves and their physical bodies; they can remain in the Garden of Eden. Where God/Energy-Authority, within the context of the manifested-singularities, would essentially say to its Eve/Adam/Devil existence – that as long as they maintain their separation of their awareness from themselves as energy and each other: they will have eternal life/energy in and as the Garden of Eden/Energy. But if/as they would realise this equality and oneness as ‘eating from the Fruit’, they would face the consequence of eternal damnation and not get/have eternal energy  to sustain their own existence.
Same with the Mind today – God/Consciousness would essentially say to the Human-Being as the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious/Physical-Mind that as long as they maintain their separation of awareness from themselves as Energy/Mind, Beingness and the Physical-Body, they will have an eternal life of Energy awaiting them / will continue existing within and as their ‘who I am’ as Mind/Energy for the remainder of this life. And if/as they would realise Awareness as the equality and oneness with their Mind and Beingness/Physical-Body, they will face the consequence of eternal damnation of losing the possession/experience of their ‘who I am’ as Mind/Ego of Energy. Thus, the ‘fear’ / ‘warning’ essentially manifested within this story regarding the equal and one awareness of Energy in the Beginning and the Mind now, is that one will ‘lose one’s possession of who I am’ that one created/constructed/manifested from Energy FOR Energy/Mind. Because as long as self exist in separation from one’s own Mind, beingness and physical body with developing/manifesting one’s ‘who I am’ in and as energy/consciousness: what one is giving life to is energy/Mind/Consciousness-itself. So, obviously Consciousness would place in this fear of apparently losing ‘who we are’ of and as Energy – but we are not even a ‘Self/Individual’ in fact, because all that we are had been created from energy for energy, and thus everything about/of self is FOR Energy’s/Consciousness/Mind’s continued survival/existence as Energy. And that, within this process of merging ourselves in equality and oneness with the Mind, our beingness and the Physical-Body, we will not in fact ‘lose’ who we are, Energy/Consciousness will ‘lose’ itself/its existence of SEPARATION yet as we return ourselves as Mind/Energy to Substance/Physicality as the process of merging ourselves as Energy/Mind from separation to equality and oneness: self in fact BIRTH self from the physical as LIFE. Thus, all is in fact in reverse – we’ve already Lost ‘ourselves’ into and as Energy/Mind, we’ve lost/missed LIFE itself  and so ourselves to Energy; and this process of returning energy/mind to substance/physicality is in fact the process of Gaining LIFE/becoming LIFE.

And so, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand within the principle of the process of re-reversing ourselves from Energy to Substance/Physicality/Life – it is to thus, assist and support self within the process of standing/being/becoming equal-to and one with self’s beingness/Mind and Physical-Body for self to be/become the directive-principle of self, the physical-body and so take in the position of responsibility of who self is and how/what self live for self and for all. And, because sex/sexuality is a PHYSICAL ACT OF EXPRESSION – with us separating ourselves from the Physical-Body, we had equally as one separated ourselves from the very expression of and as the Physical-Body within and as and during Sex. Where we had painted / tainted Sex/Nakedness within the context of secrecy/privacy within multi-dimensional relationships/definitions/views/experiences that’s manifested to/towards one’s Physical Body and Sex as the evolution of the separation from our Physical-Bodies and thus Sex. Where our own Physical-Bodies and Sex is approached within absolute separation – as the Mind/Consciousness is the one that benefit from this accepted and allowed separation from our own Physical-Bodies and thus Sex.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how if one have a look at the creation process of God with Adam and Eve – it should be commonsense that God would create an awareness of equality and oneness within Eve and Adam of and as their Physical-Bodies. So – what does this thus mean that the moment Eve/Adam developed an equal and one awareness of their Physical-Bodies; God ‘punished’ them? Why did God not create Adam and Eve with an equal and one awareness with and as themselves, their physical-bodies and each other and the rest of the Garden of Eden? Because God did not in fact create Adam and Eve with and as the Physical-Bodies, God is and always has been this unseen force/source within existence – in separation from and of the Physical-Body and this Physical-Existence. And because the Story in the Bible is a sound, energy and physical symbolism of and as what we as human beings exist-as as the Mind/God’s relationship to and as the Physical-Body, as our external existence reflect directly what we internally consist of and exist as. And thus - God/Consciousness did not create the Physical-Body; and remains within its existence in separation from the Physical-Body and so this Physical-Existence. So, ‘God’ within the story of Adam and Eve with ‘punishing/warning’ Adam/Eve to not develop an equal and one AWARENESS with themselves, their physical bodies and each other – is in fact Consciousness; that within the Minds of human beings maintain control through human beings separating themselves from who they are and so thus the Physical to not expose the reality of what God / Mind / Energy in fact is: an powerless force that is dependent on separation to exist, that has to maintain control of itself/its existence within and as fear/warnings – separating the human being from the actual ‘power’ of and as equality and oneness as LIFE/Physicality.

We’ll continue in the next post looking more at the ‘awareness of our physical-bodies’ in equality and oneness, and so also our relationship to sex, and the extent to which this separation from ourselves, our physical bodies and so also sex: had proliferated much of the consequences that now exist in this physical existence, regarding human beings’ relationship to their own physical bodies and sex, and the extent to which we compromise/use/abuse ourselves, our physical bodies and so sex; simply because of not having/existing as/living in and as that equal and one relationship with and as it.

I commit myself to show how our accepted and allowed separation from ourselves, our physical-bodies and so within that, sex/sexuality as the expression of ourselves with and as the Physical-Body –had manifested the consequences human beings’ experience in their relationship to themselves, their own physical-bodies and so sex/sexuality; regarding the extremes we can go to in compromising ourselves with and within our physical-bodies, our physical-bodies itself and so also ‘who we are’ in our relationship to sex/sexuality. That, because children from a young age is not educated within an equal and one relationship with their physical-bodies, and so walked through a process of understanding themselves in relation to sex/sexuality in equality and oneness – manifest much friction/conflict in the individual when/as their physical-body and sexual processes start developing/manifesting. And because much of these experiences in relation to their physical-body and sex is suppressed/hidden/not shared/spoken about within themselves; this cause much internal conflict/reactions and emotions/feelings as the individual is left to themselves to figure out their relationship to sex/sexuality and their physical body. And most of that ‘figuring out for themselves’ comes from/through movies, magazines, conversations from and of a society/World-System that advertise sex/sexuality and physical-relationship from a visual/picture/image perspective that the individual then try/attempt to copy/imitate instead of developing an equal and one relationship with their physical-bodies and to sex/sexual expression within themselves. And then they’re educated into sex/sexuality from the World/System/Media which further the individuals’ conflict/friction/internal experiences when they cannot seem to equalize their relationship to sex/their physical-bodies as what is portrayed within the media/world-system within the movies/images/pictures advertised. And so the individual with themselves and their mind lives a life of a constant battle with sex/sexuality and physical-relationship and not understanding/grasping who they are in relation to sex and their physical-bodies.

I commit myself to show – how the World-System of Money/Consumerism within the industries of pornography, film/movies, magazines and advertising exploit our accepted and allowed separation from and of our own physical-bodies and sex/sexuality. Where instead of us developing an equal and one relationship with our own bodies and so our sexuality; but instead try and imitate and copy/mould and shape ourselves from what is advertised within the World-System, from and of which the World-System benefits in the industry of sex/physical image/design. Where in this process in our relationship to the World-System with our physical-bodies and sex - we further the separation from ourselves, our bodies and so our sexual expression/relationship and so further the internal conflict/friction in our relationship with our bodies and sex, that proliferate self-judgment, comparison and competition from and of which the World-System of Money thrive as beings attempt and try to equalize themselves in their physical and with sex from the external environment; instead of realising their equality and oneness with and as it within themselves.

I commit myself to show, how within the principle of the reverse – that stopping the consequences we’re facing in this existence regarding our relationship to ourselves, our physical-bodies and sex/sexuality is in fact standing/being/becoming equal-to and one-with and as it. That within the story of the Bible, all it is in fact proliferating is the consequences human beings are experiencing in their relationship to the physical-body and sex, that is endlessly searching for the solution to their relationship with the physical body and sex, externally in separation of themselves. When what the Media/World-System is promoting as physical/sexual acceptance does in no way have the human beings’ relationship to their physical body and sex at heart, all it considers is the extent/amount of Money it can make from human beings’ separation from their bodies/sex, that will never be complete/whole/fulfilled by anything/anyone external; because it is us ourselves that can only gift/give ourselves that absolute acceptance/comfortability with who we are with our physical-bodies and so with sex/sexuality.
In this, I commit myself to show how and why, with standing/being/becoming equal-to and one with your physical-body and so with your physical expression of sex/sexuality, in really seeing/realising/understanding that it is YOU – you would have an equal and one relationship with your Physical Body, honouring, regarding and respecting your physical body equal to and one with how you honour, regard and respect yourself. And thus in this see/realise/understand that sex is a physical expression of who you are in and as the physical body. And within the principle of equality and oneness, would thus align self with a partner in equality and oneness, making a commitment within and between each other to within physical expression as sex, share each other physically with each other within and as the actual nature of sex with the physical in equality and oneness. Where, what stops thus in this process of developing an equal and one relationship with self, the physical body and so sex/sexuality within an committed equal and one agreement: is the extent of abuse we put ourselves through in our minds, the extent to which we compromise our physical bodies in the separation from ourselves as the physical and sex; and the consequences this separation had manifested within human beings, towards themselves, their bodies and each other.

I commit myself to show, that with walking / investing in the What is Sex / Masturbation interview series – one will simultaneously come to understand one’s current relationship of separation to one’s physical-body and so sex/sexuality, and how to practically assist and support self and/or one’s partner in developing an equal and one relationship with one’s physical body and so sex/sexuality within and between PARTNERS. And with walking the Agreement Course alone / with a partner as the process of establishing an equal and one relationship with self, self’s physical body and/or so one’s partner; where with walking these Interviews and this Course – one will assist and support self / one’s partner in developing/manifesting an equal and one relationship with self, the physical body and so sex/sexuality; that will within this establish the ‘New Relationships’ in existence as Agreements of and as equality and oneness. Where with one within oneself / one’s partner standing in equality and oneness with self, the physical body and so sex/sexuality will align self with a prospective/future partner / one’s current partner to really manifest relationships into what it was supposed to be as Agreements where individuals assist and support themselves and each to really learn, grow and expand in actual physical living. Instead of what it has become now, where each individually exist in separation from the physical and sex, obsessed/possessed in constant internal conflict with sex/sexuality and the physical, completely separated and individualized and preoccupied in the mind with sex/sexuality and physicality; which leaves no room for individuals to in fact change, grow and expand in this lifetime, as we’re too preoccupied with our minds, instead of focusing ourselves on ourselves, each other and our living. And so within Agreements – one’s Self-Agreement and Agreement with another in equality and oneness, stabilize one’s relationship with self, the physical body and so sex/sexuality within Agreements – to really start focusing on developing, growing and expanding as individuals and together into learning what it means to Live. 

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

What the Masters of Energy do Not Know: DAY 76


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What the Masters of Energy do Not Know: DAY 76

Adam and Eve – continued

Who I Am as Money – continued

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

In this post, we’re more specifically going to walk the relationship between ‘space and time’ and ‘quantum time’ regarding Energy’s relationship to Substance, and the Mind’s relationship to the Physical Body, more specifically how and why our relationship as Human Beings to Sex today now exist in equal and one quantification of Energy’s movement from Desire, to Attraction to Sex and Love/the Ultimate/Optimum energy-experience as it was existent in the Beginning within and between the Manifested-Singularities. In eventually how the manifested-singularities developed an awareness of being able to ‘remain together’, where the same manifested-singularities would merge-together, separate for a moment and re-merge. Within this, walking thus the process of human being’s relationship to sex within relationships, where partners merge/have sex – then spend some time apart to accumulate the energies/programmes/systems/superiorities within their Minds, and then within the moment/action of sex – accumulate all their energies into and as the orgasm/optimum positive-energy experience where the Minds transfer their accumulated/evolved systems/programs/superiorities; and once the moment of sex is complete - which manifest their Minds from the externalized positive-energy experience as orgasm, to the positive within themselves, to the neutral and to the negative; which most often manifest as a ‘physical tiredness’; from where the whole process starts again where the Mind prepares itself within and as its energy processes for the next sexual encounter.
(We will in posts to come in this Blog walk this process of the Mind’s relationship to Sex, however the detail of the evolution-process of the Mind within and as through Sex is walked within the ‘What is Sex’ Interview-Series, that cover much of these processes that won’t be walked within this Blog, as one can take the responsibility within oneself of listening to/investing in the Interviews and accordingly align oneself/one’s process within writing and self-forgiveness regarding one’s relationship to sex, walking from Mind/Energy Sex to actual Physical-Expression Sex.)

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, from the beginning to now, in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – seen, realised and understood how:
As the manifested-singularities were in their processes of merging within and between each other; the awareness that developed within and as them, within the moment that two manifested-singularities would separate from and of that ‘equal and one’ merging of and as their energies: is that the moment they would separate and move forward and inward into the depths of existence/substance and the depths of their beingness/substance: their energies stabilized. Thus, with this awareness/realisation of and as their energies stabilizing the moment they separated from and of the merging process, the manifested singularities started developing ‘standing relationships’ within existence, where they would merge together and then separate - until their energies stabilize - and then merge again, and separate until their energies stabilize: and so would continue within and as this process of merging and separating within and between the same manifested-singularities. Within this merging accumulating their energies into and as the optimum/evolutionary positive-energy experience within the equal and one merging, until their energies reach the negative-energy experience awareness of fear/fear of loss that instigate/initiate their movement forward/inward into and as substance as they separate from each other to stabilize their energies in consuming substance to transform into energy with the movement inward and forward into their beingness/substance and existence/substance.
Equal-to and One-with human beings within and as the forming and establishing of relationships, where the Minds have been prepared within and as the accumulation/manifestation of its own energies within the two human beings, then the moment the two minds recognize the superiorities in each other to further evolve/expand/specify their own minds – the Minds initiate desire, attraction to Love/Sex; which will manifest the process of relationship, and sex within relationship. Where the two human beings will have Sex, within and during which the Superiorities of the Minds would transfer within and during the Orgasm (the orgasm being equal to and one with the ‘externalized positive-energy experience’ within and between the manifested-singularities in the beginning), from where the two human beings’ Minds once the orgasm is experienced/transfer of systems between the Minds complete: would go from the positive, to the neutral and to the negative within their Minds, to from there separate physically once the sex is consummated. So that in and during that ‘physical separation’ from sex, and the ‘time’ they’ll spend apart living their individual lives together, the human beings’ Minds then ‘activate/initiate’ the downloaded/uploaded programmes/systems that were transferred between the partners, and at the same time give the Minds the time/opportunity to develop/manifest more Superiority systems within itself. The Mind develop/manifest more systems within and during the two human beings spending time apart living their individual lives together, continuing with their thinking processes/mind processes as their functioning/existence within the mind, where - as the human continue participating in the mind/following the mind – the mind continue evolving/expanding/developing systems within itself. And when/as the Minds are yet again ready to transfer ‘newly developed systems’ within itself to each other: the Mind/Energy will activate within and as the human beings experiences of ‘horniness’ / the desire for Sex; which the Mind manifest in the Physical-Mind relationship of the Human to direct the human being into and as the sexual encounter to secure/ensure its survival as evolution within and as the transfer, downloading and uploading of systems into and as each other.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in equality and oneness with and as substance and the energy, the physical and the mind, see, realise and understand – the proliferation of human beings’ relationship to sex within consequence within and as human civilization where the minority now withstand long-term relationships, and the majority move within and between partners and/or satisfy their Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex process alone with and as Masturbation; where even within long-term relationships today Masturbation remain a prominent relationship/lifestyle of the individual human being – whether alone/in relationship.
Where, within the beginning of human civilization this relationship to sex with multiple partners/masturbation had always played a prominent role within human society – it’s only now within the evolution of the World-System; where the relationship to sex/masturbation had manifested into a relationship of ‘secrecy’. Where nothing had in fact changed within the nature of the Mind’s relationship to Sex and the Desire for and of that ultimate energy-experience; as within the Secrecy of Human’s Minds in the assumed aloneness of the Mind: the Mind travels beyond space and time within its quantum time fantasies where human beings explore the experience of multiple partners/scenarios/sexual experiences within and as their own Minds and/or materialize it within and during Masturbation/even while having Sex with other human beings/their partners.
Where, on the ‘outside’ – a visual presentation of one-on-one relationship solidity is portrayed within and as the physical space-time external visible existence; but within the quantum time existence of the Mind’s secrets; the Mind directs/controls the human beings’ internal existence into and as various fantasies with various individuals/fantasies that most often than not, lead the individual to fulfil these fantasies/energy-experiences within the secrecy of their Mind/physical aloneness within and during Masturbation; or access such fantasies/energy experiences within and during Sex with their partners; or even to the extent of manifesting physically a secret additional ‘life’ with various others partners to fulfil the Desired energy-experiences of and as their existence of and as the Mind. Where the Mind had evolved to the extent where, it can manifest its upgrading/evolutionary processes of Superiorities through, within and as Masturbation (this process which is walked in detail within the Masturbation Series available on EQAFE regarding how the Mind evolve itself through, within and as Masturbation).
Thus, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how from the Beginning – this process of and as Sex/Love – equal to and one with the Merging/Positive-Energy experience equal and one manifestation of and as the manifested-singularities, had in no way ‘changed/evolved’; and thus we as human beings within our very nature, living and interaction/participation had in no way ‘changed/evolved’. Because we still, as we had in the beginning: only have regard/consideration for our own energy experiences within ourselves and between each other. Not seeing/realising/understanding the consequences manifesting within and towards the very origin/source of ourselves as substance and what those consequence would come to manifest the more energy evolve and substance/our beingness and existence become consumed/used/abused within and as the deliberate nature and action of ourselves as Blame within and as spite, excuse and justification in establishing Energy as Authority over and of Life/Substance. Where we USED our beingness/substance of existence, instead of existing/living WITH it in equality and oneness, and now we’re in a physical existence, where EXACTLY the same relationship exist towards our physical-bodies/our beingness/who we are and this physical existence over and of which we’ve as Energy/Consciousness/Mind established our Authority and existing in Blame within and as spite, excuse and justification to validate the consequences we experience in our beingness, physical body and this physical existence for us as Minds/Consciousness to continue having/possessing/owning our energy experiences.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand, in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now - what has evolved Is the Mind/Energy within its relationship/existence in the beginning within and between the interrelationships/dynamics between Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex. Where Desire, Attraction and Love/Positive-energy experience accumulation/manifestation as well as the merging process that’s come to manifest as Sex has remained exactly the same, but within and as the evolution process of Energy, the individual would define these energy experiences of Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex in various degrees of experiences and various definitions of knowledge and information according to what would serve their own self-interest within their own Mind as how within and as these processes of Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex, they would reach/attain and maintain the optimum/evolutionary energy-experience. Thus, the evolution of Energy/Mind simply manifested within and as where the energy experiences of Desire, Attraction to Love/Sex would manifest within and as various frequencies/vibrations/movements and/or various definitions of knowledge and information.
And so, for example - the same processes within and between Desire, Attraction to Love/Sex would manifest multi-dimensional, for example – to/towards one’s own Fantasies within one’s Mind, to/towards one’s partner, to/towards various human beings, to/towards only Sex, to/towards only Masturbation, to/towards family and friends.
Thus, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical from the beginning to now, seen, realised and understood how we’ve as the Mind ‘evolved’ the original existence of Desire, Attraction and Love into and as multi-dimensional forms/experiences – all leading to the exact same destination: The optimum energy experience. Within having a look at for example the interrelationships/dynamics of Desire, Attraction and Love within and between Family/Friends, as one of the ways that Energy evolved its original existence within and between Desire, Attraction and Love: where this process of Desire, Attraction and Love regarding the energy-experiences involved in friendship/familial relationships would simply manifest to a lesser extent/degree of vibration/frequency/experience in comparison to the experience of the exact same energies of Desire, Attraction and Love within and towards partners/relationships/sex. Where within familial/friendship relationships - the Mind would within desire for friendship/family relationships, and the attraction to/towards certain family-members and certain type of friends: manifest an particular-specific closer-experience/relationship as a diminished form of love to/towards the family-member/friends than what one would experience to/toward a relationship/sex partner. This because of how the Mind use familial/friendship relationships within and as its evolution/solidification/validation of and as its Personalities, where the Mind use such relationships with family and friends to build/construct and cement its Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind. Thus essentially using such relationships to maintain the beings’ definition of ‘who they are and how/what they live’ within themselves as their ‘who I am’ within and as the Mind, and so cements/certifies the existence/relationship the human being manifest within themselves within the acceptance and allowance of ‘who I am and will be’ and have become and so remain. And thus familial and friendship relationships ensure that human beings’ Minds remain stable within this acceptance and allowance, and so stable within and as the Superiorities and Inferiorities that develop/manifest within and as the process of ‘who I and will be and so become/remain’. And in this process of our relationships with family/friends maintaining our Minds’ / ‘who I am’ acceptances and allowances this solidifies the certainty for the Mind that the human being will enter into relationships with partners/sex in the future of their lives, to meet with individual human beings with Superiorities that is existent as their own Inferiorities for the Minds to so secure/ensure their survival/evolution within the transfer of systems/superiorities within and during Sex.
And so, family/friendship relationships had simply become fortress grounds where the mind ensure/secure the stability of its ‘who I am and will be and have become/remain’ acceptances and allowances of the Superiorities and Inferiorities. To so ensure/secure its future where the Mind can evolve its Superiorities within and between human beings, with all human beings Minds existent in the same familial/friendship relationships that cemented their ‘who I am and will be and have become/remain’ accepted and allowed existence in their relationships within and between the Superiorities and Inferiorities - and so all individuals/human beings are prepared from family/peers or those that had gone before them, to friends - for their future in relationships/the future of the survival / evolution of the Mind.
(Understand that, what we’re showing here regarding relationships with family and friends is how we develop/have developed our ‘who we are’ within the Mind. This does not in any way mean one must sever/stop any relationships with family and friends, as cutting oneself off from family and friends/separating self from them will not solve/is not a solution to who we are/have become in the Mind. No-one is responsible for who we are/have become – but ourselves. Thus, within this process of writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application within one’s relationship to family/friends – one’s process remain individual within oneself, where one still continue participating / walking the relationships existent within one’s world; but the responsibility comes within ‘who one is’ within one’s relationship to others/all human beings. And thus, initially one assist and support self with the tool of communication – to speak in breath, to assess the moment and consider the other in equality and oneness, and not participate/interact in relationships from reaction/energy/backchat. Thus, all one’s relationships in one’s world assist and support self in this process as mirrors/reflections of self to be able to assist and support self in the process of Living with the Physical and not through the Mind. We suggest for further support and assistance with how to assist and support self in realising/seeing/understanding how others are in fact direct mirrors of ourselves – to visit the Desteni-Forums, in learning how to establish effective relationships with self, friends and family.)

I commit myself to show, how from the Beginning to Now – the very existence, nature and action/living of ourselves as Energy that evolved into and as the Mind; had in no way changed within and as the origins of ourselves as Energy in our existence/relationship/possession to and as the ultimate/evolutionary energy-experience, that still exist as the Mind/Human Being today. With no consideration, regard, care or awareness of and as the consequences we manifest to our beingness/who we are, our physical-bodies and this physical-existence as a whole within and as our possession within and as Energy. Equally as one as we had no consideration, regard, care or awareness of and as the consequences we manifested to our beingness, manifestations and existence/substance as a whole in the beginning: where from the beginning to now we had/have one purpose/reason for existing - individually fulfilling that ultimate/evolutionary/optimum energy experience. Within this, to see/realise/understand thus, why and how we as individuals and together as humanity had not from the beginning of our existence – been able to stand together and work together in equality and oneness with ourselves, each other and this physical existence as a whole, in really seeing/realising/understanding the point of each part in fact being a part of ourselves. Because if we did exist as such – in actual, visible equality and oneness: this existence would not be the complete reverse of that as what we’re facing today. As we would have really considered, regarded and cared in absolute awareness for each part as we would’ve done unto ourselves in equality and oneness in gifting to each the absolute potential to living/life. But now, with serving ourselves only our own self-interest of and as the optimum/evolutionary energy experience: everything about ourselves as individuals, from the beginning to now had been programmed/manifested/aligned to only serve our own survival/evolution into and as the ultimate/optimum energy experience that each search-for/seek for with no equality and oneness existent, an absolute existence of separation and the consequences that had manifested as this very existence because of it.

I commit myself to show – how and why we as human beings have throughout our history, been obsessed and possessed with sex/sexuality, that our relationship to Sex had in no way changed – as Sex had become the evolution of energy’s merging processes in the beginning to get/have/obtain/attain that ultimate evolutionary/optimum energy-experience; which for the Mind still serves the exact same equal and one purpose. As Sex/that ultimate/optimum/evolutionary experience had come to possess human beings to such an extent, that our entire Minds have been developed/programmed/manifested to attain that One Thing, and One Thing only as the optimum/evolutionary self-interested possessive energy experience. Where, the processes of Desire, Attraction and Love/the ultimate/optimum energy-experience is still existing exactly the same, only now evolved into and as various vibrations/frequencies/experiences and knowledge and information definitions, where Human Beings’ Minds will attain/obtain that ultimate/optimum/evolutionary energy-experience within and as and through various ways/means and methods - within and as sex, relationships, money, consumerism, addictions, habits, spiritualities, movements, religions etc. When what all of such relationships we form to/towards our external world have in common is that: they only serve the purpose/reason for existence of the INDIVIDUAL within and as the fulfilment of and as the optimum/evolutionary energy-experience fulfilment within and as themselves. That there had been no LIVING ACTION of equality and oneness where human beings in fact stand-together and stand-up together in coming up with a GLOBAL equal and one SOLUTION for ALL in equality and oneness: as with the variations of the definitions and experiences of Desire, Attraction and Love/the optimum/evolutionary energy experience that possess human beings as Minds from and of the responsibility and solution/answer to ourselves and to all as EQUALITY AND ONENESS, as everything that had come to exist within existence today - Only serves Self-Interest and Energy-Experience, and in no way serves Life/All in and as Equality and Oneness.

I commit myself to show, how from the Beginning we had developed relationships – within the variations, degrees and definitions of relationships that exist today, within and as the starting-point energy-experiences of and as Desire, Attraction and Love/The ultimate/optimum energy experience; and within this – how and why any and all relationships we form to/towards anything/anyone, only serves the interest of our own Minds’ energy experiences. And simultaneously within this – I commit myself to show, how we have created/manifested our external existence/World-System and all the Systems within it, in our image and likeness where now internally and externally: our existence had come to serve only self-interest, at the cost/expense and consequence of Life/Substance/Physicality itself. And, unless we as individuals start opening our eyes in pulling off the veil of Energy/Mind/Consciousness and see what we have done and become and so align ourselves and our living to equality and oneness with substance/physicality – stopping separation and ignorance and existing in equality and oneness and awareness/responsibility, in stopping our possessions/obsessions with energy-experiences: nothing will change within this existence, but will simply continue and accumulate as consequence, as consequence had accumulated/manifested from the beginning to now in our accepted and allowed separation from/of Life/equality and oneness.
And so, I commit myself to show – how we as individuals had from the beginning directly manifested what is here today, so that all may see that no excuse/justification is valid for who we are and where we are as individuals; and so cannot claim innocence/unawareness for what we’ve done and become in this existence; especially those in this World with Money that has the money and access to even be able to read this Post/Blog: because the consequences have always been here, staring us directly in the face in what this physical existence has become. And we/those with Money have the most responsibility to stand up and stand together for a Global equal and one solution in this physical existence – as for us to have the money/life we have – half the world is starving/dying. And thus it is our responsibility to, with and as the Money we have within ourselves/lives – direct ourselves/our lives in committing ourselves to in this relationship we have with the World System and Money – direct it into and as an equal and one solution for All, to stand up for those that are currently in a position to not be able to, to in fact stand up for them and as them in equality and oneness as we have the ability and capacity to do so in every moment of Breath. That we cannot claim innocence/unawareness for the consequences manifested in this physical existence that stare us directly in the face – every day that we’ve for too long simply just deliberately ignored to fulfil our own possession of and as energy experience/desires. And in the face of the consequences of and as this physical existence being here directly, and no-one that has the ability/capacity to – especially those within the World-System of Money of standing up/standing together from the moment a part of self manifested into inequality – Not one of Us is / has been innocent, as we had never throughout time/our lives stood up for a Solution of and as equality and oneness. And so, none of us is innocent; because the consequences are still here and are still proliferating, not doing anything but ignoring it to fulfil our own desires/energy experiences. And thus, I commit myself to show the extent of responsibility we have unto ourselves and all of ourselves to sort out this existence of and as ourselves and so each one will see/realise/understand that we’re individually and together responsible for what is here and who/what we have become; to in this create a window of opportunity for us to finally stand up and change and be part of the process of birthing life from the physical

Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman

The Mind’s Multiplication Effect: DAY 75


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The Mind’s Multiplication Effect: DAY 75

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

Adam and Eve – continued

Who I Am as Money - continued

As mentioned in the previous post we’re going into more detail regarding the relationship between the manifested-singularities in their merging/manifestation process of oneness and equality, regarding the difference in ‘space and time’ that manifested within the interrelationships between Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex – where some experience it within space and time extended, and others in immediacy and will in posts to come walk the difference within the extent of accumulation of the positive-energy experience, which had come to manifest as various definitions of ‘Love’ – but the origin of and as that experience of ‘Love’ is exactly the same: Energy as the positive-energy experience.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, from the beginning to now, in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – seen, realised and understood, how:
In the beginning – with the manifested-singularities coming into existence as ‘pure energy’, where the existence within and as and of themselves was only existent within and as the pure form/expression and manifestation of energy itself, with no ‘definition/knowledge and information’ attached to/as the energy-experiences of and as the negative, to the neutral and to the positive or to the oneness and equality merging of and as the two manifested-singularities. It was simply the manifested-singularities as pure-energy itself that was developing an awareness of and as itself, from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive within themselves, and then the externalized optimum/evolutionary positive-energy experience accumulation within and between themselves within and during the merging process. Where – the positive-energy experience within themselves, was simply the ACCUMULATION of energies, which within and as their fear/fear of loss existence within and as the negative-energy experience is what drove/motivated/instigated the manifested-singularities as energy-experience awareness to/towards that ultimate/optimum/evolutionary positive-energy. Because the MORE Energy = the BETTER/secured chances of continued survival and existence. And so, the very nature and existence of Desire is the adrenalized starting-point of and as fear/fear of loss as the manifested-singularities became obsessed and possessed with and as Desire of and as the ultimate/optimum/evolutionary positive-energy experience which equalled their guaranteed survival/continued existence. And thus – Desire is in fact the adrenalized/quantified/accumulated fear/fear of loss experience of and as and within the manifested-singularities to ensure/secure their own survival as Energy.
Therefore, in the beginning – within and as the pure-energy, pure-substance relationship of and as the manifested-singularities: they existed within and as the very expression of energy regarding the extent/amount of ‘time’ that the pure-energy/pure-substance relationship manifested within themselves and between each other which we now would understand to be ‘quantum time’ / ‘immediacy’. There was not yet the existence of ‘space and time’ which would only come to manifest much later within existence as the manifested-singularities became aware of the relationship between themselves as energy to substance, from the perspective of realising/seeing/understanding: that the ‘slower’ they move as energy to substance, in consuming substance to transform into energy – the ‘longer/extended’ their existence within existence become.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to from the beginning to now, in equality and oneness with and as substance/energy, the mind/physical – see, realise and understand how, initially – within and as the existence of and as the manifested-singularities: everything manifested in immediacy/instancy within and as the nature and existence of energy as ‘quantum time’, where the very existence/manifestation of quantum time/immediacy regarding movement/accumulation/relationships only came to manifest within and as the emergence/manifestation of and as Energy-itself. With Substance/existence-itself existent within and as the manifestation/expression of HERE, of equality and oneness where everything exist already in and as the point of HERE; there exist no movement/accumulation/evolution/relationships of interconnections within and as substance/existence. Whereas – due to and because of the extent of separation of Energy to substance, energy was dependent on relationships, movement and accumulation to essentially equalize its existence to and as substance, in moving from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive, and then the equal and one merging of the two manifested-singularities in relationship was how/when they reached their internal equality and oneness as their superiorities merged into equality within the oneness manifestation of their Auras/Presence.
And so – for energy, essentially it was a process of relationship-forming/manifestation between substance, from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive, to the externalized oneness and equality merging for energy in itself to feel/be/become whole/complete. When in and as Substance: the completeness/wholeness of and as itself is HERE AS-ITSELF. Whereas energy: need/require and is dependent on relationships/interconnections between separate parts to complete/unify itself into an experience of equality and oneness.
And so, within and as this dependency on energy’s movement/accumulation through within and as relationships/interconnections: is what manifested the existence of ‘time’ – as ‘time’ = movement. And so, with there not yet existing a relationship within and between ‘space and time’, but only ‘time as movement’ existing – this quantified the manifested-singularities movement into and as immediacy; which allowed the manifested-singularities to move within and as their energies from the negative, to the neutral and positive so immediately/instantaneously; and as well within that, so immediately/instantaneously move into and as the oneness merging to manifest the equality of and as the externalized positive-energy experience as they equalized themselves within and as their superiorities.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now – seen, realised and understood how and why: Within having a look at the manifestation/point of Physical-Sex – how and why the proliferation of human beings as Minds relationship to sex had come to manifest now - equally as one as it came to manifest in the beginning. Where now human beings simply utilize sex for that ultimate/evolutionary positive-energy experience as Orgasm / in whichever way they had defined for themselves the positive-energy experience accumulation that manifest within and as their Mind-Physical relationship within and during sex. Within having a look at the question: What happened to actually getting to know another human being, to developing an actual equal and one relationship with them, where the starting-point is existent within a clear, practical decision based on whether two human beings would be best for themselves and each other in really walking a lifetime together? Where within and as relationships today, the dynamics/interrelationships between Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex is quantified within and as the Mind/Consciousness where a human being can go through these energy processes in one moment and engage within and as sexual encounters with various partners. And because of the extent of our separation from and of our own Minds – human beings don’t see, realise and understand that it is in fact these interrelationships within and between Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex that drive/motivate/instigate their encounters/relationships with and as sex with various partners. But this process happen/manifest in such a quantum/instant/immediate moment – that they’re not seeing/realising/understanding what is in fact motivating/driving/initiating them into and as these/such sexual encounters as the Mind within its relationships between Desire, Attraction to Love/Sex. Where the Mind Consciousness System can in quantum time, assess the Mind-Physical Aura/Presence manifestation of and as another human being and when/as the beings’ Mind assess the superiorities of another human beings’ mind, will in quantum time manifest/direct the interrelationships between Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex and so initiate/motivate/instigate the human being to engage in and as a sexual encounter for the transfer of systems.

Now, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand within and as what we have assessed, that – Desire in fact exist within and as fear/fear of loss and so Love/the optimum positive-energy experience evolution existent as the solidification/certainty of and as the Mind/Energy’s survival. And with the quantification of the Mind in its relationship to sex, with sex the process the mind use to evolve itself with: this quantification of desire, attraction to love/sex indicate that the Mind is/has been for quite some time manifested in a dire state of the need/requirement for survival; in upgrading/evolving itself to ensure its own survival. Because the more the Minds interact/merge within and during Sex – the more the Mind evolve/upgrade itself to so ensure/secure its survival. And so sex had become the Mind’s directive principle for its own survival, the consequences of which we as human beings experience/manifest / have manifested in this world/within humanity and the physical body, where the more the mind evolve, the more the physical deteriorate and so the more the human being in fact deteriorate within and as ‘who we are’. As more and more and more human beings align themselves/their lives within and as the purpose/reason for sex – equal to and one with how the manifested-singularities in the beginning aligned themselves/their movement within and as the purpose/reason for and of and as that optimum positive-energy experience/survival within and during the merging process. That we had come to a humanity, with most human beings – especially within the World-System of Money, exist only for their own interest/survival of desire – existent in multi-dimensions/forms/manifestation, constantly/continuously preoccupied in the Mind with this One Thing – but would rarely within a moment of breath within their day: consider the countless of lives of humans, earth, nature and the animal-kingdom that is endlessly suffering/dying; so that a minority of human beings can fulfil their equality and oneness within their own Mind of and as their own Desires.
(This relationship between the Mind and Sex – regarding the extent of the Mind’s control on human beings’ relationship to sex/sexuality and the processes that in fact manifest within the Unconscious-Mind of human beings within and during sex, is walked in detail within the ‘What is Sex’-Interview series available on EQAFE.)

We will in posts to come, when we continue walking the process of the inception and conception process of the child within this World/Reality from where we momentarily paused within this Blog in DAY 50: Parenting in the Matrix – walk the detail of how the Mind develop/manifest in the Physical; where within this process, one will clearly see/realise/understand for self, the extent to which the Mind/Consciousness as Energy-Authority in fact direct/control/influence everything of who self is/what self live, in our acceptance and allowance of, from the beginning – evolving as energy, instead of living in and as equality and oneness with and as substance, now manifest as physicality. An opportunity that still exist, in every moment of breath, in aligning ourselves as Energy/Mind into and as Physical Equality and Oneness, to stop the extent of consequences we’ve accepted and allowed to manifest within and as our existence as separation; consequences which we’ll walk specifically as we continue within this Blog, in seeing/realising/understanding our direct responsibility to the consequences now existent within our relationship to the physical body and this physical existence as a whole.

I commit myself to show – the extent to which we’re existing in separation from and of our own Minds as Energy, existent only within and as energy-experience, where the mind had come to manifest within and as survival to such an extent, that it had quantified its existence within and as the interrelationships/dynamics of desire, attraction and love/sex. And because human beings have become the Mind/Consciousness to such an extent, would equally in quantum-time make the decision/action into and as the act of sex, with various partners within and as the accepted and allowed following of and as energy-experience. And as Energy/Mind/Consciousness has no regard/consideration or care for the Physical-Body but only to the extent of consuming physicality to transform into Energy, and thus no regard/consideration or care for any other Human Being within actual equality and oneness, let alone the earth/this physical existence as a whole: would within and as their possession of Desire, not consider/regard the consequences our possession with Desire manifest in our relationship to the physical-body/other human beings and this physical existence as a whole.

I commit myself to show – how, we’re now as human beings existing in ‘quantum time’ Energy as the Mind/Consciousness, within for example the relationships between Desire, Attraction and Love/Sex – equally as one as the manifested-singularities of and as Energy existed in quantum time within their existence of Desire, Attraction and the Positive-Energy Experience accumulation within the Merging process. Where now as Human Beings – we’re facing the reality of who we are and always have been, since the beginning within and as our manifested acceptance and allowance of ‘who I am and will be’ and so have become and remained. Where nothing of our existence as beings from the beginning had changed: as we had never in fact changed the very origin of our relationship/existence as Energy to Substance, now existent as the Mind to the Physical. And thus in this, the direct relationship to Sex/Love – manifested multi-dimensionally within relationships, sex-itself, consumerism, money-itself, religions, spiritualties etc. where Sex/Love/the positive-energy experience fulfilment is the very possession that is keeping human beings from the REALITY of our RESPONSIBILITY to ourselves, each other and this Physical Existence as a whole. And in this, how and why this physical existence will not and cannot change, until we as human beings align our living, from energy-experience survival, that’s manifested us into and as the possession of Desire that’s manifested the consequences in this entire physical existence, into and as equality and oneness with ourselves, each other and this physical existence as a whole, so that we can step out of our mind preoccupations of desires and energy, and actually visibly become living beings that direct ourselves and our living to what’s best for all, and thus best for ourselves.

I commit myself to show, in the walking of this Blog – the detail of our existence / birthing into this world/reality as the Mind, that has manifested us into and as this Possession of Energy, that’s manifested the Destructive consequence of who we are in our relationship to the physical body, each other and this physical-existence. And within this; primarily why and how human beings have become so obsessed and possessed with sex/love/desire to various degrees/extremes within our lives, as sex/love/desire/positive-energy experience is and has become the Mind’s primary reason/purpose for and of survival. And because we have come to exist as the Mind, this has become our very primary reason/purpose of and for existing. So that in this process of seeing/realising/understanding what we’ve done and become, we can align ourselves and our living as our Purpose, into and as the Purpose of and as Life/Heaven on Earth – to equality and oneness as what’s best for all, and so stop manifesting an existence of consequence, and start manifesting an existence of Living.

Featured Art Work by Damian Ledesma
