
Friday 16 November 2012

mIrror, mIrror of the mInd...: DAY 216

mIrror, mIrror of the mInd…: DAY 216

Have you Seen my Happiness Anywhere? (Part 13)

FEAR of our own SHADOW – continued

EVIL – continued

The FORCE - continued

Who I Am as Money – continued

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the multi-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

For context from the previous posts:
We’re continuing with another Wool-Thread, disentangling the fluffy whiteness of the Mind/Energy experiences / illusions we hide within and behind as the Sheep’s Clothing, to unveil and expose the real Evil that we’ve become and from which we’ve created the good/positive/light and love, to see/realise and understand why/how it is that there exist no real, equal and one, physically lived good/positivity/love in this World and in the Minds/Lives of individual Human Beings – because it’s all just been an Illusion, created to hide the real inherent evil of the nature of our beingness as humans that is in fact creating/manifesting this world to be/become and accumulate into and as the consequence of evil/bad/negativity/darkness. And so, without facing the evil/bad/dark/negative, instead of understanding it, instead of establishing solutions for it to no more exist – we hide it/veil it, and actually in this, accept and allow it to accumulate – as what is showing/manifesting in the Mind and Lives of Human Beings today.

The Next wool-thread we’re walking is existent within the following statement:
“Live in this moment. Observe the world around you without entering its drama. Look in a mirror and see the timeless, ageless being you are. Happiness can only be found NOW, there is no other time.”

In and from this post, we’re continuing with the Self Commitment Statements as walked in the Part 8,  Part 9, Part 10, Part 11 and Part 12 of the Self-Forgiveness Statements walked within Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7 – in assisting and supporting self to re-align the definition/relationship of ‘Happiness’, to have it not be/become a Veil of Energy within the Mind and behind one’s Physical Eyes, deluding oneself into an alternate reality that do not in fact exist – but to remain rooted/grounded here, within and as the Physical, Seeing Direct, and align oneself/one’s life to contributing to re-establishing Heaven on Earth, rather than contributing to the constant, continuous accumulation/proliferation of accepted and allowed suffering/consequence on Earth as what we’re currently, individually and collectively creating within/from who we are, how/what we live and the acceptances and allowances that’s come to Define ourselves, our living and so ‘life on earth’.

Now that we have looked at Responsibility in the Mind World and Personal World – we will first be continuing with the Commitment Statements of the following sentences “Look in a mirror and see the timeless, ageless being you are. Happiness can only be found NOW, there is no other time.” and then Finally bring through the Points of Responsibility, Mirror and Happiness/Joy to/as our relationship to Humanity/this Physical Existence as a Whole.

I commit myself to show, with referencing the heading of this Blog – mIrror, mIrror of the mInd – we’ve placed the Emphasis on the “I”, specifically, as this is the “I” that we believe we See when looking in the mIrror as being the ‘Real I’ – that our Physical Eyes, when looking in the mIrror is looking into/as this ‘Real I’; when what is not seen, realised and understood is that we’re Not looking through our Physical Eyes, we’re seeing through our Mind’s I, - the I that is Consciousness. Furthermore, with having a look at MIrror, MIrror of the MInd – with the Emphasis of the MI, in sound – it sounds like ME, the ME representing the Personality(ies) we created, programmed into/as Consciousness. So, within mIrror, mIrror of the mInd and MIrror, MIrror of the Mind – we have the I and the MI / ME, so who/what is this I and who/what is this ME?

I commit myself to show that the “I” in mIrror, mIrror of the mInd is Consciousness and the “ME” in MIrror, MIrror of the Mind is whichever Personality one is accessing through the “I” as Consciousness of/as the Mind. Both, in fact exactly the Same – as Personalities are created/programmed from/of Consciousness, with Consciousness existent as the ENTIRE Mind’s awareness – from the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious to the Quantum Mind and the Quantum Physical. Thus, when looking into and as the mIrror/MIrror as the “I” of Consciousness and the ME/MI as Personality – we’re NOT in fact looking into and as the Actual Mirror through/as the Actual Physical Eyes, where the REAL mirror exist – the one that has been RIGHT BEFORE us, RIGHT WITHIN us, is: the MIrror / mIrror of/as the Mind/mInd.

I commit myself to show – how/why it is that, within the statement “Look in a mirror and see the timeless, ageless being you are.” – one simply, in fact, in the mInd as the “I” as Consciousness, create another ME/MI that is seen in the MIrror as a PERSONALITY. That one from within the mInd as Consciousness, MIrror another ME/MI as reflecting an “timeless, ageless being” - and then superimposing that onto/towards actual Physical Reality within/onto the actual Real Mirror in front of which self stand. With the rest of the ME/MI’s in the MInd as personalities suppressed / cloaked to not be faced/seen and place a Primary MIrror / ME Personality as this “timeless, ageless being” into and as the centre of the mInd as the “I” as Consciousness and so that is what self see from the within, into and as the without.

I commit myself to show, thus – why/how such a statement “Look in a mirror and see the timeless, ageless being you are.”, within having a look at what was walked above in fact stand within the context of EVIL – because, self is REVERSING the REALITY of seeing through the REAL Physical Eyes and looking into the REAL MIRROR in front of which self stand, but instead – SEPARATE self from the physical, from one’s own physical body and so from this physical reality, into and as the mInd as Consciousness, into and as the ME/MI of the MInd as Personalities and through there only ‘See’. Not seeing, realising and understanding, that within and as this starting point: self is not looking at / seeing SELF, HERE – self is looking/seeing through Consciousness from within and as Personalities – programmed, developed and created as copies/imitations/duplicates from/of those that have gone before self…so, where/who/what is SELF, then?

I commit myself to show, thus – why/how it is that Others, within and as our Personal World – would reflect only ourselves back to ourselves, because in the mInd: only I as Consciousness exist, together with the MInd as the MI/ME’s as Personalities that exist from/of this I as Consciousness that are in fact manifested as MIrrors from/of the Primary mIrror as the “I” as Consciousness. Thus, one can look at the Design of this as follows: One have ONE primary mIrror that reflect our Primary Beingness as Consciousness that is the awareness of/as the whole mInd/Consciousness consisting of/existing as the Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious, Quantum Mind and Quantum Physical. Then one of MIrrors extending from/of that Primary mIrror as Consciousness as the “I” in control, that is ALL of one’s Personalities. And so – we’re mirrored: our entire beingness/inherent nature/ ‘who we are’ reflected within and as the MInd and mInd within and as all the MIrrors and mIrror we exist as.
Within this thus, why/how it is that we always, as long as we exist in/as the mInd as Consciousness and the MInds as ME’s as Personalities: we Only, in fact Always ‘see Ourselves’ as what we’ve accepted and allowed ourselves to be/become/program/create.

Here we thus have the Framework of understanding the MIRRORS we’ve been missing right within us and in front of us, as us as our own Mind and Personalities within it, and will in the Next Post continue with how to REVERSE the EVIL in/as the separation we’ve existed as from/of the Physical, through INVERTING the MIrrors as Personalities and the mIrror as Consciousness to in fact assist and support self into and as Equal and One LIVING, HERE in/as this Actual, Real Physical Existence, instead of the continued accepted and allowed consequence of separating ourselves from ourselves and each other, through reflecting the MIrrors as Personalities and the mIrror as Consciousness OUTWARDS in/as Blame and Projection – never Living, never Taking Responsibility for/as ourselves, each other and this Physical Existence as a whole.

Featured Art Work by Anna Brix Thomsen
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