
Monday 8 October 2012

Character Dimensions – PHYSICAL/BEHAVIOUR Dimension (Part 4): DAY 177

Character Dimensions – PHYSICAL/BEHAVIOUR Dimension (Part 4): DAY 177

by Matti Destonian Freeman / MatterFreeMan: Day 120: Postponement Character - Backchat Dimension Self Forgiveness

Character Dimensions – (Practical Application: Part 15)

The FORCE - continued

Who I Am as Money – continued

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the multi-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

We have now walked the Physical/Behavioural Dimension in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and we’re in and from this Post continuing with the Self-Forgiveness and Self Commitments of the Physical/Behaviour Dimension of the Postponement Character/Personality as an practical example of how to approach the Physical/Behaviour Dimension of a Character/Personality and to see, realise and understand what we in fact accept and allow in our relationship to our Physical-Bodies within and as our starting-point Separation as the Mind of Energy in the Physical as Substance/Matter.

For context from the Previous Blog as the Dimensions we’re walking within the Physical/Behaviour Dimension with seeing, realising and understanding how the Negative and the Positive affect/influence our experience and behaviour in the Physical Body:
The example we’re going to utilize here within the Postponement Character is noticing the Internal Physical Changes and External Physical Changes as the Dimensions of the Negative and the Positive Activated as follows:
Negative Dimensions Internal Changes:
When and as I was participating in the boredom and apathy that was coming up in my thoughts, backchats and reactions, my shoulders started tightening and in the pit of my stomach could experience a cramping/cringing. My eyes also started feeling heavy.
Positive Dimensions Internal Changes:
When and as I was participating in the enthusiasm, I experienced an energy-eruption in the pit of my stomach, like the enthusiasm ‘felt better’ in the put of my stomach. I also experienced a slight vibration in my body – like, elevated, when my energies changed from boredom and apathy to enthusiasm. My eyes in this energies felt more open, crisp and clear.
Negative Dimensions External Changes:
I noticed that as I was participating in the Negative Dimensions of the Character/Personality that, I was starting to physically slouch in my chair, like my body going limp / apathetic.
Positive Dimensions External Changes:
I noticed that as I was participating in the Positive Dimensions of the Character/Personality that, I was feeling more ‘strength’ in my body, like – starting to move my body to sit more upright, essentially readying myself to walk away from the responsibility and go do that ‘Something Else’.

(Continuing with the Negative Dimensions Internal Changes Self-Forgiveness…)
PHYSICAL/BEHAVIOUR Dimension: Self-Forgiveness
Negative Dimensions Internal Changes Self-Forgiveness
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate me from my own physical-body to such an extent, that I hadn’t even noticed in that moment, or ‘connected the dots’, with regards to my shoulders tightening, my stomach cringing and cramping and my eyes becoming heavy to what I am accepting and allowing within and as my Mind as the thoughts, imagination, backchat and reactions within the nature of boredom and apathy, that has in that moment come to manipulate my ‘state of being’ and so the state of/as the physical.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to within this place myself in and as the shoes of my own Physical Body, with regards to really questioning/considering how I can alter/change my experience within Energy and so that of the very Physical Body within and as my accepted and allowed ‘state of mind/experience’, which more often than not compromise the Physical Body in the extent of discomfort, pain, dis-ease I experience within and as it. Not wondering furthermore within this, how in this particular instance with postponement and its effect on my physical-body within the energies of apathy and boredom, what has been then the consequences in my relationship to my physical body throughout my Life with the extent of manipulation I have accepted and allowed within and towards it, from within and as my separation as the Mind as Energy.

Positive Dimensions Internal Changes:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be so separate from/of My Own Physical Body, that I do not/did not even see, realise and understand how I was changing the conditions in the EXPERIENCE of myself in, as and with the Physical Body, when and as my Imagination, Backchat and Reactions changed from the Negative to the Positive. Where, as I was accessing the positive energy experience of ‘enthusiasm’, I experienced an eruption/release in the pit of my stomach, like an excitedness erupting, with my physical body vibrating within a more elevated experience as though ‘waking up’ / ‘coming alive’ and my eyes changing from the heaviness to becoming more open, crisp and clear. In this, not seeing, realising and understanding how I am changing the very experience/condition of the Physical Body within and as my participation in Energy as the Mind.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I am in fact accepting and allowing myself to abuse my relationship with the Physical Body, because before the Postponement Personality activated, my Physical was stable, here, breathing – and how I had from there started manipulating myself and so my physical body with creating a ‘dis-ease’ / ‘discomfort’ in the Physical-Body. Manipulating the physical body and so myself into energy-submission with how the Negative Energy Experience changed my shoulders to tightening, my stomach to cringing/cramping and my eyes to heaviness. And then, simultaneously with creating those very conditions/experiences, I manifest me as the ‘cure’ as the positive-energy experiences I then participated in with my body vibrating with positive-energy as enthusiasm ‘coming alive’, thus relaxing my shoulders, my stomach erupting in an energy experience, and my eyes becoming open. Not Seeing, realising and understanding within this All – that NONE of it is ‘Real’, from the perspective that my EXPERIENCE in the BODY and so the body’s experience in itself is DEPENDENT on the ENERGY I generate in my MIND through, within and as the dimensions of thought, backchat, imagination and reactions. And so I in fact USE my MIND to manipulate my body and so myself to justify, excuse and validate manifesting MY wants, needs and desires in reality, instead of what is here as what would be best for all, and so best for me in/as this actual, real physical world.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to also see, realise and understand that how I changed the experience/state/condition of the Physical Body and thus determined the experience of the physical body and so of me is not Real, because: BEFORE I went into and as the Personality Possession of Postponement, I was simply here, stable, breathing. I mean, it’s most certainly not the PHYSICAL Body placing itself into and as boredom/apathy and then into and as enthusiasm, deliberately manipulating/abusing itself into various physical experiences/conditions/states – as I can self-honestly trace how I in that moment changed the internal condition/state/experience of the Physical-Body through and as ENERGY and the Dimensions of the Postponement Personality from/of the Negative into and as the Positive. And so, it was me within and as my conscious-participation in the Dimensions of the Personality/Character and the Energy within them – that altered/changed the Physical into a Negative/Positive EXPERIENCE that’s determined by ENERGY and not in fact the real/true expression of/as the Stability of the Physical Body as Breath, Here.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand what is in fact happening on a Quantum Mind level within the Physical Body is the following - with Me existing in my Mind within the Physical throughout my lifetime on this Earth, I conditioned my Physical-Body response in relation to the ENERGY of the Mind, as follows:
For the Quantum Mind in the Physical – Negative Energy is the ‘lesser source’ of Energy, so, when/as one participate in Negative Energy, the Quantum Physical will respond in/as a reaction of tightening, stiffening, clenching, constriction, restriction as essentially a Physical-Mind ‘feedback’ of the nature of the Energy not being sufficient enough for the Quantum Mind to channel into and as the rest of the Mind Consciousness System. And this is where the Force/Consciousness comes into play that will deliberately initiate the movement and motion of the negative-energy from Quantum Mind in the Physical – thus, the Quantum Mind essentially initiating its Force of producing more energy from/of the Physical Body. And so, with there existing MORE energy, the rest of the Mind Consciousness System from the Unconscious to the Subconscious and to the Conscious Mind as one’s Personality will thus interpret the ‘more energy-production’ from the Quantum Mind in the Physical as a ‘Positive’ and will so activate/initiate the positive-energy experienced thoughts, imagination, backchat and reactions. Thus, when/as one have moved from the Negative to the Positive in the Mind/within a Personality – there has been processes taking place on a Quantum Physical and Quantum Mind level to which one’s Mind Consciousness System as the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind responded, and so initiated one’s relationship/experience as the “Positive”.
Within this entire Process, as the Quantum Mind produce MORE Energy, releasing energy into the rest of the Mind in the Physical: this “makes the body feel better” BUT, what is actually ‘feeling better’ is the Quantum Mind and Mind Consciousness System in the Physical. Because in the Negative – the Systems rooted in the physical body thus clenched/constrained/constricted the very fabric/tissue/substance of the Physical within its process of penetrating the physical more and more and more to get into the depths of the physical to produce more Energy. And then when/as the Positive Energy manifest as an accumulation of the Negative when/as the Quantum Mind in the Physical successfully penetrated/permeated the Physical Depths and started producing more Energy, the Systems release the intensity of its relationship to the Physical as they are being provided with the necessary Energies. And so in turn create the IDEA that the Body feels better and Self feels better, when it’s all the while the MIND as ENERGY getting its desired Energy Fix at the sacrifice of the Physical. And, within the Positive-Energy Experience that the Quantum Mind initiated from the Physical and spread into and as the rest of the Mind Consciousness System and so one’s Personality: the Quantum Mind extend deeper/farther into the Physical Body and so resource MORE energy through sacrificing MORE of the Physical.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand why/how it is that in and from creating/manifesting the Negative Physical Internal Change, with the ‘Negative Experience’ in/as my Physical Body actually being that the Quantum Mind/Mind Consciousness System is in the process of generating more energy through penetrating the depths of the Physical Body and so manifesting discomfort, pain and dis-ease in the very physical. And that when/as the Quantum Mind in the Physical start producing more and more and more energies and release it into and as the rest of the Mind in the Physical, it release its intensity in its relationship to the Physical, which creates the Illusion in my Mind that I am feeling better/my body is feeling better – when this ENTIRE Process, has in fact me been experiencing my Mind as Energy’s relationship to the Body and how the Physical has come to respond to the processes of the Mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a relationship to my Physical Body that respond according to ENERGY and essentially enslaved into submission with regards to the Mind’s relationship to the Body, the Mind that I am accepting and allowing to continue existing within and as my very accepted and allowed Definition and Participation in and as it as Personalities, its Dimensions and the Energies within and as that. That can really only in fact exist through producing it, parasitically, from the very Physical Body that is the manifestation that in fact give me Life through/as Breath. And so, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to live with the Breath as the Physical as the Here of Life, but instead sacrifice the Physical throughout my Life for the Illusion of life/living as EXPERIENCE as Energy.
(For further perspective on the reference of Quantum Mind – visit

We’ll continue in the Next post with the Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements of the Physical/Behaviour Dimension.

Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman

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