Archive for July 2013

Fact and Reality in one corner, Opinion and the Mind in the other…let the Games Begin (Part 2): DAY 433


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Fact and Reality in one corner, Opinion and the Mind in the other…let the Games Begin 
(Part 2): DAY 433

Before we have a look at the relationship between Opinion and Plausible Deniability, how we use/abuse the relationship between the two to protect/defend our Mind’s Self-Interest and abdicate Responsibility as to our thoughts, words and deeds – let’s have a look at the relationship between Opinion and Self-Interest:

To create/formulate an Opinion in the mind through the process of reasoning/thinking – we base our ‘trust’ on the thoughts/internal conversation/beliefs we hold/participate within, in the Mind. With this trust in our own Mind and the things we participate in, being the starting-point/premise for our arguments/reasoning in relation to how we (the I/Self in the Mind) ‘see/view’ things. Not considering within this…how do we manage to speak to ourselves in the Mind? How are the thoughts we think produced? Were the views/beliefs we hold in fact our decision to accept/allow in our Minds/to become part of ‘who we are’ – or did we unquestioningly simply accept/allow them/copied/imitated them from those that have gone before us? So, the obvious question then within this all is…are our Thoughts in fact “our OWN”? Meaning, we don’t realise the extent to which our parents/family/friends/society program our thinking/how we think/what we think through our process of internal and external acculturation into/as this world/reality – so, we should in fact ‘redefine’ MY opinion / MY thoughts to “those that have gone before me’s Thoughts/Opinions”. It’s like, if you want to look at how our Minds are programmed with other’s views/beliefs from childhood that then become ‘our thoughts’, the thoughts we use to formulate ‘my opinion’: imagine rivers of information streaming from your parent’s minds, from their parents’ minds, from family/peers/friends/media – and as a child, all of this information/knowledge as rivers then stream into your Mind. You (or actually the pre-programmed mind/consciousness) will then decide, based on your external relationships/environment/participation – what of this knowledge/information will become your thoughts, that will then determine your personality/ ‘who you are’.

So, with Opinions and its relationship to thought/reasoning in the Mind –the very “self” / ‘definition of self’ in regards to the views/beliefs that is held, is then used as a starting-point/premise for the formulation of an Opinion and in/as an Opinion one can actually see/learn a lot about an Individual with regards to their personalities/fears/beliefs/views and how they in fact limit themselves in relation to seeing things/people;  because an Opinion always defines the Individual/Personality in the Mind. While the person, in their Minds, believe that creating an opinion about something/someone defines that something/someone – it’s actually in reverse, an Opinion in fact reflect WHO YOU ARE and not that which you created an opinion towards, because the creation of the Opinion comes from one’s OWN MIND/thoughts/personality. It’s fascinating that Individuals forming Opinions believe that they hold some authority/power/control over/of that which they created an opinion towards; when it’s in fact that very something/someone they ‘imposed an opinion on’ that has authority/power over the Individual; because the Individual does not realise how they’re in fact limiting themselves in a relationship of Opinion, because having an Opinion, is always formed from ONE DIMENSIONAL VIEW only. only ever looking at things through the eyes/thoughts/views/beliefs of oneself – giving one ‘tunnel vision’; actually through the Opinions ‘validating oneself’ – using reality to find something/someone to validate ‘who I am’ through creating Opinions.

This is Why/how Opinions aren’t rooted/grounded into/as reality – because the starting point/premise isn’t the real physical reality, but the illusionary reality/personality of/as the Mind/Consciousness; and how we use/abuse Opinions for our own self-interest, to ‘define/validate OURSELVES’. Thus why we can’t see the multi-dimensions of reality/relationships/people/the problems of this World/reality and neither see the Solutions, ‘cause we only look at it in the dimension WE WANT to see it, instead of what would be best for all within a Physical starting point as that which in fact constitute equality and oneness in/as this real physical reality.

We’ll continue / explain more in the next posts to come together with illustrative examples to understand how the Mind/Consciousness use/abuse Opinions for Ego/Personality self-definition and how we in this process, MISS REALITY/what is real completely/entirely

Fact and Reality in one corner, Opinion and the Mind in the other…let the Games Begin: DAY 432


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Fact and Reality in one corner, Opinion and the Mind in the other…let the Games Begin 
DAY 432

Introduction to Opinion and Facts

In and from this post we’re going to have a look at our Mind-Reality and Physical Reality relationship (or shall we rather say separation), with exploring Opinions and Facts. We’re first going to start with illustrating what Opinion is and what Fact is, and how we use Plausible Deniability to protect/defend and create our Opinions in the Mind Reality - in the attempt to control, with the starting point of our own self-interest: the Real Physical Reality.

The definition of Opinion as per (Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013: s.v. “Opinion”) within 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. 2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

Here, ‘Opinion’ speaks for itself in terms of having no evidentiary relationship to Reality, to what is Real – where one actually formed a relationship with reality through real-time, space-time, research, investigation – taking into consideration looking at reality THROUGH THE EYES OF REALITY and seeing what is here AS it exists. But instead – inverted reality into the Mind, THEN created a relationship with reality in the Mind through imposing a belief/judgment/interpretation on it, which in turn creates a “MY opinion” about something/someone. In the Mind-Reality – one can create the illusion of power/control through Opinions, seeing through the eyes of OPINION, seeing things how ONLY SELF WANT to see them.

The definition of Fact as per (Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013: s.v. “Fact”) within
1. something that actually exists; reality; truth 2. something known to exist or to have happened 3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true

Well, one cannot be clearer than the above – with emphasizing “something that ACTUALLY exists” / “reality” / “actual (physical) experience or observation”. Facts are a relationship to reality where one actually see reality for what it is, one do not invert it into the Mind and then see it through the eyes of Opinion by imposing one’s own ideas/perceptions/beliefs onto/towards it. I mean, try and materialize your Opinions as they exist into reality…won’t happen, ‘cause they’re not real/tangible, supported by actual facts/information/research/investigation – it is tainted with one’s ‘personal frame of reference’ / ‘personalities’ in the Mind.

So, the question we’re primarily going to have a look at within posts to follow is: Why – despite even the clear Dictionary definition of the word Opinion, do we still trust Opinion more than Fact? Why do we give more credence to Opinion, rather than our own investigation/research in/as Reality/what is Real? Why do we want to only see through the eyes of Opinion, and not through the eyes of Reality/Fact? What is in it for us with weighing “MY opinion” to be MORE than Reality/Fact? What is really going on within/behind it all?

If we have a look at the process of formulating an Opinion, it’s quite fascinating to Observe: a memory is taken of something that happened in reality, thus a past moment, then it is looked-at within the mind and then we talk to ourselves about it within/through a process of ‘Reasoning’ – with the starting-point of that looking/talking as reasoning to change/alter MY relationship to the memory to SUIT ME. In this we then believe that the process of reasoning, the “how I see it” in the Mind as Opinion – hold more substance/validity over/of Reality. And when we take this one step further – it’s fascinating how many of us have Opinions about this world/humanity/life on earth/government/money etc. … but so very few participate in doing anything about actual change in reality. Why is that? Reasoning relationships to things/people in our Minds based on opinions, based on how we believe things are instead of reasoning based on actual evidence/facts and investigation

We’ll continue more in the next post

American Psychological Association (APA):
fact. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved July 30, 2013, from website:
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
fact. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: July 30, 2013).
Modern Language Association (MLA):
"fact." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 30 Jul. 2013. <>.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "fact," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. Available: Accessed: July 30, 2013.
BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)
@article {Dictionary.com2013,
    title = { Unabridged},
    month = {Jul},
    day = {30},
    year = {2013},
    url = {},

American Psychological Association (APA):
opinion. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved July 30, 2013, from website:
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
opinion. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: July 30, 2013).
Modern Language Association (MLA):
"opinion." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 30 Jul. 2013. <>.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "opinion," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. Available: Accessed: July 30, 2013.
BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)
@article {Dictionary.com2013,
    title = { Unabridged},
    month = {Jul},
    day = {30},
    year = {2013},
    url = {},

When the promise of Relationship activates instant Metamorphosis: DAY 431


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When the promise of Relationship activates instant Metamorphosis: DAY 431

In the recent Relationship Success Support interview (will be available on EQAFE this Sunday/next Wednesday) – an interesting point opened up with regards to how we would (and the extent to which we would) ‘change ourselves for Relationship’ / the prospect of Relationship.

One of the first points mentioned is how, within the media/magazines for example you get the “what to do/wear and what not to do/wear for the first date”, or “what put men off from women and what put women off from men”, or “what are women looking for in a man and what is a man looking for in a woman”. It’s interesting here that some people take such things as ABSOLUTES, like these are the views held by ALL women or by ALL men…when, this is not in fact so. I mean, the lists weren’t made by asking all the billions of people available out there / in relationships already. However, some take it as absolutes and follow such lists as Religion – changing themselves DRASTICALLY just to secure a relationship, but never realising that the real you is eventually going to show/come out. Just changing yourself for the beginning stages of the relationship is Not going to change ALL of you…and then people wonder why relationships don’t work out….

Then, another fascinating point that many may be able to relate to was opened up with asking the question “Why do we Fear ‘being comfortable with who we are/in our own skin’ – essentially showing the prospective partner “this is who I am”, but instead CHANGE and HIDE a lot about ourselves when it initially comes to the relationship”? So, a dimension opened up here – showing how: when you’re in school and you see the boys/girls starting relationships and you don’t, and then start comparing you to those that ARE in relationships and then wonder “what is wrong with ME that I’m not in a relationship/someone isn’t interested in me!” When, the following commonsensical points are not considered: you’re in a SCHOOL with a limited amount of people, thus, certain people are during that time more in alignment with others that are already in the school – the person that you may during that time have been more aligned with was not in your school. And then we as teenagers take that context within/during school and think “there’s something wrong with us because WE weren’t in earlier relationships” when it had NOTHING to do with oneself per say, but that you were in a school with a limited amount of people. And people STILL live with those memories and let such memories define them, and now change themselves for relationships because they believe who/how they are isn’t enough, because it apparently wasn’t enough when they were in school.

The interview explores this process of why/how we change for relationships, why/how we become so self-conscious when it comes to relationships and why we don’t allow ourselves to just be comfortable with ourselves – already from the get-go being able to say/show to the person “this is who/how I am – do you want to share this time/our lives together?” – you know, that you already from the get-go know where you stand with you/who you are…how would the experience of the relationship change then?

We’d within this also suggest investigating the ‘Relationship to Agreement’ Course available in Desteni I Process – assisting and supporting with how to establish a relationship to self and so with another where you know where you stand with you/each other and can walk together as EQUALS and learn from each other and grow, instead of compromising oneself for relationships that only lead to self-consequence / consequential relationship.

We know how we See through our Physical Eyes, but how do we See in the Mind? DAY 430


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We know how we See through our Physical Eyes, but how do we See in the Mind? DAY 430

In one of the recent Reptilian Interviews “Questioning the Third Eye” – an interesting relationship is questioned with regards to, for example having a look at when we’re ‘daydreaming’ / ‘thinking about things’.

So, when you’re daydreaming – wondering about relationships/sex/money/the future/holidays and/or when you’re thinking – looking at the day, what to do/how to do it/when to do it/the people involved and all those things: have you noticed that you in that moment can SEE two worlds at the same time? Like, while you’re daydreaming / thinking about things – lol, it’s not like the external world shuts down so that we only see the internal world and also vice versa where the internal world shuts down so that we can only see the external world…while we’re daydreaming/thinking: we can see both worlds at the same time.

This is the point the interview focuses on, questioning the following points: HOW exactly can we see inside our Minds? We don’t have ‘eyes’ in the Mind or organs in the brain that can be dissected and investigated to understand how exactly we see inside our Minds. We have physical eyes – E-Y-E and we have a mind I’s, because the question asked as well is “WHO/what is the one/thing in the Mind that SEES?” We know with physical-seeing, it is in fact the physical body that makes it possible to see – but, how does the mechanics/processes of seeing in fact operate/function in our Minds?

If you note, I also earlier mentioned that we have mind I’s…plural. If you have a look at all the different things you daydream about or think about, you will notice that you ‘become a different person’ inside yourself in terms of how you change how you ‘feel’ – you can one moment daydream about a future relationship and be all positive, then the next moment think about your current relationship and be all negative, like two different I’s / ‘sides’ of yourself being exposed. So, who/what are all the different I’s that occupy the Mind that can ‘see’ in two worlds at once?

I would suggest investing in this interview and interviews to follow to understand HOW we see in the Mind, to understand WHAT/WHO is it that in fact sees and WHY we can create emotional-relationships to what we see/how we see things in the Mind; and within this all, most importantly: how we have come to be able to exist in two-worlds where we spend very little time in the REAL PHYSIAL WORLD and more time in the mental/consciousness world.
