
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Character Dimensions – REACTION Dimension (Part 3): DAY 172

Character Dimensions – REACTION Dimension (Part 3): DAY 172

Character Dimensions – (Practical Application: Part 10)

The FORCE - continued

Who I Am as Money – continued

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the multi-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

This is a continuation and completion of the REACTION Dimension, where we have walked the REACTION Dimension Part 1 and Part 2. In this post, we’ll first walk some Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements as an example of how to walk the REACTION Dimension through the Dimensions of Thought, Imagination, Backchat and the Reactions themselves that one may face within the Postponement Character/Personality - and will from here continue with having a look at more points to take into consideration regarding the nature of Characters/Personalities of the Mind.

REACTION Dimension: Self Forgiveness
Thought Energy-Relationship Self- Forgiveness:
(For context on the Thought-Dimension we have walked – see DAY 164.)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect me, my experience of me and my definition of me to and as a Thought of ‘seeing myself as bored in front of my work/assignment/reading’, and in that, accepting and allowing myself to become an energy-experience of boredom within and from a thought resonating boredom – and so in/as that moment of accepting and allowing the thought and experience of boredom: this is who/what I have accepted and allowed myself to become in that Moment.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how, with that thought coming up in my Conscious-Mind and me relating to the image resonating boredom, that if/as I in that fleeting moment of the thought crossing my mind, accept and allow myself to connect to it/relate to it/participate in it as in me in any way believing that that thought and the experience of boredom “is me”: I will accordingly become it and experience it.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I have accepted and allowed thoughts as memories and my experience to/towards it – to decide who I am in a moment, instead of me ever in any form of awareness directing who I am here in every moment of breath.

Imagination Energy-Relationship Self-Forgiveness:
(For context on the Imagination-Dimension we have walked – see DAY 166.)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within and as the Imagination of seeing how long it’s going to take/how much time out of my day it’s going to take to complete the writing/assignment/reading, and within and as that imagination, accepted and allowed myself to connect me, my awareness, definition and experience into and as a reaction of apathy.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how the imagination of seeing the extent/amount of time the work/assignment/task/writing is going to take out of my day, was ‘visualizing’ the energy experience of apathy, the energy experience/reaction of apathy resonating from and of and within the very imagination process of seeing the extent/amount of time the work/assignment/writing/reading was going to take out of my day.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I have, within my Imagination, taken the reality of a moment, transformed it into and as an energy-experienced version in an alternate reality of my Mind, spending moments as breaths participating in the reaction of apathy within and as the imagination; instead of aligning myself into and as the simplicity of living as taking a breath and actually get the work/assignment/writing/reading done.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my Imagination as an alternate version of Reality in my MIND to have more importance/power over/of the actual REALITY of that moment here.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within and as the Imagination of seeing everything else I could instead do with my time, and in and as that imagination, connected/defined me within and as an energy experience/reaction of enthusiasm. Not seeing, realising and understanding how I had initially created, participated in an imagination of seeing my relationship to my work in the negative, and so in that moment became that imagination and reaction, and from there IN MY MIND changed my relationship, definition and experience into and as the opposite energy-experience as the positive as the enthusiasm within and as the Imagination of seeing myself doing something differently within my time.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I have manipulated myself, by/through initially becoming the imagination and experience of apathy, to the imagination and experience of enthusiasm within my Mind. All the while missing the physical practicality of being here as breath and moving in/as my physical world/reality – instead of me CHANGING in FACT in that moment, through stopping participation in the energy experience and the imagination as an alternate reality version of the actual moment here in physical reality, and physically, practically moving me to get the writing, task, assignment, and reading done.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that changing my definition and experience in the MIND, does not mean that I as who I am in and as my living has IN FACT CHANGED. The ‘reality’ of the “change in the Mind” within and between imaginations and energy experiences is really only in fact a shift between the polarities of energy that only serve the Mind.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I would accept and allow myself to go into an alternate version of reality in my Mind within and as an energy-experience that moves me as apathy to enthusiasm; instead of me moving myself, practically, physically in and as breath in and as the REAL Moment that is here with facing the responsibility of/as getting my work/assignment/writing/reading done.

Backchat Energy-Relationship Forgiveness:
(For context on the Backchat-Dimension we have walked – see DAY 169.)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within this, go one step further as speaking to my own thoughts and imaginations within my Mind as my internal conversational response to/as the imagination and energy-experience of apathy within the words of “This is going to take too long to do, I REALLY don’t feel like this right now”.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I have embodied the thought, imagination and the energy-reactions of boredom and apathy into and as the words of  This is going to take too long to do, I REALLY don’t feel like this right now”, in this “voicing” my own creation of me within myself, to within and as the voicing as backchat add substance/reality to/as my thoughts, imagination and reactions of boredom and apathy.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I have transformed words into thoughts, memories, images, fantasies and imaginations within my Mind, especially within the context of the energy-experiences as reactions connected to/as it, where I have accepted and allowed the ENERGY and MIND relationship to words to define me and move me in determining who I am within myself and my living. Instead of me in self-awareness LIVING WORDS in and as the LIVING FLESH as the Physical, and so have become human beings living in an alternate dream world of energy as the Mind, instead of in/as the actual, real physical world here.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I have been “creating me in and as my Mind” through and as the words and the representations of words I accept and allow myself to participate within as the Mind, and so why/how the MIND has evolved as ENERGY, and there has been no LIVING evolution of HUMANITY in this PHYSICAL EXISTENCE in any way whatsoever – our energy reality has evolved and our LIVING REALITY as devolved.  
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, from creating the negative in my Mind in my imagination and energy and backchat, to changing/altering my perception of my definition and experience into and as the positive imagination and energy and backchat; to/as which I within and as the energy-experience of the positive as ‘enthusiasm’ that I participated in, embodied the positive reaction into and as the backchat of: “I’m going to call up some friends to see what they’re up to, I can get to this LATER”.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that I was now doing exactly the same as before in the negative, but now only in the positive – in changing/altering the alternate version of actual reality in my Mind, into and as the positive, wherein the words/backchat in my Mind of/as “I’m going to call up some friends to see what they’re up to, I can get to this LATER”, became the embodiment of/as the energy-experience of/as enthusiasm, and so again, accepted and allowed myself to speak as energy and as imagination.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how, within the Backchat of “This is going to take too long to do, I REALLY don’t feel like this right now” and “I’m going to call up some friends to see what they’re up to, I can get to this LATER” - I am in fact in the process of ‘creating me’ in that moment in and as my Mind as my words/backchat stepped forth as creations from/of imagination and energy as boredom, apathy and enthusiasm – voicing/substantiating ENERGY: Instead of me in that moment in self-awareness walking with breath and actually physically moving myself to get the writing, task/assignment DONE.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in backchat as the embodiment of and as the reactions of boredom, apathy and enthusiasm in the first place. Participating in “voices in my head”, instead of moving with and as the stability of breath and the physical here as an expression of who I am that can manifest in ACTUAL REALITY through the completion of/as my task, writing, assignment and reading.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand why it is that humanity has so little to SHOW of our lives in REALITY, because we spend most of our lives creating in our minds with energy, instead of expressing, constructively in and as our LIVING in this World/Reality.

Reaction Self-Forgiveness:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define WHO I AM into and as energy-experiences within and as an complete alternate reality, separate from/of my PHYSICAL BODY, never questioning “but, why – when I am IN this BODY in EVERY BREATH, do I not stand WITH it, AS it, in and as equality and oneness in being able to relate to it, communicate with it, “experience” it? Why am I existing in separation from it in a reality/system as the MIND as ENERGY that I do not have full context, comprehension or understanding of AT ALL, regarding where thoughts exactly come from, how energies are in fact created, why/how does things so seemingly automatically come up in my Mind that I have no control of?”
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to so readily FOLLOW energy-experiences and the personification of energy as the dimensions of Personality as thought, imagination, backchat, and behaviour so often that it’s become so “accepted” – that I never even stopped for a moment to consider how LITTLE I am in fact aware of my PHYSICAL BODY, my BREATHING and my communication, interaction and participation with others in this world/reality as ALL the living beings, organisms, micro-organisms – the actual LIVING REALITY that is here.

We’ll continue in the next post with the Self-Forgiveness on the Reactions / Experiences of the Postponement Character and then the Self-Commitments, within which self will see/understand more with regards to how energy reactions/experiences operate/function within the Mind and Personalities.

Featured Art Work by Damian Ledesma

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