
Sunday, 29 April 2012

God Created EGO: DAY 15

God Created EGO: DAY 15

Who I Am as Money – continued

Here we’re continuing the creation of ourselves within the context of ‘God’ and the ‘Devil’ as walked within Judgment Day: DAY 14. With:
GOD: as Life / LIVE as the manifestation of/as equality and oneness
DEVIL: the reverse of/as LIVE as EVIL as the manifestation of ourselves as Consequence within Separation as we accepted and allowed ourselves to abdicate ourselves as God/Life through/by the moment of/as separation of ourselves into/as a singularity from the whole as the act of Judgment of ourselves and all as ourselves. From that moment, incarnating into existence as the Devil, the fall of self as God and set-forth the creation of Hell. With:
HELL: as the friction of/as separation that we created through judgment manifested as relationships and experiences of Energy as negativity, neutrality and positivity to/towards all as ourselves. And so – through relationships, created ourselves into/as absolute separation as what we exist as now within this physical existence.
HEAVEN: the manifested equal and one living of/as all in and as existence, where each stand equal-to and one-with all in fact, and so we’re all in this living agreement of self equality and oneness with/as all: Equal and One. Where each LIVE and we all stand as GOD – creation manifested into/as absolute equality and oneness, all LIVING – which becomes LIFE rebirthed.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how my Judgment Day was/is the moment I accepted and allowed myself to separate me from the whole into and as a singularity – where that very action was my Judgment of me, and my Judgment of/as all as me. That ‘Judgment Day’ is not a moment that is to or that will arrive where any other being will Judge me – as I am the greatest Judge unto myself and unto all as me as myself.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to externalize ‘Judgment Day’ into/as a Future Event with a Projected Being – not realising/seeing/understanding, that: my externalization of Judgment Day and the Projected Being/God is in fact me projecting myself and my own actions of judgment towards myself and all as myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create/manifest. That Judgment Day is in fact the moment within my existence where I will face myself – my Judgment of me and all of me as what I had created/manifested as my creation of/as Judgment.
In this – I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately externalize myself as ‘God’ into/as a Projected-Being, deliberately externalized/project ‘Judgment Day’ into and as a Future in my deliberate attempt to manipulate myself in not having to Face me, my creation as Judge and Judgment of/as me and all as me as the manifested-consequences I have created as me as Judge through/by Judgment.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe – that, if I externalize my Judgment Day, the moment of facing me and my creation as me within myself and existence as me: that I can in such a way manipulate Time, by ‘waiting’ for my Projected-Being/God to ‘Judge me on the Projected Judgment Day to in such a way attempt/try to postpone having me face myself and my consequence as creation of me and existence as me.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how – in my postponement of facing me as Judge/Judgment through projecting me as Judge into/as a Projected-Being/God, and projecting me as the actions of Judgment into/as a Projected Future as Judgment Day: that I had accepted and allowed myself to throughout time, in this postponement of me facing me as all as me – accumulated consequence throughout existence as me. As I continued within/as my accepted and allowed stance as Judge, creating through/with Judgment as my relationship-categorizations towards myself and all as myself within/as the Energy experiences of/as negativity, neutrality and positivity: that I had accumulated consequence through perpetuating the creation of me towards all as me in/as separation.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have become the source/origin/cause of throughout time, throughout my lives within/as existence: taking the equality and oneness, the substance of/as me as all and threaded it into/as strands of singular lines/relationships into/as me and reconnected it to/towards all parts of me. Where I was/am taking strands of/as me as substance, within the moment of friction – channelling it into/as experiences of/as energy, categorizing it into/as relationships of/as negativity, neutrality and positivity and redefining those relationships in relation to individual parts as me within/as existence. In this – becoming the machine, that takes substance and threads-it into/as individualized relationships – networking me within and without into/as absolute separation; where I had taken the within as me as substance of/as equality and oneness and manifested it into/as absolute separation as the without as me as networks of varying relationships within/as the natures of/as negativity, neutrality and positivity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to – as my Judge-status, creating me and existence as me from substance as equality and oneness, into and as relationships of negativity, neutrality and positivity as Energy – deliberately project me and my creation into/as a Future as Projected-Being/God and Projected Judgment Day: as I secretly within myself wanted, needed and desired to create/manifest ‘only me’ as ‘my life / my living’ according to ‘my choosing’ and in that did not care about any consequence to me or all as me, because I was creating me, experiencing me, living me – a power that I did not want to give up.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to still within this physical existence as a Mind in/as the human physical body – only exist for ‘me’ as ‘my life / living’ according to ‘my choosing’ – not caring about any consequence to me or all as me, because I am creating me, experiencing me, living me: a power that I do not want to give up. And so each on/in this physical existence is existing within/as the self-delusion of/as self as ‘God’ – manifested as our own Minds, within-which we stand in the position of Judge – judging ourselves in relation to all of existence, where the very act of judging is how we’re continuing to exist as our ‘own God/Judge’ – constantly, continuously creating relationships of separation as negativity, neutrality, positivity as we constantly/continuously take-from this physical existence/substance and transform it into Mind/Energy within ourselves for ourselves as ‘God/Judge’ to continue existing.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create/manifest theWorld-System of Money as God/Judge over/of all within and as this physical existence, that has taken a life/living of its own, where: it only exist for itself/Money, for its life/living as money-circulation according to its choosing in how it created its relationships to/towards all within/as existence within/as the categories of/as negativity, neutrality and positivity to get/have has many resources from/of existence in changing/transforming physical existence into/as Money for itself/its own survival. Taking this very physical existence, and threading it into and as the World-System into/as relationships of/as Money. Where the World-System as Money do not have a care/consideration/regard for all life within/as this physical existence as long as its creating/evolving itself, experiencing itself as money circulation and living/surviving as a World-System of Money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to – in my accepted and allowed separation from/of all as me as substance of/as equality and oneness as God/Creation/Life manifest, reverse me into myself from LIVE to EVIL and become the manifestation (d) of evil (evil) as the Devil, and in this reversal of me from LIVE to EVIL have perceived myself as a ‘God’ within the context of only ‘me’. Where – instead of me existing as God/Life of/as equality and oneness – creating With what is here through Living: I accepted and allowed myself to manifest as me God/Judge in separation – creating through Judgment in the manifestation of relationships of Energy as negativity, neutrality and positivity.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create me into an IGod – ‘only me/I as God of me/I’, where this IGod of/as ‘only me’ within myself became the manifestation of/as me as Ego. Taking IGod as:
I = the individualization/singularity of/as me as I, and
God = the positioning of me as ‘God/Judge’ as creator of/as ‘only me’ within myself to/towards all as me within/as existence and transforming myself into/as Ego. Ego as:
E = the manifestation/merging of I/me into/as Energy and
go = the infinite movement/cycling of me as energy, constantly/continuously generating friction through separation from experience as energy as me to manifest the finite existence as me as Energy alone.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create me from God/Eternal Life/Equality and Oneness/LIVE – to the absolute reverse as an:
IGod – as I separated me into a delusion of me as ‘God’ in the form of Energy, as I had become Energy in the process of separating me from substance. And as this Energy as me within myself as my singularity had become an I of Energy. And in/as this I of/as Energy in/as my delusional positioning as a God/Judge – manifested me into and as an energy-entity as Ego-manifest: a manifestation of Energy believing it to be its own ‘God’, as ‘Judge’ of itself and all as itself – but enslaved itself infinitely to cycling within the process of having to create friction to/towards all within/existence to from/through that friction – survive as Energy. And existing infinitely within/as constant/continuous judgment to/towards all as itself - where, I had thus accepted and allowed myself to become an Ego/Finite Energy/Separation: Which has become me, and has been me throughout time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create me from God/Eternal Life/Equality and Oneness/LIVE to Ego/Finite Energy/Separation/EVIL as I accepted and allowed myself to within myself believe in my own delusion/false impression – as I impressed onto me the false-positioning of/as God that has become me as Judge as creator of/as only ‘me’ through Judging all as me into and as relationships of/as negativity, neutrality and positivity. In that falsity of me – I falsified/fabricated me from the fabric of/as existence as substance of/as equality and oneness, and weaved the networks of relationships of separation to/towards all as me, as I channelled substance into me through friction, transforming it into energy and categorizing it into/as relationships of negativity, positivity, neutrality that I interconnected from within me, to/towards all as me and so: instead of existing here as equality and oneness, came to motion as energy in constant/continuous cycles to generate energy for me, my own survival as God/Judge/Ego.
In this – I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in the falsification/fabrication of me into and as Energy as Ego from the fabric of existence as substance of/as equality and oneness – create me into/as the Illusion as I transformed substance into Energy. That I had accepted and allowed myself to create Illusion as me as Energy, from Reality as me as Substance and throughout time had believed that I as the Illusion as Energy within myself is ‘Real’ and the Reality of Substance as Equality and Oneness is the Illusion – which still exist today, where human beings believe that this physical existence/substance-manifest is the ‘Illusion’. But they as me have been deluded into/as our own creation of/as Ego as Energy-Manifest, where I deliberately accepted and allowed myself to make Illusion Real and Reality Illusion within/as myself, as my attempt to for as long as I can survive as Energy: make myself believe that it is me that exist Infinitely in my finite existence as Energy for a moment. But I do in fact know/see/realise/understand that it is Reality/Substance/the Physical that remains and I as Ego as Energy come to nothing. That I have within my existence known/seen/realised that I as Ego as Energy-manifest come to an end/cease to exist, but the petrification/fear/dread is too much to bear as I always in every life-time – the moment I rebirth, as I know my birth – I know my death, that my existence is finite. And to distract me from this certain end/death/ceasing of my existence – I for the moment while experiencing me as energy, create the delusion within me of myself being the reality and substance/physicality the illusion. To again, in this way – not have to face the reality of what I had become and done, where I had created me into/as Illusion as Energy within a finite self-existence of survival with an opportunity to exist only for a moment – to birth and death – instead of what I had supposed to have been that this reality/this physical existence as substance is/has always shown me: Equality and Oneness. And because this physical existence represented what I had abdicated/given up – I would deliberately reprimand it to Illusion and make me my own ‘Reality’, when the fact is: this physical existence is a representation of me as manifested equality and oneness and it is/has been too fearful/dreading to face this of/as me, and so instead of me equalizing myself into/as one with this physical existence, I furthermore separated myself from/of it within myself – by proclaiming me to be reality and it to be illusion.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that whatever I project onto/towards me within/as this existence – is in fact me showing myself what I am/have become, and by stating that physical-existence is illusion: is in fact me stating my own Illusion as me as what I had become as Ego/Energy. And so – only Ego as Energy will say that this physical existence is Illusion – because Ego/Energy as Illusion manifest can and will always only see itself….

I commit myself to stop my self-separation as existing as an IGod as Ego as Energy-manifest that has become my Mind Consciousness System, to assist/support me to stop the Illusion as me as Energy/Mind/Consciousness, and assist and support myself to walking here with/as Reality as that which I had resisted to stand equal-to and one-with as the representation of/as equality and oneness as what I had always supposed to have been/done/become.
In this, I commit myself to – through writing, self-forgiveness and self corrective application – stop Ego as me, through assisting and supporting myself to establish an agreement with me as all as me, to transform my relationships from/of judgment as negativity, neutrality and positivity to/as equality and oneness, to so stand equal-to and one-with me and stop creating me in separation of me.
Because, in this – I see/realise/understand that if I can create relationships of separation within energy as negativity, neutrality and positivity: I am more than capable and able to establish my self-agreement and agreement with/as all as me in/as equality and oneness.

I realise, see and understand that – if I accept and allow myself to continue existing as Ego, I will only be Illusion and continue living as Illusion within/as Reality as Physical-Existence and contribute to and perpetuate the equal and one Illusion as the without as the World-System of Money that has become the Ego-manifested externalization of me that do not consider/regard/care for anything/anyone but its own Energy/Money. Therefore, I commit myself to – as I walk my process in stopping Ego/IGod within – I assist/support myself as all, in transforming/changing the World-System of Money to a System that will consider, regard and care for all physicality/physical lives in/as equality and oneness.

I commit myself to – stop existing as a Judge, judging myself and existence as me through relationships defined/valued within negativity, neutrality and positivity and align myself to stand in/as equality and oneness and transform my starting point towards myself and all as myself from judgment to solutions. Where I commit myself to assist/support myself through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application to stop judgment and establish myself as the living solution, through transforming my relationship with me and all from separation to equality and oneness. In me being/becoming as establishingmyself as the living solution – I commit myself to create/manifest this solution within/as the world as me – by/through transforming the World-System from a System that Judge all within/as this physical existence based-on the amount of profit it can obtain for its own survival, to taking all that the current system consist of and exist as and establishing solutions for it, where it can stand within considering, regarding and caring for all within/as this physical existence in and as equality and oneness.

I commit myself to – transforming myself from an Ego/Energy-entity that only survives to a Living being that creates, that will so change/transform the World-System of Money of Survival for Money, to a World-System of Money that ensures the Living of/as each as all within this physical existence in/as equality and oneness.  

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

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