Archive for August 2014

Why do we only Deal with Problems when it’s Too Late?: DAY 496


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Why do we only Deal with Problems when it’s Too Late?: DAY 496
Planet – Plan-it – Plant (Part Three)

So, we’ll in the next post continue with having a look at the dimension of acceptance, automation and abdication of responsibility when ‘things go wrong’ in our mind-body relationship and our relationship to the world out there – especially why and how it is that we as a collective do not stand together / have evolved to a point where we can adjust our relationships and the systems in the world to unite to PREVENT what’s happening and find sustainable long-term solutions – but rather have gone into this acceptance of ‘things are generally wrong / bad’. We’re going to have a look at how this is one dimension separating us from our rootedness and responsibility to ourselves, each other and the world as a whole – uniting to develop this ecosystem of life on earth to the betterment of all and so ourselves.

If we have a look at our 3 primary realities: the Mind / Consciousness, the Physical Body and our Social Environment / the World System – there is a level of acceptance, automation and abdication of responsibility that exists within all three. In this post, we’re going to explore these 3 dimensions existent within the 3 realities, causing us to not be rooted in our being, body and physical existence within the principle of equality and oneness as what’s best for all; where we as beings, as bodies are not contributing to the ecosystem of the living organism(s) that is here – creating life instead of destroying it.

The Mind / Consciousness in relation to acceptance, automation and abdication of responsibility:

We have come to ‘accept’ that we think, we react, we imagine and talk to ourselves in our Minds. “This is what it means to be human” we say, “This is how we know we exist” we say – but we’ll only ever question our thoughts and emotions when they lead to something ‘bad’ / ‘consequential’. Even then, we don’t necessarily look at the very existence of thoughts / emotions – but categorize it into a box as a ‘problem of human nature’ and then try and ‘live with it’ (psychology / psychiatry) or find methods / drugs to contain it / suppress it in some way or another (the medical / drug industries). From what we have observed with the human mind, most people in this world have evolved to ‘handle’ their thoughts and emotions better, others cannot and so similar thoughts / emotions would be acted out where the nature of the human mind becomes ‘visible’ in the physical and then becomes a ‘problem’ when they become a threat to themselves and others.

For example, most people have ‘violent thoughts’ – where in a flash of a moment they envision themselves hitting someone when they get angry at them, but it stays in the realms of the Mind. Others, they have ‘violent thoughts’ and act on them – the only difference between people is some can contain their Minds within, others cannot. It’s only when the Mind becomes VISIBLE that it now ‘becomes a problem’…when this should not be so. Just because some manages to keep it in – doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t exist, it’s just that the problem cannot be seen, but the problem remains: who are we in our relationship to the Mind?
So, we have for a long time in human history only been dealing with the mind or trying to control it, once it spills over into living action. Again, we do the same with ourselves in our own lives – we don’t pay attention to our thoughts and emotions as long as they remain secret / hidden, but the moment they do become visible – it is often too late to really change oneself, one’s relationship to the Mind once it possess you and you embody it in your living action. For example, when looking at depression or having a ‘short temper’ – with the research we have done in our relationship to the thoughts and emotions, these / such conditions develop over TIME due to an accumulation and suppression of thoughts and emotions that eventually build in the mind and body, escalating over time to a point where depressive / anger-related thoughts and emotions eventually takes you over, leading to a mental and physical state / conditioning of a constant experience of depression / having a ‘short temper’.

So, the point here to become aware of is how we ‘Accept’ the Mind – the thoughts and emotions and everything else going on within us, because we’re never taking a moment to step back and really look at / investigate to UNDERSTAND the effects of our thoughts and emotions on our behaviour / self-experience. Very seldom do you really ever reflect on thoughts and emotions, because it’s just become an ‘accepted’ part of self – when all the while it is the very ‘accepted’ thoughts and emotions contributing to who you are, the decisions you make, how you behave, your state of mind, your general self-experience, the nature of your relationships in life, how you experience sex, why your life has been the way it is, why you are who / how you are today – I mean, everything and all that you are, do, say, experience- stems from thoughts and emotions when looking at your relationship to the Mind as a whole.

So, one of the main points when it comes to this dimension of ‘Acceptance’ is existent within the following questions:
Why have we come to ‘Accept’ that conflict between two people has to be thwarted with reactive thoughts, projections and emotions? Why is there not inherent in human nature the stability and commonsense to talk things through as equals and bring disagreements to a solution that’s best for both?

With having a look at the above point, many may answer “because that’s who we are and what we do”, when all the while it’s this very ‘Acceptance dimension’ that’s in fact speaking, because we have the potential to change ourselves, but we’ve been ‘arguing for our own limitations’ because we’ve accepted and so believed that these / such limitations exist that human nature cannot be changed. When, with the processes we’ve walked with Desteni – there are many individuals who have proven in their living application that this can change, the you and another can come together and talk things through as equals into a SOLUTION, with no reactive thoughts, projections and emotions needed…
Here is but ONE example, in the documents to continue I will bring through more examples of things of human nature as the Mind/Consciousness we have just come to ‘accept’ as long as it ‘stays inside the Mind’ and how this essentially brings to question whether we as people ever really properly investigated, researched and understood human consciousness – because as far as I can see, we have only ever tried to control it / contain it when it becomes ‘visible’…as long as it ‘stays out of sight’ in the physical world, we just ‘accept’ it…

We’ll continue more in the next post

Planet Plan-it Plant (Part Two): DAY 495


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Planet – Plan-it – Plant (Part Two): DAY 495

So, in the next post – I will continue with how we individually and collectively can root ourselves into this real world, unite our stand and living in this real world and take responsibility for our lives, for life on earth – because if we as individuals don’t start standing up and becoming living as well as leading examples of what it means to honour life – our own and that of everything / everyone else here in this physical existence…no one will. Essentially – we have to PLANT ourselves into this physical existence and through our actions and living – contribute to life on earth. What it would practically mean to PLANT ourselves into this physical existence…I will continue with in the next post…

What is interesting when observing ourselves, is that: we very seldom consider our physical body as a living organism…a living organism that is very much a part of this physical existence and very much dependent on this physical existence for its survival. We do (and this also only when we are fortunate) nurture and care for our physical bodies to ‘stay alive’ / ‘survive’ / ‘be healthy’ / ‘live longer’ – essentially, you can have a look at your relationship with your physical body and determine for yourself the reasons why you take care of it / what your primary relationship with your physical body is. Again, many will find that your relationship with your body extends only to being conscious of your personal relationship with it…very seldom do you consider its interconnectedness and dependency on the rest of everything and all else physical that is here in and on this Earth.

What is fascinating here is how we have primarily defined our relationship with our physical bodies through the world system / media ‘out there’ – where many have trouble with ‘body image’ / ‘beauty’ and many others have trouble with staying alive in various ways because of war, poverty, starvation etc. An interesting point to consider here is how many of the Elite in this world (people with money who survive on a daily basis), have more of a daily awareness of external appearance and this you can test for yourself with having a look at how much and how often you think about what you look like…So, we have more of an awareness of external appearance, than realising the extent of responsibility we as individuals have when it comes to the whole world, because we are a physical body, in this physical existence and our physical bodies is dependent on this physical existence for its survival…so, why have we not individually and collectively stood in this one singular point of responsibility to take care of this world to care for our bodies and so ourselves to have the best life/living experience possible individually as well as collectively?
The point I would like to bring to your awareness here is how the masses have been conditioned with regards to the relationship with the physical body to such an extent, that very little of our awareness ever considers the body and the body’s relationship to this physical existence. Many may say “why should I care?” – which brings me to the point of what is contributing in human consciousness to the consequence we are creating in the relationship to our bodies and this physical existence as a whole…why the masses are not PLANTED into and as the Ecosystem of this Earth / physical existence and contributing to life on earth, but in fact contributing to the destruction of it all…

So, what is contributing to this “why should I care?” tendency we have is the dimensions of ‘automation and abdication of responsibility’ – what does this mean?
Because our physical body functions predominantly ‘on its own’ – bar for us having to feed it, we tend to only align our self-awareness to our bodies when something goes wrong. So, only when  something goes wrong in your body do you genuinely consider your body more / have more regard for it, to only when it’s better – essentially ‘forget about it’, because ‘the body takes care of itself, automatically’…we don’t even have to ‘think to breathe’, the body breathes for us. In this dependency on ‘automation’, we have created a dimension of ‘abdication of responsibility’. Meaning: as soon as the body feels better and everything is okay, we go back into our minds, leave the body to its automation and so leave our responsibility to our bodies and root ourselves back into our Minds where we focus our awareness more on our Mind’s relationship to ourselves and to the body. It’s like; we’re only ever rooted into our bodies, considering it, only thinking about its welfare when something goes wrong.
If we have a look at our relationship to the world out there – everyone is only ever concerned about the world / world events when ‘things go wrong’ or reaches a certain level where it goes ‘really wrong / more wrong than usual’. It’s like we have lost touch with our own bodies and the world out there to such an extent that we’ve reached a level of ‘acceptance’ of consequence in our minds, bodies and the world out there – where there is always a certain level of things going wrong – you know, the usual, of money, wars, violence, poverty, disease, starvation but it ever so often reaches a climax and then our attention diverts to it more than usual…

We have left our bodies, this physical existence – in such a way where we have gone into an accepted-automation of ‘the body generally takes care of itself, I can continue existing in my Mind’, of ‘the world / the earth will take care of itself, I will only focus on my personal mind/life’ – in this is the very act of abdicating the responsibility we have towards ourselves, each other and earth as a whole. We have not been self-aware of this responsibility, because we have not rooted / planted our awareness, our self, into an equal and one responsibility of our own bodies and the ‘body of existence’ as the earth and everything/everyone within and as it.

So, we’ll in the next post continue with having a look at the dimension of acceptance, automation and abdication of responsibility when ‘things go wrong’ in our mind-body relationship and our relationship to the world out there – especially why and how it is that we as a collective do not stand together / have evolved to a point where we can adjust our relationships and the systems in the world to unite to PREVENT what’s happening and find sustainable long-term solutions – but rather have gone into this acceptance of ‘things are generally wrong / bad’. We’re going to have a look at how this is one dimension separating us from our rootedness and responsibility to ourselves, each other and the world as a whole – uniting to develop this ecosystem of life on earth to the betterment of all and so ourselves.

Planet Plan-it Plant: DAY 494


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Planet – Plan-it – Plant: DAY 494

Many people who knew Bernard or know of Bernard – remembers how he enjoyed playing with the sounds of words. A long time ago (this memory still crystal clear within me) when I was just starting my process – he played with the sounds of the word “Planet”, saying: “Planet – Plan-it – Plant, the key to life is in the word Plant. What example do the plants / nature give us when we look at the process of life / birthing of life?” Obviously then I had NO IDEA what he was talking about and said to him: “What do you mean?” and he said: “You’ll see. You’ll understand it one day”. This being another of Bernard’s tendencies – to explain something and then sometimes weeks, months…and even years later – a conversation / moment you had with Bernard makes sense after you have walked a specific process and faced certain experiences. I have found such realisations and understanding of Bernard’s words always come through in specific moments…with perfect timing.
(For context: the Birthing of Life Process is the Process we’re walking with Desteni – the Process from Consciousness to Awareness, from depending on thoughts and emotions to control your Mind and life, to understanding what it means to look at things with self honesty, self responsibility and live self expression within the consideration of what’s best for all and so best for self. For more information on this Process – please visit and as well as my personal blogs and )

Here I will share how this point of the play with the sounds of the word “Planet” opened up:
Many who has been part of process knows we often use the term “everything’s in reverse” – and this very term also applies here with looking at the process of “birthing life from the physical”, the process from Mind Consciousness to Self Awareness. We’re going to have a look at what it would mean to root ourselves as people into and as this physical existence and contribute to life on earth…exactly as nature does…
I looked at plants – they have a root system extending into the soil of the earth, with the rest of the plant system extending up into the atmosphere / ecosystem. The roots permeate and infiltrate the soil – the rest of the plant system infiltrates and permeates the external environment. Both the roots within and the plant system without – contribute to the soil within and the external environment without.
What is interesting when you have an interdimensional-physical view of existence is that: you can see the interconnectedness of all things physical (excluding the one and only thing in this existence, which is the mind consciousness system within and as people). An example of this interconnectedness would be where: most people look at one plant, for example, and see that one plant only in its individualized context – not realising how that one plant is not only contributing to the immediate environment, but that that one plant’s existence extends into the earth’s atmosphere and the earth itself. It’s fascinating how you interdimensional-physically can see each individual plant / living organisms signature and how it resonates, permeates and infiltrates the contribution of its existence to all of the earth. Therefore, even though each plant is individual – it also stand equal to and one with the collective, all that is physical in existence and contributes to the sustaining of life on earth – even for our physical bodies.
(The Animal Life Review’s available on EQAFE also gives a glimpse into the interdimensional-physical interconnectedness of all things physical)

So, with all of nature – from the great to the small, contributing to all of this physical existence – the earth within and life without…why do we as people, as humanity as a whole not do the same? Have a look – when we look at people, we often only see ourselves and others in a very individualized context…because we have not as a collective stood united to in fact contribute to each other’s lives and life on earth.
If we have a look at the Mind – it’s like our awareness is rooted into our Minds, the thoughts and emotions we have. It’s rooted into the Mind to such an extent that we very seldom have moments to even consider looking at what’s going on in the rest of the world and everything / everyone within it…we have become so individualized into and as our own Minds, in our own worlds within our Minds that we as a collective are not concentrating on this real world we all live in and experience together. Where, even though something may be happening in other parts of this world – to people, nature, the animals, the earth…it has an impact on all of us in some way or another, and not always maybe immediately – but the outflow consequence / domino effects does manifest eventually over time and spills over into the generations to come; what they’d have to deal with only because we’re individualized in our mind worlds and not rooted / grounded in this REAL world and the responsibility we have towards it as individuals and as a collective.

So, in the next post – I will continue with how we individually and collectively can root ourselves into this real world, unite our stand and living in this real world and take responsibility for our lives, for life on earth – because if we as individuals don’t start standing up and becoming living as well as leading examples of what it means to honour life – our own and that of everything / everyone else here in this physical existence…no one will. Essentially – we have to PLANT ourselves into this physical existence and through our actions and living – contribute to life on earth. What it would practically mean to PLANT ourselves into this physical existence…I will continue with in the next post…
