
Monday 4 November 2013

Taming the Wild Nature of the Mind: DAY 467

Taming the Wild Nature of the Mind: DAY 467

We were in the process of preparing the horses’ stables on a very hot day. Grootman (Fidelis’s horse) was sprayed down with the hosepipe to help him cool-off and we had put him in his stable – when the next horse up for a spray-down was Fat (Cerise’s horse). Fat was on the other side of the stables and Cerise was calling him – and it was this moment, Cerise calling her horse and the way he responded – where I had seen years of working on a relationship with her horse, with dedication, patience and perseverance: come together.

She was calling for his attention with her voice – she has a very specific tonality that she uses with him and she always keeps to that very specific pitch when she’s calling him. This tonality / voice pitch she has been using consistently throughout the years. So, the moment she uses that specific tonality – she first gets his attention and he stops in is tracks and he looks at her. Once she got his attention – his eyes fixed on her, she uses her index finger with a ‘come to me’ motion, pulling her index-finger towards her very fast as to indicate to him to come to her. He was initially resistant, because he was waiting for her at his stable – ready to go in, with the luscious and delicious Lucerne and Oat Hay waiting for him in his stable: for the horses – the Lucerne and Oat Hay are a real treat. But, Cerise first wanted to hose him down to help is body cool off after a hot day – reaching 35 Degrees Celsius and still, by 16:30 in the afternoon – the temperature was close to unbearable. It was interesting to observe how Fat was backing off a bit and moving closer to his stable; for a moment in an inner-conflict, because he WANTS to go to the stable to have his ‘treats’ – but, at the same time he knows he has to go to Cerise. So, Cerise would call him and he would move closer, but back down a bit and then move closer, but back down – like the two of them communicating, where Fat would say to her “No! I want to go to my treats” and Cerise would say to him “Come here, we’re spraying you down first”. So, eventually – she walked closer to him, becoming more stern in her voice and motion with the finger, this time also using her body – getting his attention, using the finger-motion  and then walking backwards – leading him towards her and the hosepipe. When she did this – became more earnest in her request for him to come to her, he followed her – standing on one spot where she instructed him to stand and he waited patiently while she was hosing him down and then afterwards lead him to his stable.

To develop such a relationship with a horse – where communication is through sound and physical movements is no easy feat. Anyone that has worked with horses knows that to establish such a relationship between human and horse is quite a process; where both have to equally align into/as a ‘language’ each-other understands. This process for Cerise has taken about 6 years, using various techniques – primarily Parelli – where, when Fat looks at her and she looks at him: you can actually see the connection between them, it’s awesome.

I have walked with Cerise for quite some time – and she would always be out riding Fat, working with him, with such persistence and dedication, it was fascinating to see in that one moment of interaction between the two of them: how years came together to establish such a communication/relationship between the two of them. The point that opened up within this is: we often do not see immediately, how our dedication / commitment to something/someone will unfold throughout days / months / years until you look back. Even with having a look at the process we’re walking with Desteni through the Mind – the moment-to-moment dedication and commitment that create a relationship with self and self’s living that will be seen as one look back to how/who one was before in the Mind / Process and how one had changed through applying/living the tools in the months/years one incorporated it into oneself / one’s living.

This is what I will be continuing with in posts to come – utilizing this relationship between Cerise and her Horse and how specifically this relates to our relationship with ourselves and our process, even with regards to our relationship to others and eventually this World / Reality. This specifically when it comes to time and patience, and also in relation to the ‘wild nature’ of the Mind – with thoughts and emotions that go undirected / unquestioned because we’re not taking directive principled responsibility in our Minds and the consequence this creates within ourselves and our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this moment Sunette! Looking forward to looking back to see the how the hard work has paid off :)
