
Friday 22 November 2013

Once upon a time, there was a Thought, Awareness and a Water Drop…(Part Three): DAY 472

Once upon a time, there was a Thought, Awareness and a Water Drop…(Part Three): DAY 472

So, in the next post – I will continue with how self forgiveness, commitment statements and actual practical living change: change oneself / a part of self as used in this example where one redefine the words Handsome / Beautiful for oneself, change how one approach the words, no more limit the definition of the words to only photos / fantasies etc. and so how the green drop will then change/transform into/as a purple drop; which means: how the parts of oneself in the Mind/Consciousness will change into realisations that will assist/support one in oneself and one’s life/living experience.

We illustrated in the previous posts the example of the purple water drop (our Awareness) that is in the process of investigating / introspecting a part of itself / a part of ourselves as the green water drop that consisted of the backchat “I’m never going to be as beautiful / handsome as her / him” and the emotion of jealousy. In the previous post, we opened but three dimensions of what one can see/realise/understand is existent within/beyond the backchat / emotion one experience in the conscious / subconscious mind. The examples of the three dimensions we walked in the previous post were: how one defined words in the mind, comparison and self-judgment and how these three dimensions – contributed to creating / perpetuating the backchat and emotion.

In this post, we’re going to see exactly how we, as our awareness, change who/how/what we are in and as the backchats and/or emotions as parts of ourselves in/as the Mind and how this Change will be brought through into actual practical living. This essentially where our ‘Awareness’ is going to discover a ‘new expression / part’ of itself in the backchat / emotion as the green water drop will eventually change into/as becoming a purple water drop. So, let’s see how this process will be walked:
Now that we have established three dimensions that was within/behind the backchat / emotion – one walk a process of writing, self-forgiveness and commitment statements as the process of preparing oneself to implement actual change in one’s life/living experience in one’s day-to-day participation in this world. This is the process where one change and take responsibility for the parts of oneself in and as the backchat and emotion, as well as the dimensions within and behind them that compromised who one is and how one live. Let’s have a look at how this is done:

Dimension 1: Word Definitions
(To walk the Self Forgiveness and Commitment Statements – one reference the introspective / investigative writing one initially do when one open up backchats / emotions, which is what we did in the previous post. Here are but a few examples of Self Forgiveness and Commitment Statements :)

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I have connected photos / fantasies / movie scenes and magazines in and as my definition of the word(s) handsome and/or beautiful. I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that this is not in fact MY definition – but a definition/definitions that I have copied / imitated from others/the world around me that I have come to accept and allow to become ‘my definition’. Where the proof of it not, in fact, being ‘my definition’ is within the fact that I have never actually self honestly, with self awareness, DECIDED what the words mean for me / to me and actually looked at the words and how they can assist/support me in my life/living experience – instead, the words are no more ‘my definition’, the words now belong to the photos / fantasies / movie scenes and magazines that defines them.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to for the first time, redefine the words handsome and/or beautiful for me, where I sit with myself and decide who I am and how I am going to live the words in a way that assist and support me – instead of compromising me by giving into the accepted and allowed definition of the words handsome and beautiful to only be limited to photos / fantasies / movie scenes and magazines that simply emphasizes the superficial nature of the minds of human beings that have no depth / integrity to words and their definitions.
I commit myself to see/realise and understand how the words handsome and beautiful has become word-creations from a unified acceptance and allowance of highlighting only certain characteristics/external appearances that a select few human beings had decided to manifest into and as the creation of the words handsome and beautiful; and from here utilized this as the platform from which industries / corporations benefit monetarily through using / abusing the creation / existence of such words – to the compromise of so many human beings’ minds, selves and bodies.
With this, I commit myself to no more define me and so limit me to such words and their definitions that only tie my Mind to the World System / Money System that would benefit through me indulging in / accepting and allowing such words and their definitions within me and my life. I commit myself to focus my attention / living on who I am within and without – to create ME and my living into an expression that tells my story and how I contribute to life/living in this world, rather than contributing to the very system that is compromising life/living in this world as the World System/Money System through accepting and allowing myself to entertain such words and their limited / superficial definitions.

Dimension 2: Comparison  
(To walk the Self Forgiveness and Commitment Statements – one reference the introspective / investigative writing one initially do when one open up backchats / emotions, which is what we did in the previous post. Here are but a few examples of Self Forgiveness and Commitment Statements :)

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand the extent to which I was comparing myself, my body / external appearance to photos / memories / fantasies of what the world / the system has come to define as the words beautiful and/or handsome. Not seeing, realising and understanding how in this comparison – I have accepted and allowed myself to fall into the trap of inadvertently also accepting and allowing the definitions of handsome and/or beautiful to belong to the photos / movie scenes / videos as portrayed within the world / the system. And with me accepting/allowing such definitions of beautiful and/or handsome as being ‘THE ONE AND ONLY’ definition and with comparison – me not matching this definition: I reacted in jealousy for me not ‘fitting into’ the definition of beautiful and/or handsome as per the world / the systems’ standards.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand the type of person such comparison and jealousy has made me within my Mind – my relationships towards myself and others, where I had become so preoccupied with comparison and jealousy that I didn’t even realise to what extent I have lost myself within it all, within this possession of/as the accepted and allowed definitions of the words beautiful and/or handsome.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop this possessive nature of comparison and jealousy within myself and towards others that I have accepted and allowed to create in MY OWN MIND with accepting and allowing the definitions of handsome / beautiful to only be limited to that of images / memories / fantasies / movie scenes / videos etc. of but a few superficial characteristics that determine beauty / handsomeness based on external physical appearance.
I commit myself to – when and as I find that I am busy with comparison in my Mind, comparing me to others based on external physical appearance and the emotion of jealousy starts activating: I stop and breathe, make a decision in that moment to stop and not continue participating, because I see, realise and understand that if I do – I am just again falling into the trap of preoccupying me with limited and superficial things in this world/reality and that I am rather committing myself to discover me, learn about myself, expand/grow within who I am and so start focusing more on REAL things, things that MATTER – which is me, process and what I am going to be, become and do within this lifetime.
I commit myself to – when and as I find that I’m starting to participate in the comparison and jealousy, to remind myself that this is surely a waste of time and physical energy, because I am only going to be rattling myself up emotionally to the benefit of the system / money if/as I take this further and try and manipulate myself / my body just for looks to assuage the reactions I create about it in my own Mind – within which the system / money system will benefit with the time and money I will spend in/as this possession. Instead, I direct the focus / time / physical energy on myself – to get to work on me, who I am within my life/living experience to contribute to self change and world change rather than perpetuate the consequence created by the beauty industries of this world/reality.

In the next post we’ll continue with the Self Judgment Dimension and then the Final Point of what it means to take the writing and self forgiveness / commitment process into actual real change for the green water drop as the backchat and emotion to change into actual Self Aware Living.

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