Archive for September 2013

Life’s a Rollercoaster Ride, but how much do we in fact Pay for it?: DAY 451


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Life’s a Rollercoaster Ride, but how much do we in fact Pay for it?: DAY 451

In one of the recent Death Research Interviews that will be available on EQAFE – a Lady shares her Death Process / Experience of falling off a Rollercoaster Ride and her insights/realisations/perspectives regarding her life, the moment of Death and the direct-relationship of her life and death in relation to the Rollercoaster Ride.

Lol – she starts off with sharing that she’s not going to be showing the relationship between the Rollercoaster Ride and life’s ‘ups and downs and highs and lows’, which is an already-existent common analogy used. Instead, she goes in-depth into the relationship between the “Cost” of the Rollercoaster Ride within the principle of “as within, so without” – taking on the following dimensions:

1.       How does the Law of Attraction and the Law of Resistance – the mixed emotions/feelings of attraction and resistance that we experience in relation to Rollercoaster Rides – produce an energy-force within the Mind/Consciousness, what this Energy Force is and what is its consequence for the Mind, but more specifically for our physical bodies
2.       Why do Rollercoaster Rides not constitute as a “physical activity” with the commonsense that the body is in fact sitting strapped-into the rides, but that it in fact create a very nice Consciousness-Ride of Energy for the Mind in the Body – going into what the consequences are of this to the development/natural development of the physical body
3.       Why within the Global Consciousness of Humanity – are children encouraged with such rides / joy rides, how do these/such joyrides actually contribute to the evolution of Consciousness through the mind-energy experiences such rides generate and what are the consequences of this to the natural development of the physical body
4.       Why has real physical activity diminished for children within this world – where it’s now more ‘mental stimulation’ through TV/Technology/Joyrides than actual physical stimulation through the physical body, and how does such physical stimulation through the physical body within actual physical activities stimulate brain functioning / physical development, whereas the mental stimulation children are predominantly exposed to now – is in fact limiting / diminishing the brain-physical body functioning/development/evolution?

So, as with all the Death Research interviews, and others available on EQAFE – the realisations/understandings/perspectives is fascinating – going beyond what we in our Conscious-Mind believe the Mind to be, and so ourselves to be. Therefore, I suggest investing in this interview to see/realise/understand that there is in fact more going on within the Mind and this Physical Existence that we have simply blindly and ignorantly come to accept and allow without question – and how we can assist/support ourselves to align ourselves back into/as our source, our equality and oneness, our REAL Awareness: which is the Physical from which we have separated ourselves into/as the Mind/Consciousness.

One Memory + One Moment + Losing Touch with Reality = Recipe for Disaster (2): DAY 450


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One Memory + One Moment + Losing Touch with Reality = Recipe for Disaster (2): 
DAY 450

So, as I was scratching my head because I had an itch and this memory of the episode pops up – I was looking at the following:
I want to scratch my head, and in that moment – with the touch of my finger on my scalp, that physical connection, got interrupted with this memory. So, it creates like a sandwich in a way – my finger-then memory-then scalp and in that moment, I am separated physically, because the memory is creating the separation. I am then not focusing on the pressure I am using to scratch my scalp, nor am I focused on the actual sensation of me scratching my head – what does come up is the memory and my reaction to it. So, here is a small – but relevant example of how separation works, where we’re busy in memory/reactions, instead of here with the physical in such a simple moment of scratching an itch.

So, the moment this happened as I was walking to the horses – another dimension to it is, I was not at all aware of my surroundings, reality ‘faded away’, the entire area I was walking in was ‘lost’ in a way and all my focus/attention had shifted to this memory and the reaction within and as it. Therefore, as I stood there – the itch still there, I first looked at the reaction to the memory – spoke a forgiveness statement, let the memory go within myself and the moment this happened – reality/where I was and the environment I was in was all ‘here’ as I was ‘all here’ in myself and my body and then I scratched my head, ensuring the right pressure, experiencing the sensation until the itch was gone – with no memory/reaction interference. Now, ‘imagine’ that we’re mostly just in the Mind – busy with thoughts/reactions/imaginations/memories – I mean, how much within this process are we in fact missing reality / the environment / the here and even our relationship to our own physical bodies within and as this accepted and allowed separation to/as the Mind. Because what it showed, in terms of this relationship I created is: when/as I reacted to the scene in the episode, because the emphasis was on the man’s head-region, what one’s Mind does the moment what you watch is imprinted into your consciousness – is relate the point directly to you. Relate meaning, it’s like in the mind – you in a quantum moment ‘imagine that happening to you / you being in that position’ and now a relationship is formed between my head and that memory. This is why, the very next day – when my head was itching, now in my Mind my head is in direct relationship to that memory – so, when my head was itching, the direct-memory popped-up. And there, from within my Mind – I created a separation from/of my own head, now there’s a memory in relationship to my head, instead of me actually being here, equal and one, within and as my own physical body. So, I mean – the memory still exists within me, as all memories do, however the CHANGE in relationship to the memory is that: it’s no more charged with an ENERGY / emotion/feeling – it’s no more located in a specific position in the body where it will automatically activate with an energy charge separating me from my body / a ‘here moment’ – who I am in relationship to the memory is that it is purely just a memory and now I can scratch my head, for example, and actually be HERE without the memory interfering anymore.

So, I would suggest – for those finding difficulty with ‘imaginations running wild’ because of shows/movies/series, for those who can relate to how memories can interfere in moments of physical interactions that separate you from you, the body and the environment: investigate Desteni, the Desteni I Process, the 7 Year Journey to Life Process as well as EQAFE – to understand this separation between the Mind-Consciousness and the Physical Body, the consequences of/as this separation and how to assist/support oneself to live in/as this REAL WORLD.

One Memory + One Moment + Losing Touch with Reality = Recipe for Disaster: DAY 449


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One Memory + One Moment + Losing Touch with Reality = Recipe for Disaster: DAY 449

A while back I was watching an episode of the series “Supernatural” and this man was sitting on a chair, two guys approaching him. The man on the chair was sitting as though he was sleeping, with his head slightly bowed down. One of the two guys approaching the man on the chair then takes off a hat he was wearing, and as they pulled off the hat – half his brain was exposed with worms oozing out of it. Lol – so, that scene was quite unexpected / ‘out of the ordinary’ of what one would see in reality / everyday life. So, I grimaced at the prospect of actually, in reality, seeing something like that. Then, the next day – I was walking in the fields, on the way to horses and I had an itch on my scalp and as I was about to scratch it – there pops-up the Memory of this particular scene. Immediately in that moment I stopped – having a look at what had just happened, because many of us would think something like that to be “normal / okay / ordinary” – but, there is in fact more going on within/behind it all than one would realise and this is what I am going to discuss in this interview.

Firstly, I looked at the moment I saw the scene – the reaction I had within myself, and this is something that series/movies/shows often ‘play on’ within the Minds of human beings: it is ‘geared’ to make us react/respond energetically within emotions/feelings – this primarily done through taking the series/movies/shows as far from reality/the real world as possible; which would produce emotional/feeling responses/reactions, because it is not aligned with reality/the real world in fact or rather, not aligned with the reality/real world that most of us are exposed to in our lives. Therefore, with scenes / storylines ‘losing touch with reality’ – our Minds do not have the ‘tools’ with how to equate a commonsensical relationship to what one see in series/movies, and so therefore – we react, energetically, with emotions/feelings. Eventually the Mind will attempt/try to equate a relationship to it all through using Imagination – it’s interesting how extensively we take what is watched in movies/series/shows into/as our Imagination and let our Imaginations ‘run wild’. Series/shows/movies etc. – when watched within the starting point of emotional/feeling reactions: are like a feeding-ground for one’s Imagination, that then feeds into one’s Personalities, into one’s emotional/feeling bodies of Personalities, and then from there back into reality; how we then superimpose imaginations onto actual reality and so lose touch with the real world – so, it’s like a whole interconnected system that is created for one purpose only: Keeping you as far away from reality as possible, while stimulating the senses of the Mind/Consciousness and so we ‘lose touch’ with how reality in fact Operate / Function.
(Here, I would suggest taking a listen to an interview I did regarding watching series/movies/shows – because the Solution is obviously not to ‘stay away from it’ – because you’re then not dealing with the existent problem-point within/as you – the program will always remain then within the mind, only de-activated. So, the solution with how to approach / change your relationship to watching things from reaction to commonsense critical reasoning – can be found in the interview listed in the description box below).

This is also why one would have resistance to watching more realistic / educational shows such as documentaries for example, why in the global consciousness circuit a more definitive relationship is created to things that are more taken far from reality: it shows how far taken our own Minds/Imaginations are from reality and how we’re more conditioned to watching things that makes us FEEL something – than watching things that would actually align us to contributing to life/living on earth for all, such as documentaries with understanding how the world/humanity in fact function/exist – because within documentaries for example, because it is more in line with reality – one will not have as extensive emotional/feeling reactions AND/OR the mind will even manage to take documentaries into/as the Imagination, where you allow your imagination to run wild with what you learn/see instead of looking at it practically / realistically – geared to finding solutions, rather than react.

We’ll continue more in the next interview

How did a Factual World become infected with Opinions? (Part 4): DAY 448


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How did a Factual World become infected with Opinions? (Part 4): DAY 448

Problem (continued)

In this post, we’re going to take the Opinion-Fact relationship one step further, where we have now looked at the Opinion-Fact relationship in relation to Memories in our Minds – but, the question within this is: to what extent do we infect reality/fact with opinions/illusions? If we do it in our Minds in relation to Memories of things that happened, where we already in ‘real-time’ actively infect reality with Opinions and then additionally in our Minds when we revisit the memory/moment infect reality/facts with opinions: with this starting-point – how are we separating ourselves, who we are, our starting-point from the physical, from reality, from fact within this process to the extent where we substantiate opinions/illusions/the mind as Consciousness MORE with energy-matter and substantiate ourselves less and less and less from/of physical matter/reality/fact?

Let us revisit the three primary definitions we have been working with:
The definition of Infect as per (Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013: s.v. “Infect”) within
“to taint or contaminate with something that affects quality, character, or condition unfavorably: to infect the air with poison gas.
to corrupt or affect morally: The news of the gold strike infected him with greed.
to imbue with some pernicious belief, opinion, etc.”

All three definitions are the same, yet different, in how they illustrate the consequence of “infect / infection” and can also be noted within how we walked each individual statement in the relationship between Opinions and Facts within the context of Memories in our Minds.
Now, another dimension we’re going to open-up, which we mentioned in the beginning of this process, is: how the Mind/Consciousness use Constructs, such as Opinions, to substantiate its own existence MORE than the physical existence. We’re going to show you how this works with walking the Opinion-Fact relationship and how the relationship between Personality-Systems and emotional/feeling bodies in the Mind/Consciousness  makes the Process of separating ourselves more into the Mind/Illusion from Reality/the Physical possible.

Within our Minds – we have ‘personality systems’, with each personality system consisting of its own defined emotional/feeling body (the process of Personality Systems and emotional/feeling bodies has been walked in previous posts – and can also be understood with following the Quantum Mind Self Awareness series available on EQAFE).  
So, most human beings, in the Mind, believe that “an opinion is just an opinion”, but do not realise (because of not being self-aware/aware of the Mind and not being equal-to and one-with the physical body) how: every time one have an Opinion – one is creating an energy-discharge into one’s Mind at the sacrifice of one’s self/beingness and the physical body and slowly but surely separate oneself more and more from here/reality into the mind/consciousness. Each construct in the mind does this – for every thought / opinion / imagination / reaction, for example: one is in that moment substantiating the Mind and for the mind to be substantiated – it has to ‘unsubstantiate’ the physical body/one’s beingness, as the mind resources its existence from the physical body. Many that have walked the previous post’s practical application process in self-honesty/physical awareness – would have noticed how one Opinion in the mind can alter/change your physical body expression, create energy-movements in the body and in that separate you more into an experience in the Mind than being physically aware of the real senses/experiences in/as this physical/factual reality.

The concern here is: how can an Opinion change/alter one’s state of being and physical body – without one’s directive principle / awareness? One is ‘conscious’ of the fact that an Opinion comes up in the Mind, which you can see and participate in and you’re conscious of the fact that it change/alters your state of being and physical body – YET, not AWARE of how an Opinion can permeate/infiltrate the mind and body and so ‘who one is’ in a moment to affect/influence one’s entire presence/self/experience. Here, to become aware of how Consciousness – as an interdimensional-physical system within and as us: controls us – controls our body, our emotions/feelings. Because, here, an Opinion comes up in the mind in a moment and then one can suddenly change how one feel, how one behave…and this is just using an example of an Opinion! Never mind the rest of the constructs/things that exist within our Minds, where we don’t see/realise/understand the seriousness of the situation of the fact that an OPINION can change who we are within OUR OWN MINDS…and self having no control over who one become/how one behave, because it all happens automatically.

The obvious question within this all is: why have we never questioned / realised the fact that when looking at memories in the Mind, for example, when interacting with people in real-time – and while looking/interacting with memories and people, the thoughts/backchat/opinions/imaginations that comes up: comes up only from our Mind, in which only we exist, where we cannot see through into the Mind of another human being. Exactly as self knows another human being cannot see through into your own Mind and how much of your own Mind is ‘secret / hidden’ and yet despite this: one still believe, somehow, that one can form an opinion about another…but, based on what evidence??? None!!! Because one cannot in fact see beyond the physical into/as their real intentions in moments. Then, with what one does to memories – why have we never questioned/realised the fact that it is only self that is looking at the memory – no other participant in the memory can ‘speak for themselves’, so therefore – how can anything one come up with in relation to others hold any credence to them? This only happens when one is an Opinion, looking through the eyes of Opinion in complete separation from Reality/Fact with taking all things/the whole into account. So, who/what is in fact the “infection”? We are in/as our existence as Opinions in the Mind in complete separation from Reality/Fact, where we think/believe we’re in the process of having Opinions of others…while all the while, ‘behind the scenes’ we’re creating the MOST CONSEQUENCE for ourselves! Because the more we create Opinions, the more we warp reality in our Minds and the more we do that – the more we separate ourselves from ourselves, the physical and life that is HERE in the physical/factual world.

Obviously, because of the extent to which we have become the Mind, the extent to which the Mind has become Physical – the only way to walk process is construct by construct point, point by point, and within this breath by breath where we have to start changing this equation from substantiating Consciousness to re-substantiating the Physical/Fact – moving ourselves from an Opinionated Stance to a Factual Starting-Point… and this we’re going to have a look at in the next post with continuing exploring ‘Mind Matter’ and ‘Physical Matter’ and who/what the ‘cure’ is for the Infection of Reality/the Physical/Fact from/of Illusion/Consciousness/Opinions.

American Psychological Association (APA):
infect. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved August 30, 2013, from website:
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
infect. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: August 30, 2013).
Modern Language Association (MLA):
"infect." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 30 Aug. 2013. <>.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "infect," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. Available: Accessed: August 30, 2013.
BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)
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    title = { Unabridged},
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