Suicide Paranoia – 17: Suicide and Blame (Part 4) DAY 403
Featured Artwork by Kelly Posey
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to ever consider the Responsibility that I have with regards to the
participation I accept and allow in my own Mind and within that – what I accept
and allow to exist in my own Mind. Where, I forgive myself that I haven’t
accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that – what’s coming
up in my own Mind is “not just coming up”, it’s not “just happening
automatically” where I “have no say” within and as it all, because: I am the
one Observing it, I am the one in that observation – accepting and allowing it;
and in that acceptance, allowance and participation within it all: it is me not
changing it, me not standing up to what’s going on / existing in my own Mind,
me not investigating/introspecting/questioning why the things come up/exist the
way that they do and how/why I experience them the way that I do in my own Mind.
That it is ME, only ME that knows the FULL EXTENT of what I accept/allow in the
Secrets of my Mind that I KEEP THERE – no one else is responsible, or aware of
what goes on in my Mind and so therefore: how can I accept and allow myself to
Blame anyone for what goes on in there? Especially as an Individual that does
of it all – but have not considered CHANGE, no one else is Responsible for
that, but ME.
I commit myself to show that: Realising this Point, Realising
that “I am Responsible for my own Mind – what exist within it, how I
participate within it, how I experience myself within it” – where, many
‘mistake’ Responsibility for “but, but, but – THEY/THEM said this/that and so
therefore THEY/THEM caused me to think/feel this/that and so therefore –
THEY/THEM are responsible…NOT ME!!!” So, responsibility is/has more been
defined within the context of “who’s to BLAME” / “who’s the Cause”; when this
is not how we’re looking at Responsibility here. I mean, Christ – you can
continue blaming everything/everyone else in your Mind for what goes on in
there/what exists in there…Will NOT change anything. On the contrary – you’re
just adding more demons in your own Mind to haunt you, more thoughts, more
reactions – shifting/projecting blame is not the Solution to how we react in
relationship to other’s words/behaviour, but rather to UNDERSTAND the reactions
and stop/change in one’s OWN MIND, will really change how one start
seeing/experiencing self and so one’s relationship to other’s words/behaviours.
Therefore, taking Self Responsibility is not a matter of ‘letting others “win”’
and you “losing” in this ‘Blame-game’ in your OWN MIND – taking
Self-Responsibility is about understanding what goes on in the Mind, how it
works, how to direct it and change it. You do it for YOU, to assist and support
yourself in relationship to your own Mind, to direct it – and not
accept/allow it to direct/control you that only creates CONSEQUENCE for self
and others and not Solutions.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself
to see, realise and understand how I would not want to let go of Blame, let go
of the revenge/spite/anger/compromise I am Projecting towards others; because I
BELIEVE that this would mean that “they win and I lose” if I were to stop
Blaming / Projecting revenge/spite/anger/compromise in my Mind. When, within
this – I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see,
realise and understand that: I am in fact the “loser” within this all with
HOLDING ONTO BLAME – because I LOSE ME IN MY OWN MIND through accepting and
allowing myself to preoccupy it with memories/remembrances/imaginations I don’t
want to let go / release myself from. So, they’re in fact “winning” with me
accepting and allowing myself to “hold onto them/the past” IN MY OWN MIND and
accept/allow the “them / they” to possess my Mind. And furthermore “win” if I
were to act on the Blame/Revenge/Spite/Compromise –because I ruin my life, my
opportunities, my future by/through the Blame I hold onto in my own Mind, and
with ME being the one acting out Blame: I am in fact Responsible for what
becomes of me and not them, because they did not possess me in my own Mind – I created
the Possession, and all the consequences could have turned out SO MUCH
DIFFERENTLY if I would have just learnt to let go/release/forgive and not
accept/allow others words/behaviours/actions to possess my Mind but focused my
life/living on me, who I am, in every moment of Breath.
I commit myself to show the Possession, the Paranoia that
the “Blame Game” can Create in the Mind – to the extent that the Individual do
not see the extent to which Blame in fact actually compromise SELF more than it
does anyone/anything else. How we’re the ones Possessing ourselves in our own
Minds, creating Paranoia in relationship to others – focusing more on the
past/memories in relation to BLAME, rather than understanding how we in the first
place create our own Possessions/Paranoia and the consequences we create for
ourselves in relation to that and in so doing – assisting and supporting ourselves
into Responsibility/Clarity,
releasing ourselves from the past and focusing our attention more on OURSELVES
and our LIVING. That, NO-ONE and nothing else can create/manifest what we do IN
OUR OWN MINDS and as long as we hold onto Blame, even to the extent of wanting
to end our own lives because of it: we’re not going to see, realise and
understanding how simple/easy it really in fact is to just let
go/release/self-forgive and LIVE. I mean, why give up oneself / give into the
MIND and what WE OURSELVES create/concoct in there – if it is really simple to
just understand how one can stop and change one’s relationship to Memories/the
Past IN THE MIND, to learn to live in the REAL WORLD for/as SELF, learn to
respect oneself and the life/living opportunity one have that even such
considerations of ending oneself because of Blaming others and/or trying to get
back at them in some way or another DO NOT EXIST AT ALL.
So, this Concludes then the Process of Suicide Paranoia that
we have walked – also introducing the Construct of Paranoia in the
Mind/Consciousness and the extent to which one lost touch with self and Reality
in such a Possession. We suggest investigating Desteni,
the Desteni I Process LITE and PRO – also EQAFE and the 7 Year Journey to Life
Blogs for more understanding on how the Mind works, to really not unnecessarily
POSSESS YOURSELF in and as your own self-created
Paranoia, but how to get back in touch with REALITY and what it means to
focus on life/living by releasing/freeing oneself from one’s own Past,
Haunting, Demons of/as the Paranormal Realms of Consciousness and SEE/REALISE
what one has always missed AS ONSELF and the potential of life/living
discovering that’s always been here, but has been Veiled by what we
accept/allow in the Mind to control/determine who we are and how/what we Live.
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