
Thursday 6 December 2012

The ProMise of 2012 (Part 2): DAY 236

The ProMise of 2012 (Part 2): DAY 236

The FORCE - continued

Who I Am as Money – continued

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the multi-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

Now that we have opened up a few Dimensions regarding the Mind/Consciousness relationship to 2012, we’re through Self-Forgiveness and Self Commitments, going to explore more Dimensions, walk Deeper into the Dimensions that we established in the previous post – with particularly having a look at why/how it is that we’d celebrate ‘Death’ so, commit/align our minds/lives to a Death / an End ‘preparation’; but would not put in the effort for/as the creation/establishing/manifestation of a New Life/Living for All on Earth, in and as Equality and Oneness Here and why/how such a Point is/has never been Considered within and as the Minds/Consciousness of human beings/humanity as a whole.

So, before we start, let’s have a look at the sound, physical and energy Symbolism within the Word “Promise” – which is what the Nature of the relationship to 2012 exist as, which is also the same as with Religions/Spirituality – the “promise” of the hereafter/afterlife/end.
So, with looking at the heading, Pro-Mise, with Pro – representing Professional and Mise – representing a settlement/agreement, which if one relate ‘Promise’ to actual practical-reality terms/contexts, should be a statement that is made, professionally, professionally – meaning, that self in fact has the backing, the knowledge and information, the actual ‘life experience / physical reference’ for making a particular settlement/agreement to in fact be trustworthy/real. However, with having a look at the Nature of what ‘Promise’ has become, it completely contradicts such a reference of Promise to actual, physical reality. Human beings claiming that they’re “professionals” regarding the afterlife, hereafter, end-times etc., however – none of them have actually been in the hereafter/afterlife, have never actually directly communicated with the physical, and everything/all existent within this physical existence, and so have no Direct Access, Direct Experience, Direct Reference / knowledge and information, or any Direct Living regarding the dimensions of the hereafter, afterlife and end time and the connection between ‘Heaven and Earth’. So in this – the ‘Promise’ of the hereafter/afterlife/end times and any context given to such ‘Promises’ is not/cannot be trustworthy, if the human beings have had no Direct Crossreference in the relationship between Heaven and Earth, being able to Directly Explore the afterlife/hereafter, and the physical existence and communicate Directly with all beings involved, and be able to see their history within existence and how we all got to where we are now, both on Earth and in the ‘Heavens’.
So, I would really suggest that one invest in and investigate the Interviews available on EQAFE and the material in the Desteni Forums, where through the Portal – one have Direct Communication with beings here and in the hereafter, physical and interdimensional that in fact speak/show the REALITY of what is going on in existence. And, we don’t “make Promises” – we speak REALITY. And, it’s interesting, because of this – because we speak REALITY and the foundation of change/existential change being existent in taking SELF-Responsibility, human beings would rather opt for HOPE and Promises, than seeing-Direct what is in fact really going on and taking self-responsibility for what is Here.

So, if one have a look at the Nature of Promises even further – it exist within a “grey area”, from the perspective of – when making a “Promise”, one tend to believe that one in a way have a power, have a control over/of the outflow of events within one’s life. That a “Promise” is made within a sense of “empowerment”, as in “I can promise this / that” – that whatever the context / point is that one is ‘Promising’, one is in control over/of the situation/relationship/ ‘promise’. When, in fact – what is not seen, realised and understood is the extent to which our Minds, our Lives is interconnected, interdependent on other human’s lives, how our daily events unfold, the World System’s relationship to humanity as a whole, and there is No Way one can in fact self honestly say that one is Control / a position of Empowerment in relation to one’s Life/living in/as this Physical Existence. However – some human beings tend to derive this delusion of control/empowerment through ‘Promise’, as though ‘making a Promise’ gives one that authority; when in fact – it does not. I mean, one can even look at one’s relationship to one’s own Mind: one have no authority, power / control in one’s relationship to the Mind at all, thoughts come automatically, behaviours are automated, internal conversations and reactions are automated – everything in one’s Mind is not directed, in awareness, by Self in any way whatsoever – and one can in the Interview Series the Quantum Mind available on EQAFE educate oneself with the extent to which Consciousness in fact have authority, power and control over/of ‘who self is’ in/as one’s awareness in the Conscious/Subconscious Mind and the extent to which Consciousness exist within its relationship to the Physical Body.
So, for most part – “Promise” has become a statement/relationship that relates more to one’s Ego, than it having any context to reality in any way whatsoever. “Promise” creates more a HOPE, than a certainty pertaining to actual Reality outcomes. So, why is it that we’d rather hold onto Hope and Promise, than Certainty and Reality?

If one have a look at “Promises”, it has been changed / come to stand more in the context of having a look at the word Professional, and what we’ve come to term as ‘Professional’ when having a look at the relationship to Promises being made in terms of Prophecies and Predictions within the context of the hereafter/afterlife/end times. So, let’s look at the sound, physical and energy symbolism within this context:
Profess – which is what Prophets/Prophecies/Predictions do, they ‘Profess / make claims based on Knowledge, Information and Energy Experience only’, because no-one consider asking/communicating/referencing the physical/what is here in/as this physical existence, for example
ION – which is the relationship between I as Consciousness, in the O – continuation/infinity of /as the primary relationship N – between Consciousness and the Physical Body
AL – representing the ALL, including All of Humanity.
So, ‘Professional’ – has become more defined in the context / starting point of Consciousness, of having “Knowledge and Information and substantiating that knowledge and information to be real through the Energy Experience one have to/towards knowledge and information” and the extent to which human beings would trust knowledge and information and the energy experience they have within that, than actual, real physical contexts/evidence. And so, within this “professional” self-definition within the context of Prophets/Prophecies and Predictions – it’s all primarily based on individual’s Knowledge and Information in their Minds, and how this knowledge and information relate to particular Personalities in the Mind, and how such Personalities evoke particular-specific Energy Experiences within the Mind, for Consciousness. So, a “Promise’s” only benefit – is the ENERGY the human being would experience in the Mind, than it in any way actually pertaining to REALITY. Because the prophets/prophecies and predictions, only exist as Knowledge and Information in the Minds of human beings, because the prophets/prophecies and predictions have in no way been done with referencing REALITY, the Physical – communicating directly with what is here, have in no way been done with referencing the hereafter/afterlife, in being able to directly enter/interact with the interdimensional existence to for self see what is really going on.

So, I would suggest – considering one’s relationship to the word “Promise”, and not to make “Promises” – but to always stand within the context of reality when making settlements/agreements with other human beings. From the perspective, of one would usually say “I promise to be there” – in that, one is making the statement that one has authority/control/power over/of the outcomes of reality/the future, when one in fact does not. So, when making agreements with other people, make a clear “Yes / No” Statement, in that – one take responsibility for one’s agreement with another human being/arrangement. And if/as one then do not make the arrangement/agreement, due to unforeseen circumstances – one can take responsibility for the contingencies in referencing them for not being able to make the arrangement/agreement. Because, what tends to happen when ‘trying to make Promises’, is that – one go into self-blame/victimization, and/or others will blame self because YOU made the Promise, trying/attempting to place yourself into a ‘God’-status in relation to reality, when one is really in fact only an ant in the Giant of/as this Existence. And when/as one make arrangements/agreements, always reference REALITY “can I self honestly do this / not at this time” and prepare the road before self to be able to tend to the arrangement/agreement so that it’s a definitive YES/NO.
Thus, with this relationship to 2012, Religions and Spiritualities and the Promises within Hope that is being made, exist NO Self-Responsibility – because what can be “blamed” is that something/someone else, and so the one’s that were in Hope are labelled to be the ‘victims’ of the Promise not materializing/manifesting.

The starting point of promise thus, is made in HOPE and not REALITY, what is HERE in fact. So, within this then – what is our relationship to HOPE, again having a look at the Question: So, why is it that we’d rather hold onto Hope and Promise, than Certainty and Reality? Because, this is what we do – even in ‘daily promises’ made, we lean on HOPE, instead critically assessing/analysing reality and what is here, what is this Energy/Experience of HOPE that is so obsessive/possessive that is completely Blind human beings’ Mind from/of the reality of what is here?

In the next post, we’ll explore more the relationship between Promise and Hope and its connection to/as 2012, Religions and Spirituality…

Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman

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