Wave-Theory of Creation: DAY 62
Origins of Males and Females: Part Seven
and Eve – Part Eleven
Chicken or the Egg??? – continued
the Fruit of Life became Rotten – continued
I Am as Money - continued
As mentioned in the previous
post, we’re continuing with the moment of competition between
the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities for the ‘space’ of substance between
them, go into more detail regarding the molecules into infinity manifesting
themselves into a point of consuming themselves as energy,
and within this – why and how energy ‘return to substance’.
forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to in and as equality and oneness with
and as energy and substance, from and in the beginning
– remember, see,
realise and understand how:
The molecules into infinity as the ‘reach’ of the Adam/Male
and Eve/Female singularities’ aura/presence manifestation were forced into and
as their one location/position within existence, equally as one as how the
Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities forced themselves into and as their one
location/position in and as existence, through moving closer and closer and
closer together, diminishing/lessening the ‘space’ between them, as the
process of condensing themselves into and as the One Aura/Presence
manifestation to experience
the External ‘positive-energy
experience’-interpretation equally. Where, as the Adam/Male and Eve/Female
singularities were moving closer and closer and closer together, so did their
molecules into and as infinity – and, with what happens in the small, so
equally as one happens in the big.
Thus, as the molecules into infinity, forced into and as
their one location/position in existence bundled/manifested together with the
‘space’ between them lessening and lessening, consuming more and more substance
from within the external existence of substance as they continue moving closer
and closer and closer together, and eventually merging into each other: they
equally as one move inward into the depths of their substance within their own
molecules, consuming substance to transform into energy. Within this process,
the molecules are forced to constantly/continuously consume substance
externally and internally to transform into energy, to the point where – the
more they move closer and closer and closer together, into each other, yet
still maintaining their individual molecule formation/structure: the more they
consume their internal substance and the external substance that is becoming
less and less and less, as the space between them diminish/lessen and the
substance within them diminish/lessen as the extent/amount of
opportunity/substance available to them within and as their
molecule-manifestations. Consuming to the point where, they’re so solidified
within and as that one point/location/position within existence; that they
cannot move any deeper into existence externally, and so cannot move any deeper
into the substance of themselves within themselves – so, that – they consume
only the substance that is available to them in the depths that they can reach.
And so ‘stuck’ within and as that one point/position/location within
substance/existence, start consuming the only substance available to them
internally and externally – diminishing from the positive, to the neutral and
to the negative within themselves, as the substance available to them
externally and internally diminish/lessen to nothing, and all they become is energy
that consumes itself – and because the molecules were merged – into each
other, they will when/as the moment they are energy only, consuming themselves
– will consume each other as energy; attempting-to/trying to in those last
moments, do everything/anything possible to survive as energy – until
eventually: they are no more.
I forgive
myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand,
in and as equality and oneness with and as substance and energy, from and in
the beginning:
The relationship between Energy
and Substance, the moment the energy of and as the molecules cease to exist –
the energy, still existent of and as and from substance, simply existent as a
separate portion/segment of and from and as substance; would – in the moment
the energy cease to exist; the energy-itself cease to exist, but that ceasing
of the energy’s existence manifest a reverse-process in returning itself in
fact to substance, where: The molecules ‘diminishing/lessening’ from and of
their positive, to the neutral and eventually to their origin as energy as the
negative-energy friction/conflict
to/towards substance, that the moment they ‘invert the friction/conflict’ into
and as themselves as energy: that moment is where substance consume energy;
back into and as itself. Thus – it’s essentially that energy with ‘consuming
itself’ – is consuming itself back into and as and with substance. And as
substance consume energy back into and as itself; each instance that substance
moves energy back into and as itself, manifested waves within and throughout
the substance of and as existence – minute waves that rippled within and
through substance as a whole.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted
and allowed myself, to in and as equality and oneness with and as energy
and substance from and in the beginning, see, realise and understand how –
within the continuation of existence as we will walk in these posts to come –
the more and more energy returned to substance, as substance
consumed/returned/reversed energy into and as itself: the more waves
accumulated into and as the substance of existence, to the point where
substance/existence would accumulate a positive accumulation of
waves/movements/ripples within and as itself. Thus – initially, the movement/motion
of Substance was within and as negative/opposition in searching for the MORE of
and as itself, and thus – from within and as that first movement/motion forward
into its existence – manifested the innumerable amounts of
manifested-singularities of energy, that would as they return to substance,
accumulate the positive-interpretation experience
within and as substance/existence as a whole. As more and more waves/ripples
accumulate within and as substance/existence; as more and more energy return to
substance/existence – to the point where, eventually there would not be enough
manifested-singularities of energy to accumulate the waves/ripples/movements
within and as substance/existence as a whole. And then substance/existence as a
whole’s positive-energy
experience interpretation diminish/lessen and then would again move/motion
the entirety of itself forward in opposition to/with itself, that would again
‘rebirth’ more manifested-singularities within and as itself.
And so, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed
myself, to in and as equality and oneness with and as substance and energy,
from and in the beginning – see, realise and understand, how and why it’s not
that energy ceased to exist or that substance ceased to exist as the energy
that it had separated itself into and as: but that energy-itself as a
portion/part/segment of and as substance returned into and as substance, to
again accumulate substance/existence with and as that which it had given/away
from and of itself as the part/segment/portion that manifested as energy from
and of the friction/conflict as the negative, that would return within and
through waves as the positive and re-accumulate back into and as
substance/existence. This re-accumulation of substance from what it initially
had given away – substance/existence interpreted as a positive-energy
experience as its energy-parts returned to itself in waves. With substance not
seeing/realising/understanding; that the energy came into existence as giving
away parts of itself, and that the waves it was experiencing was still only
itself as its parts returning to itself as energy to substance. But, because
substance/existence was separated from and of even itself as HERE – it did not
see/realise/understand the relationship of the negative, neutral and positive
that it had created within itself, and so eternally enslaved itself into and as
the relationship
with and as itself, from the negative – moving in opposition to/towards
itself creating energy, and to the neutral as the moment substance consume
energy back into and as itself and the positive as the moment the
consumption/return of energy to substance manifest the waves/movements/ripples
back into itself. To when/as the positive within and as substance/existence
eventually diminish/lessen, substance/existence will ‘physically move’ itself
again to re-loop the process from the negative, to the neutral and to the
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself,
to in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, from and in
the beginning, remember, see, realise and understand how:
Why and how the Adam/Male
and Eve/Female singularities did not share, initially – the same Fate as
their molecules into infinity with moving themselves closer and closer and
closer together to the point of consuming themselves and each other as energy,
because the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities had the ‘freedom / space’ in
the external existence/substance to move into and as / away from each other the
moment they reached the negative-energy experience awareness of themselves; a
point which the forced-molecules into infinity did not have – as the moment
they reached their negative-energy experience with no more friction/conflict
to/towards substance/existence remaining, they were forced to invert that
friction/conflict unto themselves as energy as their last moments as their
Devil-existence, consuming their own and each other’s energy.
And so, as the external positive-energy experience
interpretation equality of the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities started
diminishing, this initiated within their awareness as energy: Fear
of Loss of ‘losing’ that externalized positive-energy experience interpretation
that gave them the illusion
of experiencing even MORE of and as themselves, and so with Energy’s very
nature within and as the search/seeking of and as the MORE of and as itself,
continued pushing to become closer to each other to attempt/try to maintain
that positive-energy experience MORE of and as themselves. But - the more and
more the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities attempted/tried to maintain
that external ‘positive-energy experience’-interpretation awareness; the more
and more and more it lessened/diminished, as the molecules into infinity
started consuming themselves as energy into non-existence as energy, and back
into and as the existence of and as substance. And, within that –
simultaneously as the molecules into infinity lessened/diminished, as the
Adam/Male and Eve/Female aura/presence diminished/lessened, the Adam/Male and
Eve/Female positive-energy
experience diminished/lessened within and as their manifested-singularities to
the neutral and to the negative – as they no more had any ‘space’/substance
between them within and as the direction they were moving into and towards each
other, and so could not reach the depths of existence and equally the depths of
their beingness to consume substance to transform into energy within and as the
equal and one velocity/extent and speed/pace to maintain their equilibrium
within and as their positive energy experience. And thus, could only consume
the amount of substance available to them in the without and within of
themselves to manage the negative-energy experience, which immediately
instigated/initiated the fear/fear of loss awareness of and as energy itself to
maintain/manage its own possession/survival
of and as energy. And with the Adam/Male and Eve/Female having the space within
existence to move – they immediately moved away from each other, into the
depths of existence and substance without and within themselves to accumulate
the energies once again from the negative, to the positive and the neutral
through consuming substance to transform into energy.
In the next post, we’ll continue more in detail with how the
reverse manifested from friction/conflict as energy consuming substance, to the
return of energy to substance within and as the motion/movement of and as waves
as energy returned to substance as its source/origin. Within this – to come;
the process of reincarnation as manifested-singularities re-merged into and as
the existence of substance.
I commit myself to
show – the relationship within the process of the question of “Which was first:
The Chicken or the Egg?” – that the Chicken, Egg and Rooster came into
existence simultaneously in and as equality and oneness; through and as The
Question “There must be MORE than HERE” of and as ourselves as
Existence/Substance, manifesting as a Movement/Motion within and as the
existence of ourselves as Substance as the friction/conflict manifestation in
the movement/motion in opposition to/towards ourselves as Substance/Existence.
And in the moment of that movement – the Chicken, Egg and Rooster came into existence
in one simultaneous moment as Substance’s relationship to the
manifested-singularities, and the manifested-singularities relationships to
themselves and to each other; that set forth the existence of ourselves that
would eventually become this Physical-Existence, human beings and our relationship
to ourselves, each other and this Physical-Existence as a whole.
In this, I commit myself to show – why and how this Question
had/could never been answered within the detail as what will be walked and directly
seen within this Blog and posts to continue, as how we manifested ourselves and
all that is here in existence in one simultaneous moment, from
the Beginning as Substance/Existence; that the question of “The Chicken or
the Egg?” could not be answered – because the starting-point of the question /
those asking
the question is/has been in separation. And thus – I commit myself to show,
that – as long as one is existing in separation from the Mind, the Physical-Body
and this Physical Existence: one will never see/realise/understand
the origins and responsibilities of ourselves in our relationship to
existence as a whole: Because we ourselves are the very answers to the
questions of the origins of ourselves and existence, and thus: we will only
find answers when we can ask the questions in equality and oneness as and with
ourselves as existence as a whole.
And, thus – the process to seeing/being as finding/realising
the answers to ourselves and existence as ourselves, is walking the process in being,
becoming and living equality and oneness in fact – which is what we’re walking with
and as Desteni and the Desteni I Process.
I commit myself to show – that one can only ask the question
within the context of who self is; and that all questions within existence as
been asked within the who of separation, and so approached the questions of
ourselves in existence from within separation – searching/seeking the answers
to existence in the without of ourselves: when it has been here as us in and as
the within of and as ourselves. That, to understand the origins of ourselves as
existence: we first have to
understand the origins of ourselves as the Mind, the Physical-Body in and
as equality and oneness with and as ourselves; and therefore – we have to take the
first step of in fact being equal and one with ourselves, the mind and the physical
body to see/realise/understand and have the ability/capacity to the ask the questions
within and as the who of ourselves in equality and oneness, to see/realise/understand
existence as ourselves, HERE.
I commit myself to show – how and why everything is in reverse:
that everyone had been asking in separation and looking in separation for the
answers to ourselves and existence, the why, what, how, when and where of
ourselves – when the answers to the questions exist within us, as us…in the
I commit myself to show – how, we’ve missed the small, the
seeming insignificant within existence that is in fact the human being as the
Mind, with looking at our relationships as human beings as the mind to
existence: we’re in fact the ‘small’ in comparison to the big as this existence
as a whole; and that it is thus from within and as the small – that the answers
to the great exist.
Featured Art Work by Ann Van Den Broek
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