The Origins of Males and Females in Existence: DAY 56


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The Origins of Males and Females in Existence: DAY 56

Adam and Eve – Part Six

The Chicken or the Egg??? – Part Twenty-Six

Who I Am as Money – continued

In this post, we’re going to have a look at the manifestation of ourselves as Eve/Female and Adam/Male in the History of our existence from the Beginning as to why/how we have come to exist as ‘males and females’, when originally, in the beginning – the manifestation of the design of male/Adam and female/Eve existed within us, as walked within the Adam and Eve posts within the previous posts:
MALE: MAL-E, MAL as the malice (the nature and action of and as Blame, as spite, excuse and justification) of and as E as energy as the structural manifested action of and as self, in the beginning as the manifested-singularity - within and as the deliberate manifested action of and as friction and conflict that consume substance/life to transform into and as Energy and
FEMALE: FE-MAL-E, where from the malice (MAL) of and as energy (E), within and as the Friction/conflict F the E as Energy continue accumulating and manifesting, as the FEMALE stand within and as the cycle and recycle of and as Energy, where – once the Energy (E) is accumulated from and of the Friction/Conflict (F), the process starts again from and of the MAL malice of and as energy E, manifesting Friction/Conflict accumulating E/Energy and so the cycle/existence of and as energy, from and of the negative, to the neutral and to the positive – continue and cycle and recycle over and over and over again as the process of survival of and as Energy/God from and of the existence of ADAM/MALE and EVE/FEMALE.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand – in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance/physicality as the mind and the physical body: From and in the beginning the manifestation of Adam/Male and Eve/Female had nothing to do with ‘masculinity’ or ‘femininity’ within the manifested definition of a ‘man’ and a ‘woman’. But that the existence and manifestation of Adam/Male and Eve/Female was within the existence and manifestation of me as energy in my relationship to substance/life within the context of the nature of action of me as energy.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand – that still, to this day, the nature, action, manifestation and existence of Adam/Male and Eve/Female both exist within and as each human being as man and woman on this Earth as the Mind Consciousness System relationship to the Human Physical Body, with Adam/Male existent within and as the Unconscious-Mind as the nature of energy in its action of friction/conflict and Eve/Female existent within and as the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious-Mind as the nature of energy as the negative, neutral and positive energy-experience, in its action of circulating within and through the Mind Consciousness System.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, why and how it is that we – from the beginning, evolved ourselves as Energy into and as the manifested separate-forms of a man/masculinity/male-body and woman/femininity/female-body as the manifestation and existence of the Adam/Male and Eve/Female within us, that had been externalized into and as our manifested-singularity formations/structure in and as which the Eve/Female or Adam/Male will dominate our manifested-singularity or submit in our manifested-singularity as follows:
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself, to – from the beginning, in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, in and as my manifested-singularity; see/realise/understand the context and nature of “experience” – where the different actions and energies of Energy itself was “experienced” within and as and to varying degrees of intensity/power. With the very action of Adam/Male as the friction/conflict it manifest to/towards substance to transform into and as negative-energy experience, due to and because of the impact of the action of the friction/conflict – the nature/experience of Adam in its action of friction/conflict was within an extreme velocity/strength to be able to produce the necessary friction/conflict for substance to transform into Energy. With the very nature of Eve/Female as the energies of negative, neutral and positive as the movement of energy within and as the manifested-singularity – did not consist-of/exist as that equal and one structural/action velocity/strength of the friction/conflict but only consisted of/existed as the “experience” of and as the energies of the negative, neutral and positive which was only equal-to and one-with the accumulation of the AMOUNT of energies accumulated into and as the manifested-singularity, essentially the manifested-singularity being ‘impregnated’/accumulated with energy through and as the friction/conflict/penetration of and as Adam/Male in its relationship to substance. And as the energies accumulate from Adam/Male into and as Eve/Female, the ‘birth of the child as Energy’ manifest the moment the manifested-singularity reach the positive-energy experience. Thus, the nature and experience of Adam/Male is the friction/conflict action of velocity/intensity/strength and the nature and experience of Eve/Female is the accumulation of the energies produced by/through the action of Adam/Male.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in and as equality and oneness with energy and substance, from the beginning – remember, see, realise and understand how/why we as Energy-awareness/experience moved ourselves into and as the domination or submission of the Eve/Female and Adam/Male within and as us, as the manifested-singularities; where:
As we were in our process of evolving as Energy in and as our awareness and experience of the movement of ourselves as energy within and between the positive, neutral and negative – in and as and during the process of moving from the positive, to the neutral, to the negative – which initially instigated/initiated our movement as Energy within and as Fear/Fear of loss, that moved us forward and inward for our reward as Energy accumulation into and as the Positive-energy experience awareness – consuming substance to transform into energy from our beingness within and existence without. That the more and more we continued this existence/movement within ourselves as the manifested-singularity in the Beginning; the more and more we evolved as the energy-awareness of and as consciousness that became the initiative/motivation to ensure the accumulation of energy into and as itself, through constant/continuous movement  of energy forward and inward: we as the manifested-singularity – dependent on the extent of our relationship to the negative-energy experience friction/conflict as the Adam/Male within ourselves or the positive-energy experience as Eve/Female within ourselves – we patterned predominantly either the Adam/Male or Eve/Female into our beingness and manifested-singularity into and as the structure and formation of ourselves, as follows:
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself, to from the beginning in and as equality and oneness with and as me as energy and substance, remember, see, realise and understand: Because we were in the process of becoming aware of ourselves as manifested-singularities in our existence as energy, some manifested-singularities that emerged within and as existence – in and as their movement inward and forward for and as the accumulation of and as energy within ourselves; developed an unequal relationship with their Adam/Male existence and Eve/Female existence. Where:
Those manifested-singularities that managed to in and as the extent/speed of their movement forward and inward into and as existence and their beingness accumulate the negative, to the neutral and the positive and maintain/manage that constant/continuous movement inward and forward: manifested their awareness as energy in and as their manifested singularity predominantly into and as their Eve/Female as their experience of and as energy within and as positive-energy primarily, ‘holding, layering’ that awareness into and as their manifested-singularity that would solidify as their awareness of themselves in and as primarily the energy of and as the positive/neutral, seldom moving into and as the negative energy experience awareness. 
Then, the other manifested-singularities that did not manage to move equally in their movement forward and inward regarding the extent/speed of their movement, and managed/maintained only a movement that would seldom move them into and as the positive-energy experience, with their awareness mostly existent within and as the negative-energy experience: manifested their awareness as energy in and as their manifested-singularity predominantly into and as their Adam/Male as their experience/awareness of and as energy within and as the negative-energy primarily, ‘holding/layering’ that awareness into and as their manifested-singularity that would solidify as their awareness of themselves in and as primarily the energy of and as the negative/neutral; seldom moving into and as the positive-energy experience awareness.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, from the beginning – how the negative, neutral and positive-energy experience was not defined within the context of ‘good or bad’ or ‘right or wrong’, but was defined within the context of their initial structural, nature and manifestation experience as Energy-itself:
with those manifested-singularities within whose Eve/Female dominated, with the Male/Adam suppressed regarding their awareness of themselves as Energy – experienced themselves more within the context of the accumulation / ‘moreness’ of and as Energy as the neutral/positive-energy experience; and thus aligned their energy-beingness within the presence/awareness/experience of and as the accumulation/moreness of and as energy only. And with those manifested-singularities within whose Adam/Male dominated, with the Eve/Female suppressed regarding their awareness of themselves as Energy – experienced themselves more within the context of the action of the friction/conflict of and as the negative-energy experience of and as Energy; and thus aligned their energy-beingness within the presence/awareness/experience of and as the action of and as friction/conflict.

We’ll continue in the next post with the Origins of Males and Females, having a look at the sound, energy and physical symbolism within and as the words MAN and WOMAN in how, throughout time – we manifested, developed our physical-bodies into and as the interaction between the manifested-singularities, between those who’s Adam/Male dominated and those who’s Eve/Female dominated, looking at the starting-point of and as the development of the relationship between the man and the women as it exist today and as we continue, why and how the separation between the existence of males and females evolved throughout time, in how it came into the existence of masculinity and femininity.

I commit myself to show – how the existence and manifestation of males and females of this Earth came to be, to within that, reveal/expose the equality that in fact exist within and as males and females, to assist and support human beings to see through their knowledge and information INTERPRETATIONS, and energy reactions of males and females, of themselves and each other, to see into and as the actuality of what we consist of and exist as, as males and females. To so put an end / stop to the accepted and allowed discrimination/stigmatization and definition of males and females acculturated into and as the Minds of human beings by/through family, peers and this World-System – so that we can finally see past the separation, energy, knowledge and information of the Mind/Consciousness, and into and as the equality and oneness of and as our beingness, physical-bodies and this physical-existence.
I commit myself to stopping the preoccupations of separation in the Mind/Consciousness, so that we can get into actual co-existence, and co-creation and see to the important matters of the physical-matter in this physical-existence that in fact require our immediate, direct attention and participation, from which we’ve been preoccupied for far too long as the extent to which the suffering, pain and abuse had been accepted and allowed to accumulate on this physical-earth, while we’ve been preoccupied in our minds with definitions, knowledge and information and energies that have no practical relevance or contribution to the solution humanity and this physical-existence need/require.

I commit myself to show human beings, how to see beyond the veil of energy/mind/consciousness, manifested as knowledge and information and energy interpretations and experiences of the physical-body, our beingness, and this physical-existence, to assist and support human beings to see through the Mind/Consciousness/Energy into and as physical equality and oneness, to within and as this physical equality and oneness: see, realise and understand the consequences and consequence-outflows we have manifested unto ourselves and the generations that have come/are to come in accepting and allowing ourselves to exist in knowledge and information definitions and energy experiences as interpretations of ourselves, our beingness, our physical-bodies and this physical-existence, as the friction/conflict, separation and wars, discrimination, judgment, stigmatization and abuse it has caused from within and as our Minds, to/towards ourselves and others as ourselves for which we’re all equally as one responsible for. To so, see/realise/understand that we’re only going to stop and change the natures and actions of ourselves as human beings, through changing the nature and action of ourselves within and as our thoughts, word and deed – which start with the process of purifying words, from energy experience to Living equality and oneness.

I commit myself, to – through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application; assist and support me to walk myself in standing equal-to and one-with my Mind, first in getting to know how my Mind operate/function/exist, as I see/realise/understand that I cannot in fact change me as the Mind – unless I first know how I have created/manifested it in the first place. A process which is walked in detail within and as the Desteni-I-Process, as the process of walking equal-to and one-with one’s Mind and Simultaneously walking self into and as the solution as the Mind, in changing/transforming self as the Mind from energy, knowledge and information, interpretations of and as separation; into and as equality and oneness with and as my physical body, through and as assisting and supporting myself to be/become the Living Word. In this process – seeing beyond/through the definitions, experiences, energies, knowledge and information interpretations/perceptions/beliefs of the existence of males and females, to finally see/realise/understand who I am in context to and as this physical-existence, and where my responsibility in fact stand  within and as me as all. In this, I stop my preoccupations, and get into the actual important matters of physical-matter and walk and live a solution as me for all in and as equality and oneness, here.

I commit myself to show – how and why, the Desteni I Process Relationship/Agreement Course is the course that assist and support the partners to see beyond their experiences / definitions / ideas / beliefs / perceptions / interpretations of Mind/Consciousness as energy – and learn how to practically live in the physical, in equality and oneness with themselves and each other, as human beings coming together in standing within and as The Decision for life, in assisting and supporting themselves and each other to stand as living examples and direct themselves and their living into and as a solution for all in and as existence, in seeing/realising/understanding the power that in fact exist within relationships as agreements, when both stand equal and one in and as the commitment for Life as all.

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo


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