
Monday, 25 June 2012

Love is to Accept Each-Other’s Evil: DAY 72

Love is to Accept Each-Other’s Evil: DAY 72

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

Adam and Eve – continued

Who I Am as Money - continued

Now that we’ve had a look at the relationship between ‘Attraction’ and ‘Love’ – (as it was existent within and from the beginning between the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities to now as Human Beings/Minds) ‘Attraction’ and ‘Love’ within the context of the internal and external dynamics between the Inferiorities and Superiorities within and as our existent-manifestation of Religion as the acceptance and allowance of ‘who I am and will be’ which we have become, and so within this acceptance and allowance/Self-Religion, existing in the ‘Blind Faith’ following of and as our energy-experiences: All of which has become ourselves as the origin of and as ‘Attraction’ and ‘Love’. ‘Love’ and ‘Attraction’ that can only exist when and as human beings exist in and as the Mind with and as Inferiorities and Superiorities that has become the manifested acceptance and allowance of ‘who I am and will be’ and so have become. Where our ‘oneness and equality’ have become dependent on to/towards who/what one experience an attraction towards that represent a Superiority that is existent as an Inferiority within and as self. And so, the very existence of relationships within the context of ‘Love’ and ‘Attraction’: is what has limited our development, growth and expansion as Living Beings, and evolved only Consciousness/Mind as Energy-Experiences. Equal-to and One-with our relationship to/towards ‘Money’ and ‘Attraction’ within the context of our relationship to Money: is what has limited our development, growth and expansion as humanity, and evolved only the Money/World-System in itself.
This Nature of ‘Love’ / ‘Money’ and ‘Attraction’ within the starting-point of self/mind/energy-experience interest – manifest the individual into a relationship of possession and survival and in this Process, become entirely/completely ignorant/blind within our possession of energy-experience to the consequences ‘Love’ and ‘Money’ manifest within and as our Physical-Bodies and this Physical-Existence as a whole and within this: blind and ignorant to our direct-responsibility to what this existence has become as the external mirror of our internal acceptances and allowances.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – from the beginning to now, remembered, seen, realised and understood how: ‘Love’ and ‘Attraction’ can only exist – with and as me existing in my ‘who I am and will be and have become’ acceptances and allowances of and as my Superiorities and Inferiorities, where I would only experience Attraction to/towards something/someone – when and as they represent an Superiority that is/has not yet become a Superiority within and as my Mind’s manifestation/existence/living.  And so, we have as human beings, existed within and as the relationship of Mind/Energy-Experience within the context of ‘Love’ / ‘Attraction’ and ‘Relationships’ – in keeping ourselves and each other within and as the existence of: “I accept and allow you as you are, you accept and allow me as I am” – with this “you and I” that we’re accepting and allowing within each other, being the very existence of the Mind within and as its relationship-dynamics of Superiority and Inferiority. And so, essentially what we’ve done within the manifestation of Relationships within the context of ‘Love’ / ‘Attraction’ – is saying: “Let’s remain within our Mind’s relationship of our existent acceptance and allowance of our Inferiorities and Superiorities so that we can have/get/own/possess the Energy-Experience of Attraction and so the Ultimate experience of and as ‘Love’”. Where, in this – we’re sacrificing our own individual, and that of the other’s growth, expansion and development within who we are in our equal and one relationship with ourselves, our physical-bodies and so this existence as a whole, only to exist/remain within and as our Mind/Energy existences of Experience. Maintaining so our limitation, and that of another’s within our acceptances and allowances of and as our manifested Inferiorities and Superiorities to have/get/possess/own that ‘Attraction’-experience and merge into and as the ‘Love’-Experience through unifying ourselves / our Superiorities externally into and as an illusion of ‘oneness’ as the relationship and an illusion of ‘equality’ as the Superiorities of the two human beings merge: Instead of individuals taking it upon themselves to be/become equal and one within and as WHO WE ARE WITHIN ourselves in our relationship to the Physical-Body and so this Physical-Existence.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how, this acceptance and allowance of the maintaining of our internal Inferiorities and Superiorities, to only be ‘fulfilled/completed’ within and through Relationships/Sex, with the transfer of Superiorities between Minds so that individuals can have/get/own/possess the ultimate ‘Love-Experience’ that manifest the illusion of ‘oneness and equality’ which only serve the interest of the Individuals within and as their Mind-Experiences when forming relationships/se: In this sacrificing/compromising the potential of and as who we are in absolute equality and oneness with ourselves, our physical bodies and this physical existence. How this ‘Love-Experience’ possession Equally as One manifest within and as our relationship to Money within and as this World-System of Money, where:
Human Beings, within this World-System of Money – will accept and allow the very existence of the World-System of Money as-is, within and as the relationship where, human beings will – as long as they have Money, continue with this dynamic between physical-inferiorities and physical-superiorities regarding material possessions and money, that constantly/continuously exist in the possession of attempting ‘oneness and equality’ with Money – in changing/transforming their physical-inferiorities into physical-superiorities in owning/possessing/having more and more and more Money/Material Possessions to attempt to be/become equal and one with the Elite within this World-System. Within this process, human beings will accept and allow the World-System of Money to continue existing as-is, within and as the relationship of Attraction to/towards Money and Material-Possessions, living for the Ultimate ‘Love/Money’-Experience with and as Money/Material-Possessions to attempt/try to equalize themselves/their world to reach the utmost Physical-Superiorities when it comes to Money/Material-Possessions. And so, in our relationship with other human beings, and our relationship with the World-System – we’re existing in internal and external inferiorities and superiorities that is creating a relationship of Attraction to/towards other human beings/this world-system of Money in the hope of reaching that Ultimate Love/Money-Experience oneness and equality.
With the Ultimate Love-Experience oneness and equality which manifest when/as within and as oneness, the human being merge with the other human being into and as a relationship, and the equality – the two human beings’ Minds superiorities become equal within and during the transfer of Minds that manifest during Sex.
And with the Ultimate Money-Experience oneness and equality which manifest when/as within and as oneness, the human being’s material-possessions/money is fulfilled in their world, and equality – as the human being’s physical-superiorities merge with and as the equality of those human beings/elite/upper-class who have equal manifestations of physical-superiorities as money/material possessions. And so – we as individuals within our ‘Love’-Experience and ‘Money’-Experience have become possessed with an ‘oneness and equality’ that only serve our own interest/experience in our relationship to Love and Money. In this – only having consideration/regard/vested-interest in the equality and oneness of our own Minds and External World/Reality ‘Love’-Experience and ‘Money’-Experience, these experiences which only exist/can manifest: with us in our relationship with human beings, in accepting and allowing our Mind-existence limitation within ourselves and each other, and in our relationship with the World-System in accepting and allowing the existence/limitation/consequence of Money as it exist today.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, in equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – from the beginning to now, how:
With us human beings existing in this relationship to other human beings within “I accept and allow you as you are, you accept and allow me as I am”, simply just to get/have/own/possess the Love-Experience through unifying each other within the relationship and Superiorities, and existing in this relationship to the World-System of Money within “I accept and allow you as you are, you accept and allow me as I am”, simply just to get/have/own/possess the Money-Experience through unifying ourselves within the relationship and Superiorities of physical/material possessions and Money: we have become a humanity limited in the very nature and living of ‘who we are’. Where we live to only serve the interest of our own Love/Money-Experience, accepting and allowing the limitation and consequence of our very internal and external existences; remaining limited in our Minds in the separation from and of ourselves in the manifestations of our Superiorities/Inferiorities, waiting for our Superiorities to be fulfilled by another in relationship, and equally as one remaining limited within this World in the separation from the rest of humanity and this physical existence in the manifestations of our physical superiorities and inferiorities, waiting for our Superiorities to be fulfilled by/through Money/this World-System. In this, not seeing/realising/understanding how we are and have enslaved our internal and external realities to be dependent on Love and Money, and will compromise ourselves and our worlds and others to whatever extents/lengths – simply to get/have/own/possess that Love and Money Experience for ourselves: not seeing, realising the ‘price’ we in fact pay for this Desire, as what manifest in the relationship between the Mind and the Physical-Body and the World-System of Money to this Physical-Existence, which we only do not see / want to see, because we’ve made the Love Experience and Money Experience for ourselves, more valuable/important than Life itself.

I commit myself to show, how and why the ‘Love-Experience’ that manifest within and through and from ‘Attraction’ in all contexts/forms in which ‘Attraction’ is experienced: is the most limited form of experience and relationship that is existent within existence as a whole. Because that ‘Love’-Experience is only existent within and as the Human Beings accepting and allowing the extent of their own limitation, and that of another’s in remaining within the accepted and allowed separation of their Inferiorities and Superiorities within themselves, ‘waiting within hope’ to be fulfilled/completed in the illusionary oneness and equality merging of a relationship/another Human Being Mind’s Superiorities: All just to have/get/own/possess the ‘ultimate Love Energy-Experience’ to serve their own Desires. Not seeing/realising/understanding the equality and oneness and eternal expression of Life, Here as self in equality and oneness with self, self’s physical body and this physical existence that is being ‘missed’, simply because Human Beings/Minds valued this ‘Love-Experience’ to be ‘more than’ Life/equality and oneness with All.

I commit myself to show – what has been missed as Life/Equality and Oneness with self, the physical-body and this physical-existence as a whole, with human beings accepting and allowing the limitation of their Mind/Consciousness Energy-existence/experience within themselves and each other for the Mind’s ultimate evolutionary love experience. To see, realise and understand Eternity that has been missed, here as existence, because human beings simply deliberately refuse to see beyond the limitation of the ‘Love’-Experience, to stand within and as their own equality and oneness with their Minds/Physical-Bodies, no more waiting to be fulfilled/completed within an illusion of oneness and equality within relationships/sex that do not ever last/sustain itself, but take it upon self as the responsibility to self, within self to establish self’s equality and oneness in what had been missed as self, right here – as an equal and one relationship with all as self.

I commit myself to show – the self, physical-body and existential consequences that has manifested within our possession of the ‘Love’-Experience, towards ourselves, other human beings and this physical existence as a whole. For Human Beings that had become like ‘moths to the flame of light/love’, the more and more and more they attempt/try to get closer and closer and closer to the ‘Love’-Experience, the more and more and more their self/physicality deteriorate and burn/wither away – an entire life lost within the possession of Love, not seeing/realising/understanding the expansive Nature/Existence that is Just beyond the Light/‘Love’-Experience, and that it just takes a decision for the Moth/Human Being to direct oneself in flying/moving away from the Light/Love-Experience, and from that decision to walk the process of writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application from separation to equality and oneness and finally see the eternity of existence here that had been missed, with self missing self’s equality and oneness potential here within and as Self in the Mind’s relationship to the Physical.
In this, I commit myself to show – the equal and one Nature of the Moth to the Flame/Light/Love in our relationship to Money, where human beings – the more and more and more they attempt/try to get closer and closer and closer to the ‘Money’-Experience, the more and more and more the rest of this entire physical-existence deteriorate and burn/wither away – an entire physical-existence of life lost, nature, animals, to even human beings on the outskirts of the System - within the possession of the Elite’s Money Experience, not seeing/realising/understanding the potential of this expansive Physical-Existence that is Just beyond the Light/‘Money’-Experience, and that it just takes a decision for the Moth/Human Being to direct oneself in flying/moving away from the Money-Experience, and see the eternity of existence here that had been missed, with self missing self’s equality and oneness potential here within and as Self in relationship to this Physical-Existence, within and as bringing about a World-System solution as an Equal Money System, and aligning self’s living from the Money-Experience possession within self/the Mind, to aligning self’s living to bringing about a practical solution for all in equality and oneness as co-creators, co-existing on this one Earth in Equality.
(Please note – when we say ‘moving away from the Money-Experience’, we do not mean – to sever any physical relationship with money regarding one’s job/profession, as it’s not money in itself that’s the problem, it’s who we are WITHIN ourselves in our relationship to Money. Thus, ‘walking away from the System/money’ is not a / the solution. It’s to remain within the System, ensure that you have a job/money/income to physically live in this world – but, to as and while one is walking/living in this world – to, move oneself WITHIN oneself from the limitation of one’s life/relationship to money, to aligning one’s life to walking together in and for the implementation and manifestation of the Equal Money System, as an entire global change to what our relationship to money has become, where Money then Equals Life, instead of Money as it has become now – only fulfilling the lives of those that have it, while the majority suffers/starve.)

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

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