
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Consciousness Energy-Authority - Conclusion: DAY 46

Consciousness Energy-Authority - Conclusion: DAY 46

The Soul of Fear - Part Eleven

Energy as Authority - Part Fifteen

The Chicken or the Egg??? – Part Sixteen

Who I Am as Money – continued

As mentioned in the previous post, we’re walking the point of ‘Choice’ – and the consequence of Energy-Authority within and as Choice, in our current accepted and allowed relationship to and manifestation as ‘Choice’, and how this relationship and manifestation of ourselves as ‘Choice’ manifested the consequences we now exist as, as the Mind relationship to the Physical and the World-System of Money relationship to this physical-existence.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand the current manifestation of ‘Choice’ as me:
The Beginning: The moment I signed the Deal with the Devil, the Offering of my Soul in and as Fear/Fear of Loss – that Fear/Fear of Loss would be the awareness of Choice-itself, and always in all ways ensure that I continue my existence as Energy-Authority over and of Life-Authority in controlling my relationship within and as Cause/Acceptance (of separation) and Effect/Allowance (friction/conflict as negative-energy experience consuming substance to transform into energy, to accumulate the neutral and positive energy experience) within and as the nature and action of me as deliberate Blame, as spite, excuse and justification for me as Energy to possess/empower me as Energy and so protect and defend my Survival as Energy. That all Choices will only stand within the context of my Survival as Energy-Authority within and as the starting-point of and as Fear/Fear of Loss.
The Mind Consciousness System: Automated/Autopilot Consciousness as my Soul of and as Fear/Fear of Loss as the awareness of Choice-itself, will always in all ways ensure that I continue my existence as Mind/Energy-Authority over and of the Physical-Body and my relationships/physical-environment/world, as I continue within the relationship of Cause/Acceptance (of separation, conceiving myself as separate from the physical-body and this physical existence and others as me) to Effect/Allowance (the effect of that cause as the constant, continuous friction/conflict my unconscious-mind manifest to/towards the physical body in consuming physicality to transform into energy). Where, in and as this relationship as Consequence and Consequence-outflow of Mind-Authority – the nature and action of me in and as this relationship stand within and as deliberate Blame, as spite, excuse and justification where I would in all situations, moments, interactions and participations with others and this physical-environment/existence, protect and defend my possession/empowerment as Energy for my Survival – through all choices only standing within and as the context of my Survival as Energy-Authority within and as the starting-point of Fear/Fear of Loss.
The World-System of Money: Automated/Autopilot Money-Consciousness existing as the Soul of Fear/Fear of Loss of and as the World-System as the awareness of and as Choice-itself, will always in all ways ensure that it continue its existence as Money-Authority over and of this physical-existence, as it continue within the relationship of Cause/Acceptance (of separation, conceiving itself as separate from and of this physical-existence and all and everything and everyone within and as and of it) to Effect/Allowance (the effect of that cause as the constant, continuous friction/conflict it manifest as its unconscious-mind through and as famine, poverty, starvation, deforestation, fracking, drilling, desertification, extinction, animal abuse as consuming physicality to transform into Money). Where, in and as this relationship as Consequence and Consequence-outflow of Money-Authority – the nature and action of and as this relationship stand within and as deliberate Blame, as spite, excuse and justification where it would in all situations, moments, interactions and participations with and this physical-existence, protect and defend its possession/empowerment as Money – through all choices only standing within and as the context of its Survival as Money-Authority within and as the starting-point of Fear/Fear of Loss.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, how my entire Mind Consciousness System and this World-System of Money – is and had become an automated/autopilot internal and external System of Consciousness as the Soul of Fear as the awareness of Choice within and as Fear/Fear of Loss – protecting and defending only its internal and external survival as Energy within and Money without – where all my choices within and without of who, how and what I am with Energy and Money – will be done within and as separation, of protection and defence, control and motivation within fear for my Survival as Energy within and Money without.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, thus see/realise/understand that I have no responsibility, directive-principle and will within and as the Choices I make internally and externally, as:
Responsibility was abdicated to Consciousness to protect and defend my survival as Mind-Authority within and Money-Authority without, and so all Choices will be made through the nature and action of me as Mind/World-System as Blame within and as spite, excuse and justification to secure my possession/empowerment of Energy/Money within and as Choices I make for me as Consciousness/Mind within and Money without.
Directive-principle was abdicated to Consciousness to control my relationship of Cause/Acceptance and Effect/Allowance to ensure that within that separation I manifest the friction/conflict as negative-energy experience to accumulate energy/money for my possession/empowerment, and so all Choices I make stand within and as this starting-point of separation and consuming physicality to transform into energy to secure my possession/empowerment of Energy/Money within and as the Choices I make as Consciousness
Will was abdicated to Consciousness to motivate/instigate my choices/movements within and as Fear/Fear of Loss, the moment my energy-experience within and money-experience without lessen to the negative-energy experience, and so activate my nature and action of Blame as spite, excuse and justification within and as the Relationship of Cause/Acceptance and Effect/Allowance that drive me to in moments make Choices that will protect and defend as ensure/secure my possession/empowerment as Survival as Mind/Money-Authority within and without, and so all  Choices I make as Consciousness as Energy/Money will be done within and as Fear/Fear of Loss.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how I have internally and externally manifested me as an ‘Organic Robot’ with the Automated/Autopilot Mind Consciousness System and the World-System of Money relationship to my Physical-Body and this Physical-Existence with internal and external Consciousness primary programme manifested in and as Fear/Fear of Loss, pre-programmed with Choice to ensure its own Survival as possession/empowerment of Energy within and Money without, with the nature and action circuitry designed within and as Blame as deliberate spite, excuse and justification with its Purpose manifested to secure the relationship of Cause/Acceptance and Effect/Allowance in controlling the separation and manifestation of friction/conflict as negative-energy experience to always in all ways manifest its Choices to obtain/attain its Temptation as Energy within and Money without.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, how – within this: as the Mind of Energy and the World-System of Money within and as Fear/Fear of Loss and Choice for my Survival as Mind within and the World-System without: I have never within my existence in fact Lived, within myself and neither does the World-System of Money give/gift any opportunity of living – as all Choices within and as the natures and action of the Mind and the World-System is done within and as deliberate Blame as spite, excuse and justification within and as separation as friction/conflict for the empowerment/possession of Energy and Money Temptation to be a God unto myself within myself only, and thus for the World-System to establish its Godhood unto itself only.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand that as this Organic Robot existence of me as the Mind of Energy within and the World-System of Money without: I have had no responsibility, directive-principle, will and choice in and as the Consequence and Consequence-outflow I manifest within and as my internalized possession of Survival as Energy and Money as the consequence and consequence outflow my relationship of Cause/Acceptance as separation and Effect/Allowance as friction/conflict as consuming physicality to transform into energy/money for my empowerment/temptation as Energy and Money - manifest in my physical-body and this physical-existence as me. And within this, why and how I have had no ability to in fact direct and change the consequence and consequence outflow I as the Mind and the World-System of Money manifest to my physical-body and this physical-existence, as my physical-body and this physical-existence had been taken over by and through Mind-Authority within and Money-Authority without that has taken Authority over and of my Living to the enslavement/damnation of Survival within and as separation, of protection and defence, control, motivation within fear, and so had taken Authority over and of Choice.

I commit myself to show, how and why – we are directly responsible for the Consequence and Consequence-outflow we as the Mind within and the World-System of Money without manifest to our physical-bodies and this physical-existence, as the consequence and consequence-outflow originate from and of our who, how and what we are as the Organic-Robots as the Mind Consciousness System within and the World-System  without, that exist within and as the relationship of Cause/Acceptance and Effect/Allowance that is manifesting the consequence and consequence-outflow to/towards our physical-bodies and this physical-existence.

I commit myself to show, how and why – within and as every moment we’ve made a Choice through and as our nature and action of and as Blame as spite, excuse and justification as the Mind and as the World-System of Money, we’ve manifested the Cause/Acceptance (of and as separation) and the Effect/Allowance (the effect of that cause as the constant, continuous friction/conflict my unconscious-mind manifest to/towards the physical body in consuming physicality to transform into energy and the unconscious-mind of the World-System through and as famine, poverty, starvation, deforestation, fracking, drilling, desertification, extinction, animal abuse as consuming physicality to transform into Money) – which manifested the Consequence and Consequence-outflow we now experience in the Mind and in this World.

I commit myself to show, how and why – as long as we exist as Mind-Authority and World-System Authority that only exist for its own Survival, protecting and defending its possession and empowerment within and through choices made within the starting-point of Fear of Loss, that manifest our nature and action in and as Blame, as spite, excuse and justification and establishing within that the constant, continuous relationship of Cause/Acceptance and Effect/Allowance: we’re going to continue manifesting consequence and consequence-outflow in ourselves and this existence as ourselves with no Solution that can stand within and as what’s best for all as equality and oneness.

I commit myself to show – how, we’ve always tried to fix consequence and consequence-outflow in the relationship between the Mind and the Physical-Body and the World-System of Money to this physical-existence, not seeing/realising/understanding that: With only fixing/mending consequence and consequence-outflow, without changing ourselves as Mind-Authority and World-System Authority within and as the very who, how and what it consist of and exist as – we’re never in fact going to manifest an eternal solution for all within and as equality and oneness, because what is manifesting the consequence and consequence-outflow in the first place is our relationship of and as Cause/Acceptance of separation, and the Effect/Allowance of that relationship as the friction and conflict that consume physicality to transform into energy and money for our possession/empowerment as Survival as Energy and Money.

I commit myself to show, how and why – we’re only going to manifest an eternal solution for all on this earth, and generations to come within ourselves and the without of and as ourselves: if we give up and let go of our possession as Energy and Money, within the context of our relationship to/with it as possessing it to empower only ourselves in the within and without of ourselves as Energy and Money, to give up and let go of wanting, needing and desiring the Temptation of ‘godhood’; to Earth the Energy as Mind/Consciousness in returning it into and as the equality and oneness with and as the Physical-Body, to Live in and as and with the Physical-Body in and as equality and oneness, and so Earth the Money in returning it into and as equality and oneness with and as this Physical-Existence, so all my live in and as this physical-existence in and as equality and oneness.

Stop the relationship of Cause/Acceptance as separation, through and as getting to know my Mind and align me into and as a physical-living being of and as Living Words, equal-to and one-with my Physical-Body. And so -
Stop the Effect/Allowance of my separation from myself as the Mind and my Physical-Body that manifested into and as of the energies of negative, neutral and positive – to no more be subject to Energy as Consciousness control, but in fact take responsibility for who, how and what I am within myself and my living, to establish Awareness of every decision I make, and that each decision is in fact made within equality and oneness, and not just for me to possess/empower me as Mind-Authority.
So that in that stopping I stop the consequence and consequence-outflow I as the Mind as Energy-Authority had manifested to my Physical-Body, and so this physical-existence as a whole.

I commit myself to stand as the Solution, as The Decision for and as Life - through taking responsibility, directive principle and will in assisting and supporting me to be/become the Living Solution to the consequence and consequence-outflow I had manifested as Mind-Authority within and World-System Authority without – standing as the living example for all to see/realise/understand; that how and why exactly, we’re only going to manifest an eternal solution in this physical-existence, if we in fact stand as and live that eternal solution as ourselves. And how and why the Equal Money System stand as the eternal solution for all within this physical-existence, as its principle directive, responsibility and will stand within and as ensuring that each and all have an equal and one opportunity to life and living within and as this physical-existence.

This concludes the framework of the Soul of Fear as Consciousness as Energy as Authority – how we’ve abdicated our Living of and as directive-principle, responsibility, will and choice to Energy-Authority Survival within and as Fear/Fear of Loss that is and has controlled ‘Choice’ for its own survival and possession/empowerment of Energy within and Money without – manifesting consequence and consequence-outflow as the current state of our relationship as the Mind to the physical-body and the World-System of Money to this physical-existence, that as long as we exist as Mind and the World-System within the starting-point of Survival – controlling Choice within and as Fear/Fear of Loss: we’re not going to in fact bring an eternal change to self and this physical existence as a whole.

From here, within posts to continue – one will more specifically see/realise/understand the consequence and consequence-outflow of ourselves as the Mind within and the World-System of Money, and the extent to which Fear and Choice had manifested ourselves into and as eternal damnation, perpetuating consequence and consequence-outflow in ourselves and this existence as ourselves, instead of bringing about eternal solutions that is and will be best for all in and as equality and oneness. 

Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman