
Saturday, 8 February 2014

Relationships and Death: DAY 481

Relationships and Death: DAY 481
The Moment of Shock

Shock, Trauma and Stress (Part Three)

In the next post we will continue having a look at the direct-relationship between the mind and the physical, where we in our Minds simulate stressful situations / experience, the brunt of which the physical body experience and what it is to understand within the mind-body relationship that a “shock” can induce such mental / physical trauma and catapult one into stress and eventually chronic stress.

In and from this post we’re going to walk a Self Forgiveness process, understanding the moment of Shock with the sudden / unexpected loss of a loved one / someone close to you. With understanding the ‘shock’ reaction and the relationship between the mind and the physical on a quantum physical level: the trauma and stress on a mental and physical level will be understood. Obviously, there are many dimensions to ‘Shock’ – so, the first dimension of shock we’re going to investigate / walk through is the emotional-shock of the sudden / unexpected death / loss of someone close to you / a loved one. The other dimension of ‘Shock’ we’re going to walk is in relation to Death-itself. So, we go through an Emotional-Shock based on our emotional relationship towards another and then we go through a Death-Shock, which is our emotional relationship to Death itself.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand why and how it is that my relationship to death, and a sudden / unexpected death as loss of someone from my life / from this world – would cause a shock through my system on all levels of my being – from the mind, to my beingness to the physical body due to not understanding the extent to which we in fact interconnect with another living human being and why/how it is that all of humanity does not experience ‘equal shock, trauma and stress’ when another living human being suddenly / unexpectedly dies.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to ever question, to the full extent / degree that is necessary – why and how it is that we experience such shock when only those closest to us suddenly / unexpectedly dies, to the extent that such shock ripple trauma and stress on a mental, beingness and physical level? Why and how it is that we do not have such relationships with all human beings equally – where, it’s more dependent on how we emotionally “feel” about others that will accordingly equate the amount of “shock” we will experience, which is showing that our value-relationship to others is more determined by the amount of feeling/emotion-energy we have towards someone in our Minds, than it is the value of who the being was / how the being lived and contributed to their own lives and that of others.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how my ‘personal world’ is in this ball, with all the people closest to me – and according to my value-relationship towards them (value-relationship meaning: how much value as emotional/feeling energy I have invested in the particular relationships) – will accordingly determine how valuable / important the people in my world/reality are. Then, in another circle outside of the initial ball – is relationships in my world with people I interact with, but has little to no ‘personal value’ to me, because I have no emotional / feeling energy invested in them. Then, in another circle outside the second circle is the rest of humanity that has absolutely no value, because there aren’t any emotional / feeling experiences/energy from my mind invested in/as them and so therefore – I “feel” nothing for them. Thus, the extent / experience of shock I experience to/towards someone’s death – actually determine the extent of emotional / feeling energy I have invested in another person throughout a period of time and also the extent of emotional / feeling energy I have invested to thinking about / fearing Death-itself.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to ever question – to the full extent / degree necessary, why and how it is that when it comes to the Deaths of the rest of humanity in the outer circle and the Deaths of others in the second circle – towards whom I have not invested any emotional / feeling energy/experiences/relationships: why and how it is that I do not in any way go into reactions of shock / distress at their Deaths or even think about Death in itself? We may for a moment be ‘taken by surprise’, but it does not come CLOSE to the extent of mental / physical shock we go through with those in our personal worlds/reality, those in the ‘inner circle’ of our lives when it comes to fearing death. So, do we then in fact ‘Fear Death’, if we do not in any way even react / respond to the countless Deaths that manifest in/as this existence as a whole – from humans to animals, to nature / the environment? Because…Death is Death, one cannot in fact go to the absolute of saying “I Fear Death” – if one only react to the deaths of those in the inner-circle, and not blink an eye to the Deaths of those in the second and last circle. If we’d REALLY ‘Fear Death’ – we’d be in a constant possession of FEAR with the extent of Deaths that manifest every second time goes by within/as this physical existence. So, if we do not ‘Fear Death’, but only “Fear the Death of ourselves and those in the inner-circle”…what is it that we’re actually fearing /reacting to???

We’ll continue more in the next post

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