One Memory + One Moment + Losing Touch with Reality = Recipe
for Disaster: DAY 449
A while back I was watching an episode of the series
“Supernatural” and this man was sitting on a chair, two guys approaching him.
The man on the chair was sitting as though he was sleeping, with his head
slightly bowed down. One of the two guys approaching the man on the chair then
takes off a hat he was wearing, and as they pulled off the hat – half his brain
was exposed with worms oozing out of it. Lol – so, that scene was quite
unexpected / ‘out of the ordinary’ of what one would see in reality / everyday
life. So, I grimaced at the prospect of actually, in reality, seeing something
like that. Then, the next day – I was walking in the fields, on the way to
horses and I had an itch on my scalp and as I was about to scratch it – there
pops-up the Memory
of this particular scene. Immediately in that moment I stopped – having a look
at what had just happened, because many of us would think something like that
to be “normal / okay / ordinary” – but, there is in fact more going on
within/behind it all than one would realise and this is what I am going to
discuss in this interview.
Firstly, I looked at the moment I saw the scene – the
reaction I had within myself, and this is something that series/movies/shows
often ‘play on’ within the Minds of human beings: it is ‘geared’ to make us
react/respond energetically within emotions/feelings – this primarily done
through taking the series/movies/shows as far from reality/the real world as
possible; which would produce emotional/feeling
responses/reactions, because it is not aligned with reality/the real world in
fact or rather, not aligned with the reality/real world that most of us are
exposed to in our lives. Therefore, with scenes / storylines ‘losing touch with
reality’ – our Minds do not have the ‘tools’ with how to equate a commonsensical
relationship to what one see in series/movies, and so therefore – we react,
energetically, with emotions/feelings. Eventually the
Mind will attempt/try to equate a relationship to it all through using
Imagination – it’s interesting how extensively we take what is watched in
movies/series/shows into/as our Imagination and let our Imaginations ‘run
wild’. Series/shows/movies etc. – when watched within the starting point of
emotional/feeling reactions: are like a feeding-ground for one’s Imagination,
that then feeds into one’s Personalities, into one’s emotional/feeling bodies
of Personalities, and then from there back into reality; how we then
superimpose imaginations onto actual reality and so lose touch with the real
world – so, it’s like a whole interconnected system that is created for one
purpose only: Keeping you as far away from reality as possible, while
stimulating the senses of the Mind/Consciousness and so we ‘lose touch’ with
how reality in fact Operate / Function.
(Here, I would suggest taking a listen to an interview I did
regarding watching series/movies/shows – because the Solution is obviously not
to ‘stay away from it’ – because you’re then not dealing with the existent
problem-point within/as you – the program will always remain then within the
mind, only de-activated. So, the solution with how to approach / change your relationship
to watching things from reaction to commonsense critical reasoning – can be
found in the interview listed in the description box below).
This is also why one would have resistance to watching more
realistic / educational shows such as documentaries for example, why in the
global consciousness circuit a more definitive relationship is created to
things that are more taken far from reality: it shows how far taken our own
Minds/Imaginations are from reality and how we’re more conditioned to watching
things that makes us FEEL something – than watching things that would actually
align us to contributing to life/living on earth for all, such as documentaries
with understanding how the world/humanity in fact function/exist – because
within documentaries for example, because it is more in line with reality – one
will not have as extensive emotional/feeling reactions AND/OR the mind will
even manage to take documentaries into/as the Imagination, where you allow your
imagination to run wild with what you learn/see instead of looking at it
practically / realistically – geared to finding solutions,
rather than react.
We’ll continue more in the next interview
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