
Tuesday 3 September 2013

How did a Factual World become infected with Opinions? (Part 2): DAY 446

How did a Factual World become infected with Opinions? (Part 2): DAY 446

Problem (continued)

Before we have a look at the overall process in relation to where we’re headed in exploring the relationship between Opinion and Fact, bringing through the dimensions of ‘Consciousness Energy-Matter’ and ‘Physical Substance-Matter’ and how we have managed to make Consciousness-Matter, through Opinions for example – more dominant than Physical Substance-Matter that exist as Fact/the Factual Reality: so, before we have a look at this process in detail – we’re going to continue with the definition of the word “infect”. To first understand how we managed to infect Fact with Opinion, because with understanding this: one will come to understand the Mind-Physical Separation we exist within and as, as humans, and the consequences this had created for who we are/how we live and so life on earth as a whole.

The next definition for “infect” we’re going to have a look at as per (Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013: s.v. “Infect”) within
“to corrupt or affect morally”

Another dimension to consider with the relationship between Opinion and Facts, is that: even WHILE we’re interacting / participating within physical reality / the factual reality - we’re in the process of “infecting fact/reality with opinion/illusion”, we’re in the process of ‘corrupting / affecting the integrity of the physical/facts’. An example of this would be where you’d be actively, in ‘real time’ communicating with a person and one would be in the process of reacting to them in the mind, backchatting, thoughts, projections etc. – in this process, one is in ‘real time’ in the process of “infecting reality with opinion”. So, by the time a memory of an interaction imprints into your Mind/Consciousness – the reality/facts of what happened has already been compromised/affected/altered/changed. Then afterwards, once the already infected memory enters/imprints into your Consciousness – we add another dimension/layer of infestation of Opinion onto/into the Memory/Reality/Fact of what happened in physical reality as we start thinking about the memory/talking to ourselves about it/reacting to it. So, it’s interesting here to see how little we in fact participate/interact with reality/facts/the physical – as we’re externally as well as internally, constantly and continuously in the process of infecting it with Opinions/Illusions in and through our Mind-Physical separation that exist within and as us.

So, to have a look here at how we’re ‘corrupting / affecting the integrity of reality/facts’ through the ‘Opinion-Fact’ relationship – we have to explore the word ‘moral / morality’. Because in the above context of the definition of the word ‘infect’ as ‘to corrupt or affect morally’ within the point we’re walking of what Opinion does to Facts – we have to specify the definition of the word ‘moral’ to here not mean ‘right / wrong or good / bad or positive / negative’ – but more within the context of “integrity”. How we compromise / corrupt / affect the INTEGRITY of the physical / of facts through Opinions/Illusion, and in so doing – in fact compromise / corrupt / affect our own Integrity within ‘who we are’ in/as our very Nature.
Even though Integrity in itself also carries the principles of morality – the adherence / honesty to moral principles – we’re going to have a look at what Integrity would mean in its relationship to Facts, standing as Integrity within Self-Honesty in our relationship to Facts/Reality/the Physical. Also, what this would mean, and what we’re in fact doing to this Integrity/Self Honesty in our relationship to Facts/Reality with our accepted and allowed relationship to/as Opinions.

With having a look at the definition of Integrity as per (Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013: s.v. “Integrity”) within – we’re going to have a look at the following:
“the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished”

So, when one participate in reality, in an interaction/communication – and one is completely equal and one here, whole, taking everything/everyone into consideration AS-IS: one is standing within the integrity of the physical / self. Whereas, if one is actively creating opinions towards the person/conversation/interaction – one is in fact diminishing/lessening reality/facts, one is separating oneself from the whole/entire; and so in that process: corrupting / affecting the integrity of reality/facts through one’s relationship to Opinion.
We’re going to in posts to come investigate what Morality would be when redefined within the principle of equality and oneness and what’s best for all in PHYSICAL/FACTUAL reality – but for the moment, we’re going to see how we compromise our Integrity/Self Honesty with Opinions. Because now we have to look at what we’re doing to who we are/our nature when we’re infecting fact/reality/the physical with opinions – seeing things how we WANT to see it, benefitting only our self-interest and in the process compromising reality/facts to do so. The question is: how can true Integrity / wholeness / completeness of self exist within ourselves and relationship to others – if all we do to ourselves, as well as others, is tear / rip into our memories/relationships and pull things apart, warring within ourselves with our own memories and relationships to try and alter/change reality in our minds as well as in the physical to suit only our interests?

We’ll continue more in posts to come with explaining the consequence of how we lost our integrity, our wholeness/completeness in the physical/factual world through opinions – why/how it’s then so easy to turn against each other in our Minds and in Reality; as we do not hold integrity inside ourselves, and so therefore not for each other and so therefore not for reality – which makes it easier, in a way, to do to facts/reality what we do with it in our Minds through Opinions and Separation.

American Psychological Association (APA):
infect. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved August 30, 2013, from website:
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
infect. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: August 30, 2013).
Modern Language Association (MLA):
"infect." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 30 Aug. 2013. <>.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "infect," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. Available: Accessed: August 30, 2013.
BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)
@article {Dictionary.com2013,
    title = { Unabridged},
    month = {Aug},
    day = {30},
    year = {2013},
    url = {},

American Psychological Association (APA):
integrity. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved September 03, 2013, from website:
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
integrity. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. (accessed: September 03, 2013).
Modern Language Association (MLA):
"integrity." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 03 Sep. 2013. <>.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):, "integrity," in Unabridged. Source location: Random House, Inc. Available: Accessed: September 03, 2013.
BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)
@article {Dictionary.com2013,
    title = { Unabridged},
    month = {Sep},
    day = {03},
    year = {2013},
    url = {},

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