Opinion: Guarding the Self-Interest of Consciousness (Part
Two): DAY 435
With Plausible Deniability starting from childhood – we
realise one thing: ‘we can get away with things’ in the REAL WORLD as long as
only we know the intention/starting point in the Mind, as long as there is no
evidence/fact in the real world and as long as we’re deceptive enough to make
what we do/speak/decide sound ‘plausible’. In this way, the Mind/Consciousness
has become the primary ‘crutch’ we use to not take Responsibility for the
Secrets in the Mind and our words/deeds in Reality.
The moment Plausible Deniability enters the Mind of a child,
two dimensions manifest:
One: We realise that we can do things in reality, not have
to take responsibility for them, as long as there is no evidence.
Two: We realise that our intention/starting point with doing
something doesn’t have to be known by anyone and so start creating the ‘Secret
Mind’, where we accept/allow ourselves to do things in the Secrets of our Minds
and can project/portray a ‘different story’ to the ‘outside world’.
The problem, though, with Plausible Deniability and the
Secret Mind – is that human beings think/believe, by standing within this
primary relationship to things that is being done in the Mind where we make
ourselves ‘feel better’ about what we think/imagine/fantasize
– create an Opinion towards it that “suits SELF” with regards to how you reason
the plausibility/the ‘okayness’ of the things that are thought/imagined/fantasized
in the Mind; is that it becomes more and more easy/acceptable/ ‘normal’ to have
opinions about things to SUIT SELF, rather than actually INVESTIGATING the
FACTS, the REALITY of things.
In this, we take this primary relationship to the outside
world – where we just look/view/observe things, create an Opinion about it –
always in the context that in some way or another only suits ourselves – but
never actually investigate the facts, the reality of things. So, what we do in the
Mind – we do in this World.
Have a look at politics for example – dear God, plausible
deniability is RIFE within politics, so many elite doing things with
Money/Resources that’s supposed to go to ‘the People’, but never does and then
no evidence/trace is left, everyone put their hands in the air claiming no
Responsibility and then the people are left powerless. We don’t realise how we
in fact leave ourselves Powerless through having Opinions and using/abusing
Plausible Deniability in our own Minds/Worlds – we leave ourselves powerless in
terms of being in touch with reality/what is real and directing ourselves/our
lives effectively through taking responsibility, in reality, for who we are and
what we do in thought, word and deed.
Plausible Deniability is the foundation of Corruption – so
the question is, how do we then Corrupt ourselves/our own Minds with deception
through our relationship with Plausible Deniability? When having a look at
Opinions and Plausible Deniability: we corrupt ‘reality / responsibility and ourselves’ in our own
MINDS – changing/misconstruing reality in the Mind for our own ‘self-interest’
where we have our own Elite/Ego in the Mind that we cater to – no matter the
consequence to our self honesty/integrity/respect and our relationship to
others. Exactly as what the Elite in the external
world/reality do – create opinions, rely on plausible deniability and only
catering to their own self-interest at the sacrifice/expense of ‘the
If we have a look at what we in fact do to ourselves when it
comes to Plausible Deniability – we are creating a fundamental relationship of
Deception with ourselves, we DE-SEE / DE-SEEve (de-cei-ve) ourselves when we
create Opinions, because through Opinions we change reality to suit our own
self-interest and is so-doing deceiving our relationship to reality; and with
Plausible Deniability – we deceive ourselves with believing we have no
responsibility to the consequence we create in reality.
So, in the next post we’ll open up the Opinion and Plausible
Deniability ‘Self-Interest Guards’ of the Mind/Consciousness and how we deceive
ourselves, de-see REALITY and what is real and how we through this have
accepted and allowed Illusion in the Mind/Consciousness
to be/become more than what is real/reality as the Physical.
We’ll continue more in the next post
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