
Thursday 13 June 2013

Suicide Paranoia – 13: Self Forgiveness and Self Commitments (Part 2) DAY 399

Suicide Paranoia – 13: Self Forgiveness and Self Commitments (Part 2) DAY 399

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how Suicide Paranoia – from the emotions, to the memories, to the scenes, people and relationships that I blame for why I am in and as the mental state/condition/experience of/as suicidal thoughts/imaginations/tendencies; how Suicide Paranoia creates like a Vortex in my Mind, starting from the tip with an energy and cycling and circling up into the centre-point of my Mind, where all that I see and experience are all the memories/remembrances constantly and continuously circling and cycling over and over and over again, with my awareness stuck and lost in the centre of it all, creating my own ‘black hole’ into and as which I suck myself in realms of my own Mind/Consciousness. Losing more and more touch with reality, what’s real, the breath, my body and in so doing: do not see, realise and understand how Change can manifest in a Moment, where I make a Decision to investigate/introspect my awareness-relationship to what Created this Possessive Vortex of/as Suicide Paranoia in my Mind, where I can stand in stability in the Centre of that Vortex, equipped with the tools of Writing, Forgiveness and Commitments and in and as that stability, re-align my relationship to the things that Haunt my Mind until the Vortex Settle and I have Cleared my Mind and can again See the potential of life that is ME in who I am in every Moment of Breath.

I commit myself to assist and support me, to see, realise and understand that such a Vortex sucking me into a black hole, a dark abyss – is me creating it myself in my own Mind, that can be cross-referenced with having a look at how much and the extent to which I continue participating in the memories, the thoughts, the self talk, the imaginations – over and over and over again entertaining it in the Mind, growing that vortex and sucking myself deeper into and as the black hole/dark abyss, farther and farther away from Reality, making that which I entertain in the Mind stronger and more powerful than my own will/strength.
And so, I commit myself to through writing, forgiveness and commitments – assist and support myself to strengthen my will, my self – substantiate my Awareness into and as a Stand, where I see, realise and understand that with a decision and an action of writing and forgiveness, actually walking it, point by point, starting with what in my Mind, such as memories/remembrances/people/relationships I blame/react to that has been haunting my Mind – facing my own Demons: that within and as and during this Process, I slowly but surely start focusing the attention on me, my stand, my strength and my ability to change and so slowly but surely, start ‘taking my power back’ that I have abdicated to the Mind, through and as accepting and allowing myself to ‘make what comes up in the Mind MORE than me’, instead of seeing, realising and understanding that I have the ability to change me in relation to what I accept/allow to manifest/come up in and as my Mind as me.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that: what comes up in the Mind, such as my own demons that haunt me, as memories/remembrances/events/past experiences/relationships/moments – is at this moment only experienced as Overwhelming, because I have given it all more power/influence over/of me; through accepting and allowing myself to substantiate it all, grow it all, feed it all and in fact so Nurture it. Therefore, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to Nurture ‘me’, my life, my living – but accepted and allowed myself ‘problems and consequence’ to have power over/of me in the Mind, my OWN Mind and so in this – forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that I am thus responsible for, and the only one responsible for, what I accept and allow to exist / possess/ overwhelm me in and as the Mind.
In this, I commit myself to through writing, forgiveness and commitments – assist and support me to Nurture my Awareness, my stand and live and apply the Decision, to assist and support me to walk through the Paranoia I created in my own Mind, to see, realise and understand how I have nurtured a “Paranormal Realm’ in my own Mind, animated Demons as the things in my Mind that haunts me, and so assist and support myself to face my own creations, change me in relationship to my own Creations so that I can learn what it means to Nurture ME, my LIVING, my LIFE in this REAL WORLD in and as this Physical Existence; by and through simply starting to change my direction, my attention, my focus to who I am in every moment of breath in and as by living participation in and as this Real World, and no more accept and allow myself to be Possessed / Victimized in relationship to paranormal realms/entities/demons/ghosts that I accept and allow to haunt my own Mind and set myself free from the Past and so start focusing on recreating /re-birthing me in and as and through this Process of Writing, Forgiveness, Commitments and Self Corrective Living.

So, within this all – the primary points here to consider with what we have walked in the Forgiveness and Commitment Statements, is to see, realise and understand that one’s Mind only seems overwhelming now, because of the extent/amount of attention you give it ALL of the time, so it seems more “powerful than you” at this stage. But, through Writing, Forgiveness and Commitments – you slowly but surely start strengthening your Stand, your Awareness and will start seeing, realising and understanding that you can Really Change your Relationship to what comes up in the Mind and in so doing: Change yourself. It is one of the most supportive realisations in one’s process – the fact that: I can change through changing my relationship/acceptance/allowance to/as what comes up in the Mind; focusing one’s attention more on finding solutions that creating more problems for oneself in the Mind.

We’ll continue more in the Next Posts

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