
Thursday 18 April 2013

Ignorance, Consequence and Responsibility: DAY 352

Ignorance, Consequence and Responsibility: DAY 352

In this post, we’re going to walk some Writing, Self Forgiveness and Commitments – bringing through the entire Process in relation to Consequence we have walked from the Mind-Being/Spirit and Physical Body Trinity, Reincarnation and the Soul System – to the Inversion of the Mind/Consciousness as Consequence and what we will be Facing Individually and Collectively in time to come:

I forgive myself that I have never within/throughout my life – ever considered the impact I, as an Individual have on the relationships in my personal world, humanity and this physical existence as everything/all within and as it.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to understand my position, my role and thus my relationship to my mind, my physical body, my mind’s relationship to me/my physical body, the outflow-consequence of my words, behaviour and living on me, my relationships and personal world and how all of this impact/affect the greater world/humanity – as I see, realise and understand that: we’re all in this world, this physical existence together, united in the fact that we have a mind, a self/awareness, a physical body, existing in relationship to a World System/Money System and so therefore: we are individually and collectively responsible for what we make of our own lives and so each other’s and everything/all else within and as this physical existence.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to consider, see / realise / understand that: just because I am not aware / cannot directly see the impact I, as an Individual have on the relationships in my personal world, humanity and this physical existence as a whole as everything within and as it – does not mean I am not responsible, and so does not mean that I will not face the consequence I inflicted unto me, my physical body, relationships, humanity and this physical existence as a whole.

I commit myself to show how – we have seen how our thoughts, words and deeds impact/affect ourselves and others in moments, but we have accepted and allowed ourselves to exist in such a tiny conscious-mind spec of the vast existence of the Mind/Consciousness that we have not seen the full measure of our thoughts, words and deeds’ outflow-consequence unto ourselves, others and humanity, this physical existence as a whole. Where, in that moment of awareness – we do see, we are aware of what we do unto ourselves, others and accept/allow in this greater world system / money system and so therefore: we are Responsible for the impact/affect/outflow-consequence of the direct-moment of our thoughts, words and deeds and the indirect moments that play-out in our lives, in other’s lives from that moment onwards. We are individually in that moment Responsible, because we SEE what we’ve done/become and accept and allow…but, we’ve done nothing about it. And so, that ‘doing nothing about it’, despite Seeing directly what we’ve done, become and accepted and allowed – is our consequence that is/has been accumulating, in our minds, in our lives / relationships and so humanity/this world system as a whole, and outflow-consequence of that on/towards this physical existence and everything/all within and as it.

For example: We do SEE, we are Aware of what goes on in our minds – yet, we do nothing about it. We do SEE what our words/behaviours can do to ourselves/others, compromise / ruin relationships – yet, we do nothing about it. We do SEE what our acceptance/allowance/apathy to this World System / Money System is doing to our relationship to money/survival, the rest of humanity’s relationship to money/survival and how such a way of life is impacting/affecting this physical existence – yet, we do nothing about it. So, instead of doing anything – we’ve simply secluded ourselves into and as the Conscious-Mind of the Mind/Consciousness, just existing in this ‘observer status’ to what exist in our Minds, the impact/effect of our thoughts/words/deeds/acceptances and allowances unto ourselves, others and this world/humanity as a whole. And just because we’re existing in that separation from/of the effect/impact of our thoughts, words and deeds, just because we’re secluding ourselves into our Conscious-Mind Ignorance of the extent of impact/effect we in fact have on ourselves, others and the rest of this existence – does not mean we’re not going to face Consequence: we’re already in it, as it and living it in our minds, relationships and what life on earth is/has become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create this Illusionary Idea, that – ignorance / unawareness of the impact I, as Individual have on myself, my physical body, my relationships / personal world, humanity and this physical existence as whole within and as my mind-being/spirit and physical-body trinity exempts me from Responsibility / Consequence.

I commit myself to show how we have created this Illusionary Idea within the excuse, reason and justification of “but, I didn’t know!!!” – yet, we do Know, we Know in those moment we have thoughts in our Secret Mind, how we are the one’s accepting/allowing ourselves to participate in them, how they affect us, how they make us feel, we Know in those moments in our words/behaviour the impact/effect we have on another human being, we Know in those moments when watching World Events how we’re just sitting and watching…feeling nothing; we went into and as this protection/defence mechanism of ‘nothingness’ – feeling nothing more for anything/anyone than what goes beyond that one moment we directly see/experience/participate in as the thoughts/words and deeds and then believe that “just because we’re over the moment, means that it’s gone, forgotten and won’t return”…but, it doesn’t work that way. That thought, that word, that deed, that inaction in relationship to ourselves, others and this world/humanity as a whole – manifested, resonated, rippled and accepted and allowed consequence to breed in our Minds, in our relationships, in humanity and this physical existence as a whole. And soon, the “I don’t Know”, the Ignorance, the ‘Feeling Nothing’ is not going to work as consequence is in the process of birthing itself into and as our Minds, lives, relationships, humanity and this physical existence as a whole.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that – I, as all, have for far too long, accepted and allowed ourselves to believe that we exist in an ‘individual bubble’, that nothing we do, say or think has any impact on our nature, our physicals, our relationships and within this extending into and as this world system / money system and physical existence as a whole. Where this accepted and allowed illusionary idea in our Minds is/has been one of the greatest single points that have contributed to/as our natures, relationships and this physical existence as ‘life on earth’ to be/become the way it is: us not extending our Responsibility to ourselves, each other and existence as a whole to the extent that it in fact exist in Reality with regards to how we impact/effect our minds, our bodies, our natures, our relationships and everything and all else within and as this Physical Existence as a Whole.

I commit myself to show that the holiday is over, we have been holidaying, holy-daying (deity / deifying) – deifying our holy minds, our self-interest as ‘god’ above everything and all else that is/has in fact been important within and as this real, actual physical existence; and consequence is catching up – consequence being “the outflow-ripples” we have left undirected, from which we abdicated responsibility as those moments of thoughts, words and deeds as well as inaction that we have ‘left behind’, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – but that remained here, waiting, in ourselves and this existence as a whole. That utilizing the excuse of ‘not knowing’, of ‘being unaware’ / ignorant – is no more valid, because we did Know, we did See in/as those moments – WE were the ones that did not in those/such moments investigate further, research further, understand more of the extent of impact/effect our thoughts, words, deeds and inaction have on our internal and external environments and so: it’s all on us.

We’ll continue more in posts/interview-posts to come

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