
Thursday 14 March 2013

The Consciousness Possession of Spirit (Part Four): DAY 320

The Consciousness Possession of Spirit (Part Four): DAY 320


Problem: Karma and Reincarnation (continued)

For Context from the Previous Post:
And within this, Why/How it is that we haven’t Changed in/as our Very Nature –as we are ACCEPTING and ALLOWING our relationship to the Mind/Consciousness and Personalities to continue existing as-is without Change, cause we STILL BELIEVE it’s ‘who we really are’, when it’s not – in fact. This, we will explain the Next Post.

So, with referencing the Interviews suggested in the Previous Post as well as what was walked within this Blog – we ourselves on a Being/Spirit level have Accepted and Allowed ourselves to condition/change our relationship from/of our Origin as Substance as our Being/Spirit and Existence, into and as Energy, Energy Experience. This is Why and How we still, to this day, within Humanity ‘believe’ our Minds, our Energy-Experiences to be MORE/More Real than this ACTUAL, REAL Physical Existence, Physical Body. This is Why and How we still, to this day, ignore, neglect, abuse and misuse the Physical Body, this Physical Existence and our Relationship to it for the Evolution of ENERGY as Consciousness/Mind – as we still, throughout our lives, separate ourselves form/of an Equal and One Relationship with the Physical Body, this Physical Existence, but personalize/program our Personalities in the Mind/Consciousness through energy/energy experience and so Walk the Cycles of Separation from Spirit to Body to Mind…back to Spirit, with when we return to ‘Spirit’ in the hereafter/afterlife – that ‘Spirit’ had accumulated, again, more Consequence, More conditioning, More Change that we accepted and allowed to manifest on a Being/Spirit level in/as our Mind-Spirit/Being-Physical Body Trinity within and throughout our Lifetimes, while Heaven/the Heaven existence Profited and the Physical Body, this Physical Existence sacrificed for it.

So, within all of this - the Problem as Karma and Reincarnation, is/has been how Karma as Consequence and Reincarnation has been ‘managed’ within Existence. Obviously, the management was done by the Creators of the Human Race, this Physical Existence with the Intention of Profiting from/of the ENERGY we produced/created in our Minds as Consciousness with resourcing it from/of the Physical Body and our relationship to this Physical Existence. One can simply have a look at how everything, and everyone throughout our Lives – even the World System/Money System, is geared to Evolve Consciousness, to evoke/create/produce responses/reactions of Energy Experience/Imagination: and No Attention/Consideration/Regard is in any way whatsoever given to our Relationship with the Physical Body, this Physical Existence in/as Responsibility – everyone is/has been aligned into and as Absolute Self-Interest: evolving/developing/enhancing only Personalities within one’s own Mind/Consciousness. Therefore, when we get to the SOLUTION of Karma and Reincarnation as Self-Consequence and Self-Responsibility, what has Changed within Existence is the ‘Management’ of Existence – from the Intent of Self-Interest to the Stand of Equality and Oneness as What is Best for All. And so, with this Existential Change – will also come Self-Change, from the Intent of Evolving Self-Interest, to the Stand of Equality and Oneness as What is Best for All.
So, how Karma as Consequence and Reincarnation was Managed, or more CONTROLLED – was that: No-one EVER, in fact, within Existence: Faced Consequence, as facing what it is that we accepted and allowed ourselves to be/become/condition ourselves into and as on a Spirit/Being Level, and how that conditioning/change as our separation from substance into Energy: lead to us accepting and allowing the Trinity-Enslavement of Mind-Spirit/Being-Physical Body, and so us accepting and allowing the Nature we have become as Reflected within our Minds and what we participate within, in our Minds and so us accepting and allowing the Nature of what has become of/as Humanity and Life on Earth in/as this Physical Existence.

See: if we as Beings – from the Beginning, Stood in equality and oneness with our Being/Spirit of/as Substance as our Original Source, and in equality and oneness with and as Existence of/as Substance as our Original Source and not accepted and allowed ourselves to program/change/condition ourselves into and as the emergence of/as Energy, believing Energy to be THE Real ‘Source / Substance’ of our existence and/or being more ‘powerful’ than our actual, real, Source as Substance of our Being/Spirit and Existence as a whole: we would Never have so easily/readily merged into and as the Mind-Spirit/Being-Physical Body Trinity Enslavement. The Creators of the Human Race, this Physical Existence – simply Used the already-existent accepted and allowed Separation we’ve become in and as our Relationship, Definition and Programming of/as Energy that we were resourcing from/of our Being/Spirit and Existence as a Whole. All that the Creators actually did was quantify and systemize the Relationships already existent within and as us as Beings in Existence. Because, we were already programming our definition through Energy Experience, now the Mind simply do it for us, we were already Resourcing substance to create Energy, now the Mind simply do it for us.
So, if anything – the Creators of the Human Race/this Physical Existence – with systemizing the relationship between Energy and Substance, into and as the Mind and the Physical: has Shown us what we in fact have become, and the Consequence we were creating for ourselves on a Substance-level of our Existence, which can now be seen as our Consequential Relationship to the Physical Body, this Physical Existence as what the Nature of Humanity is/have become AS the Mind/Consciousness AS ENERGY.

And, here we get to the Point of Defining CONSEQUENCE that we have accumulated, each one of us in this Physical Existence at the moment – with accepting and allowing our Separation into and as the Trinity of the Being/Spirit-Physical Body-Mind relationships. Because one Now have to Understand what the MIND in fact is, Why the NATURE of the Mind/Consciousness exist the way it does regarding the Thoughts, Imaginations, Backchats, Reactions, Behaviour Patterns – EVERYTHING that come up and manifest in one’s Mind and the Nature thereof: In Fact Reflect/Represent our Being/Spirit NATURE that we accepted and allowed ourselves to change/condition ourselves into and as through programming ourselves into and as Energy and defining ourselves as Energy-Experience, from the beginning of our Existence to now. Thus, the Nature of ourselves that come-up/manifest in the Mind – is OUR OWN CONSEQUENCE. Will Represent and Reflect Only what we ourselves on a Spirit/Being level conditioned/changed/programmed ourselves into and as within and throughout our Lifetimes.
In the Reptilian, Atlantean and Kryon Interview Series – the Creators and participants in the Creation of the Human Race, this Physical Existence explain that: they had to ‘Personalize’ the Mind-Platform infused/merged with Beings/Spirits to Align with Energies/Energy Experiences to which your Spirit/Being had already conditioned/changed/programmed itself into and as. So, in other words – they Created the MIND as a direct-mirror of your Being/Spirit, and then placed in Controls within the Mind-Platform to from the MIND control/direct your Being/Spirit, through and with your Being/Spirit’s already-existent relationship to Energy. So again, the Creators simply Used what we already have become, accepted and allowed to condition/program/change ourselves into and as to Control us, and they could only do that – as we Ourselves were existing in ABSOLUTE Separation, from OURSELVES, our Substance/Origin and even from ENERGY. We were USING Energy to define ourselves, to experience ourselves, to program/condition ourselves and Resourcing our own Substance to do so, we were not even in directive-principle/control/understanding of Energy OR Substance and so because of that Separation, we could very easily mislead ourselves and so be mislead. And because we were existing in Separation from OURSELVES as origin/source: is why/how we could Never Stand Up for/as Ourselves within existence and what has become of us, individually and collectively.

We’ll continue more on this in Posts to come, with regards to how we are in the Process of Understanding WHY Human Nature has not Changed in Existence, but continued devolving throughout human history, and why our relationship to this Physical Existence has not Changed, but continued devolving through human history.
Also within this, we’ll continue with how we’ve come to Believe the Mind to be ‘who we are’ when it is not in fact the REAL ‘who we are’ – but the Reflection/Representation as the Mirror of our Nature on a Being/Spirit level that we’re accepting and allowing to exist unchecked, without taking actual, real Responsibility for what we accept and allow in Thought, Word and Deed.

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