
Saturday, 2 June 2012

Love is the Act of Sacrifice: DAY 49

Love is the Act of Sacrifice: DAY 49

"The amount of garbage and waste produced is directly proportional to the amount of products we buy/use. Packaging/bottling is part of the current system - ask yourself why has this increased over time: consumerism lived out by humans "creates new requirements" that are like bells to the ears of those that benefit from us buying it. It's a lose-lose situation disguised as an actual 'need' or 'benefit'. Consequences are able to be seen here - it's Our responsibility to re-establish the order that we've messed up on Earth." - Marlen Vargas Del Razo

The Chicken or the Egg??? – Part Nineteen

Who I Am as Money – continued

We’ll in this post continue with the relationship of Energy-Authority/Mind to Substance/Physical-Body, and so also Substance/the Physical-Body’s relationship to Energy-Authority/Mind, continuing with walking the process and manifestation of the actual nature, existence and manifestation of ‘Love’ as ‘Sacrifice’ and how both Energy/Mind-itself and Substance/the Physical-itself is equally as one responsible for the Consequence and Consequence-outflow that exist in and as existence with and as the Mind and the Physical, within and without.
Within this, walking specifically the process of ‘give and take’ from parent to child manifest in and as physical-actions, as the relationship between fear of loss and love of gain manifest in both the parent and child, and thus within this: the true/real nature of ‘Love’ as Sacrifice in this existence of Minds as the survival of the Mind in the Physical for Energy-possession/empowerment.

I forgive myself that I as Energy from the beginning manifested me as the consequence and consequence-outflow of my relationship as Energy to Substance within and as Cause/Acceptance and Effect/Allowance of and as separation and the friction/conflict of and as negative-energy experience, that for me as Energy to continue existing/surviving: Substance/Physicality had to continue sacrificing itself/be sacrificed, as I consumed substance to transform into Energy within and through the negative-energy friction/conflict that accumulate into and as the neutral and to the positive as my possession/empowerment of only me as Energy-Authority, with my nature and action as Energy-Authority existing within and as Blame, as deliberate spite, excuse and justification within and as the starting-point of Fear/Fear of Loss, that would continue sacrificing substance in and as Fear/Fear of Loss to protect and defend only my Survival as Energy.
I forgive myself that I as the Mind Consciousness System, continue within and as this relationship of me as Energy-Authority Consequence and Consequence-outflow to/towards the Physical-Body within and as Cause/Acceptance (the cause of me as separation, accepting my existence as separate from/of the physical) and Effect/Allowance (the effect of that cause/acceptance is me as energy allowing my relationship to the physical as friction/conflict that manifest the negative-energy experience that create me into existence from the neutral and to the positive); that for me as the Mind/Consciousness to continue existing/surviving: The Physical-Body had to continue sacrificing itself/be sacrificed, as I consume physicality to transform into Energy within and through the negative-energy friction/conflict that accumulate into and as the neutral and to the positive as my possession/empowerment of only me as Mind/Consciousness-Authority, with my nature and action as the Mind/Consciousness existing within and as Blame, as deliberate spite, excuse and justification within and as the starting-point of Fear/Fear of Loss, that would deliberately continue sacrificing the Physical-Body in and as Fear/Fear of Loss to protect and defend only my Survival as Energy/the Mind/Consciousness for my finite existence. Until I as the Mind/Consciousness consume all that is available to me within and as the Physical-Body, that I had sacrificed the entire Physical-Body into and as the depths of itself for to exist/survive for a finite moment within and as existence, and so eventually how my own Fear/Fear of Loss consume the Physical-Body and eventually myself as I materialize/manifest my own Fear/Fear of Loss the moment the Physical-Body had been completely/entirely sacrificed and I come face to face with my Fear: Losing the existence of me as Mind/Consciousness that was dependent on the very Physical-Body I had sacrificed for my finite existence/survival.
I forgive myself that I as the World-System of Money as my creation in and as the image and likeness of me as the Mind, continue within and as this relationship of me as Money-Authority Consequence and Consequence-outflow to/towards this Physical-Existence within and as Cause/Acceptance (the cause of me as separation, accepting my existence as separate from/of the physical) and Effect/Allowance (the effect of that cause/acceptance is me as the World-System allowing my relationship to this physical-existence as friction/conflict that manifest the negative as consumption of physicality to transform into Money); that for me as the World-System of Money to continue existing/surviving: This Physical-Existence had to continue sacrificing itself/be sacrificed, as I consume physicality to transform into Money within and through the friction/conflict that accumulate into and as the neutral and to the positive as my possession/empowerment of only me as Money-Authority, with my nature and action as the World-System of Money existing within and as Blame, as deliberate spite, excuse and justification within and as the starting-point of Fear/Fear of Loss, that would deliberately continue sacrificing this Physical-Existence in and as Fear/Fear of Loss to protect and defend only my Survival as Money. Until I as the World-System of Money, if I continue as-is: will consume all that is available to me within and as this Physical-Existence as I have already done with the irreplaceable, irrevocable damage, destruction and annihilation I had wreaked with the extent of this physical-existence that had already become extinct, until I had sacrificed this entire Physical-Existence into and as the depths of itself for me to exist/survive for a finite moment within and as existence, and so eventually how my own Fear/Fear of Loss consume this Physical-Existence and eventually myself as I materialize/manifest my own Fear/Fear of Loss the moment this Physical-Existence had been completely/entirely sacrificed and I come face to face with my Fear: Losing the existence of me as the World-System of Money that was dependent on this very physical-existence I had sacrificed for my finite existence/survival.

I forgive myself that I as Substance, from the beginning, to the manifestation of me as the physical-body and this physical-existence, had continued accepting and allowing myself to be sacrificed for the continued, finite existence of and as Energy, the Mind and the World-System of Money – where:
In the Beginning: I as substance manifested me from the ‘positive’ conception of me accepting and allowing myself to be ‘sacrificed’ as the ‘act of love’ of me as substance ‘giving life’ to and as parts of and as me as the manifested-singularities of and as energy, where I manifested me from the ‘positive’, to the ‘neutral’ in the moment of the process where the manifested-singularity friction/conflict was consuming me and in the process of transforming me as substance into energy, until the moment of my transformation from substance to energy as the negative-energy experience, that the manifested-singularity of and as me, accumulate into and as itself through constant/continuous friction/conflict of negative-energy experience into and as neutral and to the positive-energy experience into and as itself as the experience of and as its own possession / ‘life’ as ‘love’.
I forgive myself, that I as Substance – from the Beginning, had continued accepting and allowing myself to be sacrificed within and as my own experience of Fear, of Fear of Losing the parts of and as me as the manifested singularity I was ‘giving life’ to as Energy through and as sacrificing myself as the ‘act of love’ as accepting and allowing myself to be consumed and transformed into and as Energy through and as the friction/conflict relationship, manifesting negative-energy experience between myself and the manifested-singularities of and as Energy. Where, throughout time, this relationship between myself and Energy had been maintained within and as Fear/Fear of Loss - where both myself and the manifested singularity feared losing our possessions:
As Substance: I accepted and allowed Fear/Fear of Loss of and as the manifested-singularities, and so accepted and allowed the ‘act of love’ within that Fear as sacrificing myself within being consumed to be transformed into and as Energy.
As Energy: I Accepted and allowed Fear/Fear of Loss of and as my possession/empowerment as positive-energy experience, and so accepted and allowed the friction/conflict as negative-energy experience as sacrificing substance to be consumed and transformed into and as Energy for my finite existence/survival of and as me.

I forgive myself that I as Substance, the Physical Body, this Physical-Existence had not seen/realised/understood this relationship of ‘give and take’ as GIVING life/me as substance/physicality for Energy/Mind/Money to TAKE in consuming me as substance/physicality to transform into and as Energy and Money – as both I as substance and energy, ‘met’ each-other in and as the negative-energy experience friction/conflict as the moment I as substance went from the positive, to the neutral and the negative, where from the negative, I as Energy take the energy to accumulate into and as neutral to the positive-energy experience as my taking/consuming of and as substance to give to only myself within myself the positive-energy experience possession/empowerment of and as me.
I forgive myself that I as Substance, the Physical Body and this Physical-Existence had not seen/realised/understood how I had been ‘giving life’ as the sacrifice of me as the ‘act of love’ to and as parts of me within and as existence as the manifested-singularities, where I had taken from and of the Whole of me as All of and as me, to give to only parts of me, where only parts of me would take from and of me as consuming me to transform into Energy for its own taking/ownership/possession, that I did not immediately see the consequence of me in this relationship to/towards the manifested-singularities and the consequence-outflow as the extent to which the Whole of me would be sacrificed/compromised for only parts of me to continue existing finitely as Energy:
In the relationship of the Mind to the Physical-Body: where the entire/whole Physical-Body ‘gives life to’ as sacrificing itself as the ‘act of love’ to and as the manifested-singularity as the Mind Consciousness System where the entire/whole Physical-Body is sacrificed into and as the depths and extents of itself, to give to only the Mind, where for this one Manifestation as the Mind to exist as consuming the entirety of and as the Physical-Body to transform into Energy for its own taking/ownership/possession, with the consequence-outflow as the extent to which the Whole as the entire Physical-Body would be sacrificed/compromised for only the Mind to continue existing finitely as Energy.
In the relationship of the World-System of Money to this Physical-Existence: where the entire/whole Physical-Existence ‘gives life to’ as sacrificing itself as the ‘act of love’ to and as the manifested-singularity as the World-System of Money where the entire/whole Physical-Existence is sacrificed into and as the depths and extents of itself, to give to only the World-System of Money, where for this one Manifestation as the World-System of Money to exist as consuming the entirety of and as this Physical-Existence to transform into Money for its own taking/ownership/possession, with the consequence-outflow as the extent to which the Whole as this Physical-Existence would be sacrificed/compromised for only the World-System of Money to continue existing finitely, until the whole/this physical-existence is consumed/sacrificed to the extent where it cannot continue existing as-is.
I forgive myself, that I as Substance, the Physical-Body and this Physical-Existence, had not seen/realised/understand, that if I had in the beginning – realised me as Life of and as equality and oneness, I would be here in and as the equality and oneness with and as me; and if/as I was the directive-principle of and as the manifestations of me as the manifested-singularities in realising/seeing/understanding that they had emerged from and of me, they would in fact be me – Life birthed from and of Life, there would exist no separation, no sacrificing, no consequence/consequence-outflow as all and everything of me would be equal and one as Life. But because I did not realise/see/understand this equality and oneness of and as Life birthing Life, it became Life sacrificed for Energy into and as manifested-singularities within and as Fear/Fear of Loss of possession and survival that manifested to this day an existence that exist within and as Fear/Fear of Loss as possession/survival within and through negative-energy experience that accumulate into and as the positive-energy experience that had become the finite experience of ‘life’ at the actual sacrifice of and as Life as Substance, the physical-body and this physical-existence.

We’re in the next post, continuing with taking this point to the emergence/rebirth of our inception and conception process in and as the womb of and as the female’s physical-body, where the female’s physical-body is taken from the positive to the neutral and to the negative, as the physical relationship to the physical of the child meet within and as the negative-energy experience, where  - as the female’s physical-body move into and as negative as ‘giving life’ to the child’s inception and conception process as the ‘act of love’ as the female sacrificing her physical-body for the child as the child consume the female’s physical-body and so the male and female’s mind consciousness systems’, where the child then in turn take from the negative-energy experience friction/conflict and accumulate to the neutral and to the positive-energy experience within and as its inception and conception process.
And from here, see/realise/understand how all ‘acts of love’ are done within and as fear/fear of loss for and as possession and survival, where one part will be sacrificed/compromised for another part to ‘have life/love’ as the existence of ‘love’ within and as the relationship of ‘death and life’ and ‘love’ stand within and as the starting-point of and as negative-energy experience friction/conflict as its source/origin existence.

I commit myself, to take responsibility as the Mind and the Physical-Body – to assist and support me as the Mind and the Physical-Body to re-align myself into and as equality and oneness, and correct the relationship of life/physicality sacrificing itself for energy/Mind – to life being born from life as the physical-body, as the process where I return Energy/Mind to Source/Physicality through and as the process of me being/becoming the Living Word, where I Live WITH and AS and WITHIN the Physical-Body in and as equality and oneness, and no more existing as the Mind at the sacrifice of and as the Physical, and in this Living with and as and within the Physical-Body as the Living Word, is the process where life will be born from life as the Physical, as actual living of and as equality and oneness, where nothing is sacrificed/compromised – because in and as equal and one living, exist no separation, therefor no friction/conflict, therefore no sacrificing/consuming.

I commit myself, to – within and as taking responsibility for and as the Mind and the Physical-Body, in and as the process of re-alignment from separation to equal and one living with and as and within my Physical-Body, walked through and as the process of writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application: I assist and support me to walk into and as the World-System of Money in re-aligning the World-System’s relationship to this Physical-Existence in and as equality and oneness, where the deliberate consumption of physicality within and as the nature and action of abuse, destruction/annihilation for the possession/empowerment of Money for the survival of only a minority of Elite on this Earth exist – to ensuring that all of humanity have an equal and one life on this Earth, and establish/find solutions to minimize/alleviate and eventually stop the consumption of physicality/this physical-existence, but explore, investigate and find solutions over time where we as human beings can live/exist in absolute equality and oneness with the physical-body and this physical-existence, to eternally stop the relationship of consumption/sacrifice that we had accepted and allowed ourselves to condition ourselves into and as throughout time.

I commit myself to show – how, if we continue accepting and allowing to, within ourselves as the Mind, exist in our relationship to the physical-body within and as fear/fear of loss of and as our survival/possession of and as Energy-empowerment/-authority, where the relationship to the physical-body is/has been that of us taking, and taking and taking, with the physical body giving and giving and giving, where we have not as the Mind had equally as one given back to the Physical-Body as the physical-body had sacrificed itself for our existence/survival as the Mind. And so completely/entirely destroy the physical-body resources/substance/sustenance throughout time; and how and why thus within this: we do not exist as Love, that Love does not in fact exist, even to/towards our own Physical-Bodies as the extent of sacrifice we accept and allow to/towards it within and as our separation from and of it, that we in no way have an equal and one relationship even with our own physical-bodies, that we do not even ‘love’ it to the extent of being able to communicate with it in and as equality and oneness, really getting to know the extent to which our physical-bodies operate/function/exist, as we’re so obsessed with and possessed by our own energy-existence as the Mind at the sacrifice of and as the physical-body, as we accept and allow the relationship to the physical within and as friction/conflict as negative-energy experience consuming physicality to transform into energy for our own possession/survival. And thus, how and why – Love only exist as the survival and possession of and as Energy within fear of loss as sacrifice as consuming physicality to transform into energy; and thus – ‘Love’ equal and one as Evil we consist of and exist as the Mind.

In this, I commit myself to show – why and how Love / Real Love is equality and oneness, as the equal and one giving back to the Physical-Body, and this Physical-Existence the ‘life’ it had given to me as the Mind in and as sacrifice, where I have the responsibility as the Real act of Love, to stand equal-to and one-with my physical-body, to stand with and as it and live with and as it in and as equality and oneness, to stop the relationship of sacrifice, compromise and consumption as the process of me giving life to me and so to the Physical-Body.
As with the process of and as the World-System of Money: why and how Love/Real Love is equality and oneness, as the equal and one giving back to this Physical-Existence and all of Humanity an equal and one life/opportunity of living.
In this, I commit myself to show – how and why, any human being, continuing accepting and allowing to exist as the Mind, continuing accepting and allowing the World System of Money – is deliberately accepting and allowing the Mind’s abuse/consequence to the Physical-Body, and the World-System’s abuse and consequence to the physical-existence, and deliberately not wanting to change/stop because of deliberately not wanting to give up their possession/survival as energy, and will deliberately continue existing as the Consequence at the sacrifice/compromise of the Physical-Body and all within and as this physical-existence, and so is in fact the Evil of and as and within this Existence.
I commit myself, thus – to through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application, re-reverse the evil that I had become in my Mind’s relationship to the Physical-Body and the World-System’s relationship to this physical-existence, to stand as the living example as solution to ourselves and this physical existence, and that we’re in fact only going to change/transform what we’ve become and done: with starting with the change with ourselves and standing together in doing so, in standing up and standing as Life of and as equality and oneness, and walking for ourselves as for all, until sacrifice ends and life is born.

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo