
Friday, 22 June 2012

The History of Superiority and Inferiority: DAY 69

The History of Superiority and Inferiority: DAY 69

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

Adam and Eve – continued

Who I Am as Money - continued

As mentioned in the previous post, we’re in and from this post going into more detail regarding the evolution of ourselves as manifested-singularities into and as the Mind’s relationship to the Physical Body regarding the “experience” of attraction – how and why we never questioned this ‘automatic’ experience that suddenly/unexpectedly manifest within us, without our directive principled decision, but literally blindly and ignorantly fell into it / as with “falling in love” from “attraction” – where “love” has come to be interpreted in the Conscious-Mind according to “experience”, when it is in fact within the context of the existence of the entire Mind Consciousness System as ourselves: the survival of and as the Mind itself. And had in fact never anything to do with who we are with ourselves and each other as actual beings, but everything to do with the Mind ensuring its survival and evolution as Energy – all of which contributed throughout time, to the consequences of the nature of relationships with ourselves, each other and humanity as a whole.
But, before we can continue with this – what must be understood is the origins of the existence of and as superiority and inferiority as the existence and manifestation of ourselves as the cause that manifested the effect of and as “attraction”.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself, to within and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – from the beginning to now, remembered, seen, realised and understood how:
In the beginning, within and as the manifested-singularities themselves, the relationships of superiority and inferiority existed within and as each one of the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities, where the Adam/Male singularities was ‘superior’ within and as their Adam/Male existence of the action of friction/conflict and ‘inferior’ within and as its Eve/Female existence of having the ability to accumulate its energies constantly/consistently into and as the positive-energy experience. And the Eve/Female singularities was ‘superior’ within and as their constancy of positive-energy experience accumulation/manifestation and ‘inferior’ within and as their Adam/Male existence within themselves. With superiority only existing within the context of to/towards what the manifested-singularities invested their awareness into/as – as the Adam/Male singularities’ awareness-investment manifested into and as its friction/conflict action and the Eve/Female singularities’ awareness/investment into and as its energy-accumulation. And inferiority only existing within the context of to/towards what the manifested-singularities had less awareness into/as - as the Adam/Male singularities’ had less awareness-investment manifested into and as its energy-accumulation into and as the positive-energy experience and the Eve/Female singularities’ had less awareness/investment into and as its friction/conflict action of consuming substance to transform into energy. Where both manifested-singularities manifested/patterned themselves/their awareness within and as their beingness/manifestations within and as the acceptance of and as “this is who I am” and the allowance of “this is who I will always be” – and so within this manifested-decision made within the singularities themselves: this is what they became. And so, with the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities existing within and as their acceptance and allowance in their internal/beingness/manifestation relationships between their inferiorities and superiorities: each individually became the cause of the effect that manifested from within and as this acceptance and allowance as: Attraction.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical from the beginning to now, how:
Within and as that very acceptance and allowance of “who I am and will be and so have become” of and as the manifested-singularities – that this moment became the infinite solidification/manifestation of ourselves as beings in and as our relationship as energy/mind to substance/physicality, where: From within and as this moment, the more and more and more the manifested-singularities remained within and as their existence, acceptance and allowance and thus manifestation and experience of and as Energy within and throughout existence – the more and more and more this acceptance and allowance patterned, manifested into and as their beingness and manifestations as it still exist today within, for example the existence of relationships and attraction. Where: a human being come into this physical-existence within and as their inception and conception process as the mind and the physical, and within and during their formative/development years as a child – will pattern and manifest into and as their Mind/Energy-existence their own acceptance and allowance of “who I am and will be” and so “become” the design/manifestation they patterned into and as their Minds within, for example their relationships within themselves of inferiority and superiority. And, so – each human being had come to exist within this internal relationship of inferiorities/superiorities within and as the acceptance, allowance and manifestation of “who I am and will be and so have become”. In this existence of the acceptance, allowance and manifestation of “who I am and will be and so have become” existent within each human being – the cause as ourselves in our separation from/of our own superiorities/inferiorities within ourselves, manifested the effect of and as Attraction. Attraction that exist in all forms of relationships; whether physical/friendship/familial etc. – with the very nature of attraction the recognition of a part/existent manifestation within and as self, that one is experiencing/recognizing within and as another. Where, attraction can thus only exist – when/as self is separated from/of one’s own superiorities/inferiorities within oneself, and the superiorities/inferiorities can only exist within and as accepting and allowing self to continue existing within and as the primary relationship with and as self as the Mind within and as the ‘living statement’ of and as: acceptance of and as “this is who I am” and the allowance of “this is who I will always be” – and so within this manifested-decision made within the ourselves: this is what we became.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – from the beginning to now, the sound, energy and physical symbolism and manifestation of and as the existence of and as superiority and inferiority as:
SUP-E-RIORITY – with S, the manifestation of sound/substance U, reversed and manifested into and as the P as continuation/manifestation of Energy into and as the manifested-singularity/human being as energy/mind, with the very manifestation of P existent as the individual human standing with the head/brain/mind as Primary existence. Thus – SUP indicate the manifested-singularity/human beings’ primary relationship to energy where that primary relationship with E, as Energy, manifest the RIORITY, as priority of and as the manifested-singularity/human beings’ existence. Therefore, Superiority in its very origins/existence – simply indicate to what of Energy/the Mind – from the manifested-singularities to now, self had a primary relationship to/towards that self prioritized within and as the existence of ‘who I am and will be’ and so have become. As with, for example the Adam/Male singularities – their primary relationship to and as energy was existent within and as the action of and as the friction/conflict, and so in and from this primary-relationship – manifested their very awareness/priority/importance into and as this manifested-existence of and as themselves as the action of and as friction/conflict, which manifested their “who I am and will be”, and so became it completely. And with the Eve/Female singularities - their primary relationship to and as energy was existent within and as the accumulation and constancy of and as the positive-energy experience, and so in and from this primary-relationship – manifested their very awareness/priority/importance into and as this manifested-existence of and as themselves as the accumulation and constancy of and as the positive-energy experience, which manifested their “who I am and will be”, and so became it completely.
Then, within the context of human beings and the Mind, where – whatever self within the relationship with the mind/energy have a primary relationship to, that’s become a priority/importance in who self is and will be and so have become – this will manifest self’s ‘superiority’.  Thus, ‘superiority’ is simply to/towards what of self within self, self has a primary relationship to/ most ‘awareness’ within that is existent/become part of the acceptance of ‘who I am’ and allowance of ‘who I will be’ that has become the definition of and as self within and as the Mind.
IN-F-E-RIORITY: With I as the primary existence of the manifested-singularity as Energy, N the continued relationship between Energy and Substance within and as the origins of the relationship between energy and substance, as energy consume substance to transform into energy, that manifest the “I” as the primary existence of Energy itself. And F the awareness separation within and as the manifested-singularity/Mind, with the first line of the F representing the manifested singularity’s/mind’s awareness within and as it highest dimension and the second line of the F representing the manifested singularity’s/mind’s awareness within and as its lowest dimension. Thus, within this existence of INF – is the Energy’s (E) priority (RIORITY) manifested within and as its dimensions of existence/awareness only, that within INFERIORITY, there exist no primary relationship to any particular part/manifestation of and as Energy itself, as it is with Superiority. And thus, the difference in the existence between superiority and inferiority is simply Awareness and a Primary Relationship forming. Where, one will for example exist within and as the context of and as Inferiority within and as that of Self/Mind that self had not developed a primary relationship to/towards and manifested it as part of self’s who I am and will be and have become as self’s ‘Superiority’. Thus, INFERIORITY is essentially the framework of the existence of energy/the mind that consist of/exist as ‘untapped / unused’ energies within and as the dimensions/manifestations of our awareness as energy/the Mind – energies/manifestations of the Mind that we had not yet used/utilized in forming/manifesting a primary relationship to/towards / invested an awareness into/as and manifested into and as our Superiority existence in making it part of our Who I am and Will Be.

This existence of superiority and inferiority we’re walking here is not within the context of the emotional/feeling “experience” of superiority/inferiority – but the Superiority and Inferiority within and as our very existence as manifested-singularities from the beginning and to now as the Mind Consciousness System regarding the superiority and inferiority of what of our relationship to the Mind we have used/manifested our awareness into and as of and as the who I am and will be and so have become (our Superiorities), and what of our relationship to the Mind we have not used/manifested (our Inferiorities). As this existence in our Minds of what exist as superior and inferior within ourselves – is what manifest the relationship and experience of attraction to/towards other human beings; which we will walk in posts to come.
The emotional/feeling relationship to superiority and inferiority evolved from and of this primary existence of ourselves in our Minds in what of ourselves became superior and what of ourselves exist as inferior. Where, the emotional/feeling experience of superiority/inferiority is the indication/reference the Mind use of what within itself is existent within its superior awareness/manifestation and what within itself as the inferior had not yet been utilized to manifest into and as a superior awareness/manifestation. Thus, when for example one ‘feel’ superior – whatever the superior experience is towards within oneself, indicate that that had become part of self’s Ego/existence in the Mind and Physical, and when one for example ‘feel’ inferior that inferiority will be to/towards someone/something as a mirror to/of self that self had not yet manifested within one’s Mind as part of who self is and will be, that self hadn’t yet completely ‘become’ / ‘lived’ within and as the existence of self as the Mind.

We’ll continue more in the next post with having a look at the relationships within and between superiority, inferiority as the Mind and Reactions/Experiences within ourselves – with some practical/tangible examples regarding how this Superior-Inferior existence within ourselves, manifested the nature of attraction and/or resistance within ourselves towards others and so manifested the dimensions/experiences of ‘love and hate’ / ‘like and dislike’ etc. in how we feel / experience ourselves to/towards others, which all originated from/of this original manifestation, acceptance and allowance of and as the superior and inferior relationships/manifestations within ourselves as the Mind.

I commit myself to show – the origins of the existence and experience of attraction and resistance that’s evolved into the vocabulary/definition of love and hate / like and dislike that we experience within our Physical-Mind’s, which originated within and as and from the relationships within ourselves within and between our own Superiorities and Inferiorities within and as our Minds. That, within and behind the existence and experience of love and hate and like and dislike is simply the dynamics of attraction and resistance, originating from within and as one’s own Mind in relation to the manifestation of the relationships of superiorities and inferiorities within ourselves. And thus that love and hate and like and dislike – where the difference between ‘loving someone’ and ‘liking someone’ is simply the velocity/frequency/vibration of the Mind’s attraction experience when/as the Mind sees that it will benefit from a relationship with another Mind/Human Being. And the difference between ‘hating someone’ and ‘disliking someone’ is simply the velocity/frequency/vibration of the Mind’s resistance experience when/as the Mind sees that it cannot/will not benefit from a relationship with another Mind/Human Being and will so initiate/manifest the experience of resistance.  

In this, I commit myself to show how the polarities of love and hate / like and dislike – are Mind-Induced energetic-experiences, existent within and behind them their origins of the Mind’s relationship/existence within and as attraction and resistance, where our very experiences of love and hate / like and dislike, is and never has been an actual physical, practical equal and one decision made by self to experience; but is/always has been controlled, manipulated and influenced by/through the Mind for its own purposes/intentions of evolution as survival. And thus, within this what each human being will face within themselves within this existence – that the love and hate / like and dislike we’ve experienced within ourselves towards others is/has never been self-honest / real; because it’s always been dependent on only the Mind’s evolution as survival. And in this, thus – that no definition/experience of ‘love’, for example is/has been ‘valid’ – as the very origins of the existence of the words/definitions of love is/as been energy as the Mind, that has been utilizing the words, experiences and so controlled behaviour of ‘love’ as ‘attraction’ to evolve itself to survive as Energy and Experience.

I commit myself to show – the reality of the existence of ‘love’ as ‘evol’ / ‘evil’, as mentioned – everything’s in reverse, where the reality of the existence of ‘love’ as ‘attraction’ as the evol/evil it in fact is, is physically proven within and as the manifestation of the ‘law of attraction’ / ‘the secret’, where human beings will participate in the current existence and manifestation of the World-System of Money, hoarding money and resources to only themselves, their own survival and evolution of material possessions / professions within this World, where for them to GET, they TAKE. And within and as how this World System of Money is set-up – for some to have, others will not have, where the Elite/minority in this world is/has been hoarding money and resources to only themselves, taking from billions of human beings starving and struggling in poverty, famine, starvation and war. Where the law of attraction, those participating in it – is equally as one responsible for those starving/struggling in this World-System of Money’s relationship to this Physical Existence; as for them to have, from other’s will be taken. And so it exists within the nature of ‘love’ as ‘attraction’ within ourselves in our Mind’s relationship to the Physical Body, where – for the Mind to have/get its evolution/survival in upgrading itself within/through relationships/sex initiated within/through the experience of attraction, it takes/hoards energy/resources from and of the very Physical Body.
And so, instead of human beings in fact living love as equality and oneness in bringing about a solution for what’s best for all in this physical existence, love in this way in fact being physical, practical and real – human beings in this world system, within for example the law of attraction – only consider/regard their own survival/evolution with money and material possessions. As with relationships/sex – where love is simply just the survival/evolution of the Mind within the interest of having/possessing the / a ‘experience’ – instead of relationships becoming platforms/commitments where individuals really in fact assist and support themselves and each other to learn, grow, expand and develop to be/become individuals with a purpose aligned within this entire world in equality and oneness to be able to contribute to this world and the lives of all of humanity for a better/equal and one life for all.

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

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