
Sunday, 17 June 2012

The Evolution of the Female: DAY 64

The Evolution of the Female: DAY 64

"Walking the Physical Process where I stand equal and one as my physical body, and walk the process to get to be aware of every single cell that constitutes the matter that I breathe myself in." Marlen Vargas Del Razo

(To read this post, it must be understood that we’re walking this process/Blog - Heaven's Journey to Life multi-dimensionally, which means – each post covers one dimension, but is interconnected into/as multi-dimensions in our process of walking the point/question of “who I am” and how this “I” created/manifested this entire physical existence. Thus, suggested – to read this Blog from DAY 1, as many of the points in previous dimensions/DAYS/posts are always brought-through into the next days/dimensions/posts as all the dimensions interconnect as the mutli-dimensionality we’ve created/manifested as our separation as Energy/Consciousness from/of Life/equality and Oneness. Thus, if one is faced with this post, and have not yet read this Blog from DAY 1 - suggest that self first start from DAY 1, as otherwise one will have no context of many dimensions that is walked in this post, that has been dealt with in detail in previous posts.)

Adam and Eve – Part Thirteen

Who I Am as Money - continued

In the next post, we’ll continue with the MAN manifestation within the woMAN and the history of the existence of the Eve/Female-dominated manifested-singularities with the Adam/Male manifestations within themselves suppressed; in their relationship to themselves as woMAN, their relationship to the MAN/Male and within this – their positions within the World-System of Money within and as this physical-existence.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself, to from and in the beginning to now, in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical – see, realise and understand the evolution of the Eve/Female-singularity to the manifestation of and as the woMAN, as:
MAN that is existent in both the Man and the Woman, and with the Adam/Male existence of the friction/conflict relationship of energy to substance, in consuming substance to transform into energy existent in both the Adam/Male and Eve/Female singularities and still exist as such within the Man and the Woman with the Mind’s (the mind as system-manifestation evolution of energy) relationship to the Physical Body (as substance) within and as the Adam/Male existence of the Mind in the Unconscious of consuming physicality to transform into energy through friction/conflict.
As walked, the MAN existence as the solidification/manifestation of the Adam/Male existence of the friction/conflict relationship of energy to substance, where M is the Adam/Male’s origin from and as the friction/conflict in the relationship between energy and substance, A – its continued existence that is maintained in the relationship between energy and substance and N – as its connection/dependency on Energy and Substance, cycling through energy and substance, constantly and continuously with friction/conflict to continue surviving/existing.
Now – WOman: W – representing the ‘flipside’ of the M manifestation within and from the MAN existence and O – representing the continuation/continuity of energy. Thus, W – if one place the M beneath it, the M representing the ORIGIN of energy itself within the friction/conflict relationship between energy and substance, and then the W would represent the relationship continuation of energy itself, which manifest as the neutral and the positive – thus W, represent the relationships between the negative-energy experience that manifest from the friction/conflict as M as the origin-representation of friction/conflict between energy and substance and thus W the outflow/continuation of the negative-energy experience to the neutral and positive. O – representing, from the W as the continuation of energy-itself from the negative, to the neutral and positive – the Eve/Female existence in continuing the cycling of the energies from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive. Thus, WOMAN – as the evolutionary solidification of the Eve/Female-singularity – where:
STEP 1: From the Adam/Male existence – the Eve/Female dominated singularities manifested themselves into and as, firstly:
E-V-E: With the first E as the origin of energy from and of the negative-energy experience, and V as the manifestation of and as the neutral-energy experience that connect/interconnect the negative-energy experience to and as the positive-energy experience as the second E, as the two relationship-lines of the V hold the relationship between the negative and the neutral that bring into manifestation the positive-energy experience. Thus E-V-E – the origin and manifestation of the relationship of Energy with itself, from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive.
STEP 2: From and of the origins and manifestation of the EVE existence/Energy-relationships between the negative, neutral and positive of the Eve/Female dominated singularity – came the Female manifestation as:
FEMALE: FE-MAL-E, where from the malice (MAL) of and as energy (E), from within and as the Friction/conflict (F) the (E) as Energy continue accumulating and manifesting, as the FEMALE stand within and as the cycle and recycle of and as Energy, where:
Once the Energy (E) is accumulated from and of the Friction/Conflict (F), the process starts again from and of the (MAL) malice of and as energy (E), manifesting Friction/Conflict accumulating E/Energy and so the cycle/existence of and as energy, from and of the negative, to the neutral and to the positive – continue and cycle and recycle over and over and over again as the process of survival of and as Energy/God from and of the existence of ADAM/MALE and EVE/FEMALE.
STEP 3: To the solidification/manifestation of and as the Eve/Female existence – where the W represents the EVE as the continuation of the relationship between the energies from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive, and the O represents the FEMALE as the constant/continuous cycling/distribution of the energies from the negative, to the neutral and to the positive that is the very definition of the Eve/Female/Woman existence in the more direct relationship with and as the flow and movement of the energies between and within the negative, neutral and positive, and the Adam/Male/Man existence in the more direct relationship with and as the action of friction/conflict in consuming substance to transform into energy. Where, when and as the Eve/Female existence manifested as WOMAN and Adam/Male existence manifested as MAN – this solidified our existence into and as the Man and Woman physical-manifestations, where the Man will exist within and as the nature and action of Adam/Male and the Woman will exist within an das the nature and action of the Eve/Female within and as how we evolved as manifested-singularities from the beginning, with the Adam/Male-singularities evolving as Energy into and as the Mind-existence becoming MAN-dominated in the relationship between the Mind and the Physical as the action/nature of friction/conflict, with the Eve/Female-singularities evolving as Energy into and as the Mind-existence becoming WOMAN-dominated in the relationship between the Mind and the Physical as the action/nature of cycling/distributing the energies, constantly/continuously within and between the negative, neutral and positive.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now – see, realise and understand how:
Within and as the Man and Woman as we exist today as the Mind’s relationship to the Physical, with the Mind the evolutionary-manifestation of Energy’s relationship to Substance in our existence as Adam/Male dominated singularities and Eve/Female dominated singularities, that:
The Woman now exist in closest relationship to the emotional/feeling bodies of and as the Mind Consciousness System, existent as all the energies the Mind Consciousness System produce within the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious-Mind as the negative, neutral and positive – this because of, from the beginning, the Eve/Female dominated singularities having the closest/direct relationship to the movement, circulation and distribution of energies from the negative, neutral and positive.
The Man now exist in closest relationship to the friction/conflict connections of and as the Mind Consciousness System, existent within and as the Unconscious and Subconscious Mind as the Minds that have the direct connection/relationship to and as the Physical-Body – this because of, from the beginning, the Adam/Male dominated singularities having the closest/direct relationship to the friction/conflict action between energy and substance.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to, in and as equality and oneness with and as energy and substance, the mind and the physical, from the beginning to now – seen, realised and understood:
Even though, within both the Woman and Man existence as the Mind’s relationship to the Physical – within both the Adam/Male existence of friction/conflict exist, and the Eve/Female existence of the relationship and circulation of the energies within the negative, to the neutral and to the positive: Within the Man – the Man seldom reach that direct relationship/connection to its Eve/Female existence as the emotional/feeling bodies of and as the Mind Consciousness System, as the man’s manifested-awareness is more solidified into and as the action of friction/conflict with the energies more manifested within the negative and the neutral, seldom within and as the positive-energy experience. Thus, the Man’s awareness within the Mind is less within and as the emotional/feeling bodies of the Mind Consciousness System, even though it exist equally within them as with the Woman, as their awareness of themselves as the Mind is more directed to the closest relationship of the Mind to the Physical within the Subconscious and Unconscious. With the Woman – the Woman seldom reach that direct relationship/connection to its Adam/Male existence as the direct friction/conflict relationship of and as the Mind Consciousness System to the Physical-Body, as the woman’s manifested-awareness is more solidified into and as the emotional/feeling energy-body system with the energies more manifested within the neutral and positive, seldom within and as the direct negative-energy experience. Thus, the Woman’s awareness within the Mind is less within and as the Unconscious and Subconscious Mind friction/conflict relationship to the physical-body of the Mind Consciousness System, even though it exist equally within them as with the Man, as their awareness of themselves as the Mind is more directed to the closest relationship of the Mind’s emotional/feeling body system within the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind.

In the next post, we’ll continue with the Man and Woman’s existence within and as the Mind’s relationship to the Physical-Body; having a look at from the beginning – why and how Males are perceived within the context of ‘power and strength/masculinity’ and Females are perceived within the context of ‘flow, creation and femininity’ within the context of how their existence as Energy manifested a “presence” within their beingness that emerged through and as the Mind Consciousness System and Physical-Body development, in seeing/realising/understanding what determined the birth of ourselves into this existence as being a “Man/Male” or “Woman/Female”. And within this, thus – the accepted and allowed consequences the perception/interpretation of the Energy-existence as the Mind in the Physical-Body of and as the Male/Man and Female/Woman manifested within this World as it / we exist today.

I commit myself to show – the difference between the Man/Male and Woman/Female is existent, from the beginning, within and as our relationship with and as Energy, and the solidification and manifestation of our awareness and so our beingness/living throughout existence/time. Thus, that the difference between Male/Man and Female/Woman originate from the beginning, where we as manifested-singularities manifested/patterned our awareness either more to the Adam/Male existence of ourselves as the friction/conflict action or the Eve/Female existence of ourselves as the relationships/circulation within and between the negative, neutral and positive energies. That, according to our awareness, patterning and manifestation as energy, from the beginning – manifested, formed the evolution of the structure/formation of our physical-bodies as the male/man and female/woman as it exist today, which will be specifically walked in posts to come within this blog.

In this, I commit myself to show – how and why, the Male/Man is interpreted/perceived/defined within and as the nature of ‘power/strength’ as the resonance/presence that formed within and as the Adam/Male-dominated singularities due to their direct connection/relationship within and as the very force/velocity of and as the friction/conflict action relationship of energy to substance. Thus, this force/velocity of the action of the friction/conflict emulated the presence of and as ‘power and strength’.
In this, I commit myself to show – how and why, the Female/Woman is interpreted/perceived/defined within and as the nature of ‘flow/movement/creation’ as the resonance/presence that formed within and as the Eve/Female-dominated singularities due to their direct connection/relationship within and as the movement, flow and circulation of the relationships within the energies of the negative, neutral and positive. Thus, this circulation/movement/flow of within and between the energies emulated the presence of and as ‘movement/flow/creation/grace’.

I commit myself to show – how, in time to come within and as the establishment of equality and oneness with self as female/woman and male/man, and so equality and oneness between the female/woman and male/man; how we will within this equality and oneness, utilize the very existence of ourselves as female/woman and male/man in establishing effective relationships/agreements with ourselves and each other. Where, instead of accepting and allowing ourselves to interpret/perceive each other within the context of female/woman and male/man as it has come to be defined within and through knowledge and information of the Mind/Consciousness, that has caused/manifested the unequal positioning/placement of responsibility of human beings within this World-System: We will as human beings, align ourselves/position ourselves within this World/World-System within and as the Equal Money System - based on our practical living visible skills/abilities/capabilities, taking responsibility for ourselves and for all as ourselves. Thus, human beings will not be placed according to money/family/culture/religion/gender – but will be placed within this world / within responsibilities within this world according to ‘who they are’ within and as their practical living skills/abilities/capabilities that can contribute to the equality and oneness of and as all as self. So that we stop looking at ourselves and each other through the eyes of the Mind’s knowledge and information separate definitions: but start looking through the eyes of Life, of equality and oneness in how we individually and together can contribute to heaven on earth within and as who we are and how/what we live.  

Featured Art Work by Marlen Vargas Del Razo


  1. Thank you for explaining and describing in such detail the evolution of man and woman - your blog is amazing, I will continue reading!!
