
Sunday, 13 May 2012

Is the Sun God?: DAY 29

Is the Sun God?: DAY 29

Who I Am as Money – continued

As mentioned within the previous-post, we’re continuing with how our movement into the depths of substance within as our beingness and without as existence/substance-manifest, to consume substance for energy: equally as one manifested our movement as Consciousness into the depths of our beingness within and as our physical-body, into the depths of the physical-body of the female, until eventually - out of the mother’s womb, forward, head-first. To within our movement out of the mother’s womb, where we’ve consumed the substance available to us in our beingness and the physical-body of the female – move out into and as this physical-existence, to consume from and of the depths of our beingness and physical-body and this physical-existence; to continue consuming for our survival as Energy for a finite moment. Until eventually where the depths of substance of our beingness and physical-body had been transformed into energy relationships of unified fields, that eventually manifest to the final diminishment/depletion of Energy; as we as energy consumed all of/as substance itself for a finite existence as energy; instead of standing with and as substance in and as equality andoneness and living eternally here with and as substance as Life.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, how – me as Energy in relation to my relationship with and as my beingness of and as substance, and my external formation/structure of and as substance = is equal-to and one-with my relationship of me as Energy/Consciousness/Mind with and as my beingness of and as substance within and as my physical-body, and my physical-body itself as substance-manifest = is equal-to and one-with the existence Fire in relation to the physical-environment of and as substance-manifest, and the nature of and as the physical-environment as substance-manifest = is equal-to and one-with the manifestation of Money in relation to the physical-environment of and as substance-manifest, and the nature of and as the physical-environment as substance-manifest, where:
In the beginning as Energy: I in my movement forward for my reward – moved into and as the depths of and as existence/substance-manifest, and in that movement forward for my reward – consumed the depths of substance within and as existence, through and as my external formation/structure existing in and as the nature of and as friction/conflict as the nature I as the manifested-singularity had accepted and allowed myself to be/become as the conception of separation. In that nature of separation as me as manifested-singularity with my relationship as friction/conflict to/towards existence/substance as me, that moved forward for my reward, deeper into the depths of substance/existence as me – transforming substance/existence into and as negative-energy experience, that accumulate in and as my beingness through the ripples/reverberations where the neutral-energy experience and positive-energy experience, equally as one moved deeper into and as the depths of my beingness and consume my beingness of and as substance to transform into energy for my energy-awareness as energy to evolve into and as the positive-energy experience as reward for and of the ‘more as me’ that I get/have in and as my movement forward.
Now as Consciousness/Mind: As I within and as the one position/location within and as the female’s womb, with the successful manifestation of my inception and conception process as my physical-body and consciousness manifestation – have consumed the substance available to me within and as my beingness, and my physical-body and the physical-body of and as the female: have reached the energy-awareness of and as positive-energy experience that will start to diminish/lessen into and as the neutral-energy experience of and as only me, to the negative-energy experience awareness of and as the lesser of me (equally as one as what manifested as me within and as my manifested-singularity in and as the one position/location within and as existence/substance-manifest); where that lesser negative-energy experience awareness will be the starting-point that instigate the physical-movement of me forward for me reward as searching for/looking for my positive-energy experience. And so I will physically move out of the female’s womb/physical body, out of and from that one location/position - and as I physically move me out of the female’s womb/physical body; that very process of physical-movement, that is driven/motivated/instigated by/through and as the negative-energy experience of and as the lesser of me as energy-awareness; drives consciousness/the mind/energy deeper into and as my beingness and physical-body. Because what drives/moves that very physical-movement forward – is my mind/energy as me as negative-energy experience awareness – searching-for and looking-for its reward as positive-energy experience. And as I physically move my physical-body through and as the negative-energy experience (equally as one as I moved my manifested-singularity forward within and as the starting-point of negative-energy experience, to search for and look for my energy-awareness as positive-energy experience): simultaneously, me as energy move deeper into my beingness and physical-body. As I physically-move forward, as instigated by/through the negative-energy experience awareness of and as me: I equally as one as energy move deeper into and as my beingness/physical-body that accumulate the energy of negative-energy experience, as my energy consume the depths of my beingness and physical body, and so my neutral energy experience and positive-energy experience accumulate and accordingly manifest. Where my very coming out of the female’s womb/physical body is manifested as the positive-energy experience as the rebirth/re-emergence of and as me as positive-energy experience once again.

In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand- how, the extent of that physical-movement forward out of and from the womb/physical-body of the female, the velocity of the process of the negative-energy experience awareness of me in and as my physical-body, instigating the physical-movement forward for my reward as positive-energy experience; extracts/consumes substance within and as my beingness and physical-body manifestation/nutrients/material to such an extent within and as quantum-time: that once I am out of the mother’s womb/physical body – reaching/attaining/getting/having that reward of and as positive-energy experience during and within that process as I physically move out-of the female’s womb/physical body, consuming substance from the depths of my beingness/physical body as my Mind/Consciousness system platform/manifestation of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious integrate/insert itself deeper into and as my beingness and physical-human body; into and as the very flesh, bone and tissue as it moves deeper the more it consumes.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, how - once I am out of the female’s womb/physical-body, my positive-energy experience again start diminishing/lessening to the neutral energy experience, and to the negative-energy experience of and as the lesser of and as me; and immediately again as negative-energy experience as the lesser of and as me in and as the physical-body - once completely/successfully out of the womb/physical-body of the female; will initiate/instigate the process of movement of and as me as negative-energy experience awareness to search-for/look-for my reward as positive-energy experience that come in and as the manifestation of and as the sound of cries and physical-body contortion.
With the sound of the cries: my negative-energy experienced communication through and as the physical, as wailing and crying as me as negative-energy experience searching-for and looking-for me to be given/get/have/obtain more energy through and as the friction/conflict I manifest as the crying through and as my physical-body for me to accumulate my negative-energy experience into and as the positive-energy experience. And the contortion of the physical-body: as the physical-pain the physical-body experience/have experienced with the quantum-integration of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind during the physical birthing-process/movement forward, as the mind/consciousness integrated/merged/moved deeper into and as the substance/physicality of me, extracting and transforming the very substance from and of the physical fabric/flesh/bone/tissue, to transform into energy; which the physical-body experience as ‘pain’: as the very physical-manifestations experience the process of being ripped/torn/manipulated/transformed to make way for the consciousness platform/system of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind that integrate/merge within the flesh/bone and tissue to integrate/insert itself and have access to the physical sustenance/nutrients/substance of and as the physical within the bones/tissue/flesh/fabric of the physical, to so transform the sustenance/nutrients/substance into energy for the Mind/Consciousness to accumulate energy from that friction/conflict – for its reward as positive-energy experience. 

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand how the physical-manifested process of Fire, equally as one is manifested as my physical-manifested process of and as Energy/Consciousness, where: the negative-energy experience of and as the Fire that simmer in the already-burnt wood/physical-materials in and as its one location/position; will from and within that negative-energy experience; physically move itself into and as and towards/within the depths of this physical-reality/environment forward. Physically move itself into and as all directions within and towards its physical-environment in its process of searching-for and looking-for its positive-energy experience reward as the highest flame, as its survival/continued existence as fire (equally as one as my Mind/Consciousness move-itself from within and as the negative-energy experience, into and as all directions within and as the depths of and as my beingness and physical-body to consume substance/physicality for my survival/continued existence as Energy). That within that movement deeper into and as the depths of its physical-environment: will consume from within and as the very physical-materials available to it; will integrate and move deeper into and as the physical-materials-itself, as it consume the very fabric/flesh/substance of and as the physical-materials until there’s nothing left; and so continue moving deeper outwards and inwards. Outwards: as it move within and throughout its environment to find/get/have more physical-materials to consume (equally as one as my Mind/Consciousness move within and throughout the entire internal environment of and as the physical-body as the bones/flesh/tissue/fabric of the physical-body), and inwards – as when and as it finds/gets/have the physical-materials to consume, it integrates/manifests itself into and as the very fabric/manifestation/substance of those physical-materials (equally as one as, when and as the Mind/Consciousness integrates/manifests into and as the bones/tissue/flesh – will extract/consume all the substance/sustenance/nutrients within and as the bones/tissue/flesh for it to consume and transform into and as energy); until nothing remains but physical-materials left for rotting/transformed into ash; that eventually returns to this physical existence. Equally as one that manifest as ourselves as human-beings as consciousness/the mind in relationship to our beingness/human physical-body – where we consume from and of this physical-existence, and within ourselves as our beingness and physical-body; moving within and throughout our physical-environments and within and as our beingness/substance as consciousness/energy/the Mind integrate more and more and more into our beingness and physical body, consuming our very fabric/substance/sustenance/nutrients/flesh – until eventually, there’s nothing left. And we return to ash/rot away as the physical-representation of and as what we have done and become: rotten creations/children as consciousness/energy, that evolve as Energy/Consciousness/Mind within and as the process that slowly but surely rot away the physical-body and our beingness for ourselves as consciousness/energy to exist/survive for a finite moment in existence.  

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, the statement “if you know the beginning – you know the end” in the fullest extent of me as ‘who I am’ / ‘have become’ as Energy/Consciousness: where:
I begin: as consciousness/energy and the physical-body in the conception and inception process that consume the physical-reality for my energy-reality to exist/survive. From this beginning – starting the process of rotting away the physical-reality for my rotten energy-reality to continue existing/surviving; my Energy-Reality as Mind imbued with rottenness as the evil nature I become within and as my Mind/Secret Mind as my processes of thinking/internal conversations reflect the evil rotten nature I as energy am/have become equally as one as the rotten action of me in my process of rotting away my physical-body/physical-reality within and without for me as my rotten nature as Energy-Reality to continue existing/surviving. Because for me as Energy-Reality to survive/exist, I rot away the Physical-Reality, and therefore my nature as Energy-Reality/Mind will become equally as one as rotten as the rotten/evil ways/means/methods I use to get/have/obtain energy for me to continue existing/surviving as Energy.
And so I end: – rotting my physical-human body, and eventually leaving behind a physically-rotten physical-body as I as Energy-Reality/Mind ceased to exist in and during my process of rotting away all the physical-body substance available to me; and in this - leaving behind a rotten reality/life/existence that I have created/manifested/contributed to as the rotten nature of and as myself as Energy/Mind/Consciousness.
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand, because in my action as Energy that Rot away the Physical, the very nature of myself is equal-to and one-with what I do/live – and thus, in my action/doing of rotting away the physical, I am within my nature/who I am thus a Rotten individual – that only exist for the interest of myself as energy, and the accumulation of energy as self-reward of and as positive-energy experience; destroying everything and everyone in my path/journey of finding/searching for my positive-energy experience as self-reward, with absolute disregard for all life – from my own physical-body, my beingness, to other human-beings, to this physical-existence; where I have become a being that destroys and annihilates life; for me as energy to survive/exist.
In this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create/manifest a World-System of Money – that has an absolute disregard for all life, in and as equality and oneness – that consume from and of this physical-existence and the lives/manifestations of and from this physical existence (nature, water, the earth, soil, atmosphere, air, human-beings, animals, insects); where the World-System of Money’s Systems and Tools integrate and excavate environments/surroundings and all and everything/everyone within and as it to extract/consume/get into the very nutrients/substance/flesh/fabric of and as this physical-existence to transform into and as Money for its own continued survival/existence as Money. Moving deeper and farther into and as this physical-existence, as the fire as the energy of and as me move deeper and farther into and as the physical-environment and physical human body; ruining/destroying/annihilating the very physicality of this physical-existence/physical human body – with absolute total disregard for the Life, the expression of beings/manifestations as my beingness, as the physical-body as this physical-existence and the lives of beings/parts/manifestations of and as this physical-existence.
In this, I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realise/understand – that, with me transforming my very beingness/life into and as Energy for me as energy to exist for a finite moment, that I am in fact manifesting me as disregarding the very Life of and as me, and so the Life of and as all as existence as me as substance manifest, and thus have now become a being that dishonour, disregard, disrespect Life in and as this physical existence, and is why and how I have accepted and allowed a World-System of Money as my image and likeness creation: that dishonour, disregard and disrespect Life of all within and as this physical existence. And why and how I have not stood up within and as this existence as me for and as Life for all in and as equality and oneness: because I have not yet stood up within and as myself for and as the Life of me as substance of and as equality and oneness, as Life.

I see/realise/understand, that – I have not yet stood up for me as Life within myself, because of my acceptance and allowance of manifesting my ‘who I am’ as Energy/Mind/Consciousness that instead consumes/use/abuse Life as my beingness/physical human body within and as me. And so have accepted and allowed myself to become a being that accept and allow the consumption, use and abuse of and as Life/Substance/Physicality within and as my very Physical Human Body and Beingness, and so have accepted and allowed the World-System of Money and the nature of all as Humanity as me that exist within and as the nature and action and living of and as consumption and abuse of and as this physical-existence and the very lives of and as all as me within and as this physical-existence.
In this, I commit myself to stand within and as me as Life, in and as equality and oneness as manifested as my beingness and my human physical body, where I stand as the starting-point of me as Life of and as equality and oneness, me with and as my physical-body in and as equality and oneness, and so with and as this physical-existence of and as equality and oneness. That that is the first step: The Decision as commitment-statement of Who I Am as Life, as equality and oneness; who I am as equal and one with and as my physical-body and this physical-existence. Now I within that starting-point  Decision of and as Life as equality and oneness, as starting-point of me within myself, I walk my process through, writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application – in and as the starting-point decision of who I am as equality and oneness/Life; and physically manifest me as that starting-point/Decision into and as the Living of me as that Decision which I do through: reabsorbing my Mind Consciousness System energy back into and as my substance/physicality, through transforming my Mind as Energy - manifested as words of and as knowledge and information of and as energy into and as LIVING WORDS.
Thus, I commit myself to - taking me as Words of Energy/Knowledge and information (that has become the Energy-Reality creation of me as the Mind/Consciousness through consuming/abusing my beingness/physical-body); and absorbing those Words/Energy into and as the Physical/Flesh whereI become the Living of and as those Words/Energy as the Living Word, as the process of returning Energy as me to substance/physicality/beingness. And so create/manifest my Physical-Reality in and as equality and oneness with and as who I am and what I live as living words. And thus align the words into and as Equality and Oneness as practically Living Life, with and as Life as my physical-body in and as this physical-existence. And so I become a being that absorb myself as Energy into and as Substance/Physicality, as the return of me as Energy to my origin/source as Substance/Physicality.

I see/realise/understand that only I can walk this for me within myself, as I within and as myself have become the Energy-system as the Mind Consciousness System of words of knowledge and information/definition within and as the manifestation of energy that has created my Energy-Reality as Mind, through the consumption of and as my beingness, physical-body and so this Physical-Existence, as the fire that consumes its environment with absolute disregard for life/all life.
And so, I commit myself - As I manifest me as the Living Word, as reabsorbing me as Energy into and as my Physical as being/becoming the Living Word through and as my process of writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application: I stop the consumption of Life, and start the process of Transformation of me as Energy to and as Life/Living of and as equality and oneness, with and as my physical-body and so this physical-existence. That will stop consuming my physical-body and this physical-environment/earth, and start transforming me as energy to LIVING WITH AND AS in and as equality and oneness: my physical-body and this physical-existence as me.
Where I thus transform myself from a fleeting fire that finitely exist within and as this physical-existence – to become the eternal SUN as the Fire of Life that express as me; that gift life to all in and as equality and oneness. As I stand as the burning Sun of Life within and as me – transform my mind as Fire that consumed my physical-body and beingness, to me becoming the Sun in and as my physical-existence as my physical-body that gift/give life to all parts of and as me in and as my physical-body as me: standing as the life of me as sun, and so the life of and as all as the physical-existence as my physical-body.
And, so – I commit myself to, changing/transforming the World-System of Money in and as the Sun of and as this Physical-existence,that gift life to all in and as equality and oneness, and no more stand as a fleeting fire/flame that consume the life of and as this physical-existence/physical-lives.

And so each will be/become a Sun within and as their physical-existence as their human physical body, that gift life to and as their entire physical-bodies in standing equal-to and one-with their entire physical-bodies as physical-existence. And as each stand as their own sun within and as their physical-existence in and as their physical-bodies as Living in and as actual equality and oneness: so the without as ourselves will be equal and one with and as the Sun and this physical existence, and we exist in the expression/living of and as Life, Here – where all life is considered, honoured, regarded and respected as we see/realise/understand  that all parts is in fact ourselves.  

Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman





  1. Amazing! Greatness here, this was the point I was wondering about: reabsorbing that energy, earthing it back to self which is the process that we're walking wherein we no longer participate in negative, positive and neutral experience toward knowledge and information, but earth it back as self as to de-electrification of the energy that we've used to create our own storms.

    An interesting point that came up while reading is how the very functioning of our cells is combustion - oxygen is used to create the combustion necessary to separate the nutrients and absorb it as energy, so at a cellular level this point of 'firing up' is existent.

    I continue breathing - thank you!!

  2. This have also opened up the point where I was wondering what happens to the energy when it no longer is used to create "my life as negativity, positivity, neutrality"... Thank you!
